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What Ever has happened to the Spirit of the community since 2009?

Michaelatv Destiny

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One a Upon A time I had a Rez day In October 2007 that now makes me 10 years old here. Been back in here about two years after numerous health issues.  But I am finding SL to be very depressing to what it was from 2009. The technology has improved somewhat, except from Grids in oceans making flying or sailing large vehicles still a nightmare.

I used to have 56 friends, most of which were from urban Combat sims, Like NOR (Remembrance  12 sims). Since LL joined the teen grid, Most urban combat groups closed down  very quickly because teens would not take orders on Role Play rules or be respectful to admins, which was none negotiable. Most of my Friends have long gone, Im lucky  out of 12 I have left to see 4 Online during an 8 hour period. United Kingdom Time. In those days I was a manager of a German Shemale Club, that boasted  full houses 4 out of 7 days every evening till 11pm (CET) Although German was spoken  most new some English, I met many lovely people of all genders, and the dancers looked up to me as , not only their friend & confidant , but their manager to help them become better dancers and use Emotes carefully.

I don't see that same close community over the last 2 years? All I seem to see is clubs, where everyone is scared to speak, or interact with each other, I also see insane rules, made by  High Born owners, that If your not using an expensive avatar, or two many scripts they kick you from the sim!?? How is that  supposed to help new residents learn , who don't know what a classic, mesh, Slink, Catwa body is yet ?, Im at a loss to understand their mind set, that would turn away a resident just because they may still be in noob clothing. They seem to forget everyone was a noob at one stage, and that must hurt the amount of new traffic that comes into SL. Who do  not have Mentors to help them anymore, they will leave & find something else, that has empathy with them.

I just finished a L$16,000 Game Of Thrones rp and adult attraction, using only the very best textures,and modified ballroom The most expensive drapes, carpets, Dragon Wine Goblet Trays, medieval Top end interactive adult Furniture you wont find in your average sex Hole dirty establishment, Lots Of Banners, so  members  can talk or banter about the houses they support. Additionally there is 5 Fiery topped dance poles, a VEA hi grade Widescreen where I screen great video from my own content I stream from StreamHoster, which I also pay a monthly fee.

It has 4 themed sky rooms in corners of the sim, It has its own "Castle Hill", with the walk of Atonement audio built into the cobbles. In days gone by,  I used to have to go on  a waiting list to be considered to be a dancer, now I find myself having to pay out 1000L a week on recruitment boards in world  to take on 5 dancers, which I still haven't filled, so I cant really open until I have at least three dancers. 2000L$ a  week goes into the classified ad for it, but,  me and Missandei don't see a soul all day long.

Its really heartbreaking to to think you took all those hours / weeks on building, researching on Google history   making textures and audio sounds to .wav.  Paying the image uploads, paying the land Tier & make a unique attraction, inspired by "Littlefingers" premises, from GoT,   yet residents seem apathetic to exploring new interesting places & groups.

(uninterested, indifferent, unconcerned, unmoved, unresponsive, impassive, passive, detached, uninvolved, disinterested, unfeeling, unemotional, emotionless, dispassionate, lukewarm, cool, uncaring, half-hearted, lackadaisical, non-committal)

What has happened to the community spirit that was once strong in SL? No one I speak to now ever send a friends request, that's of course If I actually find people in the daytime to talk to. has everybody forgotten how to have an intelligent conversation? Even market place vendors only come down to sort out a problem with an item, and leave in the middle of me talking to them, that's just plain rude, and can you imagine that in a real store. Why are residents  so detached from each other,? emotionless, disinterested? We in the UK love The game of Thrones and will do anything to keep it alive with topics and being able to enter the World as an avatar, being in a place built by fans for fans?  Is the use of none Human bots to blame? is it society as a whole?, who just expects them to pamper their needs, without so much as A good word.

I remember back when I was a Minister, (and still am),  I was asked to marry 5 couples over a period within the communities of the urban combat community. Its an honour to be asked tomarry couples in pretty surroundings, and work with the people involved and getting together and writing down settings and doing rehearsals. I don't think the average resident actually knows how much work and real money goes into creating things just for them.  I still find day times extremely Lonely :( As a retired person, I dont get out much because of disabilities, In the days of 2009, I could rely on a good day of convos and interaction with laughter and sometimes attachments. Today, to me SL has become the Tower of "faceless men of Bravos". I do know its more expensive for UK residents to pay for items and especially land, because our country is locked in a battle with Europe, and the once High rate of GBP to the US$ remains stubbornly low, with land costing a third more than before Brexit.

I really dont Know What to do now? I got over the abuse years ago of being Transgendered, that doesnt bother me now, But the lack of connection between people socially is alarming. This is a social platform, but it seems more and more residents are unmoved, indifferent, and for the most part I would call most of them walking Dead.

I wonder even more, if this platform is only being used by well off Americans who can afford mainland prices and not even cough. For us Europeans, are hands on finances have been curtailed by sky high petrol, energy bills, huge traveling costs and out of control real life rents and Council taxes, leave a lot of us with little real disposable income.   I like to visit malls and shopping in world, but, contrary to 2009, I dont see a single other soul while Im there. Does anybody else think SL has become detached from its prime directive? That was to make a  diverse unique living world, but with a social media platform that was state of the art. These days , I find 30 groups dedicated to GoT on Facebook which everyone is full or interactive people I enjoy talking about plots and the Seven Kingdoms. Here There is no such desire, if  anything, SL seems so dead, the Playstore's walking Dead no mans land game I play has more social interaction within my guild, than I have in 7 days being still in Second Life. 

I really don't know what people want here anymore, most of them look like zombies, wandering aimlessly around,  looking like  lost sheep. Once, residents went about together or in groups to stores and Jazz clubs, How can one ever get an attraction going, with the Apathetic attitudes of residents, who seem to have the IQ of a "Wildling!" ..At least "White Walkers" have a purpose and a goal, but many here seem to be almost afraid to be seen? Send Your crows with a scroll if you want to reply, But I doubt I will get any apart from the usual Trolls who only have one line of text in their vocabulary








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I have to admit, this hit me. As someone who had a rez day during Second Life's prime days, I can understand your perspective.

Back then, I had so many options of sims to go to; ranging from water parks, to arcades, to beaches, and to crowded sandboxes. These sims would always be so full of people who were always so willing to chat and interact. 15-20 avatars in the sims on average, making some noise, running around, rezzing vehicles and having fun, and trying out obsolete HUDs. I found it so easy to make friends who were so wholesome, so full of life, and always willing to talk.

After taking a two year break from Second Life, starting I think around 2013 or 2014, I came back to my old hangout sims being shut down, new sims being so empty, and a friends list with the Online tab wiped dry.

I do find these crowded sims every now and again, but even when there are lots of avatars, everyone is always too scared to talk, or probably in PMs, flirting!

Something else I did notice was that the sims that were always most crowded were the ones that offered nudity and sex, including nude beaches and other content such as that, and when I do visit these, all people want to do is have sex then log off. It's kind of depressing. Was Second Life degraded to an interactive porn game?


I too miss the old days of Second Life when it was really a social game. It's been difficult to make friends and find new sims that were considered fun, because people are either too rare or too shy. It's depressing. :(

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Been in SL since 2008, and mostly hanged around Family Roleplay sims, seen it go from 100 percent occupied to less and less over the years, then occupied more again, while hardly anyone leaves homes and does things or roleplays lately,  definitely isn't the same as it was 10 years ago that's for sure.    Hoping it can improve again, and i'll continue to enjoy my SL life for many years to come


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The business side of SL has been a contributing factor to the spirit of community changing.  Marketplace and Mesh have created a more business focused profit emphasis in residents.  The other part of change in community has been the people who were exploring new worlds ten to fifteen years ago, got bored, and left.   The virtual world is temporary and this can be very difficult for people looking for a stable environment (friends, family, partners).  What i have learned in my 10th year is to appreciate the friends that you have every day in RL and SL, and if you are lucky enough to have a significant other in either SL or RL, give them a hug and appreciate them even more.


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I chalk it up to the dwindling SL userbase, which itself I attribute to LL's unwillingness to make long overdue improvements or tackle problems which have persisted since I joined in 2005.

When I joined SL it was still new and exciting. People came to SL simply to check it out, play in this sandbox that was like nothing else out there at the time. SL is still unique but it's no longer new and exciting and it has competition from other sandboxes, from Garry's Mod to Minecraft. Both of which are a lot easier for people to get into and have fun with. Getting into SL takes an unreasonable investment of time, patience and money. If anything, it's MORE difficult to get into SL now than it was in 2005 when I joined. And it wasn't exactly easy back then.

 I hope LL eventually realizes this and makes a serious effort at course correction. They still have the advantage of being unique and I feel that, with a little effort, they could reinvigorate interest and draw in a whole new generation of longterm SL residents. But they have to want it, and they have to acknowledge many problems they've ignored all these years.

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I hear you, loud and clear.  I've actually been thinking about these issues for the last few months, and have come to the conclusion LL  is not interested in fixing them.  However, I've also concluded: it's OUR world, too, and we can all do our own part to improve the situation.

We can: invite our RL friends and family to join.  Many of them already have accounts, but they came in, looked around and left again.  Some left because they were put off by the constant griefing. I personally know more than one who couldn't stand the fact so many sims were adult in nature; especially those on family computers with other members of the household wandering past getting eyefuls. I think far more, however, left because they just couldn't find a point, and felt SL took too much RL time without any RL benefits they could see.

We can: find ways to connect in SL that improve RL.  That is, spend more time with RL family & friends, make new connections that are not just based on being anonymous avatars, and allow those connections to become RL relationships of various types.  Is the avatar who teaches you to build also a person who can tutor your child?  Can those looking for RL pen pals find a group here?  Can those needing to learn RL skills take something away from the time spent here?  Do you have a RL skill you could teach here for a reasonable (in SL terms) price? 

We can find ways to help others understand why we love this "game" and why we think they will, too.  We can encourage new residents to find things they truly love.  We can take a few minutes to be sure their experiences are positive, and they reason to want to come back when deciding how to spend their time.

If we're going to wait for LL, we have a l-o-n-g wait.  That has been proven time and again by their actions.  But we can all -every current resident- volunteer an hour or so of our game time to go seek out ways we can improve the quality of "life" here for everyone else, to help ensure a healthy, growing and thriving community.

When I came here a great many companies like IBM and Nike and American Apparel were testing the waters, but they all pulled the plug for various reasons.  I'd love to see the community that is here now rally a bit to bring some of them back, in ways that benefit everyone.  We don't need any more free shoes, but we could use RL customer service reps handy in-world, we could use the chance to see new offers before they hit the stores, and I'd even be on board with finding ways to do RL shopping through in-world stores.  I'd love to choose furniture for my real living room based on stuff I've had in SL -and virtually lived with for a while, and probably other things, as well.

But, like everything else, it will have to be a very large group effort, and I'm not certain that's possible anymore.  I'm beginning to believe the current community may be too fractured, and too many of the remaining members who play every day only do so to either have sex without the commitment of a RL relationship or to make a few dollars.

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A lot of those sims have shut down due to mismanagement, real life, or just people naturally growing older and popular genres changing. Grunge post-appoc or urban has kind of run its course in SL it seems relative to the times OP mentioned. I don't think it has anything to do with teens as more of those sims were "adult". I think the term combat/rp is a bit counter intuitive as people looking for combat are generally turned off by RP and vice versa. Those were likely the conflicts you are referring to. I wouldn't necessarily assume those people were teens as a simple search in SL back then for the term "Combat" would result in NoR, Cola, and Toxia respectively. And NoR wasn't popular for it's RP.

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I do apologize in advance for playing the devil's advocate here, but I'm not sure it's fair to lay the blame for the state of the community squarely at LL's feet. How are they responsible for human behaviour?

Are you saying you want a 'nanny state' mentality to come in and dictate how we should behave in a virtual reality? Don't we have enough of that in real life?

If SL was designed to be a 'social experiment' (I mean 'labs' do perform experiments, right?) then experimenters - I should think - would largely remain hands off and simply watch, listen and record, no?

DragonLady Merlin made some good suggestions about ways members of the community could instigate change. Because I do feel that's where the responsibility for change lay - with those sections of the community who are unhappy with the status quo - not LL.

There will always be those who are only interested in sex and money and they have the freedom to pursue those things in SL - just as we have the freedom to pursue things we might feel are the polar opposite of that.

That's the beauty - and the heartache - of a virtual reality; it's what each one of us makes it.

Edited by AnyaJurelle
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About your sim and lack of traffic, you can not just create a SIM and expect it to attract loads of traffic right away. There are less people in SL and there is an overload of awesome content. So to get people visit your sim you need to advertise, be part of communities and get them interested in your sim. Organize events even. RP communities usually are already settled on their own sims and will not just leave there to go for yours. I invested almost L$ 90k in a commercial sim about 3 weeks ago, and no one just comes and visit out of the blue. You need to advertise, network (with people), have others spreading the word and so on. Took a lot of time and afford of multiple people to get to 25k(ish) traffic and still that is not high compared to "competition" sims.

If your sim is as beautiful as you say it is, and can add value to an active community, give it time and most important effort, and you can steadily build up traffic.

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Thank you Zeta. I notice that you put in 90k of L$ in three weeks. That, for me as a pensioner is what I may spend in 18 months!!!.   I just cant afford 4k tier and 2K advertizing each week out of my limited set government income, without renting out the Atonement walk hill mall rental stalls. If SL  wasn't so expensive, if you create themed sims, I would stay, but I already emptied the half homestead and took my items. Its just boring sitting , looking at my CCTV and seeing one person come and then go every day. i have two personal bots with addons to give people help. that's 900L a week plus I have 5 ad boards at adult places and recruitment agencies which is another 500L a week.

I did good with my sims with my rl friend way back, and we had all our beach front houses rented at out at Ko ping 007 sim. But that was before greedy LL pushed up the prices of land, and many many places just like ours were losing more than covering the full sim tier. if you cant make enough to cover your tier, then its not a viable business. Even attractions have to at least break even, or your digging into your household funds.  I really dont see any future for sl while it remains one of the highest pay to create platform, and still uses outdated grids, when every thing I seen in last two years is seamless. The failure to provide the much hyped Second life 2 never happened, and also left residents in limbo , not knowing if the two was going to be operating side by side, which also  had the effect of not attracting new people unsure of wether sl as we know it would go. People are also sick at having two restarts On a Tuesday instead of one, which is very inconvenient while texturing or moving multiple items with a bloody gong going off only 2 hours earlier.!!  Lately when I return, items and pavements scripted things like sand storm emmiters and sim borders have gone missing or their gone out  of alignment, why should we pay all this money out when LL cant even do a restart without sim owners having to go round clearing up LL's mess afterwards!!

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Mitsuko Foxtrot

Thank you for the url to this game of Thrones Community, But I have already had a bad experience with one GoT sim, where I joined  the Targaryen guild, It had 50 or so apartments. I took a large one at 349L a week, But only 3 days into it, I found the land officer had broken into my home, and was sending back all my items, because although its my personal room and legally rented per LL TOS she took it upon herself to harrass me and send items back that didnt belong to her, and was not in any violation of TOS. her pathetic excuse is that pictures of Tyrion , Missandei and Ser Jorah dont fit in with her sim. She even send back my expensive throne. I dont know why these owners and, unfortunately yourselves keep making rp sims that are not current to the series, meaning, Just because Daenerys was not about 200 years ago, Im harrased by my name I made months ago which is ~Khaleesi~.

 I had already started to abide by this German woman's wishes by finding a name out of my new book of Ice and Fire on the beginnings of  Essos.  I took the name of the first Andal princess before the TV series was ever heard of. but she sent me a message saying my" rp is out of My sims history, we have to talk", But she didnt give me the courtesy of speaking to her, she illegally broke into my home on a contract binding and paid for, "I can put whatever I like in my own home", I was so annoyed, I just used my "Dracarys" gesture with magma Dragon Blast and bounced her around her own sim, which of course got me banned. There's to many Hitlers out there who think they are god, and forget they may own the sim, but they have to abide by LL tos by not harrassing paying residents on a sim, especially entering my home without permission and sending back wholesale all my items she had no legal right to do, as they were not adult rated, so didnt break any TOS.  These sort of people just make me want to give it all up.  NOR was the biggest RP and urban combat going for many years 12 sims, with 200 people every day. I made all my friends in their, but all have gone, even my best mate who got me into NOR in 2008, who is still here, only logs twice a week, theres nothing for her to do, although shes in Gor Valkerie Forest I joined with her back in 2011, Gor sims are now mostly empty.  I cant really play in GOR as a  GoT character as obviously not by the same author and I recognize this, but I want to join a GOT group which is up to date to the series, not 200 years before hand.?

I believe the problem is I feel happier in RP sims and and Im a career player, which is why I have worked very hard, to be awarded titles such as Admin / Moderator, an OOC Ambassador Title was given to me on my skills in diplomacy, which I used under truce to form or complain about incursions or problem players to enemys. I think MMORGS on PCs and this new PS4 which I cant afford, have taken the Role players away from SL which is more the poorer.  I would love to play Star wars battlefront II but i need a new computer to play that,  or a PS4 as I have a PS3 not supported. Oh well, thanks for all your comments, I wish i could go back into aviation, in Blakes Seas where I trained and got my certificate as an Air traffic Controller, but there is no job like that for me any longer, auto landing and take off technology has put me out of a job I loved so much as an airport owner, and flying any one of my 50 aircraft from a humble Cessna to a Fully operational  Boeing 737 which i actually fly in a home made cockpit using flight sim x on a XP computer at home with multiple screens.  But because of grids flying airliners to other destinations fails 60% of the time. SL wasnt really made to transport 6 passengers in an Airliner, its almost impossible just to get the pilot and co pilot to cross three sims without being ejected to the ocean floor. Anyway enough now, I will hopefully find my niche in  time, but dont think it will even be in sl any more, because the comradeship of urban combat has all but disapeared, and that was my main activity in SL to be part of the urban combat community and work my way up to the top, being respected, drawing up raid plans with my fellow players. :((((

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I hope you find what you are looking for. I think one thing u need to keep in mind with RP environments is that people generally speaking do not like it when you use famous names from the story the RP is based upon. If you RP on a Star Wars sim, people will not accept you naming your self Luke Skywalker or Han Solo for example. Famous names are part of the story/universe you are playing in.

So I can see why they did not like you having a (I assume) Iron Throne in your home in a GoT RP sim, or name yourself after famous people from the books/series.

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5 hours ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

... The failure to provide the much hyped Second life 2 never happened, and also left residents in limbo , not knowing if the two was going to be operating side by side, which also  had the effect of not attracting new people unsure of wether sl as we know it would go.

There was never a Second Life 2. Linden Lab never hyped it (since it didn't exist and wasn't planned). Sansar was meant to be a different thing, though I'm sure the usual LL communications garbled that early in Sansar's existence. I heard Ebbe describe it in July 2014 and the result (still a beta) is very close to that today. People listened to rumors without looking for the facts.

BTW, those seamless places are boxes. A Sansar experience is 4K x 4K meters squared, equivalent to a 16x16 grid of SL regions. That's plenty of space, but if you're at an edge that's as far as you can go. The experience has a single owner, and that owner is the only one who can create anything in the experience. Visitors can't rez things from their own inventory. Sinespace has regions (about the same as a Sansar experience but of unknown size) that work like Sansar. Each region has an owner and that owner controls all. Others can visit (if the owner allows it). Going to someone else's space requires downloading the content for that space, and if you have access you appear there. Those aren't at all like SL, but if you're looking for a canned game then either of them may suit you.

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I tried Sinespace, but found it clunky and movements were not as precise as SL and don't seem to be anything like our the Market place for decent clothes shoes, or watches and scripted  items yet, and found it devoid of anyone!! Flying Aircraft looks a long way off yet there yet. I Just want LL to remove grids from long stretches of LL oceans. Did you know even though oceans are devoid of prims, the lag in them according to my ATC testier device for reporting ATC traffic conditions return 85% lag, when a sim adjacent to it has only 56% lag, but has vehicles , homes and boats in it. It cant be that difficult to make the long stretches of Blakes Seas Ocean Airline Routes seamless, as they are belong LL maintenance or protected waters, it will never  have residents prims in  them, so one of the biggest hindrances to air travel and large yacht crossings would be to make more than two ocean grids seamless. Thus attracting more people in the area, and maybe like me, our airports can actually break even with increased traffic. My Concorde never makes a journey to the North of Blakes Seas regions, It fails after just a few grids, and thats very annoying when you think to actually start up a Concorde ready for taxi, its quite a long process of 5-6 minuets or more.

On the RP issue, as I said, I had already changed my name to an early princess of the first Valyrian's which first settled at Dragonstone after being pushed out of Dorne and parts of the Dothraki lands. If the woman had acted properly and Asked me to remove certain items i would have complied. But her action was contrary to the TOS that state residents will not be harassed by landlords, and they have to pick a time with you to meet at your home, not break in. A home is private and is nothing to do with the land owner unless there huge borders or items or offensive items that might break  the TOS content, but then the sim was (A) rated, so, shes just a Hitler, and glad my other two friends didnt join. Its no wonder almost all of her homes are empty with 40 still going. What she should have done, is Put peoples homes way up 1500 meters above the sim, which means it is out of the range of RP meters. Most of us in Combat sims had a home, but it had to be at a certain level, so you couldn't camp and get XP just for sitting at home. In other words it was your OOC home. Not related to the rules of the rp sim in any way. Thank you all, wont be about till next week now, catch up on some replies next week. 


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39 minutes ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

Did you know even though oceans are devoid of prims, the lag in them according to my ATC testier device for reporting ATC traffic conditions return 85% lag, when a sim adjacent to it has only 56% lag, but has vehicles , homes and boats in it.

I've never seen a widespread occurrence of "85% lag" in the nautical landscape sims around the Blake, or in other sea sims, such as those NW of Dex...

Except when full of people and in particular, vehicles. Biggest problem for vehicles in any sim is... Vehicles. They are usually set to "physical" and thus jack up the Physics Time for the sim, which makes it laggier, and harder to use in a Physical set vehicle.

I strongly suspect your "ATC Testier Device" is some badly made piece of junk from 2007, that checks ALL the wrong data, and that you have NO CLUE how to judge lag or even any concept of the different TYPES of lag, that can affect people.

Further, your problems making sim crossings in your "Concord" are not "lag" based, they are almost certainly the same sim crossing problems that afflict almost ANY old old account with a huge inventory of accumulated junk, when trying to make crossings at excessive speed.


The last thread of yours I replied to, was one where you indulged in some "2nd Wave Lastnamer Entitlement Syndrome" complaining that an appallingly naive and unsuccessful business plan had failed to make a pile of cash, and demanding that LL "change the world" to make it profitable, and accusing the "community" of failing because people wouldn't give you their money for things they didn't want...

This thread started as a rehash of the old one, only this time, you restyled your "nobody wants what you are selling" plan to incorporate a "popular tv show". Tell me did you find GoT themed costumes for your "looks a bit like a Bond movie actor" bartender bot and the "system avi stripper bot" who undresses when you shove a linden  dollar in her cleavage? GoT themed RP area with widescreen porno televisions and elderly overpriced poseball orgy couches?


And now you switch tactics, and demand that LL "change the world" and make special mega sized "Aviator-Noob" friendly sims, because despite being a keen aviator, you apparently have NEVER listened to the old pilots & sailors, and their practical discoveries about why sim crossings FAIL.

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So do you mean spirit of community in a sense of how you perceived things to be?

SL is a dynamic experience with no boundary in that conceivable approach. As far as community spirit goes, SL and the people that inhabit it simply have adapted to constant change. That does not mean however, that community spirit is gone exactly. We just don't continue to do things the same way infinitely and we adapt to whatever current state our perception of SL might be.

I know many persons who have recreated themselves (alts) but they are still part of one of the communities I've been involved in since I joined.

Blake sea and the flight and sailing sims are in effect still strong in aviation and sailing community hubs, they have changed in how they accommodate to better relate to and work with the current changes in technology that SL has gone through. Many airports that I have seen don't even allow large aircraft anymore from a reasonable path throughout Blake Sea, but i still see the same old names I am familiar with in that particular community.

If it's a matter of more and new people from all over the world and you are not familiar with them, then get to know and familiarize yourself with them, welcome them. That is community and that has never really gone away since even beta.

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Yeah, I joined in 2008 and SL was super cool back then. I remember meeting so many awesome people whom I ended up meeting in RL and we are still good friends today. I recently introduced 3-4 friends to SL and they find it to be horrible, boring and laggy. I wish they could have seen it in 2008/2009 when it was super cool. But yeah, the lag probably doesn't help new users to stick with it. It's pretty bad.

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You do realize that your GoT themed sim is breaking RL laws, right? Just like the Star Wars ones do. HBO and Disney own the rights to all names, likenesses and images from those two worlds. Disney has stated point blank, None of their content is allowed in SL. I would guess you don't have written approval from HBO, do you? Over used, over hashed, over done RP will always fall to the wayside in SL. Try something new and original. Hell, fall back on the old D&D model. Generic Fantasy RP. Why do so many people think that just because its a hit show they can use it a as a base for SL RP?

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Sorry I dont come back here now, I just made a point. In the GoT sim I had, I stated categorically on an entry sim notecard that I dont claim to impersonate any RL person from Game of Thrones only a fictitious character. Further more I made it clear some of the items used were credited to HBO. What you would be more bothered about, would be how did creators get past LL mesh import rules on licenced objects. The iron Throne you can buy from several market place stores, "That's actually financial gain from selling a licensed HBO item, which HBO could challenge.  It should not be confused with a place that is just for meant for presentation purposes. I wonder how many creators of Aircraft paint approached Flybe, Quantas, British Airways, Lufthansa and American Airlines if they could sell their brand livery in SL?  As for Klytyna I wont reply to her comments, because they are so inaccurate in all aspects, I would be wasting my and her time trying to correct her totally Incorrect assumptions. ~This is now closed~.  Thank you for the input, have a lovely Christmas and a prosperous new year. :)

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2 hours ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

Sorry I dont come back here now, I just made a point. In the GoT sim I had, I stated categorically on an entry sim notecard that I dont claim to impersonate any RL person from Game of Thrones only a fictitious character. Further more I made it clear some of the items used were credited to HBO. What you would be more bothered about, would be how did creators get past LL mesh import rules on licenced objects.

Simple, they broke the rules and LL doesn't check each and every thing uploaded. 

The iron Throne you can buy from several market place stores, "That's actually financial gain from selling a licensed HBO item, which HBO could challenge. 

Send HBO an email with the lnk to the MP explaining that someone was stealing their IP rights. 

It should not be confused with a place that is just for meant for presentation purposes.

Still using the name. Even "inspired by" is not allowed. Any tips, rent  or donations you got were profit on illegal activity. 

I wonder how many creators of Aircraft paint approached Flybe, Quantas, British Airways, Lufthansa and American Airlines if they could sell their brand livery in SL? 

Probably not and they should be reported as well. We have asked for many years for the ability to flag things on the MP as breaking the DMCA laws, but only the creator of said titems can do so. 

As for Klytyna I wont reply to her comments, because they are so inaccurate in all aspects, I would be wasting my and her time trying to correct her totally Incorrect assumptions. ~This is now closed~.  Thank you for the input, have a lovely Christmas and a prosperous new year. :)

Yeah, happy Yule and Winter Solstice to you as well. 

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