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Ebbe Altberg talking at the Third-Party Dev Meeting

Nalates Urriah

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Every other week the Lindens and Third-Party Dev's meet. The idea is to keep both the Lab and Dev's on the same page in regard to viewer development. This week Ebbe Linden dropped in. Ebbe usually talks about where the Lab is going with SL and Sansar. He did this time too. The meeting ran long and there is lots of interesting discussion. For a couple more details see my blog.


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1 minute ago, KT Kingsley said:

That's a transcript of Ebbe at VWBPE (Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education) conference. Inara usually posts a summary of the Third Party Developers meetings, but I don't think she's done so yet.

yep I'm aware, found it after my post and put it up for people.  

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I generally provide an index with time marks. I paraphrase most of what I write and my take is never exactly what they said. So, for nuances in the participants comments one has to listen to the video.

See http://blog.nalates.net/2018/03/17/ebbe-altberg-third-party-dev-meeting/

And now I have an index up for the VWBPE interviewhttp://blog.nalates.net/2018/03/19/more-ebbe-altberg-from-2018-vwbpe/

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