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Announcing an Easier Way to Purchase Abandoned Mainland Property

Blondin Linden

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To make Mainland parcels easier to purchase, we have implemented a new system that automatically takes recently abandoned Mainland parcels and makes them available for Mainland landowners and Premium account members to buy directly at discounted rates. By using the new system, you no longer have to go through Support, which was a longer and more involved process.

Purchasing Mainland Parcels Directly is Easier
Start by looking at the Mainland on the World Map, and enabling the check box “Land for Sale.” When you find a parcel that you might be interested in, check out the owner. If the parcel is owned by Governor Linden and marked, “Abandoned Land - For Sale,” then you can purchase it by clicking on the “Buy Land,” button. Today, we are pricing abandoned land at L$1 per square meter (pricing subject to change) and, of course, the regular monthly tiered land costs apply for ongoing maintenance. Over time, we may also make older abandoned land available for sale, using the same process. Our goal is to increase the Mainland occupancy for a more active and beautiful environment for all to enjoy.

For more more detailed information, take a look at this wiki page.

So, if you’ve ever been thinking about owning your very own piece of the Mainland, or expanding your current holdings, then now is a great time to take a look and snap up some great properties.

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That's great news! And I even got to test it today. I had long planned to open a store on mature land for all my non-explicit content. Today I went looking for a cheap plot in a low lag sim and found one that was 2304 sqm large.

I parcelled off 256 sqm and abandoned it in order to get down to 2048 sqm. Later on, I decided to abandon my Linden Home parcel instead and buy the 256 sqm plot back. And it was really up for sale, for L$1 / sqm. So the new system seems to work.

PS: Could it be that the previous owner can buy abandoned land back for L$ 0 for a limited time? I think I saw L$0 in the land purchase dialog when I checked, but perhaps I just didn't give it enough time to load completely. Then I went to abandon my Linden Home, and when I came back the price had changed to L$256.

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Somewhere between 0 - 24 hours apparantly - which is kinda confusing

shouldn't it just be up to 24 hours - much clearer.

(When a mainland parcel is abandoned, there is a short period (from one hour to 24 hours) when an owner can reclaim the land if he/she abandoned it in error.)

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You have about 24 hours to change your mind. From the FAQ:


What happens to land when it is abandoned?

When a mainland parcel is abandoned, there is a short period (from one hour to 24 hours) when an owner can reclaim the land if he/she abandoned it in error. After that period, objects on the land are returned to the original owner and the name of the parcel will change to, “Abandoned Land - For Sale,” and the ownership transfers to Governor Linden. The land can then be purchased by anyone with a Premium account.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:


Drongle McMahon wrote:

Won't the land bots snap them all up anyway? I can imagine them being oiled and polished all last week to be ready. Or is L$1/sqm still too high for them now?


Land bots tend to wait for under 0.5L/sqm these days.




Two issues

1 - Land bots are keyed into the search results

from the wiki link Blondin posted - : Purchasing Abandoned Mainland

" These parcels can be found my visiting a region and looking at parcel descriptions. They will also highlight on the map as land for sale. These parcels are not listed in Search."

So .... hopefully the land bots will not have access to the data & their eyes are notoriously bad


2 - Land bots are usually set to buy 2 points or more under the bottom price

so ... if the bottom price is $1L per metre .... some will be buying at 0.8 L/metre (Moderate & PG)

In Adult ... atm they will pay at least 3,5 to 4 >L per metre,

But a operator who is on top of the game is always adjusting buy rate settings


Personally .... I would like to pull the plug on them & have land dealt with by flesh & blood pixilar representations

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I still believe that abandonned land should be made available to adjacent landowners first! Abandonned land can connect land in 4 ways; 4, 3, 2, 1 side, this should also be the selection criteria in which LL should offer the buy options to landowners connecting to the abandonned plot. Why don't you guys sent a message to the neighbouring landowners first, rather than releasing land to the masses?


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The system will be smoother than auctions. I've only seen one auction on my sim that wasn't due to someone ticketing for the land. But a lot of good land is already abandoned, which this system won't help. I hope they do consider applying it to previously abandoned land too. Maybe do it for a small date range of land at a time, so there isn't a sudden glut of every piece of abandoned land coming up for sale.

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Wildcat Furse wrote:


I still believe that abandonned land should be made available to adjacent landowners first!


Couldn't agree more.  :smileyhappy:


Abandonned land can connect land in 4 ways; 4, 3, 2, 1 side, this should also be the selection criteria in which LL should offer the buy options to landowners connecting to the abandonned plot.

Not all parcels are rectangular shaped.  The land I own in Suisun is very oddly shaped.  The way the road goes through, one corner is cut into a sort of triangle shape and, in another area, I wrap around someone else's property in a "U" shape.  If I were to abandon all that land, there simply is no concept of "how many of the four sides" a neighbor owns.


LL would have to measure the length of the border with all neighbors.  Whoever owns the most length should get first dibs.  There would have to be tie-breaker rules.  For example, who owns more land in the region first, who owns more land in all of SL second, and finally who has the earlier born-on date.


Why don't you guys sent a message to the neighbouring landowners first, rather than releasing land to the masses?



I really wish they would do that, but it does somewhat open a can of worms.  Nothing that can't be figured out, but a bit of thought would be needed.  Since this land doesn't show in search, and, apparently not found by land bots, perhaps the thought is that's good enough.

I'd still rather see them do it right and make neighbor notification/preference part of the automated system.

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I think no matter what they (LL) do it wouldn't be good enough fot everyone - by offering it for instance to the biggest adjoining owner first they would be accused of helping land barons get bigger (or helping creat new ones) - and so on. To a degree what they have done is probably the best over all way of doing it. What they could do I think is set the land with an 'intention' of sale sign on it. So that local landowners would have a chance to see it was going up for sale in maybe 3 days. Of course if someone only logs in once or twice a week and isn't very good at checking stuff like that - chances are they will always lose out.

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As usual, LL has once again helped the select few and seemingly screwed everyone else.

Landbots can be set and many are set to be selective by setting filters for price and location. While for general land they won't buy anything that isn't a small percentage below the lowest on the market, many are set to snatch up land in highly desireable areas at higher rates (meaning they will definitely get the land set a L$1/meter if the land is in one of these areas). This means any Adult rated land (which is selling well above L$1/meter), waterfront, protected land, bay city land etc will pretty much be the landbot owners if they so choose. This screws the regular people who have been waiting for certain parcels of this desirable property, as the Landbot owners will certainly set the prices well above what they pay for it. In addition, this will certainly keep the market stable for a short time, until the landbot owners flood the market with land that has been dumped to them (people that need to dump land just keep setting their land lower and lower until a landbot snatches it up, not realizing that if it is set at the bottom of a market and they wait a few minutes, usually a real person will buy it.). This will of course push the market down below the L$1/meter threshold enough so that the crappy abandoned land will start to clutter up the lower end of the market forcing people to sell below that price.

Sure, this will help lower the amount of abandoned land, which certainly is a problem, but once again LL is helping the select few profit while screwing over the majority of the population of SL - Jack Linden 2006: "yes Linden Labs is aware of the issue of landbots and are working to eliminate them from buying land in Second Life so that everyone has a fair chance" - 5 years later and if anything they have made it easier for landbots and their owners to enjoy their profits

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Chaos Mohr wrote:

As usual, LL has once again helped the select few and seemingly screwed everyone else.

Landbots can be set and many are set to be selective by setting filters for price and location. While for general land they won't buy anything that isn't a small percentage below the lowest on the market, many are set to snatch up land in highly desireable areas at higher rates (meaning they will definitely get the land set a L$1/meter if the land is in one of these areas). This means any Adult rated land (which is selling well above L$1/meter), waterfront, protected land, bay city land etc will pretty much be the landbot owners if they so choose. This screws the regular people who have been waiting for certain parcels of this desirable property, as the Landbot owners will certainly set the prices well above what they pay for it. In addition, this will certainly keep the market stable for a short time, until the landbot owners flood the market with land that has been dumped to them (people that need to dump land just keep setting their land lower and lower until a landbot snatches it up, not realizing that if it is set at the bottom of a market and they wait a few minutes, usually a real person will buy it.). This will of course push the market down below the L$1/meter threshold enough so that the crappy abandoned land will start to clutter up the lower end of the market forcing people to sell below that price.

Sure, this will help lower the amount of abandoned land, which certainly is a problem, but once again LL is helping the select few profit while screwing over the majority of the population of SL - Jack Linden 2006: "yes Linden Labs is aware of the issue of landbots and are working to eliminate them from buying land in Second Life so that everyone has a fair chance" - 5 years later and if anything they have made it easier for landbots and their owners to enjoy their profits


I must point out that in the 'highly desirable' regions LL are still setting land for auction. Land by me was abandoned last week ans is up for auction at the moment. I have a feeling the land bots won't do too well out of this - especially as LL aren't advertising their land in 'search' which is how the land bots find the deals.

As I said earlier - what ever LL do it won't suit everyone - there will always be someone with a better idea - for them

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Mags Indigo wrote:

 I must point out that in the 'highly desirable' regions LL are still setting land for auction. Land by me was abandoned last week ans is up for auction at the moment. I have a feeling the land bots won't do too well out of this - especially as LL aren't advertising their land in 'search' which is how the land bots find the deals.

As I said earlier - what ever LL do it won't suit everyone - there will always be someone with a better idea - for them

Guess again - All of the recently abandoned land IS showing up in search and IS being sold regardless of location (I just saw a number of protected waterfront plots get snatched up by landbots yesterday). Your land is up for Auction because this only started with newly abandoned land as of yesterday. If you look in land search there is now quite a bit of Abandoned Land listed at L$1/meter being sold by LL

And you are certainly right, no matter what LL does, it won't suit everyone, but in this case it does certainly suit the landbot owners who are smart enough to leverage another one of LL's new policies to their advantage.

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Chaos Mohr wrote:

Guess again - All of the recently abandoned land IS showing up in search and IS being sold regardless of location (I just saw a number of protected waterfront plots get snatched up by landbots yesterday). Your land is up for Auction because this only started with newly abandoned land as of yesterday. If you look in land search there is now quite a bit of Abandoned Land listed at L$1/meter being sold by LL

And you are certainly right, no matter what LL does, it won't suit everyone, but in this case it does certainly suit the landbot owners who are smart enough to leverage another one of LL's new policies to their advantage.

Well all I can say is the abandoned land near me went straight for auction on the day it was abandoned - yesterday. I know this because I was watching - living here and all. As for search on the wiki it says it won't show in search, so that's something LL need to sort if it's happening. Haven't seen any in search myself but then one would need to be living near to know I guess so I'll defer to your greater knowledge on that. Just as I guess you'll have to take my word about the land alongside me. :smileyhappy:

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Mags Indigo wrote:


Well all I can say is the abandoned land near me went straight for auction on the day it was abandoned - yesterday. I know this because I was watching - living here and all. As for search on the wiki it says it won't show in search, so that's something LL need to sort if it's happening. Haven't seen any in search myself but then one would need to be living near to know I guess so I'll defer to your greater knowledge on that. Just as I guess you'll have to take my word about the land alongside me. :smileyhappy:

It is haphazard the way that LL has done auctions - as it is right now, the land that is up for auction is land that was abandoned between 2007 and this month. And yes, I see how the Wiki states that the land will not show up in search, another case of one hand of LL not having any idea what is really going on and not testing things before they put out an info article. As of right now, I counted 11 plots of 'Abandoned  Land' owned by governor Linden which show up in search at $L1/meter. Having it not show up in search would be great - although I am sure the enterprising bot owners would figure a way around that as well - they always do when profit is at stake.

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Perhaps this will be the impetus LL needs to do something about bots. Personally I think bots have a role (though I wouldn't miss them if they were gone) but perhaps a scripted object should not be able to buy land for a few hours after it goes on sale or something like that.

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Mags Indigo wrote:

I think no matter what they (LL) do it wouldn't be good enough fot everyone - by offering it for instance to the biggest adjoining owner first they would be accused of helping land barons get bigger (or helping creat new ones) - and so on. To a degree what they have done is probably the best over all way of doing it. What they could do I think is set the land with an 'intention' of sale sign on it. So that local landowners would have a chance to see it was going up for sale in maybe 3 days. Of course if someone only logs in once or twice a week and isn't very good at checking stuff like that - chances are they will always lose out.


Before this change, if the abandoned land was 512m² or less and you owned land bordering 3 sides (which I take as 75% of the border) or more, then they'd set the land for sale to you for L$1/m.  I don't recall anyone complaining about that.  If the complaint is about large land owners getting preference in the tie-breaker, then so be it.

At the very least, they should make that part of the automated process, but drop it down to more than 50%.  If someone owns more than 50% of the border (no possibility of a tie) set it for sale to them for L$1/m, send them an IM, and send an e-mail.  After a week, if there's no purchase or a decline to buy response, set it for sale to anyone.  If no one owns more than 50% of the border then go directly to set sale to anyone.

I'd still rather they go through the list of all neighbors first with some sort of tie breaker (heck, even throw   in other land owners in the region before opening up to anyone), but even just the above would be a nice improvement.

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