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The hate on child avatars?

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7 hours ago, Adams Scarmon said:

... is it the FEAR drilled into us by Linden Lab that sims can be potentially CLOSED when inappropriate actions involving a child avatars are reported?


I think this is a big part of it. Lots of places don't want to take the chance that something might happen...even on a G rated sim. The last time my kid AV was on a kid friendly sim, some guy tried to pick her up (yes, HER) by saying that it wasn't against the ToS because we were in IMs and no one had to know...etc etc. 

I also think that most adult AVs don 't know what to do with kids.

Better to be safe than sorry, I suppose

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3 hours ago, Adams Scarmon said:

You are generalizing a lot here..

No, I'm statingthat in nearly six years of hanging out on A-Rated sims, the arrgant inconsiderate kreepy kid paedo bait walking ToS violation AR clickbait avatars I've seen on those sims break down into 70-80% who whine, b*tch, moan, complain, and reluctantly comply with the sim owners rules 1 second before they get punted, and 20-30 % who don't comply and either leave or get kicked.

3 hours ago, Adams Scarmon said:

Anyway... I understand you all have to deal with annnoying children IRL

No I don't, I don't have children, never wanted children, and I don't have to put up with other peoples in R in those places where I hang out... They are forbidden in my home, in my favorite Lesbian bar in the village, in pups and bars generally, forbidden in cinemas not showing pg rated movies, etc.

I see no reason why I should be FORCED to endure inconsiderate asshats who dress up as kids in the SL equivalent of those RL places from which real kids are thankfully banned.

3 hours ago, Adams Scarmon said:

Its a 2way street indeed.

No, it's not...

I don't go to Paedo Mc Kreepies Kiddy Korner, rated pg-american, in my bdsm gear stark naked and whine because they ask me to wear a puritan gunny sack dress or leave. so why should I get Abuse Reported while AFK because some clueless clown insists that Paedo McKreepy has a right to visit an A-Rated sim, stark naked and 8 yrs old, and grab my leash while i'm afk making fresh coffee, so his Paedo-Apologist Twink friend can press the Ar button and get my account suspended p[ending investigation, get my chat logs for the last 72 hrs scrutinised, get all my friends investigated to see if we are a 'paedo-ring', and get our A-Rated sim shut down, because...

Paedo Mc Kreepy thinks he has a c*nstitutional (insert your own choice of vowel) right to be an annoying little ****er to everyone who is NOT a Walking ToS Violation Clickbait avatar from Planet Inconsiderate...

The only good Kreepy-Kid avi is a dead Kreepy-Kid avi, kill it, kill it with fire...

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As someone who has roleplayed an 11 year old for the past 8 years, I can attest that there are plenty of G rated sims and no need for child avatars to venture elsewhere. I fully support banning children from Adult sims. I can see how it would be tricky if they were adopted by a family that was renting on Adult land, or if their parents had non-PG furniture in the house even on a moderate sim. 

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9 hours ago, Adams Scarmon said:

Hey everyone!


I'm not a child avatar but some of my friends are.

Before i befriended them I was so unaware of this  but now it has become clear to me I think its something i have to address to the community.

The ''hate'' on child avatars is real in SL.


Every so often I pop to a sim (Any rating) and I get welcomed in big capitals ''NO CHILD AVIES ALLOWED"' or ''CHILD AVIES INSTANT BAN''

I am trying to wonder why this is. Is it because all people that play child avatars are perverts and molestors?



... is it the FEAR drilled into us by Linden Lab that sims can be potentially CLOSED when inappropriate actions involving a child avatars are reported?

There literally is NO reason half of the time to ban or eject a child avatar. Theres no ''porn'' ont he sim or no ''adult items''. INfact some sims are rated PG and M, not even A.


So can someone tell me (preferably a sim owner) WHY you dont welcome child avatars and if this is justified in your eyes.

A lot of the bannings and seeing rules in sims started when they made the switch to adult sims and the adult continent from mature rated sims..

There might have been a lot of hate or fear before that..But it got around the grid grape vine pretty good when people were unsure what was considered a child avatar after the sexual  Age  play rules and mature ratings came out.. there was a lot of uncertainty back then because LL was not being so clear and many people were trying to interpret the best they could or just playing safe.

This is why you see a lot of rules where if you are under this height you are not allowed in certain sims.. A lot of people were just not taking any chances on guessing what the rules meant..

If you go looking through the forum archives around 2009 or so,you'll see some pretty nasty threads on it..

I don't know what a lot might be scared of about it today..I just remember the big to do back then.. it was pretty bad time to be even a short avatar back then that wasn't a child avatar..


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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1 hour ago, mysticryder said:

Sl is an adult based game...its no place for children or people who want to act like children.


No it's not,They wouldn't have the three ratings if that was the case..

Their saying is,Your world your imagination..

That was meant for everyone,not just certain ones.

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Odd... I've been a Child Av for years and never had a problem with people saying I'm not allowed somewhere just because I am a child. I usually stick to Parcel_lght_G.png/Parcel_lght_M.png sims and visit Parcel_lght_A.png sims on the very odd occasion (normally when either no one or not many people are around and only for a few minutes). The only time I was ever asked to leave somewhere was when I was fishing in an Parcel_lght_A.png sim (didn't notice it was adult at the time). I was sent an IM by the owner saying something along the lines of "This is an adult sim and contains content not suitable for a child avatar, could you please change to an adult avatar or leave the region." and I switched to something else for a bit then left and switched back. Sure I was only staying on the beach where none of that stuff was but the owner was nice about it and it was my own fault for not paying attention to the rating.

In Parcel_lght_M.png sims with adult content I've never been asked to leave, but that could be because I stay away from anything obviously adult in nature and I don't act childish to everyone and make childish noises constantly. The only hostility I have ever had with someone due to my avatar is a certain real-estate agent that hates child avatars, but he goes around calling everyone clueless gits anyway so I don't think his opinion counts.

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I'm not fond of SL kids, after some unpleasant experiences with a few of them (example: having a group of them RP within my earshot that I "must be a paedophile" after hearing me say the words "my boyfriend" to someone I was chatting with) so I tend to give them a fairly wide berth.

That said, I did have a laugh with one of them a few weeks ago. An SL mother was shopping in a well-known mesh head store with her 'baby son' (someone wearing one of those 'learning to walk' tiny toddler avatars; and I do mean 'baby' - he was in a diaper). They were trying to redeliver his mesh head (presumably for his non-baby avatar version), but they were in full roleplay mode, so Mommy was telling him "It's this sign here. The one that says 'redeliver'."

I watched her say that two or three times, while 'baby son' toddled around, falling over every now and then and telling her (in baby talk) that he couldn't find it. She was clearly getting a bit exasperated, telling him "Look for the word 'redeliver'."

Me: "Ma'am, with respect: he's a baby. He can't read."

I was, of course, ignored. More blundering, more falling over, more "t'ant find it!", more maternal exasperation. Then, finally, Mommy said "It's the fourth one down!"

I couldn't resist it.

"Ma'am, babies can't count, either."

At which point Mommy told me to butt out. I was only trying to help!

Still gives me a laugh thinking back on it. :D

Edited by Skell Dagger
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47 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

At which point Mommy told me to butt out. I was only trying to help!

Still gives me a laugh thinking back on it. :D

How dare you enter into my RP that I'm broadcasting to everyone in the store!!! It's private.

You can always use IM.

No, we can't. We don't do that in our house. We only use local. We don't have anything to hide. Do you have something to hide? What are you hiding?

How amusing I'm finding this. :)

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Since this topic started I have had 3 child avies wandering around my sim. What are they thinking or trying to accomplish? My sim is a sex sim, AFK, escorts, loaded with people having sex, adult furniture all over. Why would someone in a child avie consider it an awesome idea to TP in to a sim with a very clear description on what we do, and then walk around or stand around the landing zone?

Are they actually trying to get me in trouble? Can I not report them for breaking rules? They should stay the *%$#  away from adult content. They break the rules, not me a sim owner.

Soon as I send a message they TP out but not even reply. Form now on its direct banning, no more nice asking.

Hereby I adjust my opinion on child avies, from frowning upon to really disliking them...

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2 hours ago, Hintswen Guardian said:

The only hostility I have ever had with someone due to my avatar is a certain real-estate agent that hates child avatars, but he goes around calling everyone clueless gits anyway so I don't think his opinion counts.

His initials aren't RR are they by any chance?

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1 hour ago, Zeta Vandyke said:

Since this topic started I have had 3 child avies wandering around my sim. What are they thinking or trying to accomplish? My sim is a sex sim, AFK, escorts, loaded with people having sex, adult furniture all over. Why would someone in a child avie consider it an awesome idea to TP in to a sim with a very clear description on what we do, and then walk around or stand around the landing zone?

Are they actually trying to get me in trouble? Can I not report them for breaking rules? They should stay the *%$#  away from adult content. They break the rules, not me a sim owner.

Soon as I send a message they TP out but not even reply. Form now on its direct banning, no more nice asking.

Hereby I adjust my opinion on child avies, from frowning upon to really disliking them...

A friend of mine had a demom RP sim (full homestead) for a while, totally adult in every way. I didn't tolerate any children being there even if they were on the far side of the sim away from anything adult.

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2 hours ago, Zeta Vandyke said:

Since this topic started I have had 3 child avies wandering around my sim. What are they thinking or trying to accomplish? My sim is a sex sim, AFK, escorts, loaded with people having sex, adult furniture all over. Why would someone in a child avie consider it an awesome idea to TP in to a sim with a very clear description on what we do, and then walk around or stand around the landing zone?

Are they actually trying to get me in trouble? Can I not report them for breaking rules? They should stay the *%$#  away from adult content. They break the rules, not me a sim owner.

Soon as I send a message they TP out but not even reply. Form now on its direct banning, no more nice asking.

Hereby I adjust my opinion on child avies, from frowning upon to really disliking them...

I don't believe that you can get into trouble for them coming to your sim..They are the ones that are supposed to know where they are and are not supposed to be..

Could you imagine the kind of griefing that would be going on if griefers found out that,all they had to do was put on a child avatar and raid adult sims?

It's only certain things that they are not allowed to be around..They are allowed into adult sims because adult content is not only sexual things..

Do you guys have a notecard that is handed out at the landing point with the rules of your sim? A lot of people use those to say ,No child avatars allowed,and usually with some requirements of what they consider a child avatar..

You may already have that at your landing point,but just saying just in case.


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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Oh this topic again...

The most common reasons:

- People are creeped out by child avatars

- People are annoyed by the constant babytalk and roleplay some child avatars perform

- People don't think children fit the theme of their sim (even if its not an A rated sim)

- People don't want to even get close to the risk of being reported

...and last but not least people may have had bad situations with child avatars in the past and started to dislike them as a whole.

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Just now, BilliJo Aldrin said:

The beauty of second life is that you can ban anyone from your property for whatever reason you chose.

If only real life was like that.


Oh yea,RL it would be great..

I would be giving my own family temp bans from time to time, just to catch a breather..

*looking at the wall, lost in thought smiling*

What was I saying again? Oh yea,RL it would be great..

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11 hours ago, mysticryder said:

Sl is an adult based game...its no place for children or people who want to act like children.


I disagree with this. What makes SL so enjoyable is that you can be anyone and anything your heart desires. Roleplay is a big part of that. Not everyone is in SL to engage in adult activities. When I first joined eight years ago, I spent the majority of my time decorating my house, landscaping, raising animals, playing flurbils, etc. I still do the same things only now I also do a lot of farming and cooking. I just happen to use an 11 year old av because that age was the happiest for me in real life. 

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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I don't believe that you can get into trouble for them coming to your sim..They are the ones that are supposed to know where they are and are not supposed to be..

Could you imagine the kind of griefing that would be going on if griefers found out that,all they had to do was put on a child avatar and raid adult sims?

It's only certain things that they are not allowed to be around..They are allowed into adult sims because adult content is not only sexual things..

Do you guys have a notecard that is handed out at the landing point with the rules of your sim? A lot of people use those to say ,No child avatars allowed,and usually with some requirements of what they consider a child avatar..

You may already have that at your landing point,but just saying just in case.


Yes its in the rules notecard indeed. Still annoys me like hell to see them walk around. Not the image I want for my sim :)

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Kids in adult areas = automatic no no. But there are lots of situations in which people playing child avatars shoudl not be out alone in M or lower rated sims either. In RL it would be alarming and problematic for a child to show up in a women's clothing store on their own without a parent. Same with a racetrack, farm, university, almost anything you can name that is not *explicitly* kid-oriented.  For that same reason it bugs me to see people in shops wearing animal avatars (that are not anthropomorphic).  It's jarring.  And as many others have said, this is doubly irritating if that child avatar is being "in character" and being disruptive or annoying or making noises.  I have nothing against kid avatars in kid-related contexts, but when they venture out into the adult world - by which I mean the grown-up world, not just the sexual stuff -  alone, they should switch to an adult avatar.

Personally, I do find them mostly creepy, though I admit that has a lot to do with having had only negative experiences with them. If I were to run a sim, I would most likely not allow them, regardless of rating, or would at minimum require them to be accompanied by an adult avatar at all times.

By the way - Adam, above someone posted that they found it discomfjiting when a child-avatar acts unchildlike in the middle of rping a child, and you immediately assumed she was talking about sex. This is an unfair assumption. There is more to being an adult than sex.  A child can be unchildlike in many ways, including discussing advanced topics in current events, using vocabulary not normally associated with children, wearing high heels, etc etc; essentially they are breaking character while trying to stay in character. If they are otherwise in-character, that kind of behavior doesn't fit, and makes it hard to role-play in return because you don't know how to respond to a kid who is suddenly acting and talking like a grown-up. 

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47 minutes ago, hyacinth3704 said:

Kids in adult areas = automatic no no. But there are lots of situations in which people playing child avatars shoudl not be out alone in M or lower rated sims either. In RL it would be alarming and problematic for a child to show up in a women's clothing store on their own without a parent. Same with a racetrack, farm, university, almost anything you can name that is not *explicitly* kid-oriented.  For that same reason it bugs me to see people in shops wearing animal avatars (that are not anthropomorphic).  It's jarring.  And as many others have said, this is doubly irritating if that child avatar is being "in character" and being disruptive or annoying or making noises.  I have nothing against kid avatars in kid-related contexts, but when they venture out into the adult world - by which I mean the grown-up world, not just the sexual stuff -  alone, they should switch to an adult avatar.

Personally, I do find them mostly creepy, though I admit that has a lot to do with having had only negative experiences with them. If I were to run a sim, I would most likely not allow them, regardless of rating, or would at minimum require them to be accompanied by an adult avatar at all times.

By the way - Adam, above someone posted that they found it discomfjiting when a child-avatar acts unchildlike in the middle of rping a child, and you immediately assumed she was talking about sex. This is an unfair assumption. There is more to being an adult than sex.  A child can be unchildlike in many ways, including discussing advanced topics in current events, using vocabulary not normally associated with children, wearing high heels, etc etc; essentially they are breaking character while trying to stay in character. If they are otherwise in-character, that kind of behavior doesn't fit, and makes it hard to role-play in return because you don't know how to respond to a kid who is suddenly acting and talking like a grown-up. 

one time i saw a child and asked, "how old are u sweetie?"

She replies "old enough" then started drinking a beer and smoking.

Well, all righty then.

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