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Why Did the Postcards from SL top Working?

Prokofy Neva

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I've noticed perhaps the last two weeks that the "Postcards from Second Life" stopped working when I try to post to my Typepad blog using the e-mail function.

There's an option to put an email into the viewer when you snap a picture and then send it via email somewhere -- and if your blog has a "post with email" function this use to work.

I've had it work for years. To be sure, there have been times when Typepad just drops a few if they come to fast. Or Typepad stops posting. But this is different. The posts are showing up on Typepad, but with no picture.

Now all of a sudden the picture is stripped out, i.e. the html code that goes with it, and all that arrives on the blog is the SLURL that I paste in separately (the postcards long ago stopped adding the SLURL automatically.



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Prok, you've been using Typepad since before 2006 and you're still the only person I've ever known to use it. :)  Maybe it's time to update to something more modern?

No, I am NOT trying to troll you or anything, I'm serious. I was just reading a thread about how the old HippoVend system stopped working in 2016 - and people are still posting (even as of this morning) about "Wait, what?"

So, you aren't clear about your workflow: are you just doing this stuff through email or are you using one of the HUDs that were available way back when to post from in-world to your blog (like the old ones that posted to other blog platforms, or Flickr, etc). I'm just thinking if you're using something like that then chances are there are enough changes in the LL systems that handle these back-end communications that the HUD has become broken - in which case see if there's an update to that gadget. If you're doing straight email then the same thing may apply, though I'm not sure how one would go about troubleshooting or otherwise fixing it.

May it be time to search Market Place for a new gadget and change your workflow?

OH, and if you're using the LL Viewer and its built-in thing (Postcards? - it's been years since I've even looked at that) - then maybe a ticket is in order?

Edited by Alyona Su
Corrected HippoVend 2006 ->2016 Whoops!!
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That's a ridiculous answer Alyona, who cares what you think and who you know uses a platform? Typepad has numerous users -- and with high traffic -- they're just outside your SL bubble.

The idea that I have to force myself to use WordPress with all its annoyances or nerdy clunkers like Drupal -- why? Typepad is perfectly fine and worked for years with this -- hello something about THE LINDENS' SOFTWARE CHANGED HELLO and it's ok to question that and why.

Um, no, I don't use HUDS, cupcake, I said in my original post that I used the email function within the VIewer, do read it.

Why you would interpolate into this very clear discussion some nonsense about HUDs that people used back in the day is beyond me.

This is about the Lindens' Viewer, and their email function - which is part of a panel whereby you also send to Facebook, etc. Maybe you never use that.

Tickets aren't how things like this get fixed, it's more of a global problem -- and PS as I mentioned it has happened before.

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4 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

The idea that I have to force myself to use WordPress with all its annoyances or nerdy clunkers like Drupal -- why? Typepad is perfectly fine and worked for years with this -- hello something about THE LINDENS' SOFTWARE CHANGED HELLO and it's ok to question that and why.

For all of your time and "knowledge" of SL and these forums, you should be the first to know that LL employees rarely if ever respond to these types of threads. Shame on you. 

4 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

This is about the Lindens' Viewer, and their email function - which is part of a panel whereby you also send to Facebook, etc. Maybe you never use that.

Then perhaps you should contact them directly?

4 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Tickets aren't how things like this get fixed, it's more of a global problem -- and PS as I mentioned it has happened before.

If not a support ticket, then perhaps a JIRA? The forums are most certainly NOT the place to get things fixed. As you have said before yourself. Perhaps you just wanted a place to vent? 

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To be fair to Prokofy (I'm biting my tongue as I write this), I would think that the Second Life Viewer sub-forum is a reasonably good place to inform LL of a problem with their viewer, in the same way that the server sub-forum is, even though non-LL viewers seem to be catered for here too. It's not guaranteed, of course, but it's the first place I'd post, and it would also find out if anyone else is having the same problem.

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6 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

That's a ridiculous answer Alyona, who cares what you think and who you know uses a platform?

I just quoted the first line of your post as a sample of the nastiness you wrote to Alyona. If you don't care what people think DO NOT start threads for people to respond to. You could have written the same post in a much more non-aggressive way - without any aggression at all, in fact. And you probably wonder why so many people are so very much against you.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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25 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

I just quoted the first line of your post as a sample of the nastiness you wrote to Alyona. If you don't care what people think DO NOT start threads for people to respond to. You could have written the same post in a much more non-aggressive way - without any aggression at all, in fact. And you probably you wonder why so many people are so against you.

Alyona’s post seemed helpful and respectful.

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6 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Tickets aren't how things like this get fixed, it's more of a global problem -- and PS as I mentioned it has happened before.

Ohhhh...I thought LL used the Jira system to report bugs, assign work, track progress, etc. TIL something!

*Edit* Support “ticket”, “JIRA”..same diff.


Edited by Love Zhaoying
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Checked on 32 bit  version Second Life Release (32bit) to hotmail account - same result no pic, SLURL etc OK - correction first attempt fail second was fine and first arrived intact after a few hours. GMX fine first attempt. Twixt approx 13:00 and 18:00 grown up clock. 16.02.2018


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6 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

I just quoted the first line of your post as a sample of the nastiness you wrote to Alyona. If you don't care what people think DO NOT start threads for people to respond to. You could have written the same post in a much more non-aggressive way - without any aggression at all, in fact. And you probably wonder why so many people are so very much against you.

This is a good example of the blinders that the nasty forums regs always wear.

Alyona herself NEEDLESSLY AND NASTILY bashes me as someone "stuck in 2006" who is using some supposed "outdated" blogging platform -- which guess what, isn't outdated, is used by numerous people, some with higher traffic than anything related to Second Life, and those slamming it are just in their own SL geek bubble. WORSE, she's accusing me of having some home-brew HUD some geek made in 2006 to send postcards (gosh, I remember those) but that isn't the case whatsoever. It's just pure, unadulterated nastiness of the kind that the other nasty forums regs chorus with and pretend they're being "scientific" instead of nasty, so I push back -- so few do.

I tell her this: That's a ridiculous answer Alyona, who cares what you think and who you know uses a platform? Typepad has numerous users -- and with high traffic -- they're just outside your SL bubble. -- she gets an equal and opposite push back to her lousy statement to me which is an utterly duplicitious troll while pretending not to be a troll: Prok, you've been using Typepad since before 2006 and you're still the only person I've ever known to use it. :)  Maybe it's time to update to something more modern?

If you can't see that this is a nasty, vicious, superior statement, then you have blinders. Anyone else can. If you can't see that the following statement is also party of that viciousness, it's because you have blinders:

No, I am NOT trying to troll you or anything, I'm serious. I was just reading a thread about how the old HippoVend system stopped working in 2016 - and people are still posting (even as of this morning) about "Wait, what?"

So, you aren't clear about your workflow: 

Claims of not trolling while trolling are the hallmark of nasty forums regulars. Then we have a wonky "you aren't clear about your workflow" -- again, the superior know-it-all techie telling a norm that they are benighted when it's totally irrelevant (like the nature of the blogging platform is). It's not about my workflow, cupcake, it's about THE LINDEN'S SOFTWARE. HELLO.

So yes, it is well documented what goes on here -- nastiness that forums regs can pretend isn't nastiness and stay under the radar of Linden mods, their friends -- and pushback to nastiness, which is no different in kind, but simply without trolling and subterfuge. That enables the forums regs to squeal that "Prokofy is nasty."

It's hardly "nasty" to tell someone firmly  that the platform of the blog DOES NOT MATTER. Phi's oh-so-sensitive radar that can pretend that Alyona is sincere when she's in fact made an actual nasty swipe about somebody using an "outdated blogging platform" (she's simply wrong about that) and then adding phony smileys and pretense and not trolling -- well, it's for the birds. Phil's lecturing about me "not being aggressive" should be rerouted to Alyona's fake "microaggressions," if you will. Honestly, your games are all so transparent, you guys, I wonder why you bother.

Now for any scientists, as distinct from robots who might remain for this actual scientific discussion -- which is valid, and is not something one should "just put in a ticket" as it is a more global and repeated problem" or "just put in a JIRA" -- let's go over it.

@Whirly Fizzle - of course I can email to myself. And it goes through to one email, and not another, but that's a function of the second email aggressively blocking spam so you don't even find it in the spam filter. It's not about determining whether "the Postcard works" -- it does, when sent to an ordinary email directly. This is about using the email blogging function of another platform, which is more complicated, and in order to get out of the endless rerouting of the Typepad engineers of me back to my email or SL I need to gather more data on this.

Typepad keeps telling me to "use another email" i.e. they think the problem is that I am *using my outside email* to send this "postcard to Second Life". But I'm not. I am registered with the same email with Second Life as Typepad, and if I send an email directly on the SL template for postcards, it arrives. But this system of "Postcards from SL" is not using my email system as far as I can tell, it is launching from its own servers. (You tell me).

So the "email" that is the sender for Typepad isn't my own personal outside email, but some coded email sending function off the secondlife.com site or servers, no? If not, then back to the drawing board. But I look at the actual code that USED to show up on Typepad blogs if you looked at the HTML view, and it looks to me it is sent from the SLURL and from secondlife.com, not my personal email.

So then the question is: why did that stop? What happened that makes Typepad strip out photos now? This is a NEW phenomenon that only very sporadically happened in past years. It would happen on every 10th post, or if posts were made too quickly. Now it happens steadily, all the time, quick or not, whatever.

Something changed in the Lindens' software because that's the thing that changes in this equation, not my email and not Typepad's software.

And is this about the Opera browser (again, I always remain curious about every aspect of these issues). And the answer is, but it's SL's viewer that is sending it, not my browser? And the problem persists while using Google Chrome.


Edited by Prokofy Neva
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21 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

If you can't see that this is a nasty, vicious, superior statement, then you have blinders. Anyone else can. If you can't see that the following statement is also party of that viciousness, it's because you have blinders:

Taking it awfully personally, considered her comments were about your technology!

I was taught: If someone is critical of you, examine if what they say is true.  If it bears truth, you can learn and grow from it. If it does not bear truth, you can ignore it.


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7 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:


No, I'm banned from the JIRA so I don't do JIRA. And the JIRA is precisely sort of very restricted and oppressed place from which one can only be proud to be banned, as even regs here complain how they can't comment there, etc.

I was banned simply for showing that the return of group-set objects when set in share is a bug, not a feature. I had the support of other Lindens, even tacitly the Linden who coded this (!), even IBM engineers. But it wasn't enough for the virulent ideologues who run the JIRA. If you persist in reporting something as a bug, finding new data on it, and other people persist in supporting you, if ideologues think it's a feature they like, you are banned. That's how Benevolent Dictatorship open source software works, comrade.

It's not about me. It's about principles -- return of group-set objects on share undermines the group powers set in the group with collectivist "share" should not be doing in the hierarchy of powers there.

That certain Lindens wanted the ability to return other people's builds in a group project -- to edit on demand and return other people's stuff -- is an ideological position undermining the rule of law even for "share," let alone groups.

It would make sense not to have any object in "share" returnable UNLESS the power to manipulate/edit/return group-set objects was ALSO given to individuals in the group.

These are really basic concepts for those who aren't in cults and think crypto-anarchism is the norm.


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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Taking it awfully personally, considered her comments were about your technology!

I was taught: If someone is critical of you, examine if what they say is true.  If it bears truth, you can learn and grow from it. If it does not bear truth, you can ignore it.


Typepad isn't "my" technology. It's a commercial blogging platform used by millions, dwarfing, I dare say, the usage of Second Life.

So let me turn the arrow back to you "Love," you can't bear to hear that nasty swipes by your fellow nerd regs are in fact nasty. They are. They are arrogant, superior, disdaining, scornful, and much more. I marvel that the Lindens continue to tolerate this as nowadays, they are dominated by crypto anarchists themselves. At least I don't think so.

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2 hours ago, DeeFlowerMe said:

Checked on 32 bit  version Second Life Release (32bit) to hotmail account - same result no pic, SLURL etc OK - correction first attempt fail second was fine and first arrived intact after a few hours. GMX fine first attempt. Twixt approx 13:00 and 18:00 grown up clock. 16.02.2018


Well, that's interesting. I am still getting photos stripped out on Typepad, the full thing on one email, nothing on another. I should try to get out of the Yahoo domain and see what I get.

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7 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

No, I'm banned from the JIRA so I don't do JIRA. And the JIRA is precisely sort of very restricted and oppressed place from which one can only be proud to be banned, as even regs here complain how they can't comment there, etc.

I was banned simply for showing that the return of group-set objects when set in share is a bug, not a feature. I had the support of other Lindens, even tacitly the Linden who coded this (!), even IBM engineers. But it wasn't enough for the virulent ideologues who run the JIRA. If you persist in reporting something as a bug, finding new data on it, and other people persist in supporting you, if ideologues think it's a feature they like, you are banned. That's how Benevolent Dictatorship open source software works, comrade.

It's not about me. It's about principles -- return of group-set objects on share undermines the group powers set in the group with collectivist "share" should not be doing in the hierarchy of powers there.

That certain Lindens wanted the ability to return other people's builds in a group project -- to edit on demand and return other people's stuff -- is an ideological position undermining the rule of law even for "share," let alone groups.

It would make sense not to have any object in "share" returnable UNLESS the power to manipulate/edit/return group-set objects was ALSO given to individuals in the group.

These are really basic concepts for those who aren't in cults and think crypto-anarchism is the norm.


Wow! You’ve proven the old saying,  “it’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you.” I am sorry that you were banned from Jira, that must have been traumatic for you.


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8 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

you can't bear to hear that nasty swipes by your fellow nerd regs are in fact nasty. They are.

Ok, I didn’t take it that way. You did. Luckily, I am free to have my own opinion as I am not a cult member, part of a cabal, or anything else like that. Likewise, I am not you, so there is no way for me to see everything from your point of view. And, you being yourself, there is no other way to see it. This is how the world is supposed to work, and in this way it is perfect.


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