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Will The mesh project bodies and heads


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6 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

A lot of old creators have stopped all involvement in SL but are still selling and probably will until SL implode.

Look at Hippo, for example, or numerous merchant who sold media viewers relying on their servers, or the most recent case of the E2V vendor system ... customers of those products now have a useless item, since the servers were shut down.

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10 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

Why would they ever close? A lot of old creators have stopped all involvement in SL but are still selling and probably will until SL implode.

Most products will work without any reliance on the supplier, but the difference with TMP is that their products depend on communicating with TMP servers, which have to be kept running 24/7, and that costs money. According to comments in this forum, they seem to have lost interest in updating or supporting their products, and their market share is constantly declining. They are not going to keep their servers going when they are losing money with no prospect of recovery.

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2 minutes ago, angeoco said:

Most products will work without any reliance on the supplier, but the difference with TMP is that their products depend on communicating with TMP servers, which have to be kept running 24/7, and that costs money. According to comments in this forum, they seem to have lost interest in updating or supporting their products, and their market share is constantly declining. They are not going to keep their servers going when they are losing money with no prospect of recovery.

IF they where good people they would make one last update that removes the 3rd party server reliance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like TMP are still trying to flog their body at L$500 both me and my alt who own the free body and i imagine other free body owners got sent a flyer (texture) from a TMP owned server promoting the L$500 full bodies. mesh heads and free clothes, probably to try squeeze out what L$ they can before pulling the plug

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2 hours ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

Looks like TMP are still trying to flog their body at L$500 both me and my alt who own the free body and i imagine other free body owners got sent a flyer (texture) from a TMP owned server promoting the L$500 full bodies. mesh heads and free clothes, probably to try squeeze out what L$ they can before pulling the plug

I've got the same thing, but as an announcement, I did buy that body for a friend who was going to stay in SL as a mesh starter but it's definitely not worth it, even for 500L.

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You know, if the bodies were modifiable then the servers being shut down wouldn't necessarily leave everyone who bought one out in the cold. You could just dump an Omega script in there and carry on using Omega appliers for everything.



Just sayin'.

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On ‎18‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 7:29 AM, Pussycat Catnap said:

EVERYONE is going to know the day the last member of TMP leaves SL. Because on that day, every TMP body in SL will no longer work - whatever you were wearing at that moment as a skin or layer - you will be stuck wearing forever.

I have to say, I did giggle at this thought.  Sounds so much like it should be an episode of Black Mirror.

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I am furious over this. I can't think of the hundreds of real dollars spent on clothing and other items and now they will be useless? SL if your listening. I'm done if this happens. The least SL can do is back up the files on there servers so that I can continue to use the files.

Edited by Rikki Sirkelianov
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Why should "SL" (who or what exactly?) care if you supported a poorly constructed system with your purchases? 

Besides that, a "back up of the files" will do zip for you. You need the TMP servers to switch your appliers, because that's how their system works. Rather try to turn to the TMP folks and threaten them to release a non-homephoning update for their items. That would be the only proper fix.

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2 hours ago, Rikki Sirkelianov said:

I am furious over this. I can't think of the hundreds of real dollars spent on clothing and other items and now they will be useless? SL if your listening. I'm done if this happens. The least SL can do is back up the files on there servers so that I can continue to use the files.

It isn't any different than a creator in SL creating a set of vendors that lots of other creators spend tons of money on in order to use them in their stores to sell their products and then said vendor creator decides to shut down.  That happened recently and it is an SL issue, not an LL issue.  The various stores that used those vendors had to buy another system and I imagine that they weren't happy about it.  However, since they are creators themselves, they know how SL works and thus did not scream about LL doing something.

In other words, everything that you buy in SL is created by someone else in SL - not by LL - and it is always a "Buyer Beware" situation (unless it is clear fraud).

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Guess there was an assumption that everything created was stored on Linden Labs servers. I've been here a long time and this is the first I heard of this. I love my TMP skin and mesh. I felt it was one of the best detailed and realistic skins in SL. Perhaps I never realized that my "Investment" may be rendered useless at some point.

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Just a note on the "no longer active merchant" idea. In his recent Designing Worlds interview Ebbe mentioned that one (of the first perhaps) changes in the Marketplace would likely be getting rid of old products where the designers had left the building and were no longer supporting their products.  This was a pretty obvious need that I (and maybe others, don't remember) mentioned in the "what the new marketplace needs" thread. 

Whether this was already on the agenda or The Lab is actually  paying attention to what merchants want (probably a bit of both) it was certainly at the top of MY list of fixes. 

And yes, my alt and I have been getting "now is your last chance for $500" emails which bothers me on ON SO MANY levels.


Everything gets outmoded in SL eventually -- some items faster than others. But if TMP folks are actively pushing their old products and THEN LEAVE --- very nasty. 


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3 hours ago, Rikki Sirkelianov said:

I am furious over this. I can't think of the hundreds of real dollars spent on clothing and other items and now they will be useless? SL if your listening. I'm done if this happens. The least SL can do is back up the files on there servers so that I can continue to use the files.

This is one of those cases where it is a matter of just blaming-threatening the deep pockets or seeking justice. Your choice.

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OK here is my advice TMP folks: create body copies with all applier combinations you can imagine. If the servers quit you won't be able to create new ones but at least your outfits will survive...

Edited by Fionalein
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Hey I'm just a customer and player here. Just saying, If I can't continue to use my existing AV, mesh and all the clothes and accessories. I'm not starting over again. With the huge investment that I put in to this. I'm not doing it again. I just want it to work. Period. I've been in communication with TMP over the last few years about updates, Bento and many other empty promises. I bet 99 percent of TMP customers did not know that they or any other vendor here uses other servers. First I learned of this. I come to Sl to get away and relax from the RW. Took me a lot of Lindens and time to get my AV just right. Finding out that Linden Labs does not run everything through there servers is a shock to me. As I'm sure it will be to everyone who will lose there AV.

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2 minutes ago, Rikki Sirkelianov said:

Finding out that Linden Labs does not run everything through there servers is a shock to me.

TMP is nót Linden Lab... so what's the shock about?

In my, very modest, opinion, during these years there's so many times talked about, published, blogged, forummed and lots more, about TMP scams that this really isn't new.

I really can't imagine the 99% is real, think it's closer to 1% that didn't know.

And... if you really were in contact with those people you'r a really lucky one, 99.9% of the users/buyers never heared anything back on serious questions and remarks, except from a volunteering helpers group who got all sh*t over their head for the greedy b*sters that run that company. And if you talked to them, it's even more surprising you didn't find out a lot more. Keeping people on a distance for several years about updates is not really what i call running a business, but raking in money and wet their pants by laughing about those losers who keep buying that crap.

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Alwin, I know TMP is not Linden Labs. Forgive my forum virginity but this is the first time I have ever been on a SL forum so yea, this is all new to me. I'm as pissed as the rest of you about their customer service or lack of. I came here looking for answers. I had communicated with other vendors and all I ever got was it wasn't profitable for them. Nothing was eluded to what I'm finding here. Just to be clear. I had no idea how the vendor thing works. I had no idea creators had there own servers. Why would I need to know that? I come to SL to play the game and have fun. Not here to get wrapped up in the politics or *****ty vendors. I just want to work what I paid for. Ultimately, Lindin labs makes the money and makes the rules. As someone that came here for the wonder of SL and spent my money, I would think they would at least have some backup for the vendors selling there goods on their own servers. So what will Linden Labs do? Doing nothing is just as bad business IMO as TMP.

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Rikki, the problem isn't the part of the TMP bodies that resides in secondlife, it's the part that lives on a server owned by the TMP creators, outside of SecondLife.

The best Linden Lab could realistically do in this case is to amend the term of use to require from creators for their products to be "self contained" within the SecondLife service. It would open a pretty big can of worm though. What to make of update servers for example?

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I am also one with the TMP body on three avatars, and head on two. All was the expensive version.

Yet, I don't feel cheated because I jumped on the mesh bandwagon as one of the first. I did not have patience to wait. This means that there will always be new and better offers. So I left TMP as soon as there were other options. I got my use of TMP.

I was pissed in years before mesh, because TMP refused to release appliers for Slink feet and hands. And not for the boobs then they were popular. I was prepared that they didn't want to play ball. No, they stuck to their own ways and isolated themselves on their island (metaphorical island). They were not in touch with any other creative community. They were slow on introducing new things. How long have Bento been here, and nothing? They will not release free updates either, IF they rig for Bento. Their mesh body was so good for that time, I just could not resist. But as soon as Maitreya came, it was just bye bye. And Maitreya gave out a free update as soon as she had Bento. She also release her popular old clothes rigged for the new body, no need to try to make standard sizes work. Oh, and the updated clothes are also free for redelivers.

I dusted off my alts TMP body and went to pick up the free clothes. I was thinking I could save them in all the combinations. Oh my god. What a crap system. I took off it in a huff and put on the Maitreya body again. No amount of free clothes is worth this.

It is not sure dressing up a new avatar is so expensive. There are so many free and cheap clothes. And my experience with all the newest purchases is they include sizes for the other mesh bodies. Unless you deleted the other sizes... then I know it will be a damned work to try to get redelivers of it all.

But their marketing now is tasteless, especially if it is a plan to pack up and leave. I don't think they can't release a new version with Bento hands and believe that old customers who left them will come back. That train has left.


Edited by Marianne Little
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15 hours ago, Rikki Sirkelianov said:

Alwin, I know TMP is not Linden Labs. Forgive my forum virginity but this is the first time I have ever been on a SL forum so yea, this is all new to me. I'm as pissed as the rest of you about their customer service or lack of. I came here looking for answers. I had communicated with other vendors and all I ever got was it wasn't profitable for them. Nothing was eluded to what I'm finding here. Just to be clear. I had no idea how the vendor thing works. I had no idea creators had there own servers. Why would I need to know that? I come to SL to play the game and have fun. Not here to get wrapped up in the politics or *****ty vendors. I just want to work what I paid for. Ultimately, Lindin labs makes the money and makes the rules. As someone that came here for the wonder of SL and spent my money, I would think they would at least have some backup for the vendors selling there goods on their own servers. So what will Linden Labs do? Doing nothing is just as bad business IMO as TMP.

We should clarify some things for you - your bodies and clothing should still be wearable if TMP shuts down their servers, you just won't be able to change skins/etc. It's the textures and applier system that use the outside servers. With the way texturing works your body will just keep the last skin it was wearing.

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3 hours ago, Rikki Sirkelianov said:

Theresa, thank you for clarifying that. Would that effect the use of the hud as well?

I don't know enough about the system to answer that for sure, but I'd guess it should still for alphas, etc. I doubt even the most paranoid company would require a HUD to "phone home" for little things like that.

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The moment TMP shuts down one of the lesser used mesh body brands could swoop in and offer discounts to the angry TMP customers and gobble up their chunk of the market, easy.  I might start keeping tabs on some of those smaller brands to see what happens... 

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