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I am trying to find out why I have such bad FPS


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My friends on lesser builds, even though they are intel are getting better performance than me my current specs are Ryzen 7 1700 msi gtx 1080 16 gigs g.skill 3200 mhz ram 1tb hdd and 250 gig ssd im running ethernet on a 100mb connection speed test checked out fine, but yet i am still lagging getting 30fps and lower mostly 15fps on firestorm. ive tried singularity and it ran worse, what is going on my build is brand new practically I cant figure out why my fps is lacking so much.

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There are so VERY many verifiable that if you are not, you cannot really say you are "comparing" -- well you CAN grammatically but it really makes no difference as things are not the same -- that apples and oranges thing. 

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1 hour ago, Disenfranchise said:

I still wonder why my fps is so low, my build handles everything exceptionally well with the exception of second life and arma 3 mainly because arma 3 server optimization is terrible

There is a lot of "heavy mesh" in SL and depending on that and scripts some sims can be very difficult on your computer. There are a lot of things you can do to make you system run more smoothly. One is turning down your draw distance (mine is usually around 120 but it will depend on your computer). You can turn UP your "jellydoll" settings if you are in a place with lots of avatars. Turn off shadows if needed etc.


I suggest having your friends take a screenshot of THEIR settings and compare to yours. That isn't foolproof of course as there are SO MANY things that go to make up your settings. If you are trying to run on ultra, then turn it down a notch or more.  Second Life is one of the MOST STRESSFUL experiences your computer will be asked to handle -- partly because it isn't generated by professionals, but by "hobbyist" for the most part and many have no idea how to make Game Assets which is what we need in SL. 

Good luck.

I don't actually understand you computer specs but I can tell you that any INTEGRATED graphics card is usually problematic. I have an older Nvidia card with 4 gigs of RAM and it works exceptionally well.

OH -- one OTHER thing you can do that might help a LOT would be to turn down your LOD setting to 2 if it is above that. Makes a HUGE difference even on powerful machines :D



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8 hours ago, Disenfranchise said:

I still wonder why my fps is so low, my build handles everything exceptionally well with the exception of second life and arma 3 mainly because arma 3 server optimization is terrible

Just a guess, but probably because you assumed your rig is a 'leet gamerz' box, and assumed that SL is JUST like all the "other mmos you play" and set your graphics settings accordingly.

That's the most common reason for "leet gamerz rigs" performing badly, because EVERYTHING you THINK you know about setting the graphics options in SL based on other mmo's means exactly DIDDLY-SQUAT in SL.

Things to avoid...


  • Using the "one slider to rule them all" to set graphics settings, used the advanced parameters and set what you want, rather than just slamming a single slider to 'ultra' and wondering why it's like swimming in treacle.
  • Viewer bandwidth is another common error, "leet gamerz" with fast optical glass connections tend to slam the viewer bandwidth to maximum and... LAG. Drop it to 500-1000 kbs, MAX, and things will improve.
  • LOWER your damn draw distance, so many people assume that their "leet gamerz rigs" can easily cope with a draw distance of a kilometer, and they can't
  • As previously mentioned Render LOD factor, just because you CAN set it to 4 or more, and some older hair makers suggest you do so, doesn't mean it's a good idea.

SL's graphics settings are counter intuitive if you approach from a "modern MMO" perspective.

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Rest assured that there aren't any integrated GPUs in that setup. Not with those components.

There have been several reports - also discussed in this forum - that some GPUs simply do not get past their idle state, which means that they act as if you were constantly looking at your empty desktop screen. Did you try to monitor your card's performance with GPU-Z or MSI Afterburner or such? 

Another issue could be your net connection, speed set aside. On the Firestorm WIKI, you'll find instructions for pingtest to determine your connection speed to SL server locations. Those test results might give you an idea ... 

Oh, and what is your screen scale? FullHD? 2k? 4k?

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I can max SL out entirely in 1440p at social islands with 10+ people around and I get 30-40fps with an i5 4570 and a GTX 970

Something is very wrong with OPs hardware utilization, even in 4K maxed they should be seeing better frame rates.

As Lilith said, monitor CPU and GPU utilization to see what's going on, I have a feeling that the GPU isn't doing something and the CPU is picking up the slack, where even on a super high end processor you'd see performance problems because of SL's poor utilization of multiple cores and threads.

I demonstrated this a while back, turning off basic shaders offloads almost all lighting and shading to the CPU with kills FPS, getting a lower frame rate with it off than with it + Advance lighting on.

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5 hours ago, cykarushb said:

I can max SL out entirely in 1440p at social islands with 10+ people around and I get 30-40fps with an i5 4570 and a GTX 970

Something is very wrong with OPs hardware utilization, even in 4K maxed they should be seeing better frame rates.

As Lilith said, monitor CPU and GPU utilization to see what's going on, I have a feeling that the GPU isn't doing something and the CPU is picking up the slack, where even on a super high end processor you'd see performance problems because of SL's poor utilization of multiple cores and threads.

I demonstrated this a while back, turning off basic shaders offloads almost all lighting and shading to the CPU with kills FPS, getting a lower frame rate with it off than with it + Advance lighting on.

I'm only on 1080 at 60hz and I've used SL for many years now and had less issues on other rigs but after a long much needed break it seems I have forgotten some optimal settings and yes I am curious if perhaps my build is not performing at its maximum potential, I did cheap out when I went the AMD route and was looking for something more deemed towards optimization in maya and zbrush at the same time as well as streaming, and to the guy about the 1337 rigs I assure you I do not build my machines to be 1337 gaming rigs I build them to be 1337 media tools ;) definitely wasnt born yesterday. I am new to the 1000 series of gtx though and im looking at my statistics now and hopefully I'll find whats wrong typically I use cpu-z occt and all that for troubleshooting.


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4 hours ago, Disenfranchise said:

well my settings on low decreases performance drastically i just run it on recommended for my hardware

which is a notch below ultra

why not simply say it? all advice is just guessing now... recommended is not written in stone for SL

If ultra doesn't work you'll have to change something to lower...

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My bet is that your 4th generation i5 is the bottleneck here. SL relies on the CPU a lot. I have recently upgraded to a 8700K with a GTX1050 and get anywhere between 45-100 fps on mainland regions and up to 160fps on my build platform. before I had an AMD x2 270 with the same GTX1050 and got no more than 10-30 fps at the same places with the same graphic setting (Ultra). With the older AMD CPU my GTX1050 was only utilized about 30%.

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Quick questions.. Are you in the US? Where did you do a speed test to? Did you run one to Tuscon AZ like Firestorm recommends? Running a local one is pointless. Unless you live in Tuscon, i suppose. 

Without any inworld graphic settings stats all we can do is keep posting hundreds of ideas.  Take a screen shot and post it.. good lord. its not that hard.. look. 


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On 26/04/2018 at 4:00 AM, Disenfranchise said:

...current specs are Ryzen 7 1700...


4 minutes ago, Christhiana said:

... your 4th generation i5 ...

What was your wager?


The settings are one things. I'd like to see if the GPU actually powers up at all or remains sweetly idling.

Edited by Lillith Hapmouche
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6 hours ago, Christhiana said:

My bet is that your 4th generation i5 is the bottleneck here. SL relies on the CPU a lot. I have recently upgraded to a 8700K with a GTX1050 and get anywhere between 45-100 fps on mainland regions and up to 160fps on my build platform. before I had an AMD x2 270 with the same GTX1050 and got no more than 10-30 fps at the same places with the same graphic setting (Ultra). With the older AMD CPU my GTX1050 was only utilized about 30%.

I do things besides play SL. 

An 8700k + 1050 = GPU bottleneck for anything other than SL.

Like having a Ferrari with a 2 cylinder engine.

If all I played was SL and I really needed the better framerae, yeah I would probably have an unbalanced system too. But otherwise the i5 and 970 pair fine for most other games. I could upgrade to a 4790k but then my 970 is a bottleneck, I'd need to buy a high end GPU and I just don't want to. That would put me near the current high end, OCd on par with a 7700k and a bit below an 8700k in multi core due to the 2 less cores.

note that no game should require such an imbalance in hardware, it's insane that LL hasn't done something to work with this yet, I have never played a game more CPU bound than SL

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I also gotta add, entirely unrelated, that is why buying anything newer than sky lake is super dumb. A 4790k from 2013 performs almost the same as a 6700k or 7700k

The 8700k has a 12% increase in single threaded performance over a processor from 2013.

"a socket a year keeps the consumer in fear"


back on topic for OP, I have a feeling your GPU isn't being used properly, power up GPUz and start watching the sensors page to see how much of it is utilized, change settings around in SL to offload to the CPU and see if it drops


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9 minutes ago, cykarushb said:


note that no game should require such an imbalance in hardware, it's insane that LL hasn't done something to work with this yet, I have never played a game more CPU bound than SL

I'm gonna say it, because its this thinking that causes so many of these threads.. 


It is like nothing else. It isn't optimized like CoD, God of War, GTA V or WoW. People put 1024 textures on a micro prim. And then use dozens of them around their builds.Piss poor texture management and mesh optimization causes more drain on your GPU than any other thing out there. 

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2 hours ago, cykarushb said:

I also gotta add, entirely unrelated, that is why buying anything newer than sky lake is super dumb. A 4790k from 2013 performs almost the same as a 6700k or 7700k

The 8700k has a 12% increase in single threaded performance over a processor from 2013.

"a socket a year keeps the consumer in fear"



The reason for the imbalance between my cpu and gpu is that a 1050 is enough to have Sl running great. The 8700k is not so much for running SL faster but to get the most out of blender. And to put things into perspective, I came from an AMD X2 270 so it's not like I upgrade frequently. The reason I bought a 8700K is that I work at a friends computer store so I don't pay retail price for it and it becomes quite a good bargain then. But I agree with you that upgrading your CPU every year is throwing away money. I plan on using this pc for quite a few years. Maybe upgrade the videocard when prices come down to a normal level again.


ETA: btw, 12 threads vs 8 threads makes a big difference when rendering in Blender.

Edited by Christhiana
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7 hours ago, Christhiana said:

The reason for the imbalance between my cpu and gpu is that a 1050 is enough to have Sl running great. The 8700k is not so much for running SL faster but to get the most out of blender. And to put things into perspective, I came from an AMD X2 270 so it's not like I upgrade frequently. The reason I bought a 8700K is that I work at a friends computer store so I don't pay retail price for it and it becomes quite a good bargain then. But I agree with you that upgrading your CPU every year is throwing away money. I plan on using this pc for quite a few years. Maybe upgrade the videocard when prices come down to a normal level again.


ETA: btw, 12 threads vs 8 threads makes a big difference when rendering in Blender.

i ahve 16 threads and 8 cores.

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10 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

I'm gonna say it, because its this thinking that causes so many of these threads.. 


It is like nothing else. It isn't optimized like CoD, God of War, GTA V or WoW. People put 1024 textures on a micro prim. And then use dozens of them around their builds.Piss poor texture management and mesh optimization causes more drain on your GPU than any other thing out there. 

Wether it's an unoptimized mess or not, it's still a game. A virtual experience sure but really it's just a game.

it benefits from workstation hardware however, specifically quadro and FirePro gpus will show better performance compared to their consumer counterparts in various ways

you could say it's an interactive 3D workspace, but so is roblox and that's still just a game

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6 hours ago, cykarushb said:

Wether it's an unoptimized mess or not, it's still a game. A virtual experience sure but really it's just a game.

it benefits from workstation hardware however, specifically quadro and FirePro gpus will show better performance compared to their consumer counterparts in various ways

you could say it's an interactive 3D workspace, but so is roblox and that's still just a game

Sorry, but the creators of SL have said many times that it is not a game. There is no objective. Not even "have fun." Games have objectives. It is a virtual world. 

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