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If someone has me blocked can I still buy stuff from them on marketplace

Samie Shieldmaiden

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Those who have never been stalked to this level over something so seriously stupid as a block have no idea and try to make light til it happens to someone they know or to themselves. Theres NOTHING funny about this. Being stalked since someone didnt get their way. There is no right in this stalking a woman and harassing them for months cause they chose NOT TO FIGHT!

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15 minutes ago, Syn Anatine said:

You're making subgirl Magic look worse by your behavior in your replies. I suggest you stop posting as you're being the opposite of helpful for her.

how is pointing out that this person contacted me inworld making ME directly involved in this making her look worse?

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when you get right down to it...simple fact is he bought something he said he wasn't going to buy without seeing it just so he could leave negative feedback.. TWICE

you say you're not going to buy it without seeing it. fine. don't buy it. end of argument.

not him...

he not only buys it.. TWICE.. but because both of us have the sense to block him after he harasses us

he brings it here. starts this big argument online over his overinflated ego. Days of drama. And this is OUR fault????



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 i wanna know if i can be blocked from giving review ?, if somebody blocks me  on sl ?

1 shopowner  got upset when i askd to test products before i buy she acket like i was insane  for wanting to test befor i pay for it.

she blocked me from the  shop and group. 
only cause i wanted to test before i spend my money

shes a teerible shop owner..  so i hope my responses to the things i bought in her store. will still visible .
when i give 1 star  i want her to see it.
shes totally rude.

Edited by SnowWolf Weizhen
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she can refuse to let me test. thats fine.
but she got offended by me asking.

she blocked me cause i wanted to test it in wold.
who does that ?
 i assume she got super upset cause she knows if i test it, im not gonna buy it.
its like buying a car.
i dont pay withouht a test drive,
i hate wasting my money on items that after i payd them. are totally crappy quality
cause as soon as  payd it. they  have it.
my money.. and many shops in SL dont have a Money back guarantee


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21 minutes ago, SnowWolf Weizhen said:

I dont only give a rating on the items themselves. but actually mostiy the support behind the item
cause form   me thats more important than the item itself



It doesn't matter what's more important to you. You are supposed to review a product on it's textures, functionality and so on. Costumer support can be a side note but it should never overshadow the product you are rating to the point where you are reviewing the stores costumer support instead of your purchase.

If you give reviews solely about a stores costumer support instead of rating the product you purchased your review can be flagged, reviewed and deleted by LL and you may be punished.

Always keep in mind 99% of store owners do this as a hobby, they're not professionals and most often than not have no background in costumer service. Do not apply RL standards to SL stores.

Edited by Syn Anatine
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1 hour ago, SnowWolf Weizhen said:

they want me to rate the product.

lets say i would  rate the   it 5 stars cause its cool.
but it comes without instructins.
then i rate it lowerr.
and if a shopkeeper blocks me from contacting them..
That makes that item usless for me.

it means that if there is ever an issue with it i cant IM them and ask them for support.. 
so why should i keep it seperate?

Because you are rating the product, not the merchant. Taking off a star for bad costumer service and mentioning such in your review to let others know should be enough, you however talked about leaving 1 star reviews regardless if the product is perfect or not simply because you don't like the costumer service.

Again I would like to remind you, 99% of store owners in SL are not professional, they're people just like you who have fun playing shop and hope they make a few Lindens with it. At the end of the day they don't owe you jack, especially in the case you brought up here as you weren't a costumer, just someone interested. They don't have to kiss up to you like sales people in real life do.

What I think happened here though is that both you -and- the merchant are great people but a language barrier created a misunderstanding.

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1 minute ago, EnCore Mayne said:

um, it kinda does Syn. maybe it's just your choice of words i'm reacting to, but if someone gave me a tool to publicly record my opinion of a product i'm sure my personal interactions with the designer are going to thumb the scales. wholly, or in part, if the exchange left you wanting, that will factor into your rating. the marketplace is a medium for feedback. if the designer treats you like a nameless faceless generic consumer who has no power over their impersonal royal dismissals they would do well to take into account SL was built for interpersonal communications. good or bad.

people are going to speak their mind. until, perhaps, like RL, the Lab can reign in all speech or label anything they judge human as a terrorist/racist/hateful thing. or not. ya just can't corral humans with damned rules expecting we don't all feel the rising affect of limiting our freedom.

You obviously didn't read past the sentence you quoted.

I said: " It doesn't matter what's more important to you. You are supposed to review a product on it's textures, functionality and so on. Costumer support can be a side note but it should never overshadow the product you are rating to the point where you are reviewing the stores costumer support instead of your purchase."

So you are agreeing with me while trying not to, lol.

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3 hours ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

unfortunately in sl you are not really supposed to rate the creator or the service provided only the product which I find to be a flawed system it allows some creators to be total jerks about what they can do and get away with no possible repercussions because you are not allowed to shame them for how they act or treated you.

believe me if i bought a car and it was in bad condition, it would let the seller know and everyone else going to that seller know, so they were not duped or scammed too. I would also let everyone know if that seller treated me with common decency or respect as well or not so people could decide if they want to deal with such a person. the seller would be held accountable for their actions and behavior as well as the condition of the product.

there is way too much hand holding in sl to protect the ego's of some of the content developers. if I was selling something I would prefer to know the good and bad about the item, and the good and bad of the personal interaction between me and them. that way if there was any need to improve on customer relations which would possibly help get more sales it could be addressed as needed.

but most developers have their heads up their own rear end so far and think they are so special and should be treated special and cannot take any criticism about them or their products. I know of a couple that are like that, but because of the no shame rule cannot even directly mention them here as a warning to others about their behaviors. it shouldn't matter if its a hobby or not. If you are going to sell something here, you should be respectful or expect to be slammed for not doing so or perhaps you shouldn't be looking for an easy sell with no negative responses..

The thing is, if naming and shaming was allowed, a lot of folks would take advantage of that and do a smear campaign on whomever they please regardless of it being true or not. It would be impossible regulate who deserves a verbal lashing and who is just being griefed.

To address the bolded part of your statement, please do not make such a blanket statement. You admit to knowing a couple who are like that, yet it makes you throw out sentences that include 'most developers'. Don't judge the whole batch by a few rotten apples. Many creators will go out of their way to be helpful.

There's a miniscule minority that are truly rude, then there's the creators who never reply to an inquiry because they have left SL years ago but left their products up for sale, then there's the language barriers. SL is used by people from an immense amount of different countries and a lot gets lost in translation, misunderstandings can get both sides up in arms and they point the finger at each other calling the other party rude. Which is what I think happened to the OP.

Does the dev deserve a smear campaign for that? I don't think so, especially since if you read the OP's responses close the creator clearly misunderstood the request, even asked other creators if 'its done like that' and upon receiving no's she/he told the OP that.

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5 minutes ago, EnCore Mayne said:

no. i was reacting to your authoritive misinterpretation of the Lab's policy:

specifically, from that post:

Policies and guidelines

  1. The review should be about the item in the product listing, or about support regarding that item.


I stand corrected and will henceforth not complain when I see reviews that rate an as advertised and fully functional product 1 star just because they didn't like the merchant due to some missunderstanding or because they couldn't con the merchant out of a refund to get a freebie.

Edited by Syn Anatine
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5 hours ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

not a minuscule amount, stop trying to minimize it by making it seem it doesn't happen that often.

That is your own very subjective view on this. On the contrary I lost count of the amazing devs I have met here, some of which went above and beyond about an inquiry. I've been in SL for 12 years and only started my own small store about 4 years ago, so I have been a costumer much longer than a creator and I can say the amount of rude dev's I have come across can be counted on less than a hand. I only remember two instances were creators were incredibly rude unprovoked.

Perhaps we shop in very different places, perhaps we approach creators in very different manners, but we seem to have completely different experiences with this.


5 hours ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

toward the possible smear campaign that would all sort itself out over time when the facts were presented by both sides.


That is very faulty thinking. Creators do their work on their own time, whenever they have time, some (like me) would also much prefer having a social SL life in between creating. Why should creators take time out of their busy schedule to fight that kind of battles just so people can see their side? A 'guilty until proven innocent' mindset would set in.

It simply wouldn't work like that and the result would be that a) dev's look bad simply because they prioritize and do not get involved in those battles b) creators create less items because they're too busy fighting those battles or c) creators would simple give up as its not worth the trouble dealing with griefers.


Your point of view is incredibly shortsighted and one sided.

Edited by Syn Anatine
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1 hour ago, Nala Farspire said:

That's intelligent.

can be.. but you getting involved in this and start fighting against OP too is for sure not a sign of intelligence ... get out and think again. Your "friend" runs a business... with this kind of fights you don't need bad reviews you get them delivered for free without even sold one of your products by this kind of actions.

If this thread derails further some people might end at the dark place where only sounds of grinding false teeth are heared and the smell of boiling sulfer for a few days.

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1 minute ago, subgirl Magic said:

 level of crazy i have had to deal with

in this thread you didn't really show a lot of efford to solve this either, you'r both to blaim for this situation.
That the third poster lives with you isn't really adding something positive to your case, it's the opposite, it's not without reason many partners/next of kin is excluded from testify in your favor.

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10 minutes ago, Nala Farspire said:

and I wouldn't ordinarily get involved but snowwolf contacted ME which puts me involved directly. so ...


You're making subgirl Magic look worse by your behavior in your replies. I suggest you stop posting as you're being the opposite of helpful for her.

1 minute ago, subgirl Magic said:

Those who have never been stalked to this level over something so seriously stupid as a block have no idea and try to make light til it happens to someone they know or to themselves. Theres NOTHING funny about this. Being stalked since someone didnt get their way. There is no right in this stalking a woman and harassing them for months cause they chose NOT TO FIGHT!

No one is trying to make light of anything here. Stalking is a serious issue, but having a sock puppet jabber away makes you look incompetent to stand up for yourself and to deal with things in a calm manner. Clique back up -never- makes someone look good. It may make you feel better but for those of us not involved in this matter it makes you AND the aggressor look bad. Food for thought.

And please do not turn this into a gender debate, gender has nothing to do with what happened here and bringing it up makes you look even worse. I would suggest you and your sock puppet to walk away as you're tarnishing your reputition by this, especially the insult flinging that has been removed.

Keep flagging those reviews, keep the person banned and AR them whenever appropriate but other than that move on. All three of you are the losers in this but you are the biggest one since you're tarnishing not only yourself but also your business with the hysterics.

If worst gets to worst, talk to your local law enforcement on how to proceed in this case of online stalking.

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24 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

 I must say that I'm on subgirl's side.

i think everybody in first instance is, but what she and her help showed here doesnt really feeds the confidence she has no part in the total derail of this issue. A totally unprofessional and childish continueing of the same words and drama, from both sides.

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1 hour ago, Ethan Paslong said:

i think everybody in first instance is, but what she and her help showed here doesnt really feeds the confidence she has no part in the total derail of this issue. A totally unprofessional and childish continueing of the same words and drama, from both sides.

Thank you. The childish downvoting on our posts only cements this.

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