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Corrections, grammar, spelling etc.


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1 hour ago, Callum Meriman said:

Skimming's got nothing to do with it. You are using ad hominem attacks here as your debating style. And that's both hypocritical and childish.

Maybe you should read my post there again Penny. You not only directly attacked a person with English as a Second Language, in a thread you started saying "Don't attack people with English as a Second Language" you went on attacked someone's looks.

Forget skimming, reflect, anything... you have played the man, not the ball, to make your point. And falling to ad hominems means you lose your argument.

I did re and re read.  And I was prepared for good and bad.  Sometimes to get a point across and I don't always condone this ( oh and thank you , seriously, I respect those that don't stoop to name calling but present an intelligent response) you have to play mirror.  Childish you reflect childish, Love you reflect love, and childish well.... the below is childish.  It is people like you that help.  You stood up and told me how you felt and it wasn't an attack per se.  I may not agree but I hold a lot of respect for you.  You stood up for what you believed in.  For that alone you are wondermus.  Thank you again.  


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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

It’s a way of saying, “lighten up.” Therefore, it should be uplifting if one can laugh and not take themselves too seriously.

The point was not to lighten up.  Thats too easy.  May have a ***** but takes HUGE balls to say something that people wont "lighten up"

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/me puts on what will likely be viewed as her b!tch hat


2 hours ago, pennytrated said:

However how do you know they aren't doing their best?

Flip the question - How do you know that they are doing their best?  You don't.  You are assuming that they did.


2 hours ago, pennytrated said:

They took the time to do the best they can to get their need across. 

Again, how do you know that they bothered to do the best that they can.  I stand by my statement that it is "often" fairly easy to tell when someone truly has difficulty with the language or grammar/spelling in general.  There are tons of questions asked here that make us scratch our head trying to figure out what they are really telling us and what they are asking. We try to figure it out and ask questions when we need clarification.  However, I am old enough to know better than to assume that everyone is always doing their best in life - especially when many of said posts here are just wild rants anyway. 



2 hours ago, pennytrated said:

none of my comments are meant to attack,

Most of mine aren't either. Just because I offer someone constructive criticism, does not mean that I am attacking them.  I'm usually even pretty good about not attacking those that specifically attack us just because we offered suggestions that they didn't like.   Thought it is most defnitely not my job to make those people feel cared about.  Everyone doesn't need to feel good all the time, especially when their response to the people trying to help them is to treat them like sh!t in return.



Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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13 minutes ago, Nalytha said:

I think we all get your point: Be nice to each other

Partly... but is was also to bring out the best and worst.  Whether agreed or not...I respected the educated, articulate, and while I didn't agree. (Yes this is Penny's storage unit one lol) Long story. One day I was watching the forums.  And was really  sad.  People using these forums to be a way to make the author a butt of a joke.  I knew ahead of time it was going to stir up something.  Those that responded even if I didnt agree earned my immediate respect.   Others that turned it into the butt of a joke well.  I feel bad for.  Really do.  

If I have to stand alone to try to make even one persons life a bit better, its worth it to me to take a bit of glarp.    The others I could be nasty ..but they made my point without saying anything.  

Thank you for being honest.  Take a good look at where humanity is now. Its not funny.  Its scary as all hell.  Why not take a stand here.  I've been through riots, protests, had to sneak through back alleys because martial law during WTO,  my building was in the "red" zone.  So Ive been tear gassed, the whole building was what was called the "red Zone".  Had to prove I was working there.  Ive seen martial law.  

All because a group of protesters thought it funny to roll lit dumpsters into a quiet line up of police.  My office window had a birds eye view.  Watching all the glass thrown at the police, then the mass destruction of office buildings all because this one group had to join in and thought it amusing.  

Maybe I am trying to hammer a point.  This is a small venue.  If you have ever heard a police riot squad walking in formation hitting their shields with their batons, trust me that is the scariest sound I have ever  heard.  And  you never want to have to sneak though back alleys watching the destruction that they thought was funny, while is seems to be a larger situation than a forum.  At least its a start.


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If Penny is done with her lecture and sermon ...

I think you're completely blowing this out of proportion. Everyone judges to some extent. It is a fact of life.

While I concede that the post in question you're referring too could have been written better; it didn't have to reference language at all and could have simply said "be sure to proof all of your communications" ... but it didn't. So what? The poster was legitimately trying to help the person in question, and even gave some good suggestions to which the OP said "thank you." Did they have build a fire and sing Kumbaya?

Edited by Chase01
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22 minutes ago, Sinsationalyurs said:

Thank you ..you made the  point.  If you want to be taken seriously, please act like an adult. 

The whole point is that sometimes we want to be funny - because laughter will often make someone feel better than any nice words from strangers on a forum.  We do not have to act like adults all the time.  It actually is okay to act like children now and then.  Even in a serious thread, discussing a serious topic, there is always room for fun.


<final comment redacted, voluntarily>

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47 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Thanks for popping back in and giving us more drawings.  I love your created avatars and your wonderful drawn interpretations of them.


6 minutes ago, Chase01 said:

If Penny is done with her lecture and sermon ...

I think you're completely blowing this out of proportion. Everyone judges to some extent. It is a fact of life.

While I concede that the post in question you referring too could have been written better; it didn't have to reference language at all and could have simply said "be sure to proof all of your communications" ... but it didn't. So what? The poster was legitimately trying to help the person in question, and even gave some good suggestions to which the OP said "thank you." Did they have build a fire and sing Kumbaya?

Thank you all for making a  good point.  The original post was known to start a dialog. Respectful dialog.  And those that had a respectful educated discussion even it didn't agree were and are respected.  To those that took the whole idea and used it as a butt of a joke.  You had the opportunity to not say anything.  But I am glad you did chime up.  You made a point for her.  Seems drama, ridicule and ambivalence really have taken over.  Thank you all very very much.  

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10 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

The whole point is that sometimes we want to be funny - because laughter will often make someone feel better than any nice words from strangers on a forum.  We do not have to act like adults all the time.  It actually is okay to act like children now and then.  Even in a serious thread, discussing a serious topic, there is always room for fun.


<final comment redacted, voluntarily>

Little you have mail.   

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Why is it that every damn time someone in these forums disagrees with someone else, all of a sudden they are mean and disrespectful people.

Are you people truly not used to having people disagree with you?  Or are all disagreements required to be phrased in such a way so that you still feel puppy love pouring over you?  Sometimes it is like discussions with grade schoolers.

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8 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Why is it that every damn time someone in these forums disagrees with someone else, all of a sudden they are mean and disrespectful people.

Are you people truly not used to having people disagree with you?  Or are all disagreements required to be phrased in such a way so that you still feel puppy love pouring over you?  Sometimes it is like discussions with grade schoolers.

Maybe its because its the way it is presented?  I didn't see any disrespectful,  comments other than the jokes that started.   And now are continued.  The topic was designed to get respected, educated and articulate responses.  Never once did I see anyone that disagreed with the topic presented in an articulate, respectful, and educated response ridiculed.  Those that did were thanked for bring an adult response.    The ones that took that post and made it a joke.  I feel bad for.  I can respect those that respect others opinions and respond according ling.  I can't respect those that see threads like these as a way to humiliate and start in to a joke fest.  

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6 minutes ago, Sinsationalyurs said:

Maybe its because its the way it is presented?  I didn't see any disrespectful,  comments other than the jokes that started.   And now are continued.  The topic was designed to get respected, educated and articulate responses.  Never once did I see anyone that disagreed with the topic presented in an articulate, respectful, and educated response ridiculed.  Those that did were thanked for bring an adult response.    The ones that took that post and made it a joke.  I feel bad for.  I can respect those that respect others opinions and respond according ling.  I can't respect those that see threads like these as a way to humiliate and start in to a joke fest.  

Then why did you literally invite nasty comments from your very first words in the initial post?

Hey there,

I have my steel protective devices on so if you need to bring it I'm ready lol.    In reading many replies to questions that are asked, I'm seeing something very disturbing.  To be blunt...this isn't English 101.  We are not helping by telling them they need to use better grammar etc.  You understood enough to reply.  Many may have English as a second language, so how is correcting them helping their need?

To me its hurtful when you are reaching out for help, and that takes guts to begin with, and get degraded, so why do it?  We don't grade them?  We help. right?

My personal opinion and don't blast me too hard.  Lose the corrections, they feel bad enough.  Focus on the problem and helping them. Again you have no idea who these people are, could be disabled, couldn't have the benefit of the educations we have, or again English is a second language. 

Ok blast me now lol.


Edited by Theresa Tennyson
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1 minute ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

Then why did you literally invite nasty comments from your very first words in the initial post?

Hey there,

I have my steel protective devices on so if you need to bring it I'm ready lol.    In reading many replies to questions that are asked, I'm seeing something very disturbing.  To be blunt...this isn't English 101.  We are not helping by telling them they need to use better grammar etc.  You understood enough to reply.  Many may have English as a second language, so how is correcting them helping their need?

To me its hurtful when you are reaching out for help, and that takes guts to begin with, and get degraded, so why do it?  We don't grade them?  We help. right?

My personal opinion and don't blast me too hard.  Lose the corrections, they feel bad enough.  Focus on the problem and helping them. Again you have no idea who these people are, could be disabled, couldn't have the benefit of the educations we have, or again English is a second language. 

Ok blast me now lol.


I will message you personally Theresa.... if thats ok.. I dont think its ok to post personal things in public. 

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