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Vote for Net Neutrality

Blaze Nielsen

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1 minute ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

One of the key elements in Prokofy Neva's talks is that he never has to back his point with proofs and facts, you on the other hand have to.

I'm just curious - it's really looking like a case of "I refuse to buy a cotton duck tent because I'm opposed to the exploitation of waterfowl."

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14 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

I suggest you go to Google's business web pages and see all the HARDWARE products they make for your home.

Google is indeed a monopoly. Nobody uses Yahoo, it's crap. Bing has some usage but it's tiny compared to Google. It's so small that Microsoft bombards you with offers of games and coupons and contests to try to earn points using their search to cash out for a restaurant meal or $5. So yes, monopollist.

The proposition at hand is a federal decision for the whole country. If your particular county only has Comcast, then fix it at your level without forcing the rest of the country into your socialism/socialist "choice".

Do you realize you are replying to something from 5 months ago that you already replied almost the exact same wording to? 

1. Ah yes yes, google makes things. With the companies they have acquired. Those companies now make things under Googles name.. Slight difference. 

2. mo·nop·o·ly

1.  the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.

"his likely motive was to protect his regional monopoly on furs

If there is any competition its not a monopoly...  

3. If there is only one provider of a service in a given area, Essex county is fricking huge BTW, that would be a monopoly... Xfinity is the only provider in Essex county for cable or internet. 776,000 people... Yeah, thats a small number. NOT. We have petitioned fios and verizon to come to our area. They both said, when we can.. 

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28 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

Theresa Tennyson has a light bulb go on over her head.

Mr. Neva, could you please explain what "net neutrality" means, in your own words?

Are you trying to make their head explode?!?!? You want Prok to think for themselves and not parrot contrary positions simply to be contrary? 

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On 5/24/2018 at 2:08 PM, Drake1 Nightfire said:

Are you trying to make their head explode?!?!? You want Prok to think for themselves and not parrot contrary positions simply to be contrary? 

The parroting and ideological straitjacking here are on the side of the pro-"net neutrality" factions. But fortunately, they've lost, and will go on losing, and common sense has prevailed. That's a good thing.

There isn't a place where socialism is "patently working well". People cite Sweden, which is filled with its own kinds of woes, including high suicide rates. This is hardly something to compare a large, multi-ethnic and diverse country like America with anyway. England? Really? You can't get fare with that given all its political, health care, etc. woes. Um, it's not about fear, but again common sense and reason, watching many countries and actually living in socialist/communist countries like Russia or visiting countries before they turned socialist, like Venezuela, so having grounded experience which you may not have.

Your other gross remarks get an abuse report and you've also signalled that you have no ideas or arguments that are valid. Thanks!


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On 5/24/2018 at 2:00 PM, Kyrah Abattoir said:

One of the key elements in Prokofy Neva's talks is that he never has to back his point with proofs and facts, you on the other hand have to.

You'd be impervious to the facts anyway. You forget that some of us have long memories, of how you staged demonstrations against the Lindens with bloody hands -- creepy! How you massively defaced Mainland by advertising on little 16m plots to drive people to your islands, etc. etc. You have no shame.

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6 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

The parroting and ideological straitjacking here are on the side of the pro-"net neutrality" factions. But fortunately, they've lost, and will go on losing, and common sense has prevailed. That's a good thing.

At least we will have the last laugh when you will get what you wanted - Enjoy your rude awaking when reality catches up on you.

Edited by Fionalein
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11 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

England? Really? You can't get fare with that given all its political, health care, etc. woes.

As an englishman, I'm curious to know what "political, health care, etc. woes" we have here? Would you be so kind as to enlighten me, please?

Health care:
Free healthcare, called the National Health Service (NHS) was created by a socialist government soon after WWII, and it's still free healthcare. Free healthcare was invented here. We don't pay for our health treatment. Example: a couple of years ago I developed appendicitis, which caused me first to see my doctor, and then be admitted to hospital for an operation, where I had to stay for almost a week. None of it cost me a penny, and, no, I didn't, and don't, have any kind of health insurance. The one woe that the NHS has is that it is underfunded, so we do pay a fixed small amount for prescriptions, but it still continues to work as it always did - y'know, free doctor appointments, free hospitals, free operations, etc. So, apart from being underfunded, what "woes" are you refering to in our healthcare? Perhaps you think that free healthcare itself is woe, because we should be paying for it lol. When your country provides something even close to the NHS, then you can talk about our healthcare woes but, until then, you are just blind.

What political woes do we have? I'm not aware of any. We haven't had a socialist government here for many decades - since before you were born. We had a Labour government for a while, but they weren't socialist at that time. Labour started as a socialist party but they abandoned socialism a very long time ago, in order to get elected. Back when they were a socialist party, they nationalised things like the railways. Later, a conservative government, under Margaret Thatcher, sold them off - denationalised them. And now they are in a real mess. Railway journeys became more expensive so fewer people used them, which, in turn, caused journey prices to go up, which caused even fewer people to use them, and so on.

What woes do we have that you include in "etc."?

I am truly interested in your answers to these questions.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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13 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

As an englishman, I'm curious to know what "political, health care, etc." woes we have here? Would you inform me, please?

Health care:Information, free healthcare, called the National health Service (NHS) was created by a socialist government soon after WWII, and it's still free healthcare. We don't pay for our health treatment. Example: a couple of years ago I developed appendicitis, which caused me to be operated on in a hospital where I had to stay for almost a week. It didn't cost me a penny, and, no, I don't have any kind of health insurance. The NHS is underfunded, and we do pay a fixed nominal amount for prescriptions, but it's still the NHS. So, apart from being underfunded, what "woes" are you refering to?

Some rich dude isn't buying a gold plated yacht by charging a 500% markup on an x-ray machine with that system. It's a woe for that rich dude.

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7 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

How you massively defaced Mainland by advertising on little 16m plots to drive people to your islands, etc. etc.

Huh. I'd expected the anti-BDSM rant for Kyrah, not this. Could this possibly be a case of mistaken identity?

( FWIW, I can help jog memories about adfarming in SL. On the other hand, I strive to stay ignorant of who's alt of whom, so wtf do I know?)

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On 6/1/2018 at 4:33 AM, Phil Deakins said:

As an englishman, I'm curious to know what "political, health care, etc. woes" we have here? Would you be so kind as to enlighten me, please?

Health care:
Free healthcare, called the National Health Service (NHS) was created by a socialist government soon after WWII, and it's still free healthcare. Free healthcare was invented here. We don't pay for our health treatment. Example: a couple of years ago I developed appendicitis, which caused me first to see my doctor, and then be admitted to hospital for an operation, where I had to stay for almost a week. None of it cost me a penny, and, no, I didn't, and don't, have any kind of health insurance. The one woe that the NHS has is that it is underfunded, so we do pay a fixed small amount for prescriptions, but it still continues to work as it always did - y'know, free doctor appointments, free hospitals, free operations, etc. So, apart from being underfunded, what "woes" are you refering to in our healthcare? Perhaps you think that free healthcare itself is woe, because we should be paying for it lol. When your country provides something even close to the NHS, then you can talk about our healthcare woes but, until then, you are just blind.

What political woes do we have? I'm not aware of any. We haven't had a socialist government here for many decades - since before you were born. We had a Labour government for a while, but they weren't socialist at that time. Labour started as a socialist party but they abandoned socialism a very long time ago, in order to get elected. Back when they were a socialist party, they nationalised things like the railways. Later, a conservative government, under Margaret Thatcher, sold them off - denationalised them. And now they are in a real mess. Railway journeys became more expensive so fewer people used them, which, in turn, caused journey prices to go up, which caused even fewer people to use them, and so on.

What woes do we have that you include in "etc."?

I am truly interested in your answers to these questions.

I'm guessing you don't actually read any of the newspapers in your country, as a report about the "serious failings" in the NHS has been covered all over.

Worse, I don't think you are looking outside your window.

We see the results of this by noticing how Brits come over here for treatment.

The terribleness of the US health care system isn't somehow an argument for socialism or for pretending there aren't massive problems with British socialist health care.

Free tells you it's value, yes.

Most Europeans and socialists don't grasp at all, because they can't read even their own newspapers or bother to check fasts, that long before Obama care, the US had health care plans for those with low incomes -- but they are organized by state, not at the federal level -- a fact most outsiders never grasp about America. I know because I as a single parent am a beneficiary as are my children. This enables free or very low co-pay for medicines that for example might otherwise cost me $1000 or more a month because of my rare immune disease. Paying $8 for a medicine or $65 for a specialist who costs hundreds is more than fine, everyone can pay something. The "freeness" obsession makes no sense. America has more social justice under its non-socialist capitalist system than many so-called socialist countries which is why immigrants flock here, and that's normal and a good thing. It's too bad others can't learn reality from this.

As for your failure to understand that you have political woes, after your country has suffered this MASSIVE dislocation and drama of Brexit, I just don't know what to do. I realize I'm dealing with lack of rationality here and can't go on. Even the "facts" cited on the railways just show a deep lack of sense about how economics work. So you can have the last word here because it's futile. 

I suppose every country has the government they deserve when there is ignorance, including our own.

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1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

I suppose every country has the government they deserve when there is ignorance, including our own.


couldn't have said it better, thanks for realizing ;)

Edited by Fionalein
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@Prokofy Neva

I don't actually read newspapers, no, but I do get the news from other sources, such as TV.

You are dreaming if you believe that the NHS has "serious failings". The only problem it has is a shortage of funding. On rare occasions, they have had to decline treating a person when the cost of the medication is way too prohibitive. On those occasions, a person does sometimes go to another country to get what they need. But that's solely due to a shortage of funding from the government. It was on the news the other day that the NHS is paying £1000 for a £1 pill for people's treatment. Would your free service do anything like that? lol. Once in a while, they go elsewhere because the expertise is in another country. Not just to the U.S., btw.

The British National Health Service is superb, and does a superb job. You should try becoming acquainted with facts once in a while instead of swallowing anything and everything that sounds negative. Only an idiot would attempt to teach people of another country about things in their own countries. We've seen it before here - not from you. The person I'm thinking of was a lot like you, in that she liked to put herself across as knowing a lot about nearly everything and, in the process, sometimes tried teaching people of other countries about their own countries. She was also a lot like you in that she'd see what was being discussed, then looked it up on the web, and came back to teach us as though she was an expert. I don't think you do that though. I think that you just swallow every you read as long a it's negative, but not grasping the fact that newspapers are notorious for either making stuff up or blowing things up out of all proportion. And then you come and spout your self-styled 'expertise'. You are a victim of your own ego - an ego that likes to think that it's well-informed on all sorts of topics, even more well-informed than the people who live it. I've no doubt that you are well-informed in topics that you experience, but you delude yourself when you try to teach people about their own countries.

I wouldn't even think of trying to tell you anything about the healthcare over there, because I know precious little about it, and I'm not arrogant enough to think I can teach americans anything about it. Over the years I've acquired the impression that people either have to pay for health insurance or pay for treatment, but that's only an impression. I've come across news items about people, who are in dire need of emergency treatment, being turned away from hospitals because they don't have insurance - stuff like that. It has made me feel sorry for people over there as far as healthcare is concerned, when I compare it to the NHS here. Now you tell me that you poorer people do have access to free treatment. I wonder if that stretches as far as things like open heart surgery, and such. It does here - and it's available for free to everyone. You don't have to be on the lower end of incomes to get it for free here. We actually do have a National Health Service that available to all - for free.

That was the long version. This is the short version...

You haven't got a clue what you're talking about, and you're just blowing it out of your <enter body part here>.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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2 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

I'm guessing you don't actually read any of the newspapers in your country, as a report about the "serious failings" in the NHS has been covered all over.

I like how you feel qualified to talk about a healthcare system you have ZERO experience with and happy to demonstrate that you have idea what you're talking about. The NHS is a national treasure so any issues tend to get garnished with a lot of hyperbole when they make print. The only problem the NHS has right now is a conservative government and the mismanagement and that comes with it ... your ideology is rotten to the core.




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On 6/1/2018 at 3:39 AM, Prokofy Neva said:

You'd be impervious to the facts anyway. You forget that some of us have long memories, of how you staged demonstrations against the Lindens with bloody hands -- creepy! How you massively defaced Mainland by advertising on little 16m plots to drive people to your islands, etc. etc. You have no shame.


On 6/1/2018 at 11:52 AM, Qie Niangao said:

Huh. I'd expected the anti-BDSM rant for Kyrah, not this. Could this possibly be a case of mistaken identity?

( FWIW, I can help jog memories about adfarming in SL. On the other hand, I strive to stay ignorant of who's alt of whom, so wtf do I know?)

Oh thank you Qie, for a second I thought I had slipped into a parallele universe into which, somehow I had turned into a land baron.


But it would make a great novel.

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2 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

I like how you feel qualified to talk about a healthcare system you have ZERO experience with and happy to demonstrate that you have idea what you're talking about. The NHS is a national treasure so any issues tend to get garnished with a lot of hyperbole when they make print. The only problem the NHS has right now is a conservative government and the mismanagement and that comes with it ... your ideology is rotten to the core.




Sad though I am I have to agree with Prok about something socialism is evil. Happily he or she is on right coincidentally as they obviously dont have a clue about what socialism is because net neutrality certainly isnt it. To back up what i say go and ask what your average venezualan now thinks of socialism....then filter it several times so it gets through the forum autocensor


As to your comment about the nhs Coffee you mean the current governement that is spending more on the nhs than the previous one in real terms while labour promised to cut its budget and note I am not a tory voter here i think both parties are ***** just labour are even *****ter since they elected the loon in chief corbyn

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On 5/24/2018 at 5:15 AM, Qie Niangao said:

Perhaps you just have your Indians confused. The FCC chair's name is Ajit Pai, not "Patai", suggesting you may have mistaken him for Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google.

Anyway, you're quite right that it "isn't only about 'net neutrality'" -- Pai's villainy extends beyond that. And let's not forget his escapade at the Daily Caller with a Pizzagate propagandist. He's simply scum.


I think you're just trying to use literalism to troll here, Qie, and that's silly.

Um, no, I didn't mistaken him for Pataj (a politician running in my neighborhood which is why I have him on the brain); nor for Pichai. Because among other things, I can read, and even distinguish people's last names, imagine that.


But he's still from Indian background, and that's my point.

See Wikipedia:

Ajit Pai was born on January 10, 1973, in Buffalo, New York, and grew up in Parsons, Kansas.[8] His parents are Konkani[9][10] immigrants from India:


The hatred and viciousness toward this man is misplaced, and is really a kind of racism -- the left always gets that way when persons of colour don't follow their leftist extremist prescriptions and "go off course".

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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On 6/2/2018 at 5:42 PM, Kyrah Abattoir said:


Oh thank you Qie, for a second I thought I had slipped into a parallele universe into which, somehow I had turned into a land baron.


But it would make a great novel.

Oh, so we've clarified that Kyrah Abattoir isn't an alt of Kalyrra Heart despite very, very similar personas. Interesting! Doesn't matter, as Kyrah was a long time hater and vicious commentator on my blog.

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5 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Oh, so we've clarified that Kyrah Abattoir isn't an alt of Kalyrra Heart despite very, very similar personas. Interesting! Doesn't matter, as Kyrah was a long time hater and vicious commentator on my blog.

Talk about doing a 180 all in the name of saving what little credibility you have left.

If only you could be bothered to check your facts once in a while.

Edited by Kyrah Abattoir
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