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Most discriminated against group of avatars

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Furry hate is pretty legendary in SL and I've always assumed that furries were probably the most hated and discriminated against group in SL. But recently I have wondered if that is true. Thoughts on who it might be and why?

One thing I will never understand is the hate based on avatar type in SL. Every avatar is a personal expression of the person behind the screen. But at the same time, it's only an avatar and we are all people behind the screen.

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Balloon pilots.  You wouldn't believe how many ban-lines and, worse still, zero-delay security orbs there are.  I think anything that has a range of more than 100 meters should be banned by the TOS to react faster than 10 seconds.

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26 minutes ago, Female Winslet said:

One thing I will never understand is the hate based on avatar type in SL. Every avatar is a personal expression of the person behind the screen. But at the same time, it's only an avatar and we are all people behind the screen.

Well, you explained the "why" to your question yourself.

People don't hate furries because they hate the sight or idea of an anthropomorphic fox. What they base their hate on it their mental image of what a furry (the person enjoying such avatars) is like. And that dislike can range from an unspecific assumptions that all furries must be unpleasant weirdos to the accusion that being a furry means you want to "get it on" with some real life animal. Or that allowing furries in your club will result on them having sex on your dancefloor, because they are all deviants, right?

And this applies in one form or another to all other avatars. Humans are visual creatures and many can't strip of the instinct to evalute their counterpart by apperance. And any assumption, stereotype, gut feeling and idea plays into how one person will act.

And you also got people, who started "hating" a certain group of avatars, after having a lot of negative encounters with them. The group most famous for the are probably vampires. Another group that is probably just as much, if not more, excluded than furries are definitly child avatars.

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33 minutes ago, Female Winslet said:

Furry hate is pretty legendary in SL and I've always assumed that furries were probably the most hated and discriminated against group in SL. But recently I have wondered if that is true. Thoughts on who it might be and why?

One thing I will never understand is the hate based on avatar type in SL. Every avatar is a personal expression of the person behind the screen. But at the same time, it's only an avatar and we are all people behind the screen.

Takes a few to ruin the lives of many....

Some furries believe it is their (INSERT HIGHER ENTITY OF CHOICE)-given right and obligation to spread adult stuff around all SL and annoy everyone with it. And while the same idiots exist among other groups too it is the furries that get all the hate =^.^=

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Ive never encountered anything like that. Ive had more people ask me about wanting to get furry avatars than ive ever had anyone go out of their way to insult me. Even spending a lot of my time around Social Island and NCI with all the newbies and people generally inexperienced with the community, i think ive gotten flak for my avatar maybe once or twice, and one of those times it was a certain someone whos notorious for ruining SI5, so i doubt even that was really too serious.

Id say its probably vampires, because a part of their community is based outside of SL and basically just use SL as their game for it. So they dont really know how the actual SL community works. You get these inexperienced players that read some forums guide on being a vampire in SL and then do things like bite people without permission and generally be a nuisance in public places. And that gets them their hate, but im pretty sure thats a small minority of the larger group.

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33 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

Takes a few to ruin the lives of many....

Some furries believe it is their (INSERT HIGHER ENTITY OF CHOICE)-given right and obligation to spread adult stuff around all SL and annoy everyone with it. And while the same idiots exist among other groups too it is the furries that get all the hate =^.^=

I usually see the other side of that coin. Furries acting like children as opposed to sex hungry hoes.

Two days ago I was at Kuso to check out their bento AO's, two furry girls were doing the same, everything was chill until two furry guys game in with uzi's telling the people in the store to stay calm, they were police doing a safety sweep or something like that. It was pretty damn entertaining and charming until one of them set off a stink bomb that enveloped a large part of the store to the point where I couldn't see my avatar anymore. I rolled my eyes, waited for the particles to vanish and continued going through animations.

I do have several furry avatars for when I am feeling super cute, just another part of me playing dress up. It's fun! And I have not once been subject to any hate while wearing them thankfully.

Live and let live, ignore the haters and enjoy your time on SL <3

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Vampires. No biting signs in many public areas are one thing but often this extends to "No *insert brand name* vampires, you will be staked!" I've managed to avoid becoming a vampire despite my home RP sim seemingly morphing into a vampire RP place but hold no ill-will towards vampires and have only rarely encountered rude ones who try to bite random people. 

With devices designed solely to locate and ban vampires available (and usually freely given by certain individuals) it really goes without saying that vampires are the most discriminated against avatar. 

Oh... except for child avatars. But as I tend to spend much of my Second Life in adult rated regions or at events with no content for child avatars this might just be my perception and there may well be hundreds of sims fully of frolicking kids. However given the reaction I've seen to them and the Facebook chatter about how creepy they are, I suspect child avatars may trump vampires. 

As for furries... I've got a few furry avatars though can't say I'm totally "in-group" and spend 99% of my time among humans in human avatars. I do find it weird that I rarely see human and furry avatars mixing. But I've never encountered outright hate. 

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2 hours ago, cykarushb said:

Ive never encountered anything like that. Ive had more people ask me about wanting to get furry avatars than ive ever had anyone go out of their way to insult me. Even spending a lot of my time around Social Island and NCI with all the newbies and people generally inexperienced with the community, i think ive gotten flak for my avatar maybe once or twice, and one of those times it was a certain someone whos notorious for ruining SI5, so i doubt even that was really too serious.

I guess I should mention that I am also a furry. I came back to SL after several years away and the furry hate seems relatively diminished. It's still there, but I haven't been banned anywhere yet. I do run into some other negative reactions.

Part of what prompted me to post was actually a discussion at one of my favorite fur spots in SL about this exact question. The idea that herms might be most hated in SL got floated in that discussion. I could see that, but I haven't witnessed that particular hate. On the other hand, I do experience the furry hate that still exists. I guess I can understand it. If I didn't have a super cool tail, I'd be jealous too. :-) But since I experience that, I tend to see it most and think of furries as the most discriminated against group. So I wanted to test that idea and see if I was wrong. So far it looks like I likely am wrong.

But I too get so many questions about how to get furry avatars, where to go to meet other furs, etc. that I really should start charging a fee for those types of answers . . . or start telling people not to ask me until I have at least fully grasped this concept known as "mesh."

I have been targetted by one or two anti-furry griefer attacks. So far I've been surprised how mild it was compared to the old days. 

2 hours ago, Jae Villa said:

Vampires. No biting signs in many public areas are one thing but often this extends to "No *insert brand name* vampires, you will be staked!" I've managed to avoid becoming a vampire despite my home RP sim seemingly morphing into a vampire RP place but hold no ill-will towards vampires and have only rarely encountered rude ones who try to bite random people. 

With devices designed solely to locate and ban vampires available (and usually freely given by certain individuals) it really goes without saying that vampires are the most discriminated against avatar. 

This might be a silly question, but do vampires still exist in SL? I don't think I have seen any since coming back.

2 hours ago, Jae Villa said:

As for furries... I've got a few furry avatars though can't say I'm totally "in-group" and spend 99% of my time among humans in human avatars. I do find it weird that I rarely see human and furry avatars mixing. But I've never encountered outright hate. 

Yeah, there's a lot of self-segregation that happens there. I feel like a very rare furry who actually goes out and mingles with everybody else.  I probably split my time around 50-50 between spots that cater to furries and those that don't. But I'd feel like I was missing out if I didn't. The great thing about SL, at least for me, is the wide variety of people you meet. If not for that, then what's the point?

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I've only ever hated one group of avatars - the clueless noobs that constantly hit up every female they see with nothing more that something along the line of 'ur hawt, wanna [MODERATOR: MASKED PROFANITY REMOVED]

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On 4/2/2018 at 6:19 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

I've only ever hated one group of avatars - the clueless noobs that constantly hit up every female they see with nothing more that something along the line of 'ur hawt, wanna [MODERATOR: MASKED PROFANITY REMOVED]

oh yeah, those guys

this is mildly racist but 99% of the time its the brazillians that do this, in every game, i have literally no idea why there are so many brazillians playing social games but they seem like they have a very vocal and blunt minority going after the furry booty

any time im at a newbie friendly place or a f2p home like SI4/5 i get a bunch of those messages


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3 hours ago, Female Winslet said:

This might be a silly question, but do vampires still exist in SL? I don't think I have seen any since coming back.

*puts on vampire detection thingie, looks takes it off again* erm, yess mam unfortunately they do. Want to share my garlic sandwich with me?

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4 hours ago, LexxiXhan said:

If lucky chairs are anything to go by, it's avatars whose name begins with L :P

They are not nearly as hated as the ones that start with T, but on that note I often wonder, how hard would it be to write a script that avoided the letters of everyone on the room.

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7 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

on that note I often wonder, how hard would it be to write a script that avoided the letters of everyone on the room.

Or one that reverted to the longest possible wait-time for your letter upon arrival.

"I'm sorry but your gaudy, ergonimics-deficient prim-heavy arsehole outfit that could have been textured better by my 5 yr old isn't worth waiting around for. And I bet you "web-mastered" more than your fair share of vomit-worthy geocities sites in the 90s".

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7 hours ago, Female Winslet said:

This might be a silly question, but do vampires still exist in SL? I don't think I have seen any since coming back.

Oh yes. Not only is my RP home sim full of them (you take one wrong turn on SL and suddenly you accidentally live on a vampire RP sim...) but I make friends randomly at other places and, eventually, they spot I was bitten in 2009 and "lost my soul" on some Bloodlines HUD and they "come out" as a vampire and tell me how they are actually part of some clan or family that is in someway related to the vampire who bit me 9 years ago (I was probably drunk at the time). 

So yes... they are definitely still a thing...

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I think people with ugly avatars face a lot of discrimination. Its a shame really because they must spend many seconds setting up their Avi... look at their Avi and say with a self-satisfied smile..."Wow..I look amazing".

Then they hit the grid...and the rest of us are like...."Ugggg WTF...the Ugly...it Burns !!!...pass the eye-bleach"

The ironic thing is, many of you will read this, and think "Thank [MODERATOR: MASKED PROFANITY REMOVED] he aint talking about me.

/me stares blankly into the middle-distance.

Edited by Dakota Linden
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No particular order, but if I had to make a top 10, this would be it:

  • Furries
  • Child avatars
  • New residents
  • Vampires / Bloodlines users(generally they seem to be bunched together)
  • Sculpt based avatars
  • More than sculpt based, prim based avatars
  • I think the kemono avatar has worked it's way up in this list due to how it looks(apparently flat chested = child now? Idk)
  • Avatars using realistic sizing / not having the height slider all the way to the max
  • Avatars that have a bunch of idling scripts(compared to those who have a few but constantly running scripts)
  • Resident last named residents.

Script based discrimination would be(in order):

  1. New residents by a long shot, which saddens me. It makes new people feel not welcome and potentially damages the community.
  2. Script count and script memory usage. Granted a lot of memory can lag a sim when entering/exiting, but not when it isn't doing anything. People need to learn script time is the real main culprit.
  3. Avatars not using max height. I've been ejected from places for not being a giant several times.

Specific fandom/group I can't really order. Furries, child avatars, and vampires seem to be all hated equally when added up.

I could understand the hate for child avatars a bit(eg: going to adult areas like zindra causing worry for other residents, baby talk when not in a RP area), but it's just a few child avatars that do this. I have met some really cool people who use child avatars before.

Can't really speak for furries since I am one, but even some furries make me dislike furries sometimes.

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back when I made my shape (which isn't even the runway version XD)  everyone using slightly realistic heights were called "walking [MODERATOR: MASKED PROFANITY REMOVED]... nowadays  all those shapes are so tiny I feel like a effin giant xD  plus I get quite some comments... ah well... happens, eh?

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