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Where Should I Socialize?


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I'm new to Second Life, but I have put a lot of effort into it. I learned how to dress and invested quite a bit in my appearance, but I don't want all of that to go to waste! I'm in my twenties (college kid) and can't seem to find an age appropriate location or venue to meet people my own age. *sigh* I'm not into fantasy roleplay or "exotic" clubs. I enjoy voice chat, but don't mind typing if that's what others prefer.  I just keep finding dead areas where either no one is around or no one responds. I can get along with almost anyone I meet. If you know any groups I can join, that'd be great. I'm not sure how to navigate groups yet, but I want to learn.

I'd greatly appreciate any information or tips you can offer!



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There's a breakfast club on Sundays, I think it's at 8am slt? I keep meaning to go myself

Someone will know, it's forum people who attend!

I'm not sure how you'd meet those your own age, as most don't really hang out with those close to rl age, iyswim. You might meet some who say their age rl but I don't know of any places for age groups, or how they'd prove it, someone else might know?


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Welcome to SL Roziela. Hop around some sims to find one, good luck. Takes a while to find a good one. Personally I'm not into steampunk either but I found a bunch of friendly folks at a  steampunk InfoHUB so I keep going there. and look for fun stuff to do. SL has the weirdest communities around. There is a big sailing community, and a big aviation one. There used to be a big community of virtual railroaders and hobos (those are stilll out there, nut sure if rails folk flock to communities nowadays though). All those communities have their own meeting places and usually do parties as well. I enjoyed doing costume contests for a while in several clubs...

So much to do, no idea where to start...


EDIT: Oh... and look at shopping blogs, some stores do anniversary parties or similar, as do a bunch of Events.

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You mention not being able to navigate groups, and I highly encourage you browse around and get familiar. Start simple, use the search tool and find some groups related to your interests, like your favorite kinds of music, styles, creators, fandom, anything you can think of! Some of the groups I belong to have quite active chats; being that you can talk within a group-chat from anywhere on the grid, it makes it much easier for people to talk with one another than tracking down populated sims. Plus, if a group is tied to a particular sim or location, notices will keep you informed about when and where events are happening! 

You also mentioned you like Voice Chat. Theres quite a few popular voice hangouts for people into that kinda stuff, be sure to search for locations like that.

Anyway GOOD LUCK hope to see u around the grid hehe  ( ̄ω ̄)

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weeeellll.... there´s the weekly breakfast as Liana mentioned... it´s the bunch from this thread:

 then we have the corresponding group inworld, as well as the Forum Cartel Hangout place (there are occasional parties), the corresponding group is in my signature and the Thread for it is here:

you see both threads are active (and yes I´m abusing poor Rhonda cos I knew she recently posted in both ^^)

There´s a group called The Tourist, where a bunch of us planned to go explore sims and hang out, find it either via my inworld profile or search

Other than that I´m currently quite sh*te to help cos I´ve been quite busy over the last few days and DAMN you should see my inventory...it´s a mess I tell ya... A MESS....so I´m at my posestand most of the time, taking pics... running off to shop some gifts and stuff... ah well xD 

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4 hours ago, Syo Emerald said:


there´s a couple of others *grins* I don´t want to out ppl but they´ll prolly peak up sooner or later  *grins* Hm... aren´t there EU groups? Hmmm... shouldn´t we take over the Forum Cartel group in our Daytime? We need something don´t you think? Maybe only a EU-Forum post?

Edit: ok I need more feedback^^ Forumpost? Inworld group? Hijack the existing correlating forum groups?^^

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1 hour ago, Akasha Sternberg said:

*poke* folks`^^

EU Post? Anybody? ^^

Inworld group`?  Any volunteers? ^^

Hijack the Forum Cartel Group?(it´s in my signature)


I would be fine with both, inworld group and forum post, as I have plenty of groupspots left and sometimes manage to log into the forum, but not inworld for a day. And somehow...it does not display any signatures for me right now...

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1 hour ago, Syo Emerald said:

...it does not display any signatures for me right now...

maybe another premium perk =^.^=: "see forum signatures" 

Nope, don't see them either, maybe they are deactivated by default?

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2 hours ago, Syo Emerald said:

I would be fine with both, inworld group and forum post, as I have plenty of groupspots left and sometimes manage to log into the forum, but not inworld for a day. And somehow...it does not display any signatures for me right now...

not sure if serious ^^

nah seriously that´s impressive... You´re prolly the only person I know who has plenty groupspots left


OK we need a name ^^ EU-Squad? hm ...nah... we need something better


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OK, before this devolves into a Brexit discussion...some observations on finding people to talk to in SL.

  • MOST places are empty MOST of the time.  There is a simple mathematical reason.  There are over 20,000 regions in Second Life.  At any given time, there are maybe 45,000 users on line.  If we were all distributed evenly over the grid, that would mean there would be a bit over 2 people per region.  But we tend to congregate at popular places or events, and that leaves a lot of regions completely empty.
  • There's a technical barrier to large groups, too; a region can't host much more than 100 avatars, and it gets very laggy far before that limit is reached.  So you might want to avoid REALLY large groups.
  • You can use the world Map to find places where there are people.  Just look for concentrations of green dots, and then teleport there.  This can be either productive, or embarrassing...you might teleport right into the middle of an orgy, a slave auction, or a vampire/werewolf war.  Even so, if you are up for adventure, this can be a fun exercise.
  • Searching for and joining groups with which you have an interest in common can produce very good results.
  • If you can't find any groups to match your interests...start one!  There are almost certainly other people out there who would be happy to join you in whatever eccentric pastime you like.  I recently was invited to join a group that does nothing more than ride the automated travel pods that can be found on Linden Roads around, and sightseeing.
  • Join some groups that DON'T have a special focus, but exist only to provide a place to chat with one another.  Several have already been mentioned here; The Breakfast Club, and The Forum Cartel for example.
  • Join some newcomer help groups.  These tend to have a lot of chat going on.  The "old hands" are generally friendly, and you might also meet some newbies who are really nice.  Helping them get started in SL can often lead to a long term friendship.  The Caledon Oxbridge University Group and New Resident Services are two examples.
  • Be a Profile Perv.  When you see some stranger who looks interesting, read their Profile.  This may either cause you to cross them off your list right away, or may make you even more eager to meet them. 
    • I know some people who read the profiles of random people, using Search.  I've gotten a few IMs from folks like this.  It can feel very strange, getting an unsolicited call from a perfect stranger.  But I have also had some conversations with some interesting people this way, too.
  • Start a conversation.  The general etiquette is:  First say hello in Nearby Chat.  Include some sort of conversation starter in your greeting..."Hello Madelaine, that is a really impressive dragon avatar you're wearing.  May I ask where you got it?"  If the conversation prospers, you may suggest moving it to IM.  If the two of you get on well, you may ask them, "May I add you (to my Friends list)?"  NOTE:  A few people ignore local chat; their Profile may even have a note about it.  If so, try starting the conversation in IM.  But it's generally better to start in Nearby Chat.
  • Be a good friend.  If you are, people will want to keep you as a friend.  Follow up your first conversation in a day or so with an IM when you see them online...but don't be a pest by IMing your new friend five seconds after they log on, every time they log on!
  • Roleplay can be a means of socializing and meeting new people.  It's not my thing, but it might be yours.  There are groups who roleplay Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, the Avatar universe, the Wild West, or other historical or fictional milieus.
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