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Race Play

BilliJo Aldrin

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14 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

It seems that Norman Lear can be given credit for using an unpleasant role to shine light on a more noble purpose, but I cannot :-)

Without knowing more about your RP, I can't determine whether credit is due. I laid out my understanding of All In The Family and gave examples of how I'd judge your RP if I knew more about it.

14 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

We are laughing -at- the mindset being depicted; not gleefully celebrating stupidity.

It's not clear to me whether you're laughing at the mindset of the bad guys you're creating or that of the people playing the good guys in response. Even if I knew, I'm not sure it would help my understanding. I'd probably have to experience your RL to make a call on it, presuming you didn't ban me before I got that far. I've a tendency to subvert any situation I'm in.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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On 11/20/2017 at 1:02 AM, Ashlyn Voir said:

As I know who this thread is about (a shame you didn’t go in-world to say so), I can’t help but put my own two cents in your thread as a black person myself. And, I’m laughing so hard right now, but it’s okay to be ignorant of a race you’re not a part of. Because...one, not every black person uses n*gga (you said n*gger like what black person calls each other that with the hard ‘er’ like bruh...they don’t say that trust me lmao, but it’s okay you’re not one of us so how would you know). 

Secondly, mentioning your partner’s race in your profile, in my opinion (key word here is opinion), is really unnecessary and makes it seem like his race is more important to you than him as a person. Then again, it’s just my opinion. 


Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
don't wanna spend Thanksgiving banned
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On 11/20/2017 at 7:11 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Most of what you say here, defending the right of people to say truly awful racist things, is a great deal of sound and fury signifying nothing.

It's a straw man argument. Nobody is contesting your right to be racist, or even engage in racist RP. (See the first bullet point in my post above, in response to James.) No one has called for a ban of this.

But If we grant you the right to engage in racist behaviours, then you too must reciprocate, and grant that we have the right to criticize you for it. Having the right to do something does not exempt you from that, nor from the natural consequences of your free choice. One of those consequences is that people are going to see that you are racists, and call you out for it.



"They call me Mr. Tibbs."

"Hi Mr. Tibbs! Have a donut?"

Would you watch that movie? Would you have a movie at all?

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27 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

She says she and her partner use the term ‘n*gger d*ick’ and others like it when they speak to each other. She admits to race play, so we see where this is going anyway. 

Once again, my partner is a white girl, she has no part in this.

My bf is black but I have never ever used that word with him.

We don't like it and it does nothing for us.

I've used it on one or two occasions with black guys that find the use of the word enhances their experience.

If that's a problem, its your problem, not mine

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On 11/20/2017 at 1:19 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

With the greatest respect, Amanda -- and I find your argument an interesting, if deeply flawed one -- let me pose you my own question:

"How much respect for or enjoyment of an action movie would we have if the foundation of the conflict were entirely built upon unpleasant and socially dangerous racist stereotypes?"

I teach English literature: I get that any story lines needs a narrative arc that is built upon conflict, and that that conflict is often between protagonist(s) and antagonist(s). There is certainly nothing "wrong" with employing people who do "Bad Things" as antagonists: what is wrong is premising the performance of those "Bad Things" not upon character or circumstance, but rather upon crudely racist stereotypes. If the sole reason that your Big Bad Black Drug Dealer is Big, Bad and Deals Drugs is that he is Black, then, yeah, that's unacceptably racist, because the only motivation, the only "character" that he possesses is your utterly repugnant stereotype about what it means to be "black."

The best movies -- or plays, or novels, or whatever -- don't rely for their antagonists upon racist stereotypes or cardboard figures who are mere stand-ins for racist assumptions: they employ fully-realized, complex villains who have a personal history and discernible depth of character that helps explain their motivation and makes the conflict with the protagonist more interesting and meaningful.

And even the crappiest action movies can no longer get away with simplistic racist stereotypes.

You want your thug or drug dealer to be black (or some other non-white ethnicity)? Fine. But make him an individual. It's lazy, ignorant, dangerous, and deeply offensive to make him representative of awful and outdated racist stereotypes. 

And you know what? I guarantee your RP will be more interesting, engaging, and exciting. You might actually find people want to play the villain! And you won't be contributing a social blight in the process. It's win win win!

What led you to believe that Amanda isn't doing exactly this already?

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On 11/20/2017 at 1:19 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

You want your thug or drug dealer to be black (or some other non-white ethnicity)? Fine. But make him an individual. It's lazy, ignorant, dangerous, and deeply offensive to make him representative of awful and outdated racist stereotypes. 

Been to Chicago lately? Or any inner city? It's not really an outdated stereotype. 

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11 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

Been to Chicago lately? Or any inner city? It's not really an outdated stereotype. 

Right before the verdict in the trial of the police officers in the Rodney King affair, a Los Angeles politician was loudly condemned as racist for saying that there would be riots if the police officers "got off".

The police officers "got off".

Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
fixed spelling mistake, added quotation marks
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