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Shopping from a HUD

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So after the last shopping fair/event/extravaganza I decided I’ve had enough of these things. Too many things you have to do: take everything off, derender everyone, wear a full body alpha and wait.....and wait....and wait and that’s if you’re premium. If you’re not, you have to slap on a hud to brute force you into the sim.

Now, shopping is supposed to feel good. It’s supposed to be an experience. Moving around a half sim at 2.5 frames a second is not fun. Landing on 15 people because they started cam shopping right in the landing point is not fun. God forbid you missed or forgot something you really wanted because now...you have to go back and do it all over again.

So I started thinking: Why isn’t there a hud shopping event? I know there’s one for gatchas and that seems to work fine. You don’t have to squint to see the picture so you know exactly what you’re playing for. Flip through the pages, play for what you want...and done see you next month! All from the comfort of your home.

There must be a reason event organizers aren’t doing this. The savings on the land overhead alone has to make this worth it. There must be something technical I’m missing. I don’t think anybody enjoys going to shopping events anymore just because of the amount of hassle involved. 

Look at Amazon. It’s killing malls everywhere, due to the sheer convenience. It’s definitely where RL shopping is heading. Why hasn’t it hit SL yet?

When are we going to get Fair buster huds? How many people would rather use a hud than hang out on a laggy sim? Would a hud be better or worse for people to shop with? 

What do you guys think?


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That big HUD only monthly gacha event has one, it kindly asks you for wallet allowance,

but you will have to hop to the event anyways to preview furniture or upload prepaid credit if you do not want wallet allowence... so duh...

Edited by Fionalein
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12 minutes ago, Clover Jinx said:

Fly Buy Fridays and Fameshed Go are shop by hud, but the pictures take you to the mainstores. I think the marketplace covers other scenarios.

I hadn’t heard of those, i’ll check them out when I get home. It’s good to know someone is attempting it.

I’m still curious if there is a technical reason it’s just now being attempted.

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18 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

Landing on 15 people because they started cam shopping right in the landing point is not fun.

IMO - No event should ever have a forced landing point so that people could TP directly to stores if they want, possibly from an LM provided to them by the store, or at least bring up a map and TP in somewhere away from the hoard of people.   Or if there is going to be a central landing spot, there should be a way to randomize it within a specified area.  Way too many people do not move away from the landing spot until EVERYTHING and EVERYONE around them has rezzed.

And yeah, then there are those that cam shop from the actual landing spot - those are the folks that think SL should revolve around them.

I have my viewer set to 'always fly after TP' and then when I arrive anywhere I immediately start flying farther up and then away from the landing point.

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11 minutes ago, Fionalein said:


but you will have to hop to the event anyways to preview furniture or upload prepaid credit if you do not want wallet allowence... so duh...

I had clothing in mind when I was talking about the direct buy hud.

Apparently there’s a hud that takes you to the store already. Maybe have that feature for furniture and objects you really need to see?

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10 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

it kindly asks you for wallet allowance

This is the biggest hurdle and the deal breaker for many people.  Take a big event like Hair Fair maybe.  How hard would it be to create bogus HUDs and send them out to every random avatar you can get a name for?

The possibility for SL phishing is too high.

 Fameshed Go is brand new and takes you to the main store.  This helps alot with opening week traffic since it will be spread out across all the different sims

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1 minute ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

This is the biggest hurdle and the deal breaker for many people.

That's why I went for the hop to site upload credit by paying credit vendour buy from HUD with credit option... which kinda breaks the idea behind it a bit =^.^=

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I personally favor shopping HUDs like FaMESHed GO. I wasn't so crazy about jumping around to stores at first, but then I found myself browsing the actual creator stores while I was there trying other things out that I have missed in the past. Designers might want to consider the potential there.

In the past, I've wondered why some popular events didn't allow posting demos in the group notices like how Hair Fair does. Most of the demos I try end up being no-go's for me, so it saves me the effort of even getting into the event.

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I like the sound of the FaMESHed GO.  I wouldn't necessarily have to shop in a full alpha that way.  One of the problems with a full alpha at an event, is that in order to demo something, you have to come out of full alpha mode and put on some sort of actual outfit.  Or you can gather lots of demos, go home, try them, and return to buy whatever you like.  I tend to buy things more if I can try something on right away, without having to go home first.  If I go home to try on a bunch of demos, I could easily get sidetracked and maybe not ever make it back to buy something.  Not to mention that I usually much prefer browsing a store rather than just the few items they chose to present at an event.

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Don't people shop inworld for the experience? What's the point of it if you're using a HUD then? :P just get to the marketplace

Edit: Except if you meant a HUD that got attached to you once you're in the event sim, then that kinda makes sense.

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13 minutes ago, lucagrabacr said:

Don't people shop inworld for the experience? What's the point of it if you're using a HUD then? :P just get to the marketplace

Edit: Except if you meant a HUD that got attached to you once you're in the event sim, then that kinda makes sense.

The FaMESHed GO HUD simply shows you the featured item and then TPs you to the store if you are interested - so you are still shopping inworld.

The idea here is to avoid having to attend the overcrowded events.

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Or if there is going to be a central landing spot, there should be a way to randomize it within a specified area.

Yes. Landing points should have a diameter. You should land somewhere in the target circle.

Hitting people who just landed with messages or notecards or gifts makes it worse. They can't move until they dismiss all the spam. Avatars pile up while dealing with their inboxes.

Don't judge by today's performance, though. SL is very broken today. Look at the grid status. I'm seeing so much breakage I'm giving up for today.

Edited by animats
It's mostly today.
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Just a thought :D

If one has patience and WAITS some days the shopping is easy with no lag an no derendering needed.  I have never found any event that wasn't accessible for non-premium towards the end -- even the recent skin fair which had a very low entry number for avatars. 


Patience is a good thing.

And there was a pretty big issue with the gacha shopping hud although I think it affected the creators more than the shoppers. Some of the SL blogs covered it so likely easy to research should someone care to. 

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5 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

And yeah, then there are those that cam shop from the actual landing spot - those are the folks that think SL should revolve around them.

Not that I would ever condone pushing, but stumbling about a little when you land disperses them a touch. If everyone stumble, those people would end up in a corner.

I'd prefer that open teleport was allowed so that a shops LM could lead to the vendor. But failing that, why the heck are they not using the region's telehub feature with staggered landing zones? Make 10 or so landing points in a circle and the problem of people standing on other's heads is reduced a little.


Back on topic, I don't like HUD shopping and I am avoiding Fameshed:Go, it takes away from what i enjoy about events, it removes people watching, and also makes it harder to coordinate a few friends to travel with you.

People watching is a huge one for me.

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7 hours ago, janetosilio said:

So after the last shopping fair/event/extravaganza I decided I’ve had enough of these things. Too many things you have to do: take everything off, derender everyone, wear a full body alpha and wait.....and wait....and wait and that’s if you’re premium. If you’re not, you have to slap on a hud to brute force you into the sim.

There's no need to go to the lengths of taking everything off de-rendering and going full alpha i find before going to a popular shopping event setting draw distance low and going in to the advanced menu (ctrl + shift + D) and in rendering types unticking avatars or ctrl + alt + shift + 4 which turns off avatar rendering very effective i don't get lagged up i can do a circuit of all the booths noting which ones i'll want to revisit and maybe buy or repeat buy from quite quickly the only problem is if you sit on furniture or use a door on a home/building in a demo area they wont render

my only experience of HUD shopping has been with TMP which was enough to put me off HUD based shopping for life. they might be a good idea if you want to avoid a crowded event but i'd rather wait several days up to a week for the sim to calm down enough to browse if i'm staring directly at products in a booth i'm more likely to part with money

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HUDs of any kind tend to lag a lot and get broken if I click too fast, and I like the experience of exploring.  If I'm gonna sit around and wait for something to load, it's more fun if that thing turns out to be someone's shop decorations, and not the changing textures of a HUD.

In theory you could simulate the HUD experience with a web page with slurls to take you direct to the product you want.  You could even get fancy with HTML5 and make catalogues with turning pages and stuff.

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The HUD shoppping idea is great - if you take it one step further...

I go to the website, select what I like, grab the hud and get the demo delivered =^.^=

Sorry HUD shopping designers, I see almost nothing in those tiny things of yours :P

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What a lot of people seem to forget is that the more event driven or automated shopping in Second Life becomes, the less creators feel the need to have a shop on owned or rented land. If main shops disappear so do many destinations. This will slowly kill off part of Second Life. Many already have a Marketplace shop only, i also see many creators almost exclusively make items for events. In my opinion this isn't helping Second Life stay vibrant and diverse. Adding the option for people to just stay at home and shop via a hud will only lead to more shops and sims closing.

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I don't see in world stores going anywhere. I usually pop in to find things I haven't seen before and usually, I do!

When events first started it was a nice experience. Now? terrible....don't like.

Also, how much are you exploring if you're having a hard time moving around? Waiting for textures to pop in?

I get the idea of them, but it's hard to do what you came to do....walk around and shop.

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