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Corrections, grammar, spelling etc.


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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 4:00 PM, Luna Bliss said:

I agree with you in that ideally it's best not to be a grammarNazi because we don't know if the person is doing the best they can. For example, some people are dyslexic or on medication, or didn't have the opportunity for a good education, or perhaps writing is just not their thing because they are hopelessly 'right-brained' (my curse), or perhaps they can't see well, or perhaps their IQ is lacking.....so many problems might be going on that make it hard for them to communicate, and we should not make them feel like they are bad.

But, whatever this shortcoming is makes it take longer for me to understand what they're saying, or with customer support it takes much longer and I have to ask question after question after question. So, if I think the person COULD do better I will get impatient, and even if I don't outwardly become a grammarNazi I sure am thinking like one when I think they could do better (for example, if I think they're just being lazy because writing clearly DOES take effort). And I can also feel impatient if it seems especially difficult to make sense of what they're saying, no matter what the cause.

Thank you for the kudos, I will only say one thing.  True caring isn't about how things are said.  They took the time to do the best they can to get their need across.  We should take the time to read it.  And if we don't read it and trust me if you have ever had to read a Russians remarks, you may have to a few times.  But it will make your responses helpful in two ways.  You made the effort to try to read it.  And you can answer the question in a way that shows you took the time to read it, and hey you look good.  It now showed them no matter what...you took the time to really help.  

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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 4:06 PM, Nalytha said:

Some folks like to feel bigger than others. Grammar and spelling is an easy way to knock someone down a peg. 

There's a difference between being helpful and being derisive. 

You are wondermus.  This nut house called SL, needs more people like you here.   Thank you for being you.  

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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 4:30 PM, Theresa Tennyson said:

Most of the posts I've seen that get their grammar criticized aren't questions asking for help; if they're questions at all they tend to be closer to "why r u all so stoopid."

I'm sorry for that.  No matter what they do or are. Drama queens.......block, ban and bye.  No response speaks louder than berating.  And it give the  Divas  what they want.   Attention.  No attention, no problem...they get bored and move on.  

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Penny, maybe you don't see this little bit of hypocrisy?

On 2/5/2018 at 6:39 AM, pennytrated said:

Many may have English as a second language, so how is correcting them helping their need?

On 2/5/2018 at 7:58 AM, ThorinII said:

English actually IS my second language, so I do occasionally have to look up some word, or do make the occasional grammar mistake.

12 minutes ago, pennytrated said:

How many times have you said your when it should have been you're.

Especially when your Deutsch is likely as bad as mine! 



But gosh Penny, attacking someone's looks is a low argument to play. That's kindergarten level debating.

22 minutes ago, pennytrated said:

your neko look really blows, and could give you at least other places where you can lose the noob neko look.


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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 4:30 PM, Theresa Tennyson said:

Most of the posts I've seen that get their grammar criticized aren't questions asking for help; if they're questions at all they tend to be closer to "why r u all so stoopid."

So why lower yourself to give them the attention they are trying to get?   Those are people are only doing it for reaction.  And we give it to them.  Who wins? Ignore then children like that and they will eventually move on...or as LL says, block, ban and problem solved.  There are always going to be those types.  Why feed into it and give them what they want?   

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1 minute ago, Callum Meriman said:

Penny, maybe you don't see this little bit of hypocrisy?

Especially when your Deutsch is likely as bad as mine! 



But gosh Penny, attacking someone's looks is a low argument to play. That's kindergarten level debating.


Please understand ...none of my comments are meant to attack, but to hopefully reflect the image that is being portrayed to the people that are responding.  Walking in the shoes of others.  Did you read the whole comment and the subsequent cartoon? Most skim.  No it isn't right to go down that road.   However if you dont see what is being seen by others.  Nothing changes.   

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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 5:14 PM, Pixieplumb Flanagan said:

I think their choice of name was a contributing factor :)

On the other hand Pixie,  I wasn't given a right to judge.  Don't like the goof that posted something....why even reply?  Not worth the effort and well takes us to their level.   It is amazing.  They act like children throwing a tantrum to get your attention.  They won.  

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5 minutes ago, pennytrated said:

Please understand ...none of my comments are meant to attack, but to hopefully reflect the image that is being portrayed to the people that are responding.  Walking in the shoes of others.  Did you read the whole comment and the subsequent cartoon? Most skim.  No it isn't right to go down that road.   However if you dont see what is being seen by others.  Nothing changes.   

Skimming's got nothing to do with it. You are using ad hominem attacks here as your debating style. And that's both hypocritical and childish.

Maybe you should read my post there again Penny. You not only directly attacked a person with English as a Second Language, in a thread you started saying "Don't attack people with English as a Second Language" you went on attacked someone's looks.

Forget skimming, reflect, anything... you have played the man, not the ball, to make your point. And falling to ad hominems means you lose your argument.

Edited by Callum Meriman
"means" not "mean". I grammar badly, consistently.
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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 4:00 PM, Luna Bliss said:

I agree with you in that ideally it's best not to be a grammarNazi because we don't know if the person is doing the best they can. For example, some people are dyslexic or on medication, or didn't have the opportunity for a good education, or perhaps writing is just not their thing because they are hopelessly 'right-brained' (my curse), or perhaps they can't see well, or perhaps their IQ is lacking.....so many problems might be going on that make it hard for them to communicate, and we should not make them feel like they are bad.

But, whatever this shortcoming is makes it take longer for me to understand what they're saying, or with customer support it takes much longer and I have to ask question after question after question. So, if I think the person COULD do better I will get impatient, and even if I don't outwardly become a grammarNazi I sure am thinking like one when I think they could do better (for example, if I think they're just being lazy because writing clearly DOES take effort). And I can also feel impatient if it seems especially difficult to make sense of what they're saying, no matter what the cause.

Luna, I understand and agree to a point.  LL doesn't have the manpower to read more in depth.  So because they are unable, that's why we are here.  We have time.  A friend at LL once said they pay the most attention to the greifers, criminals and other time consuming efforts.  So they made these forums to help us help each other.  

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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 3:58 PM, ThorinII said:

In chat, I can ignore grammar and spelling mistakes - but here in the forums, where you (general you) have the time to skim over your reply and edit it if necessary, I'm not as lenient.

That said, English actually IS my second language, so I do occasionally have to look up some word, or do make the occasional grammar mistake. And yet, I always try my best - and expect the same from others. ESPECIALLY when it comes to posts in which they try to sell something, advertize an event, or are asking for help. After all, they want to be understood by the majority here, so (in my opinion) they should do their best, too. B|

Thorinll, nothing personal and major kudos for your achievements.  However how do you know they aren't doing their best?  I don't and rather than looking like I am an unfeeling jaded person, I would rather err on the side of caution.  What does it hurt? They cant take away your birthday....  

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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 4:58 PM, Pixieplumb Flanagan said:

I think that was I. ;)  It wasn't a 'judgement' that English might not be their first language;  it was a question, politely put because they were asking for suggestions about starting a new business, and correct spelling and grammar, as others have pointed out in this thread, do make a difference to how professional a business is perceived to be.  In the general run of the forums, when people are talking about various SL matters I would never correct anyone's spelling or grammar, and in the specific thread under discussion I didn't correct the spellings or grammar, I just asked a question.  The member's name also might suggest that they may not be a native speaker of English, however that seems not to be the case.

Picking on anyone for their language skills is rude; and if someone asks for help with it then any help should be offered without judgement.  I would not want to be considered rude or unhelpful here.  ( A little snarky at times, perhaps; my excuse is a very objectionable Tory government getting right on my *****. )


Lol dont even get me started on business in Sl.  I have been lucky to have two very successful businesses in SL that have bankrolled this account ( about 2,000,000L between the two.  No personal life, but now I can have fun) . Marketing and watch your P & L's are still there.  However ....we are here to have fun.  Who the hell wants a job that reminds you of RL work.  But hey I want to look hot too.  Need money for that.  Key is and its worked well for me so far.  a) Take any application you are giving to "applicants" and toss them right out of the window. b ) I give the most chances to the new people coming in.  Why?  Remember what it was like getting your first job and how loyal you were (or I was) when someone took a chance on you?  I still have people that would asking if they can help, one has been my most trusted assistant, for almost 5 years.  Because I gave them the chance.  And omgosh they were willing to do damn near anything.  I've taken noobs to places where they can get free nice clothes, (Got to love Lucky Chairs).  Lastly make this "job" look like the best damn party ever, and they wont even realize they were even working.   

Hey I don't know about you...I'm here to have a blast....not to be reminded of work. 

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36 minutes ago, pennytrated said:

I'm sorry for that.  No matter what they do or are. Drama queens.......block, ban and bye.  No response speaks louder than berating.  And it give the  Divas  what they want.   Attention.  No attention, no problem...they get bored and move on.  

Theresa Tennyson doesn't respond.

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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 5:14 PM, Pixieplumb Flanagan said:

I think their choice of name was a contributing factor :)

Ahh now this is a fun one for me.  I.E. mine.  Mine wasn't intended in anyway to be sexual.  Its actually a name of  Drag Queen. Love Ru Paul.  I have another account in Sansar.. Fara Moan. 

Never ass-u-me, but I get lots of compliments on the word twist.  More so from straight women.  

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27 minutes ago, Nalytha said:

What I'm hearing is that you don't see the point in responding to negative people. 

What I'm seeing is you constantly responding to people you perceive to be negative. 

Maybe this isn't coming across correctly and  I will own that.  Nothing I am responding to isn't meant to be taken personally and yes everyone (but Divas) deserve  a response.  Its rude to be over looked and ignored.  My whole point in all of this is one very basic thing (and you don't want to see my FB posts) I had to turn off the news.  Everything I saw made me sad.  What I saw made me so disappointed in humanity. So many of the world needs help.  Me too.  Don't mistake my candor please as a dig or slight.  I'm standing up for something I feel strongly about.  Humanity.  

I don't see myself the way others see me.  I like it when someone debates an issue.  I have and will never stop standing up for what I believe in even if I stand alone.  Sure you might not be popular.  However if you don't make a few cranky people, you aren't doing enough.  Me looking in the mirror, I want to stand up for something than stand for nothing.  And in that reflection like what  I see.   

Im no angel or saint.  I just care about people, what our children will inherent, and hopefully my child wont have to face apathy.   



Please clarify "negative" , and please understand.  I brought this whole topic up and again I have my steel thong on, to bring out some fore thought.  Our words can have a HUGE impact on others and we may never know it.  Pointing out flaws like spelling is hurtful.  To me it feels like "Your an idiot when you pass English 101 you they deserve an answer."  Everyone deserves respect.  In forums we don't have the luxury of earning it first. If I attacked someone.  I apologize. If I made you respond no matter the digs, at the very least I made you think.  I will never apologize for trying to make even a small part of our lives just a little better.    

Edited by pennytrated
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  On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 3:52 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

It is often easy to distinguish difficulty with the language from plain laziness or not caring or text speak.  Not too mention that much of the time, it is not necessarily about actual grammar, but simply trying to make something readable.  If it is a long post, it really is difficult to read if it is not broken up a bit with some line spacing.  Ditto if the post is just a huge long run-on sentence.  Many of us just won't bother and and then the OP is going to be limited in responses.

I don't both correct various spelling errors or the misc. grammar issues.  However, I will mention the lack of line spacing and/or run-on sentences if they truly make reading the post difficult.  IMO, mentioning such is actually helpful to the OP as it may help more people actually read the post and give replies.

Edited by pennytrated
SL Burp
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Just now, pennytrated said:

It is often easy to distinguish difficulty with the language from plain laziness or not caring or text speak.  Not too mention that much of the time, it is not necessarily about actual grammar, but simply trying to make something readable.  If it is a long post, it really is difficult to read if it is not broken up a bit with some line spacing.  Ditto if the post is just a huge long run-on sentence.  Many of us just won't bother and and then the OP is going to be limited in responses.

I don't both correct various spelling errors or the misc. grammar issues.  However, I will mention the lack of line spacing and/or run-on sentences if they truly make reading the post difficult.  IMO, mentioning such is actually helpful to the OP as it may help more people actually read the post and give replies.

Great post Little, but...who wasnt in SL business, understood your acronyms?  And I know personally I re read stuff to make sure or try, that what I said made sense.  It doesn't always.  But it wasn't laziness, it was my mind was moving faster than my hands can type.  When your title upgrades to Judge Little..give us a call

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56 minutes ago, Callum Meriman said:

Skimming's got nothing to do with it. You are using ad hominem attacks here as your debating style. And that's both hypocritical and childish.

Maybe you should read my post there again Penny. You not only directly attacked a person with English as a Second Language, in a thread you started saying "Don't attack people with English as a Second Language" you went on attacked someone's looks.

Forget skimming, reflect, anything... you have played the man, not the ball, to make your point. And falling to ad hominems means you lose your argument.

Me 3... and hate auto correct, I can make myself look silly enough on my own.

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Just now, Theresa Tennyson said:

No - it did exactly what I thought it would do.

And did it make you feel great?  Sometimes... I would rather admit being wrong and be happy.  How did it feel to bait a response?   You lovely lady made a stronger point to this thread than I ever could.  Thank you  :D.   

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1 hour ago, Callum Meriman said:

Penny, maybe you don't see this little bit of hypocrisy?

Especially when your Deutsch is likely as bad as mine! 



But gosh Penny, attacking someone's looks is a low argument to play. That's kindergarten level debating.


Sorry missed your other part that is my bad.  Kindergarten I hope not...just trying to do what I can to make even a tiny bit of bring the human in humanity.  


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