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A popular event that only lasts 2 weeks, in-world only, with a parcel limit of 40

Suki Hirano

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How many active avatars does SL have? I have absolutely no idea but I'm guessing it's at least 10k? Is it just me or the idea of hosting a very popular event in SL (don't want to give any names in case some mod get oversensitive about it and give me some bull***** warning for "slandering"), in a sim that has a limit of only 40 avatars, for only 2 weeks, very... stupid? Especially considering the following

  • If you log out inside the sim, you still take up a slot from the 40 until you decide to log back in, and teleport out
  • 99% of sims don't have neighbouring sims where you can land and cam inside
  • Even real life events have online versions now. Don't want the traffic jam? Then shop online, no one's stopping you from being modern

This is pretty much the equivalent of the Apple Store or Microsoft Store having some crazy sale or release of some hyped up item, but restricting it to physical stores only, and limiting daily customer entry to 40.

What's the benefit of restricting literally EVERYTHING to in-world only? For an online sim this is like taking a huge step backwards since most people even do their RL shopping online now. Every time ANY fashion event starts, it's always a complete headache trying to get in. I literally have to afk for like 24 hours with my auto-TP script in order to have a shot to get in. Yes you should have no problem getting in maybe 2 days before the event ends, but as someone who's really into fashion and likes to keep up with things, what's the point of going to some "fashion event" when the damn event is already almost over? There's nothing "event" about it anymore.

Edited by Suki Hirano
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3 hours ago, Suki Hirano said:

How many active avatars does SL have? I have absolutely no idea but I'm guessing it's at least 10k? Is it just me or the idea of hosting a very popular event in SL (don't want to give any names in case some mod get oversensitive about it and give me some bull***** warning for "slandering"), in a sim that has a limit of only 40 avatars, for only 2 weeks, very... stupid? Especially considering the following

  • If you log out inside the sim, you still take up a slot from the 40 until you decide to log back in, and teleport out
  • 99% of sims don't have neighbouring sims where you can land and cam inside
  • Even real life events have online versions now. Don't want the traffic jam? Then shop online, no one's stopping you from being modern

This is pretty much the equivalent of the Apple Store or Microsoft Store having some crazy sale or release of some hyped up item, but restricting it to physical stores only, and limiting daily customer entry to 40.

What's the benefit of restricting literally EVERYTHING to in-world only? For an online sim this is like taking a huge step backwards since most people even do their RL shopping online now. Every time ANY fashion event starts, it's always a complete headache trying to get in. I literally have to afk for like 24 hours with my auto-TP script in order to have a shot to get in. Yes you should have no problem getting in maybe 2 days before the event ends, but as someone who's really into fashion and likes to keep up with things, what's the point of going to some "fashion event" when the damn event is already almost over? There's nothing "event" about it anymore.

A-You do NOT take up space once you log out. Once you log out, you're out, your av is not counted in the avatar count on the parcel. There is no "daily limit of 40"...that makes no sense at all. The 40 av limit is how many can be on at a given point in time, not in TOTAL for an entire day, lol.  Unless someone has  a parcel set up to only allow 40 people per day and then shuts down all access until the next day(and I agree, that would be stupid, but merely form a business standpoint, and way more involvement than I think most event organizers/reps really want to deal with..more people=more money). From your post I don't think that's what you're talking about though, it sounds more like you do not understand what avatar limits are, or how they work, since you don't know that once you log out, you no longer count on the "avatar number count" for a parcel/sim. 

B-How do you propose people do an online version of the event?  Aside from utilizing the MP, there is NO method for doing an online version-and there can't really be one either, that's by design (by LL's design I might add, not any individual event organizer's or participant's design).  I have seen a LOT of events, promos, etc.. available through MP too though, including some associated with inworld events. 

C-No event is this popular the entire two weeks.....and I mean an emphatic NO event. I like to go to events-not to shop, but because I like looking at builds and scenery..yes I'm weird like that. I can get into nearly any event, if not the first day, usually the second. If I don't get in on the first day, it's nearly always because at some point, I simply stop trying. Very few are all that busy past the first few days. Going in a day or so after others doesn't make you any less "keeping up with things", lmao. It sounds extremely silly to even suggest that. If you find no value in any event past it's first or second day, that's all on you, no one else. I can't say I've run into too many that feel the same way. Sure I've seen folks say they wish they could get in the first day, just to be able to say they did it, but aside from that..there's not much special about going the first day, versus any other day-including the last. The same stuff is still there(and sometimes, the first day everything isn't even there, I see that a lot too) each and every day of the event, you're not missing out on anything. 

Edited by Tari Landar
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6 hours ago, Suki Hirano said:

How many active avatars does SL have? I have absolutely no idea but I'm guessing it's at least 10k? Is it just me or the idea of hosting a very popular event in SL (don't want to give any names in case some mod get oversensitive about it and give me some bull***** warning for "slandering"), in a sim that has a limit of only 40 avatars, for only 2 weeks, very... stupid? Especially considering the following

I think I know the event you mean, it is rather popular.... but it's 50 avatars at a time, and it's being hammered. Been in there a few times now, mainly as premium lets you jump the queue, a little... mind you, even as a premium it sometimes takes 3 or 4 tries.


Two solutions:

Maybe you are willing to pay the people who run that event USD$295 or so for another region they can use for camera shopping. Sims cost money, a lot of real money to rent.

Alternatively you might like to sign up for premium too.

Edited by Callum Meriman
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6 hours ago, Suki Hirano said:

as someone who's really into fashion and likes to keep up with things, what's the point of going to some "fashion event" when the damn event is already almost over?

Because keeping up with fashion, or anything else, does not involve getting the new things the moment they come out. What would you do with the new things if you got them on the first day or two? Dump them as the event nears its end, because they've become old hat and sooo last week? Keeping up with something does not involve being one of the first to get it. Keeping up with something means seeing what other people have recently got, and then getting it yourself. You don't keep up with the Joneses by getting things before they do ;)

Apart from that, it's not actually 'fashion', is it? It's merely new stuff to wear. There is no 'keeping up with fashion' in SL.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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43 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

Because keeping up with fashion, or anything else, does not involve getting the new things the moment they come out. What would you do with the new things if you got them on the first day or two?

Aww but you miss the point, Phil. Shopping at events is not about what you buy, it's the shopping experience itself and just being there that matters. ;)

I think much of the reason why those big events are popular is that they are popular. Make them more accessible and they won't be as popualr anymore.

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51 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

Because keeping up with fashion, or anything else, does not involve getting the new things the moment they come out. What would you do with the new things if you got them on the first day or two? Dump them as the event nears its end, because they've become old hat and sooo last week?

Hmm, I am one of those people who camera-shop TMD behind it's ban lines days before it opens, hoping to get something a few minutes before my friends :D

I admit it... Sad, yes. But it gives me a little enjoyment doing that!

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3 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

I think much of the reason why those big events are popular is that they are popular. Make them more accessible and they won't be as popualr anymore.

I suspect that's it in a nutshell.

For what it's worth, some event participants have demos at their stores or send them out via their groups. I'm not an eventer so I don't know how prevalent that is though, just that some have come through in group notices. There have been times when I've gone into an event knowing I'm interested in one specific item - so if it's possible for a lackadasical shopper like me to pre-shop an event, it's certainly possible for someone who is dedicated to the pursuit.

It is a different experience doing it that way, so if Chin is right it might not be the right sort of dopamine high for some.

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I think they could increase the avatar load on a private island, but they may not want to due to lag.

My suggestion instead of autoscripts and exasperation is just to wait until day 3 of the event. They all empty out by then.

More and more, I see these merchant event are getting smarter:

o They realize that they absolutely have to have a cam sim or even two. That the damage to their brands by people frustrated, not to mention their low sales 

o That they have to optimize their designs and layouts for actual avatars who have to move around in it instead of their dollhouse fantasies or the high-priced sim design sculpture made out of buildings while forgetting people have to move through them. I see them removing big confusing, sprawling sims, taking out avatar traps, changing textures to load faster. Of course, this makes the builds more boring...

o This might not actually help. So now I see a new event where the pull prices on gatchas are $70-80-90 -- outrageous, when you think the Arcade began with $25 years ago, and most fairs are still $50 or nudge up to $59 to soak you a little more but $90? Not for special hair or vehicles that sometimes go up to $100, but for cups of coffee or junk.

The merchants learn that they can soak so far, then the customer is lost and sales go down, so I am confident the pull prices will drop. But they put them in to start paying for cam sims I guess, I don't know. A sim has to be rented for a month and moved next to your sim -- I don't know if the Lindens let you do this only for two weeks. So two weeks of it you have to rotate another fair in -- and they do.

But why go to these things then? So you can see the item in 3D, or at least close up in a picture on a gatcha machine, that's better than a thumbnail on a blog or even a picture on a blog. Also while it may be shocking, people socialize at these events or go out to show off their costumes or they come with their partners to pick things out together. That's all a good thing.

I didn't realize or forget yes, there was a notice that premium gives you some kind of advantage - but I do find it odd that if you crash you can log back in. They should cut that out. Also, the mods should be ruthless about expelling asleep AFK avatars, I wouldn't mind, I'm sometimes one of them. But they can't eject someone from an island without having them end up in ome strange corner. They can teleport home surely.

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I just want to add that a fixed landing point is keeping customers in the sim too long.

I understand that a fixed landing point is good if your intentions is to attract shoppers who like to walk around and look at all the stores, look for new brands they haven't heard about, try on different items and admire the build itself.

I got a lot of acid comments in another forum for complaining about this a few years ago. It is up to the event organizers and I can just avoid events with fixed landing point - that is a valid reply, I understand that.

I don't think customers who like to walk around and look at all the event offer, will stop doing that even if an event allows you to teleport directly to the store from a list.

Customers like me, who only want to tp in, buy, tp out, are using the sim resources in the shortest possible time. Instead of me landing in the fixed spot, seething while waiting for my surroundings to rez, looking for a tp board, grumble while I use Firestorm search to try and find the store, give up and teleport out in a hissy fit. I have then blocked entrance for another customer while I was in the event, and I haven't bought a thing.

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10 hours ago, Suki Hirano said:

What's the benefit of restricting literally EVERYTHING to in-world only? For an online sim this is like taking a huge step backwards since most people even do their RL shopping online now. Every time ANY fashion event starts, it's always a complete headache trying to get in. I literally have to afk for like 24 hours with my auto-TP script in order to have a shot to get in. Yes you should have no problem getting in maybe 2 days before the event ends, but as someone who's really into fashion and likes to keep up with things, what's the point of going to some "fashion event" when the damn event is already almost over? There's nothing "event" about it anymore.

But it is still an event if most people aren't there and are invisibly buying on the Marketplace?

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20 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

But it is still an event if most people aren't there and are invisibly buying on the Marketplace?

I don't know which event this is, but if it's as popular as described, it almost certainly demands exclusivity for the duration of the event, right? I go to many merchants that have product signs that, instead of vendors, point to events because they can't sell them even in their own stores while the events are running.

And @Marianne Little I surely agree that those should be allowed to TP directly to the product's exact location at the event, not to some central landing point. But failing that, I think merchants could do themselves and their customers a favor by using that specific location anyway, so even if we end up TP'd to Timbuktu, the Glowing Red Beacon of Doom will guide the way to the product we came for.

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I go to these shopping events each round lasts a month, want to get in on the first few days there will be 45+ av's in sim and you'll constantly be trying to get in after few days it'll die down a bit you'll have no problems getting in. towards the end of the round as the shoppers become fewer you'll have a much smoother shopping experience. If the stuff i buy suddenly becomes old hat and outdated the moment the next round comes along doesn't bother me i've spend my hard earned balance and i want to get my L$'s worth out of the clobber

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I don't know which event the OP was trying to get into - I don't go to very many events.  Often I go to an event because I've seen something at a vendor's inworld store that I like, and which is only for sale at an event, at the time I'm looking at it  (so I really would like it, if I could TP in to the vendor's booth, rather than a central landing point).  The last overly crowded event I went to a few days ago was to buy palm trees :).

I do think that if it wasn't inworld, it really wouldn't be an "event" and would not seem exclusive either.  Right now you can buy other items from a vendor's online MP store, if you're too impatient.  Presumably if they are one of the high fashion vendors, their other offerings are also still latest fashion.  This whole idea of what is considered the latest fashion in SL really confuses me.  I'm not aware that there is some central place where all the fashionista's go to be seen, where you have to be wearing the very, very latest in order to be considered fashionable.  I tend to think that what makes something the latest fashion, is simply that it is sold at an event that is exclusive because it is popular and hard to get into the first few days. 

Relax, wait a few days, and enjoy your time inworld. 

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16 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

A-You do NOT take up space once you log out. Once you log out, you're out, your av is not counted in the avatar count on the parcel. There is no "daily limit of 40"...that makes no sense at all. The 40 av limit is how many can be on at a given point in time, not in TOTAL for an entire day, lol.  Unless someone has  a parcel set up to only allow 40 people per day and then shuts down all access until the next day(and I agree, that would be stupid, but merely form a business standpoint, and way more involvement than I think most event organizers/reps really want to deal with..more people=more money). From your post I don't think that's what you're talking about though, it sounds more like you do not understand what avatar limits are, or how they work, since you don't know that once you log out, you no longer count on the "avatar number count" for a parcel/sim. 

B-How do you propose people do an online version of the event?  Aside from utilizing the MP, there is NO method for doing an online version-and there can't really be one either, that's by design (by LL's design I might add, not any individual event organizer's or participant's design).  I have seen a LOT of events, promos, etc.. available through MP too though, including some associated with inworld events. 

C-No event is this popular the entire two weeks.....and I mean an emphatic NO event. I like to go to events-not to shop, but because I like looking at builds and scenery..yes I'm weird like that. I can get into nearly any event, if not the first day, usually the second. If I don't get in on the first day, it's nearly always because at some point, I simply stop trying. Very few are all that busy past the first few days. Going in a day or so after others doesn't make you any less "keeping up with things", lmao. It sounds extremely silly to even suggest that. If you find no value in any event past it's first or second day, that's all on you, no one else. I can't say I've run into too many that feel the same way. Sure I've seen folks say they wish they could get in the first day, just to be able to say they did it, but aside from that..there's not much special about going the first day, versus any other day-including the last. The same stuff is still there(and sometimes, the first day everything isn't even there, I see that a lot too) each and every day of the event, you're not missing out on anything. 

A - Um yes offlines DO take up a space. Why do you think the parcel shows like 43 people sometimes when the limit is clearly 40 when those offlines log back on? Do you think people can get in when there are 43 people? No it means those bums who log off inside the sim gotta log back in and get out before someone else can get in, hence taking up a spot. Do you know how placeholders work? Clearly you don't. Also did you read the part where I clearly said I used an auto-teleporter for 24 hours? How many hours does a day have? Now explain to me how it doesn't make sense to say "the daily entry limit is 40", because no one fricking leaves the sim once they go in. Lol I don't know about avatar limit? Yeah right sure, I think I have a couple times more experience in SL than you. Might want to check your facts before you try to blindly defend something. Are you perhaps one of the organizers or such event?

B- How about collaborate with LL on making a microsite within marketplace or separate altogether, since LL already has an events microsite? I'm exposing something that is extremely primitive and backwards for an online sim in the year 2018. It's already nearly unacceptable for MMORPG's to even have login queues nowadays, you think there aren't any ways to get around a ridiculous 40 avatar limit in the biggest virtual sim in the world? And what's wrong with marketplace events, especially since a lot of stores have done so in the past? Who actually wants to bear the stupid lag in an inworld event with 39 other people moving at the speed of a turtle and taking half an hour to rez everything? It's a frickin online sim. That would be like Amazon hosting an in-world only event at one of their warehouses

C- Re-read the part where I literally said "yes you can enter in like the last 2 days of the event, which defeats the purpose of an event". Hey if you're one of those people who don't mind getting an iPhone or Galaxy 3 months after it's out then good for you? There are actually people like me (as well as a few hundred million others in RL and probably countless in SL as well) who LIKES keeping up with fashion and technology, deal with it. You think bloggers will get to do what they do if they blog about something in SL 2 weeks after it opens? Lol grow up

Edited by Suki Hirano
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1 minute ago, Suki Hirano said:

A - Um yes offlines DO take up a space. Why do you think the parcel shows like 43 people sometimes when the limit is clearly 40 when those offlines log back on? Do you think people can get in when there are 43 people? No it means those bums who log off inside the sim gotta log back in and get out before someone else can get in, hence taking up a spot. Do you know how placeholders work? Clearly you don't. Also did you read the part where I clearly said I used an auto-teleporter for 24 hours? How many hours does a day have? Now explain to me how it doesn't make sense to say "the daily entry limit is 40", because no one fricking leaves the sim once they go in. Lol I don't know about avatar limit? Yeah right sure, I think I have a couple times more experience in SL than you. Might want to check your facts before you try to blindly defend something. Are you perhaps one of the organizers or such event?


If it says 43 when the limit is 40 that means there are premium members there using the 10% overcapacity buffer. People are still leaving and new ones are getting in, but effectively that will mean that only premium members will have access to that region until the number drops below 40 again. The "bums" logging off from the region are giving up their slots; if they try to log back in at the last location they'll be treated like a new entry.

Might want to ch.....          naw, too easy.

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14 minutes ago, Suki Hirano said:

Why do you think the parcel shows like 43 people

Because Premium members are able to get in.  I forget the logarithm  for the allowance but I think a 40 limit sim can have 5 extra spots if they are premium members



Edited by Cindy Evanier
found the right link
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43 minutes ago, Suki Hirano said:

Why do you think the parcel shows like 43 people sometimes when the limit is clearly 40


As others have pointed out, there is a Premium benefit that lets this happen.  Hence my prior post of:


16 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Pay for a Premium membership.  Since the Premium advantage was added, I've not had an event that I could not get in to within a few tries.


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1 hour ago, Suki Hirano said:

Yeah right sure, I think I have a couple times more experience in SL than you.

Might be a time for you, Suki, to stop throwing your age around as false authority (my oldest av is a year older than you) and understand how SL works.

The Lab made a change a little while ago, they increased the number of people who could enter a region, BUT, they gave this advantage to premiums. My club homestead - as an example - used to be 20 people maximum, it will now hold 25, but those 5 are reserved for premiums.

In my case, if 15 non-premiums come in, then 5 premiums, no more non-premiums allowed.

Another fly-in-the-ointment to your outdated and incorrect knowledge is that on top of this estate managers and owners can get in even if the sim is full.

It's not placeholders - these don't exist. It's people who pay premium, and possibly estate managers. You can pay premium too if events are important to you, or you can stay as a commoner and wait a week.

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18 minutes ago, moirakathleen said:

Is this particular event held on mainland or on an estate sim?  I thought the 40 avatar maximum only applied to mainland, and that full estates had a higher maximum number (but also that estate owners could set the allowed number lower than the maximum if they wished).  

I often visit in popular ballroom where the region avatar limit is 100 plus the premium members extra. Sometimes there happens to be around 70 avatars present. There is a noticeable drop in the region performance with that many avatars present.

Few times I have been in regions where 100 avatars were present. It has been almost impossible even to move, it's a slide show.
Therefore even the if region could allow 100 avatars, it is sensible to limit it to 50 avatars during shopping events for reasonably pleasant shopping experience.

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4 hours ago, Suki Hirano said:

A - Um yes offlines DO take up a space. Why do you think the parcel shows like 43 people sometimes when the limit is clearly 40 when those offlines log back on? Do you think people can get in when there are 43 people? No it means those bums who log off inside the sim gotta log back in and get out before someone else can get in, hence taking up a spot. Do you know how placeholders work? Clearly you don't. Also did you read the part where I clearly said I used an auto-teleporter for 24 hours? How many hours does a day have? Now explain to me how it doesn't make sense to say "the daily entry limit is 40", because no one fricking leaves the sim once they go in. Lol I don't know about avatar limit? Yeah right sure, I think I have a couple times more experience in SL than you. Might want to check your facts before you try to blindly defend something. Are you perhaps one of the organizers or such event?

B- How about collaborate with LL on making a microsite within marketplace or separate altogether, since LL already has an events microsite? I'm exposing something that is extremely primitive and backwards for an online sim in the year 2018. It's already nearly unacceptable for MMORPG's to even have login queues nowadays, you think there aren't any ways to get around a ridiculous 40 avatar limit in the biggest virtual sim in the world? And what's wrong with marketplace events, especially since a lot of stores have done so in the past? Who actually wants to bear the stupid lag in an inworld event with 39 other people moving at the speed of a turtle and taking half an hour to rez everything? It's a frickin online sim. That would be like Amazon hosting an in-world only event at one of their warehouses

C- Re-read the part where I literally said "yes you can enter in like the last 2 days of the event, which defeats the purpose of an event". Hey if you're one of those people who don't mind getting an iPhone or Galaxy 3 months after it's out then good for you? There are actually people like me (as well as a few hundred million others in RL and probably countless in SL as well) who LIKES keeping up with fashion and technology, deal with it. You think bloggers will get to do what they do if they blog about something in SL 2 weeks after it opens? Lol grow up

A-NO you do not count as a space when you log off. What you are seeing when you see that 43, is the PREMIUM Perk of being able to get in to a land that is otherwise full.  No, clearly, you don't have more experience, or knowledge than me, otherwise you would already know this. Having your knickers are in a twist over not being able to get into an event is no excuse for attempting to insult people when they explain things you clearly don't understand. Once you log off, that's it, you're off, your av no longer counts in parcel count. Feel free to ask a linden, or even folks who have been here longer than either of us, to verify that is indeed true. Or, you can go to an empty land, with an alt or a friend, note the number of avs present, and have that friend log off. Now wait a minute or so...bam, one less avatar. I'm not an idiot, nor am I suggesting that you, yourself are an idiot, but on this one you are DEAD wrong. Its okay to be wrong sometimes ;)  Also, not cool on the blind jab, that was a low blow, knock it off. 

B-Because, like I said, LL doesn't want that, it's all up to their design, something that they have chosen. No matter how much we all may dislike it(and I actually agree them holding the only stake in an out of world marketplace/selling site, is stupid). There is nothing merchants and event organizers can do to change this, because it is out of their hands. Like I said though, there are LOTS of marketplace events, lots of events that make use of the marketplace too. So, they do exist, you just don't see them, apparently. 

C-You're exaggerating, and making mountains out of molehills. A couple of days, at most, is not a few months, not even remotely ;)  You're telling me to grow up, while throwing a verbal temper tantrum.... You know when my kids get cranky, it usually means they need a nap  ;) 

Edited by Tari Landar
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3 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

I often visit in popular ballroom where the region avatar limit is 100 plus the premium members extra. Sometimes there happens to be around 70 avatars present. There is a noticeable drop in the region performance with that many avatars present.

Few times I have been in regions where 100 avatars were present. It has been almost impossible even to move, it's a slide show.
Therefore even the if region could allow 100 avatars, it is sensible to limit it to 50 avatars during shopping events for reasonably pleasant shopping experience.

Ah... thanks!  That confirms my thoughts that a region limit of 40 isn't ridiculous, but is probably a limit wisely chosen by the event region owner. 

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