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Did SL just go down again?

Pandora Pawpad

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Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa

Well if anyone has a good trick for removing Egg on Face, I would like to know!  OK I am in the dog-house and I know it.  I really ought to make sure that my sources don't have large axes to grind.

I know enough to talk nonsense, it seems but not to smell BS when it is given to me.  The point about the lack of inward investment in SL remains, the rest is just plain wrong.  Sorry!

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1 hour ago, Ventura Magic said:

I have issues! It all was so thrilling that i forgot to remove the tea bags for more than a hour. Result: Tea is cold now and damn strong. 9_9

so that´s not normal? Happens all the time xD like I make tea, forget about it for hours and then... drink it anyways cos I´m a damn tea addict xD

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Somone roleplaying as Trump is doing the DDOS of SL. and he's a hacker and redditor. I fear he was a permabanned member of SL. I will not put his post on this topic though.

I hope Linden Lab will defeat that person.

That's my thought.

Edited by MLALRS7044
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Gonna have a rant here....

Firstly, I've been "on" sl since 2007 with different avatars over the years (just about all of them i've forgotten either the passwords, names or both) and honestly, i have kept on seeing the same crap over and over again. So every time performance is absolutely pathetic - i.e response time, severe lagging, sl logging me off for no reason, sl not responding (that's a new one!) - i go away for a while (couple of days, weeks, months whatever). When i come back, the same old issues are still there because nothing has been done about it.

Now for the rant ....

The designer techs at Linden Lab are among the most unprofessional bunch of techs out there - i rate them up there with the idiots who work at Maxis/EA. They have continually shown that they simply do not care about what is really going on in second life. It is clear to anyone who had even a rudimentary understanding of gaming and computing that core issues are with the core platform. It simply is unable to support everything that has since been added. Do the techs care? No. They keep on adding stuff that is not needed and just adds more load onto the platform. I'll give an analogy - say, you're building an office building and you lay down foundations to support a five storey building. After the building is finished, you then decide to add more storeys to the building. How long until the foundations begin to weaken and crumble? Designing computer games - because that is, essentially, what Second Life is - is exactly the same.But do the Techs or head honcho's at Linden Lab even acknowledge that? Do they even care? No. They had Will Wright come in nearly a decade ago because of the ongoing issues to fix the problems. Second life worked well - for a about three months. Then, after Will Wright left, everything was back to normal. More updates without addressing the core issues.

Okay, yes, ISP's may have something to do with some minor aspects of performance but .... doesn't it make sense to ensure that something like second life be compatible with all ISP's and network types? Shouldn't that be one the very first things that is ensured before the game is launched and before "updates" are added? Ditto for computer systems, software and hardware. So to turn around and say to a user who is having issues "Well, it's not secondlife, it's your system; it's your isp" defeats the purpose because it is not acknowledging that Linden Lab failed majorly in those key areas.

And yet what do we have (in relation to the above point)? A number of sycophantic's who zealously - and even blindly - defend Linden Lab's 'efforts'. To those said sycophants - take a look in the mirror and see how far down your face those acid burns go (if people are clever, they'll get what i'm saying here). Anything a sycophant tries to say only proves two things - they're clearly on the payroll (no matter how much they deny it) and that is all they do in life. Defending a severely faulty product and blaming everything else does not encourage people - it is discourages people. I can almost guarantee, however, that there will be those sycophantic types who come here all up in arms about what I am saying and will try and make out like I'm being discriminatory (or some crap like that).

Another issue with Second Life's performance is developers. Most of them clearly have no idea what they're doing and they just build and build. What's the result? A sim that had severe issues with lag, rezzing and general overall performance. And Linden Lab allows this - why? Because said developers are paying clients and are pouring money into the coffers. So why should Linden Lab give a damn?

By the above statement, it should be clear that I am a free account user. Always have been. My point is this, if this level of pathetic performance is what non-paying users get, why the hell would anyone want to pay? The point of freebies - or trials/samples - is to show off your product. If it doesn't work as advertised with the free demo, then how do you expect to sell the product? Basic marketing 101, people.

So, what to do? Well, these are just my suggestions so take them as you will. Firstly, shut down Second Life for a period of time in order to fix everything from the foundations up. However long it takes, so be it. People who want things to work as advertised will understand.Secondly, improve system security - if Linden Lab has to get in something like what NORAD has, so be it. Thirdly, install and enforce limitations on building - i.e prims and the such.If a developer exceeds said limitations, give them a warning. Three warnings and they're gone. Simple. Along with that, limit the amount of traffic on any given sim - based on it's size and capacity. Again, if the developer violates this, they get three warnings followed by a ban. This is logical, people. What we have with Second Life at the moment is - quite literally - a free-for-all. Essentially, Tech-Anarchy.

Now let's sit back and see all of the Sycophant's come in and have a whinge.

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1 hour ago, Deann3 said:

Thirdly, install and enforce limitations on building - i.e prims and the such.

This already is the case. 20 or 30k LI on full size sims, 5k on Homesteads.

1 hour ago, Deann3 said:

Along with that, limit the amount of traffic on any given sim - based on it's size and capacity.

This is already the case, it's variable to different sims, but once a maximum has been reached nobody can enter that sim, until someone leaves.

1 hour ago, Deann3 said:

Again, if the developer violates this, they get three warnings followed by a ban,

Not necessary, they are hard limits, they cannot be broken.


Source: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits

Edited by lavalois
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5 hours ago, Deann3 said:

Now let's sit back and see all of the Sycophant's come in and have a whinge.

Tl;dr except the last line, which tells me all I need to know. Rhonda’s list applies.


Edited by Pamela Galli
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12 hours ago, lavalois said:

This already is the case. 20 or 30k LI on full size sims, 5k on Homesteads.

This is already the case, it's variable to different sims, but once a maximum has been reached nobody can enter that sim, until someone leaves.

Not necessary, they are hard limits, they cannot be broken.


Source: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits

Clearly, the supposed "limits" aren't working, are they? Reduce the numbers.

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14 hours ago, Deann3 said:

And yet what do we have (in relation to the above point)? A number of sycophantic's who zealously - and even blindly - defend Linden Lab's 'efforts'. To those said sycophants - take a look in the mirror and see how far down your face those acid burns go (if people are clever, they'll get what i'm saying here). Anything a sycophant tries to say only proves two things - they're clearly on the payroll (no matter how much they deny it) and that is all they do in life. Defending a severely faulty product and blaming everything else does not encourage people - it is discourages people. I can almost guarantee, however, that there will be those sycophantic types who come here all up in arms about what I am saying and will try and make out like I'm being discriminatory (or some crap like that).

So what you're saying is:

  • Anyone who disagrees with your post is a sycophant
  • People who disagree with your post (the above-mentioned sycophants) are being paid by Linden Lab to defend their product
  • Only clever people understand what you're talking about, therefore the people who disagree with you are stupid

(I'm not up in arms, btw. I'm just summarising your points.)

Edited by Skell Dagger
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21 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

So what you're saying is:

  • Anyone who disagrees with your post is a sycophant
  • People who disagree with your post (the above-mentioned sycophants) are being paid by Linden Lab to defend their product
  • Only clever people understand what you're talking about, therefore the people who disagree with you are stupid

(I'm not up in arms, btw. I'm just summarising your points.)

Skell, you're completely missing the point that the sycophants "blindly" defend Linden Lab without acknowledging that there are major issues. They blatantly ignore everything that is being said and continue to say "Second Life is perfect - anyone doesn't agree doesn't know what they're talking about". And the fact that you're summary is so one-sided - i.e, you're making me out to be the bad person - just shows that you only focused on what you wanted to and ignored everything else. I'm open to people voicing their opinion - i just don't want the same old hook-and-line that you can get from any manual, i want something concise and valid ... like what i put forward. So far - since i posted - no one has said anything to prove my complaints aren't valid, instead they've either decided to attempt to denegrate me, or have given the old hook-and-line, by-the-manual spiel. SL has limits? How have those "limits" worked? prove to me how anything Linden Lab has installed has worked for the betterment/improvement of Second Life performance.

Edit: Oh yeah, the people being clever thing was in reference to the acid burns on the face reference - not the entire post, so clearly you have focused on what you wanted to and blatantly ignored everything else.

Edited by Deann3
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Really mature Alwin and Love. How about actually responding to my argument rather then seeking to denegrate because - shock!horror! - someone dares to disagree with you or you feel that your feelings have been hurt. Instead of being childish, immature brats how about being adults and actually respond with a thought out, intellectual response. Or are you incapable of doing that and in doing so proving that you are, indeed, sycophantic?

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