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storing data

Rhiannon Arkin

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23 minutes ago, HajraLegacy said:

@Xiija well I actually used what you said in earlier posts to get to where I am with this script, so much appreciated for that. I'll have a look at this video but I'm not certain it'll help me out if I am not that knowledgeable about code in general lol.

I guess I'm not certain how I can get multiple results with multiple llHTTPRequest 's and .. http_response if's. I used your method with the markers to get a good, solid key that I want but with the separate request, it keeps spitting out the same key even though I've assigned a different url, etc to that response. Any ideas what I can do with that? I've worked so many hours on this script (I was originally trying to use notecards but that wasn't working with me either.) @Xiija

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Some thoughts on the new Google Apps script stuff:

to use the newer google apps script, after you have followed the video,
you would make 2 new scripts, one for getting a stored url, one for actually storing data.

◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥ RAMBLING AREA ◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥ 

storing data:
I use a query string param in the Second Life prim's get request like so...
string URL = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbzigU- some long string of numbers  etc etc- zjrmZg/exec?txt=";

and after my prim has gotten a secure url using ... llRequestSecureURL()... i store that in a variable with... myURL = body;
and the secondlife get req looks like,

 http_request_id = llHTTPRequest(URL + myURL,
     HTTP_MIMETYPE, "text/plain",

here is a link to the google apps script that handles this http GET request:

set Value on google sheet  -


i have not tried it, but you could prolly make the cell that you want to store data in... into a variable.
on the apps script, the relevant line is ....

you could prolly add a second query string paramto your SL code  with a cell, like...
var query2 = "&cell=";
var cellNum = "A3";
and then just use a different cell to store another line of data. Your http req would then look something like...
 http_request_id = llHTTPRequest(URL + myURL + query2 +  cellNum ,

and on your apps script, add a new variable and use it...

var cell_number = e.parameter.cell;

// ============================

to get the values back into SL,  you just make a GET request to your script that fetches the values...
( again, you could add a query string param to get different cells. )
get Value from google sheet -


◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥ END RAMBLING AREA ◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥ 

just tryin to share the info for folks who wanna experiment :P


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I've been using  Google App Script to store date in a sheet for scripts for about 3-4 years now. 

I sell a greeter that can store about 200k visitor UUIDs and data like responses to  ""Can we use display your profile pic here?", who took a landmdark, how long the avatar stayed on the parcel, unique visitor counts, etc.

Google Sheets and App Script are really a robust way to store persistent data.

Edited by Gayngel
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  • 4 weeks later...

@Xiija, I am pretty good with LSL but Java/Javascript is way outside my capabilities. In other words, I would love to use any of your non-LSL examples, but I can only work with LSL. Other languages cause my brain to lock up, check out and throw in the towel. I blame my age. 
If possible, could you provide some LSL snippets which show how to use Firebase and/or Repl.it as remote db?

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Anyone tried using DynamoDB on AWS? It's a key/value store. The free tier offers

  • 25 GB of data storage
  • 2.5 million stream read requests per month from DynamoDB Streams
  • 1 GB of data transfer out per month, aggregated across AWS services

but writes are US$1.25 per million writes. Amazon does all the backups, it's a redundant system, etc. If SL is up, it's unlikely to be down.

It uses HTTP requests in JSON and responds in JSON, so you should be able to access it directly from LSL. It's similar to the experience key/value system.

It would be useful if LL offered this as an add-on for SL accounts, so you didn't have to set up an account with AWS directly and it was authenticated through your SL account.

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@Fritigern Gothly

if you are on repl.it & firebase... you can get your credentials json file from the firebase site

Credentials for the repl ...

and then make a node repl with something like this in it...

( in this example, i've stored the credentials in a file called ...  serviceAccountKey.json


const admin          = require("firebase-admin");
const serviceAccount = require("./serviceAccountKey.json");

 // credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault()
    credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount)
const db = admin.firestore();

const quoteData = {
  author: 'Bud Smalls',
  quote: 'Bong me again ??!'

.then(func =>{ 
.catch(err =>{
 console.log("err\n" + err);

 async function read(){

   let snapshot = await db.collection('sampleData').get()
  .then(documents => {
    documents.forEach((doc) => {
      item = doc.data();
      console.log( "Title: "   + doc.id +
                  "\nAuthor: " + item.author +
                  "\nQuote: "  + item.quote );
  .catch(err =>{
    console.log("err\n" + err);

After that its a basic http call, mebbe to an express route?... to access the database.

Edited by Xiija
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  • 3 months later...
On 11/21/2020 at 4:02 AM, Xiija said:


do you use POST to store the data with the apps scripts?

i've only been able to get GET requests to work :(



You can use URL parameters to send variables. Instead of using the body of the POST, just append the variables to the URL. i.e: After the App Script URL add a "?" then a key/id pair separated by "&"




In the App Script you then retrieve the data from the e argument in doPost(e). The e argument represents the group of requests parameters you specify. To get each data separately you append the specified key to the e parameter field.



var uuid = e.parameter.uuid;  // Will be a9ba2797-81af-429d-9833-51127ad5593c

var name = e.parameter.name; // Will be Gayngel

var timestamp = e.paramter.timestamp; // Wil be 2021/02/27-10:32









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I've been trying to work with Google App Script in Open Sim using the same scripts I have in SL but get no input/response from the App script. It seems like OpenSim URLs are not recognized by Google. If anyone can get scripts in Open Sim to work with Google App Script please let me know how you did it.

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Using external database good option for storing large data.

Personal choice but IMO google services not reliable way to store your data.. they can change their APIs w/o any notice or make it prepaid subscription based or they might completely remove it (It happened with multiple APIs in the past: https://developers.google.com/+/api-shutdown)

If you are planing store large amount of data PHP / Mysql on private server safest way.

If you are not storing large data I recommend using prim description for data storage and retrieval:

// Set prim description for no 2 link My_Options_Waiting_For_Parser

llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(2, [PRIM_DESC,"My_Options_Waiting_For_Parser"]);

// Get prim description from link no 2

string Ineedparsethis = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(2, [PRIM_DESC]);





Hope it helps :)

Edited by RunawayBunny
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re: Google Apps Scripts

After some testing, i was able to do a POST thru sl only by going

SL > thru repl.it > google apps script > repl.it > back to SL

 it seems google apps scripts use a redirect, and Sl only follows those if the

request is GET..


While the HTTP status code from the server is provided to the script, redirect codes such as 302 will result in the redirect being automatically and transparently followed ONLY IF the HTTP_METHOD is GET, with the resulting response being returned. If the HTTP_METHOD is anything other then GET then you'll get back an http_response with a status code of 302, but without any way to view the headers, you can't know where you were being redirected to unless that was also included in the body.

i've got a GET apps script working, & will post it soon :)

Edited by Xiija
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re: Google Apps Script

to store data to a google doc, you can use an apps script.

in my test, i use a GET request with 3 params...

date, a message, and id

the apps script will  check if the id is blank, and if so

it creates a new doc with the date as the title, and send that doc's id in the http response.

if the SL prim gets an id,  it can  send it next time.. then the apps script will append to the current doc.

you just need to set a timer & clear the id variable in SL on a date change.

here is the Apps script to test with, if ya need the Sl bit, i can post that too.

Google create doc apps script

Edited by Xiija
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  • 7 months later...
On 3/6/2021 at 6:43 PM, Xiija said:

re: Google Apps Scripts

After some testing, i was able to do a POST thru sl only by going

SL > thru repl.it > google apps script > repl.it > back to SL

 it seems google apps scripts use a redirect, and Sl only follows those if the

request is GET..

i've got a GET apps script working, & will post it soon :)

@Xiija You don't need to go through a 3rd party service communicate between Google App Script and SL. 

I've been meaning to post this for a looong time but haven't had time to create the example scripts until now.


Google App Script:

Google App Script Code by Gayngel of The Script Yard.
Join The Script Yard Group: secondlife:///app/group/4921b4f0-c21e-7866-c0c2-791d10bb5502/about
Visit The Script Yard Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/149734


This Google App Script keeps track of an LSL script's URL when it changes. The object the script is in can then be used as a server to retrieve persistent data from for a drop box and redelivery terminal system or scoreboard or HUD or whatever object/system you create that requires persistent stored data. The URL and stored data  is saved to a spreadsheet and the data can be retrieved by a client script.


1. Open your Google Drive and select New > More > Google App Script.
2. Before doing anything in the editor you must switch to the legacy editor. This is a very important step as some features don't work yet in the new editor. On the top right corner under your account button select "Use Legacy Editor". You can ignore and close the opt out survey.
3. Copy and paste this script into the code editor.
4. Select the save icon to save the script and give it a name. N.B: It is very important you save the script before publishing it to the web.
5. Select "Publish" on the menu bar and select "Deploy as Web App"
6. Select the Project Version dropdown and select New.
7. Under "Execute App As:" select Me(youremail@gmail.com)
8. Under "Who has access to the app:" select "Anyone, even anonymous".
9. Select "Deploy" and "Review Permissions".
10. Sign in to your google account.
11. If you get the "Google hasn't verified this app" message select "Advanced" and then select "Go to app_name(unsafe)".
12. Review and Allow Permissions.
13. Copy the web app url and paste it both in the server and client scripts in the line string app = ""; paste the url in between the quotation marks.

If you make any changes to the script you must save and publish again. You must also select a new project version.

function doGet(e)

var props = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties(); // Properties service can store properties/metadata. You can find properties by selecting File > Project Properties > Script Properties tab
var url;  
url = e.parameter.server_url;  // gets the url of the server
var obj_key = e.parameter.obj_key;
var prop_obj = props.getProperty('prop_obj');  // get the prop_obj property from script properties 
if(obj_key == prop_obj)  // prevents two servers sharing the same app script/database

 var payload =
     "URL_OK":"URL_OK"  // body of method (POST,GET,PUT,etc). Sent as key/value pair. Can be parsed by llParseString2List(body,["="],[])
     var options =
     "method" : "post",  // Method like HTTP_METHOD in the llHTTPRequest() function. We'll make a POST.
     "payload" : payload  // what variables we are sending back to the server/client.

     var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options); // Make a http request back to the URL of the server or client that made the request.
  else  // server uuid is different to stored server uuid. can not share same app script / database

    var payload =
     "URL_INVALID":"URL_INVALID" // body of method (POST,GET,PUT,etc). Sent as key/value pair. Can be parsed by llParseString2List(body,["="],[])
     var options =
     "method" : "post",  // Method like HTTP_METHOD in the llHTTPRequest() function. We'll make a POST.
     "payload" : payload  // what variables we are sending back to the server/client.

     var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options); // Make a http request back to the URL of the server or client that made the request.
    props.setProperty('prop_obj', obj_key); // sets a property prop_obj as object_key

 var payload =
     "URL_OK":"URL_OK" // body of method (POST,GET,PUT,etc). Sent as key/value pair. Can be parsed by llParseString2List(body,["="],[])
     var options =
     "method" : "post",  // Method like HTTP_METHOD in the llHTTPRequest() function. We'll make a POST.
     "payload" : payload  // what variables we are sending back to the server/client.

     var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options); // Make a http request back to the URL of the server or client that made the request.
  else if(e.parameter.client_url)
    url = e.parameter.client_url; // gets the url of the client
    var ssNew; 
    var ssId = props.getProperty('ssId'); //gets the id of the spreadsheet by retrieving the stored id in script properties
    ssNew = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ssId); //open the spreadsheet
    var sheet = ssNew.getSheets()[0];  // get the first sheet in the spreadsheet
   var cell = sheet.getRange("A1"); // gets the range of cells.
     var payload =
     "server_url":cell.getValue() // body of method (POST,GET,PUT,etc). Sent as key/value pair.  Can be parsed by llParseString2List(body,["="],[]) Sends the value of cell A1.
     var options =
      "method" : "post",  // Method like HTTP_METHOD in the llHTTPRequest() function. We'll make a POST.
     "payload" : payload  // what variables we are sending back to the server/client.

     var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options); // Make a http request back to the URL of the server or client that made the request.


function doPost(e)
  var url = e.parameter.url;
  var props = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties(); // Properties service can store properties/metadata. You can find properties by selecting File > Project Properties > Script Properties tab
  var ssNew; 
  var ssId = props.getProperty('ssId');   // get the ssId property from script properties
  if(ssId) // if the spreadsheet is created. I.E If the property ssId exists
   ssNew = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ssId); // open the spreadsheet 
   var sheet = ssNew.getSheets()[0];   // get first sheet of spreadsheet
   var cell = sheet.getRange("A1"); // target the first cell in the spreadsheet - A1
    cell.clear(); // clear the data in A1
   cell.setValue(e.parameter.url); // set the value of the A1 cell to the url of the server
   props.setProperty('URL',url); // sets a property URL as the url of the server
    var payload =
     "url_added":"url_added" // body of method (POST,GET,PUT,etc). Sent as key/value pair. Can be parsed by llParseString2List(body,["="],[]) 
     var options =
      "method" : "post",  // Method like HTTP_METHOD in the llHTTPRequest() function. We'll make a POST.
     "payload" : payload  // what variables we are sending back to the server/client.

     var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options); // Make a http request back to the URL of the server or client that made the request.
  } // if(ssId)
  else // if spreadsheet is not created i.e there is no property named ssId in script properties
   var ssName = e.parameter.spreadsheet;  // the name of the spreadsheet set in the server script
    ssNew = SpreadsheetApp.create(ssName); // create a new spread sheet
    props.setProperty('ssId', ssNew.getId()); // sets a property ssID and set the vaue of the property to the id of the spreadsheet
     var payload =
     "SpreadsheetReady":ssNew.getId() // body of method (POST,GET,PUT,etc). Sent as key/value pair. Can be parsed by llParseString2List(body,["="],[])
     var options =
      "method" : "post",  // Method like HTTP_METHOD in the llHTTPRequest() function. We'll make a POST.
     "payload" : payload  // what variables we are sending back to the server/client.

     var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options); // Make a http request back to the URL of the server or client that made the request.

Here is barebones system to make send a message from a client script to request a greeting from the server to the avatar that touches the terminal and requests the greeting from the menu:


// Script by Gayngel of The Script Yard. 

//Join The Script Yard Group: secondlife:///app/group/4921b4f0-c21e-7866-c0c2-791d10bb5502/about
//Visit The Script Yard Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/149734

// This is a barebones script to store the scripts url persistently in a Google Sheet.

// The server will send a greeting when requested by a client terminal.

// The server saves it's url to a Google Sheet via Google App Script. The client will request the url of the server from the spreadsheet and then request the server to greet the avatar who touched the object and requested a greeting from the menu.

// Get the Google App Script from https://pastebin.com/Cc9ZbYyj and follow the instructions in the app script to setup.

// Once set up paste the app url below.  

string app_url = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbz-rAtEqm5clysDSL3l3-9kYqfwrDjSpFg7u4PuF9208F-ON3g/exec"; // place the url of Google App Script here.

string spreadsheet = ""; // The Google App Script will create a spreadsheet in your Google Drive to store the url of the drop box. You can write a name here or leave it blank. If you leave the string blank the spreadsheet will automatically be called the "NameOfParcelDropBoxIsOn Dropbox".

list parceldetails;
string parcelname; 

string url;
key reqURL;
key http_req;
key sheet_req;
integer allow =FALSE;

    on_rez(integer start_param)
      allow = FALSE;                  // verbosity just in case
      llReleaseURL(url);             // verbosity just in case
      parceldetails = llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(),[PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]);
      parcelname = llList2String(parceldetails,0);
      reqURL =llRequestURL(); 
   http_request(key id, string method, string body)
    if (id == reqURL)
        if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
        llOwnerSay("The following error occurred while attempting to get a free URL for this device:\n \n" + body);
        else if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
        url = body;
         if(app_url != "")
             http_req = llHTTPRequest(app_url+"?server_url="+url+"&obj_key="+(string)llGetKey(),[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],"");  // send the server's url to the spreadsheet to be stored.
        llOwnerSay("Please add the URL of the Google App Script at the top of the script");
     } //  if (id == reqURL)
         else if (method == "POST")
            list tmp = llParseString2List(body,["="],[""]);
            string cmd = llToLower(llList2String(tmp,0));
            string ref = llList2String(tmp,1); 
            if(cmd == "url_ok")
         string ssID = llGetObjectDesc();
         if(ssID == "")  // if the spreadsheet doesn't exist create one
         if(spreadsheet == "")
           spreadsheet = parcelname + " greeter.";    
         llOwnerSay("Creating spreadsheet named " + spreadsheet);
         if(app_url != "")
        sheet_req = llHTTPRequest(app_url+ "?url="+url+"&spreadsheet=" + llEscapeURL(spreadsheet),[HTTP_METHOD,"POST"],"Create");   // instruct the App Script to create a spreadsheet 
        else if(ssID != "") // if the spreadsheet exists
            llOwnerSay("The spreadsheet database is ready.");    
           llOwnerSay("This server can now be contacted");
           allow = TRUE;
             sheet_req = llHTTPRequest(app_url+ "?url="+url,[HTTP_METHOD,"POST"],"Send_URL");   // update the url of the server and store in the spreadsheet
         } //if(cmd == "url_ok")
         else if(cmd == "url_invalid")
            llOwnerSay("Can not save this server's URL to the spreadsheet as the Google App Script is tied to another server. Please create a new app script and paste it's url at the top of the script."); 
            else if(cmd == "spreadsheetready")
             llOwnerSay("The spreadsheet database has been created.");  
               allow = TRUE;
                sheet_req = llHTTPRequest(app_url+ "?url="+url,[HTTP_METHOD,"POST"],"Send_URL"); 
                llOwnerSay("This server can now be contacted");   
            else if(cmd == "url_added")
                llOwnerSay("The url of your server has been updated in the spreadsheet database.");
            else if(cmd == "request_greeting")
              key av = (key)ref; 
              if(allow == TRUE)  
                llInstantMessage(av,"Hello World!");
             }  //else if(cmd == "request_redelivery")
        } // method is post

    changed(integer change)
      if(change & CHANGED_REGION_START || change & CHANGED_REGION || change & CHANGED_INVENTORY || change & CHANGED_TELEPORT) 
       llReleaseURL(url);    // verbosity just in case



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// Script by Gayngel of The Script Yard. 

//Join The Script Yard Group: secondlife:///app/group/4921b4f0-c21e-7866-c0c2-791d10bb5502/about
//Visit The Script Yard Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/149734

// This is a barebones script to store the scripts url persistently in a Google Sheet.

// The server will send a greeting when requested by a client terminal.

// The server saves it's url to a Google Sheet via Google App Script. The client will request the url of the server from the spreadsheet and then request the server to greet the avatar who touched the object and requested a greeting from the menu.

// Get the Google App Script from https://pastebin.com/Cc9ZbYyj and follow the instructions in the app script to setup.

// Once set up paste the app url below. 

string app = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbz-rAtEqm5clysDSL3l3-9kYqfwrDjSpFg7u4PuF9208F-ON3g/exec"; // place the url of Google App Script here.
string url;
key reqURL;
key server_req;
key app_req;
integer allow =FALSE;
integer wait = FALSE;  // if someone is using the terminal the next user must wait their turn
integer listen_chan;
integer listen_handle;
key recipient;

    on_rez(integer start_param)
      allow = FALSE;                  // verbosity just in case
      llReleaseURL(url);             // verbosity just in case
      reqURL =llRequestURL(); 
   http_request(key id, string method, string body)
    if (id == reqURL)
        if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
        llOwnerSay("The following error occurred while attempting to get a free URL for this device:\n \n" + body);
        else if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
        url = body;
        if(app != "")
        llOwnerSay("This terminal can now request greetings from the server");
        allow = TRUE;
        llOwnerSay("Please add the URL of the Google App Script at the top of the script");
        else if(id == server_req)
         if(body == "redelivery_ok")
          wait = TRUE;  // verbosity just in case
          allow = TRUE; // verbosity just in case
          llListenRemove(listen_handle); // verbosity just in case
        else if(method == "POST")
            list tmp = llParseString2List(body,["="],[""]);
            string cmd = llToLower(llList2String(tmp,0));
            string ref = llList2String(tmp,1); 
            if(cmd == "server_url")
               server_req = llHTTPRequest(llUnescapeURL(ref),[HTTP_METHOD,"POST"],"request_greeting="+(string)recipient); // instruct server to redeliver object
    touch_end(integer num)
         key toucher = llDetectedKey(0);
       if(allow == TRUE)
       if(wait == FALSE)
        wait = TRUE;  // other users must wait their turn
        listen_chan = ((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)toucher,-8,-1)) - 723) | 0x8000000;
        listen_handle = llListen(listen_chan,"",toucher,"");
        llDialog(toucher,"\nSelect Greet to get a greeting from the server.",["Greet"],listen_chan);
           llRegionSayTo(toucher,0,"Someone is already using this terminal, please wait.");    
         llRegionSayTo(toucher,0,"This server is currently offline."); 
    listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg)
       if(chan == listen_chan)
          if(msg == "Greet")
              wait = FALSE;  //allow next user to use the terminal
              allow = TRUE; // verbosity just in case
             //http request to google app script to get url of drop box
             recipient = id;
             app_req = llHTTPRequest(app+"?client_url="+url,[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],"");  // request url of server from spreadsheet database
    changed(integer change)
      if(change & CHANGED_REGION_START || change & CHANGED_REGION || change & CHANGED_INVENTORY || change & CHANGED_TELEPORT) 
       llReleaseURL(url);    // verbosity just in case


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Here is a simple redelivery terminal / drop box system: 


// Script by Gayngel of The Script Yard.

//Join The Script Yard Group: secondlife:///app/group/4921b4f0-c21e-7866-c0c2-791d10bb5502/about
//Visit The Script Yard Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/149734

// This is a simple dropbox system.  Redelivery systems will request redeliveries of the object you have stored in it and the drop box will deliver the object to avatar who requested a redelivery.

// The drop box saves it's url to a Google Sheet via Google App Script. The redelivery client will request the url of the drop box from the spreadsheet and then request a redeivery from the drop box.

// Get the Google App Script from https://pastebin.com/Cc9ZbYyj and follow the instructions in the app script to setup.

// Once set up paste the app url below.

string app_url = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyX-qKC0mpHFSa8iMDMBQyQtKzGQMdtxyICF5-pF2cebpm_HmU/exec"; // place the url of Google App Script here.

string spreadsheet = ""; // The Google App Script will create a spreadsheet in your Google Drive to store the url of the drop box. You can write a name here or leave it blank. If you leave the string blank the spreadsheet will automatically be called the "NameOfParcelDropBoxIsOn Dropbox".

list parceldetails;
string parcelname; 

string url;
key reqURL;
key http_req;
key sheet_req;
integer allow =FALSE;

    on_rez(integer start_param)
      allow = FALSE;                  // verbosity just in case
      llReleaseURL(url);             // verbosity just in case
      parceldetails = llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(),[PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]);
      parcelname = llList2String(parceldetails,0);
      reqURL =llRequestURL(); 
   http_request(key id, string method, string body)
    if (id == reqURL)
        if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
        llOwnerSay("The following error occurred while attempting to get a free URL for this device:\n \n" + body);
        else if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
        url = body;
         if(app_url != "")
             http_req = llHTTPRequest(app_url+"?server_url="+url+"&obj_key="+(string)llGetKey(),[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],"");  // send the server's url to the spreadsheet to be stored.
        llOwnerSay("Please add the URL of the Google App Script at the top of the script");
     } //  if (id == reqURL)
         else if (method == "POST")
            list tmp = llParseString2List(body,["="],[""]);
            string cmd = llToLower(llList2String(tmp,0));
            string ref = llList2String(tmp,1); 
            if(cmd == "url_ok")
         string ssID = llGetObjectDesc();
         if(ssID == "") // if the spreadsheet doesn't exist create one
         if(spreadsheet == "")
           spreadsheet = parcelname + " drop box.";    
         llOwnerSay("Creating spreadsheet named " + spreadsheet);
         if(app_url != "")
        sheet_req = llHTTPRequest(app_url+ "?url="+url+"&spreadsheet=" + llEscapeURL(spreadsheet),[HTTP_METHOD,"POST"],"Create");  // instruct the App Script to create a spreadsheet 
        else if(ssID != "") // if the spreadsheet exists
            llOwnerSay("The spreadsheet database is ready.");    
           llOwnerSay("This drop box will now allow redeliveries");
           allow = TRUE;
             sheet_req = llHTTPRequest(app_url+ "?url="+url,[HTTP_METHOD,"POST"],"Send_URL");   // update the url of the server and store in the spreadsheet
         } //if(cmd == "url_ok")
         else if(cmd == "url_invalid")
            llOwnerSay("Can not save this server's URL to the spreadsheet as the Google App Script is tied to another server. Please create a new app script and paste it's url at the top of the script."); 
            else if(cmd == "spreadsheetready")
             llOwnerSay("The spreadsheet database has been created.");  
               allow = TRUE;
                sheet_req = llHTTPRequest(app_url+ "?url="+url,[HTTP_METHOD,"POST"],"Send_URL"); 
                llOwnerSay("This drop box will now allow redeliveries");   
            else if(cmd == "url_added")
                llOwnerSay("The url of your server has been updated in the spreadsheet database.");
            else if(cmd == "request_redelivery")
              key av = (key)ref; 
              if(allow == TRUE)  
                  if(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT) > 0) // if the drop box contains an object
                       llInstantMessage(av,"Redelivering your object.");
                      string obj = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0);
                  llInstantMessage(av,"Sorry there is nothing to redeliver");
             }  //else if(cmd == "request_redelivery")
        } // method is post

    changed(integer change)
      if(change & CHANGED_REGION_START || change & CHANGED_REGION || change & CHANGED_INVENTORY || change & CHANGED_TELEPORT) 
       llReleaseURL(url);    // verbosity just in case




// Script by Gayngel of The Script Yard.

//Join The Script Yard Group: secondlife:///app/group/4921b4f0-c21e-7866-c0c2-791d10bb5502/about
//Visit The Script Yard Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/149734

// This is a simple dropbox system.  Redelivery systems will request redeliveries of the object you have stored in it and the drop box will deliver the object to avatar who requested a redelivery.

// The drop box saves it's url to a Google Sheet via Google App Script. The redelivery client will request the url of the drop box from the spreadsheet and then request a redeivery from the drop box.

// Get the Google App Script from https://pastebin.com/Cc9ZbYyj and follow the instructions in the app script to setup.

// Once set up paste the app url below.

string app = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyX-qKC0mpHFSa8iMDMBQyQtKzGQMdtxyICF5-pF2cebpm_HmU/exec"; // place the url of Google App Script here.
string url;
key reqURL;
key server_req;
key app_req;
integer allow =FALSE;
integer wait = FALSE; // if someone is using the terminal the next user must wait their turn
integer listen_chan;
integer listen_handle;
key recipient;

    on_rez(integer start_param)
      allow = FALSE;                  // verbosity just in case
      llReleaseURL(url);             // verbosity just in case
      reqURL =llRequestURL(); 
   http_request(key id, string method, string body)
    if (id == reqURL)
        if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
        llOwnerSay("The following error occurred while attempting to get a free URL for this device:\n \n" + body);
        else if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
        url = body;
        if(app != "")
        llOwnerSay("This terminal can now request redeliveries");
        allow = TRUE;
        llOwnerSay("Please add the URL of the Google App Script at the top of the script");
        else if(id == server_req)
         if(body == "redelivery_ok")
          wait = TRUE;  // verbosity just in case
          allow = TRUE; // verbosity just in case
          llListenRemove(listen_handle); // verbosity just in case
        else if(method == "POST")
            list tmp = llParseString2List(body,["="],[""]);
            string cmd = llToLower(llList2String(tmp,0));
            string ref = llList2String(tmp,1); 
            if(cmd == "server_url")
               server_req = llHTTPRequest(llUnescapeURL(ref),[HTTP_METHOD,"POST"],"request_redelivery="+(string)recipient);  // instruct server to redeliver object
               llOwnerSay("Requesting redelivery from server please wait...");
    http_response(key id, integer status, list metadata ,string body)
        if(body == "redelivery_complete")
          llOwnerSay("Delivery successful");
          // redelivery was successful
          // do other stuff here
    touch_end(integer num)
         key toucher = llDetectedKey(0);
       if(allow == TRUE)
       if(wait == FALSE)
        wait = TRUE;  // other users must wait their turn
        listen_chan = ((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)toucher,-8,-1)) - 723) | 0x8000000;
        listen_handle = llListen(listen_chan,"",toucher,"");
        llDialog(toucher,"\nSelect redeliver to redeliver your object.",["Redeliver"],listen_chan);
           llRegionSayTo(toucher,0,"Someone is already using this terminal, please wait.");    
         llRegionSayTo(toucher,0,"This redelivery terminal is currently offline."); 
    listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg)
       if(chan == listen_chan)
          if(msg == "Redeliver")
              wait = FALSE; //allow next user to use the terminal
              allow = TRUE; // verbosity just in case
             //http request to google app script to get url of drop box
             recipient = id;
             app_req = llHTTPRequest(app+"?client_url="+url,[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],"");  // request url of server from spreadsheet database
   llInstantMessage(recipient,"There was no response from the server. Please try again.");   

    changed(integer change)
      if(change & CHANGED_REGION_START || change & CHANGED_REGION || change & CHANGED_INVENTORY || change & CHANGED_TELEPORT) 
       llReleaseURL(url);    // verbosity just in case


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  • 1 year later...

I've been needing external data storage for a while and decided to try to do something about it.

Firstly, this is my first node.js attempt and it shows. Any ideas are welcome. So far. it works:


There are a few LSL examples in the repository. 

I have some important things on to do list.

all comments welcome. 

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