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The Lindens Should Put an End to Spam Cars AND Make a Policy on Driverless Vehicles on Public Roads

Prokofy Neva

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1 minute ago, Qie Niangao said:
12 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

My jab here was mild in comparison.

Yes, but when they go low, we get high.

Well you may be right Qie ....

In my defense perhaps I'm still p*ssed off @ my impending 30% pay cut....I need to get busy and channel that into this job I'm avoiding I guess...

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For the record, I would never make fun of someone with a mental illness. Although I did wonder about this issue with the person in question, I came to the conclusion that she's just a mean and vicious fascist who needs some serious confrontation.

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15 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

No, you're not telling the truth about this context at all. You're merely part of the griefing. You were sent a link to a blog post sent to the hundreds of people IM'ing me at the time about being spammed by griefers impersonating me. If you were normal, and in good faith, you would get that and would genuinely enquire about the rental. But that's not what you were doing and you know that. I marvel how you can't see how transparent you are especially given your track record on the forums.

Since you're a landlord yourself, why the phony search for rentals? Your answer was ridiculous and the record shows that.

If you were a better business owner your message would have said something more than just a link. After that confusing link I did not ask you about rentals because my impression of you from the single link message was that you do not care about your tenants and won't be very helpful to me. If you actually cared you would have sent a message along the lined of "Hi, if you are messaging me regarding the spam you have received please read this page. If you are inquiring about rentals please let me know this is the case."

Sure I am a landlord but I deal exclusively with double prim mainland regions (Bay city, Nautilus, Horizons) and as such none of my parcels have access to water. They come close to water but do not allow me and my friends to rez boats and sail them in any form. Rather than buying an expensive parcel connected to water just for a few rides then needing to pay tier and sell it or abandon it, it was cheaper for me to rent a parcel for a few weeks.

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12 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

The Lindens themselves should provide this, make the scripts better and the vehicles less ugly, and have them rez only at rez zones. 

This whole question of Linden autonomous vehicles on Linden pathways has a complicated history, at least with me.

At some early point in my SL, I rode Ryan Linden's trolley from Ahern through the Nova Albion sims to Luna, and that experience was in some part responsible for "hooking" me on Second Life. That trolley has come and gone a few times; it doesn't run now, nor does its counterpart in the former Teen Grid sims.

There also used to be a Linden-supplied passenger train that looped through much of the SLRR on the Atoll. That's long gone, I think because the script was incompatible with a Havok upgrade.

In Bay City, there are still Linden-owned trolleys, balloons, and ferries. Also on Sansara continent, rail-related "public private partnerships": the ONSR in the snowland sims, and the GSLR through color sims between Mocha and Purple.

All those run (or ran) constantly, not on-demand, and I like that. Personally, I'd hate to see all these switch to on-demand only. I'd also hate to see all the privately-operated, no-rider-required vehicles disappear, too, of which there are several fleets.

There's really no reason to think Lindens would write better scripts than residents -- in fact, quite a bit of evidence to the contrary.

All that said, there have been unfortunate resident-scripted vehicles in the past. And it's always seemed risky to allow every resident to run whatever they want, however many they want, on Linden land. There are other rules about region resources, etc., that can rein-in abuse of this privilege, but it seems just lucky that as far as we know there was only the one operation that really had to be curtailed.

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On 3/26/2018 at 5:22 AM, Qie Niangao said:

This whole question of Linden autonomous vehicles on Linden pathways has a complicated history, at least with me.

At some early point in my SL, I rode Ryan Linden's trolley from Ahern through the Nova Albion sims to Luna, and that experience was in some part responsible for "hooking" me on Second Life. That trolley has come and gone a few times; it doesn't run now, nor does its counterpart in the former Teen Grid sims.

There also used to be a Linden-supplied passenger train that looped through much of the SLRR on the Atoll. That's long gone, I think because the script was incompatible with a Havok upgrade.

In Bay City, there are still Linden-owned trolleys, balloons, and ferries. Also on Sansara continent, rail-related "public private partnerships": the ONSR in the snowland sims, and the GSLR through color sims between Mocha and Purple.

All those run (or ran) constantly, not on-demand, and I like that. Personally, I'd hate to see all these switch to on-demand only. I'd also hate to see all the privately-operated, no-rider-required vehicles disappear, too, of which there are several fleets.

There's really no reason to think Lindens would write better scripts than residents -- in fact, quite a bit of evidence to the contrary.

All that said, there have been unfortunate resident-scripted vehicles in the past. And it's always seemed risky to allow every resident to run whatever they want, however many they want, on Linden land. There are other rules about region resources, etc., that can rein-in abuse of this privilege, but it seems just lucky that as far as we know there was only the one operation that really had to be curtailed.

But what you are describing are LINDEN-scripted vehicles, and they don't spam up the roads. You take them at a spawn point, and then travel. None of the Linden trains were spam trains, to my recollection. If they did self-drive, there weren't so many of them!

They really didn't, because I have several rental communities by the railroad tracks, I have spent a lot of time there over the years, and I never recall the Lindens trains coming in such a spam-like fashion.

I've started abuse reporting all those I see up in the air or piled up.

Also, if anyone would like to take my public opinion poll, you can do so here at the Flamingo Court garage.


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5 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

I think it might be better to name all your posts on the forums exactly that, it would be more appropriate.

Thank you for replying to my 26-day old comment. I appreciate your feedback. If you read my posts (aside from responses to you), you would see that I am quite nice. 

Have a nice day!

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On 3/25/2018 at 5:43 PM, Hintswen Guardian said:

If you were a better business owner your message would have said something more than just a link. After that confusing link I did not ask you about rentals because my impression of you from the single link message was that you do not care about your tenants and won't be very helpful to me. If you actually cared you would have sent a message along the lined of "Hi, if you are messaging me regarding the spam you have received please read this page. If you are inquiring about rentals please let me know this is the case."

Sure I am a landlord but I deal exclusively with double prim mainland regions (Bay city, Nautilus, Horizons) and as such none of my parcels have access to water. They come close to water but do not allow me and my friends to rez boats and sail them in any form. Rather than buying an expensive parcel connected to water just for a few rides then needing to pay tier and sell it or abandon it, it was cheaper for me to rent a parcel for a few weeks.

Nonsense. If you were normal and of good will -- which you are not -- you'd realize someone was being bombarded with messages and was giving out a standard reply. If it came from an "away message" you wouldn't care. Going into this supposed "rental request" you were of bad will, and you know that. Most likely what happened is that you saw or heard the spam messages and tried to "test it out". Even if that *isn't* the case, it's not a genuine act as you already have ample, fancy, double-prim land as you yourself admit and since launching a boat takes a few seconds, you could even do it from land rented out. Just not buying this, so do desist.

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On 3/8/2018 at 10:14 AM, Luna Bliss said:

The only torture on the mainland roads is your abrasive personality. In your defense I guess it must be difficult to remain calm when you hallucinate that technology, communism (or some derivative), & BDSM are the trifecta of evil that seeks to overtake you and the world.

I don't support violence and coercion, btw.

You have trouble denouncing it and that is supporting it. I don't hallucinate anything of the kind. I guess you don't read mainstream news, or you would see that the critique I've made of entities like Google or Facebook for years is now standard and there are even huge uproars about their overreach. I don't know what all your ranting about fascism and mentally ill people is supposed to relate to, but you've come to the wrong address obviously and deserve an abuse report for that sort of thing. Recounting your over-the-top statements isn't an "attack," but, as they say, don't blame the mirror if you have a crooked face. The end. It's not worth continuing with you. 

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On 3/25/2018 at 10:21 AM, ChinRey said:

Yes but there are actually some common formalities that should be followed even for a complaint. For a start, always say hello when you contact somebody, at least if you have never met or talked to them before. It's amazing how much that helps. It is also a good idea to try to explain exactly what the problem is. Do not assume the other person already knows the background or your point of view. Failing to follow these two simple steps, inevitably makes you appear rude.

Now, as for the topic of this thread, as you must understand now, the vast majority of people involved with Second Life mainland, including everybody at Linden Lab and most landowners along the Linden Roads, regard the Yava pods as an asset to Second Life, not as a problem. You are outvoted at least ten thousand to one here. Do you really think it's fair to expect everybody else to bend to your will?

No. They don't say "hello" when they send driverless spam into sims where I own land and have tenants and when their stupid spam vehicles go up in the air, crash into things, or are out of theme. No. The problem is already obvious: their overweening sense that they can have "meta" projects that take over public roads with their own scripted item. The Lindens should always discourage these egos. They are never in the public interest. I'll be as rude as I need to be with this overweening interference with the public interest. 

It's not true that "the vast majority of people" think this. The overwhelming majority of the cars are EMPTY. THEY ARE NOT USED. It's just something its boosters like you can't admit. When I put out public opinion polls, people respond in the negative about them, imagine that. I'm not outvoted by any ten thousand, that's ridiculous. There are 10 very vocal toxic creatures on the forums that push this sort of thing when they themselves don't even go in world.

I marvel that you have the idea that the few people who post to the forums mean anything -- anything at all, let alone "10,000" My opinion polls have always proven that to me. So many claimed they never use search/places to shop -- whoops, that was disproven -- to cite but one of many myths that the forums regs live with. 

It's standard practice in the world of MMORPGs that only five percent read the forums and only 2 percent post on them. It's the same few dozen posting and the same dozen toxic ones. Anyone can see that. 

It's hardly ME trying to make anyone bend to my will, as I don't have a scripted meta project taking up the public space, Chin? Do get a grip! It's they who do this and specifically the pods. The pods are the very worst spammers now.

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2 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

The problem is already obvious: their overweening sense that they can have "meta" projects that take over public roads with their own scripted item. The Lindens should always discourage these egos. They are never in the public interest. I'll be as rude as I need to be with this overweening interference with the public interest.

I'm sorry to hear you feel that way but if you do, you do.

The bottom line is, there is nothing we can do to change Prokofy's mind and there is nothing Prokofy can do to stop the pods from running. So I guess the famous quote from Reinhold Niebuhr's serenity prayer is the best answer to us all:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Edited by ChinRey
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1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

...The overwhelming majority of the cars are EMPTY. THEY ARE NOT USED...

You know, just like the mainland they run on ^^ all those sims they took me to ... all empty :(

It isn't the pods that keep folks from visiting mainland... I fear it's the mainlanders themselves

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6 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:
On ‎3‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 9:14 AM, Luna Bliss said:

The only torture on the mainland roads is your abrasive personality. In your defense I guess it must be difficult to remain calm when you hallucinate that technology, communism (or some derivative), & BDSM are the trifecta of evil that seeks to overtake you and the world.

I don't support violence and coercion, btw.

You have trouble denouncing it and that is supporting it. I don't hallucinate anything of the kind. I guess you don't read mainstream news, or you would see that the critique I've made of entities like Google or Facebook for years is now standard and there are even huge uproars about their overreach. I don't know what all your ranting about fascism and mentally ill people is supposed to relate to, but you've come to the wrong address obviously and deserve an abuse report for that sort of thing. Recounting your over-the-top statements isn't an "attack," but, as they say, don't blame the mirror if you have a crooked face. The end. It's not worth continuing with you. 

Not denouncing it means I support it? Guess what, Prokofy -- it's not my place to denounce or support.
If people want to experiment with power in relationships, or if they want to have pain in their relationships it is THEIR business and has nothing to do with me! I'm not in a relationship with them for God's sake.
Fascists spew hate and believe they have the right to control others -- they can't tolerate or understand people different from themselves.

Stop including me in your BDSM paranoia issues. All I did was say you need to open your mind and see how bionanotechnolgy can help people, and then you suddenly went full-on Kraken against me on your blog and connected me to techno-cultism and BDSM approval. Jesus Christ, get a grip.

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8 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Nonsense. If you were normal and of good will -- which you are not -- you'd realize someone was being bombarded with messages and was giving out a standard reply. If it came from an "away message" you wouldn't care. Going into this supposed "rental request" you were of bad will, and you know that. Most likely what happened is that you saw or heard the spam messages and tried to "test it out". Even if that *isn't* the case, it's not a genuine act as you already have ample, fancy, double-prim land as you yourself admit and since launching a boat takes a few seconds, you could even do it from land rented out. Just not buying this, so do desist.

Thanks for calling my double prim land ample and fancy but what you do not understand, which I believe I previously stated is none of my land touches LL water which is why I was looking for a place to rent. Finding somewhere connected to a waterway means we could rez our boats then sail them from there rather than rezzing them on land and trying to move them to water without them being returned by any autoreturn on the way. Considering some of the people I Was sailing with are not very familiar with SecondLife (They have used it a handful of times in the past but had not used it recently enough to know the controls very well) I did not want to deal with the hassle of either getting them to give me edit permissions, or teaching them how to move their objects far enough to get to the water. If we were going cycling or driving on the other hand, then sure I have numerous parcels close enough to of touching LL roadways and we have used them in the past for cycling.

I have since bought a few seaside parcels so next time I invite my friends onto SecondLife for something that requires access to LL water, I should hopefully have a spare parcel to use.

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11 hours ago, ChinRey said:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Lovely, and quite apt on this wonderful Good Friday.

The best I can do is more along these lines:

Dear Lord,
Help me to relax about insignificant details, beginning tomorrow at 7:41:23 a.m. EST.
Help me to consider people's feelings, even if most of them are hypersensitive. 
Help me to take responsibility for the consequences of my actions, even though they're usually not my fault. 
Help me to not try to run everything - but, if you need some help, please feel free to ask me. 
Help me to be more laid back, and help me to do it exactly right. 
Help me to take things more seriously, especially laughter, parties, and dancing. 
Give me patience, and I mean right now! 
Help me not be a perfectionist. (Did I spell that correctly?) 
Help me to finish everything I sta 
Help me to keep my mind on one thing ... oh, look, a bird ... at a time. 
Help me to do only what I can, and trust you for the rest. And would you mind putting that in writing? 
Keep me open to others' ideas, misguided though they may be. 
Help me follow established procedures. Hey, wait ... this is wrong ...
Help me slow down andnotrushthroughwhatido. 
Thank you, Lord.


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On 3/25/2018 at 6:04 PM, Luna Bliss said:

Oh hell, I'm usually way too nice ----- F Off Qie and Sirc  lol 

You know, even if she's actually seriously mentally ill, the woman needs to be trained !  :)

You could have at least spelled my moniker Loony Blitzed

And yes I do read outside of this forum and trained is such an interesting word.

@Callum Meriman Amen. Now off to roast a bunny then find a tree.

Edited by sirhc DeSantis
Holey week and my jeans need some work.
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13 hours ago, ChinRey said:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Not everyone may know, this prayer was adopted and popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous, and other 12-step recovery programs - as early as 1941.

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@Love Zhaoying Isn't it (almost) amusing how that one's own words perfectly describe their own actions?

Furthermore that one seems to actually believe that its own polls are somehow representative of the general userbase ... all while missing the simple fact that said polls only sample an incredibly small part of the userbase.

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Just now, Solar Legion said:

@Love Zhaoying Isn't it (almost) amusing how that one's own words perfectly describe their own actions?

Furthermore that one seems to actually believe that its own polls are somehow representative of the general userbase ... all while missing the simple fact that said polls only sample an incredibly small part of the userbase.

Agreed. If you create an “actual” poll on your blog, only your “supporters” who care enough to read your blog will respond.  More likely, if you perform a “poll” in your mind by asking a couple friends and making assumptions, your results are equally spurious. A link to said “poll” would give us more information. 

And before I forget - wording is everything. An UNBIASED poll will give completely different results than a rant on a vanity blog.

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