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Abandoned Land - Maintenance - Waterway - No Object Entry?

Clint Quandry

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Must be a new setting LL uses on abandoned land. The other  day I tried rolling a beach ball down the hill off of my property onto abandoned land, but it was blocked.. "no object entry allowed"

If its abandoned land, unlike protected land, you never had any automatic right of passage. 


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5 hours ago, Clint Quandry said:

I own some mainland on the water. Since when, is Maintenance Group land, owned by Gov. Linden, Abandoned ages ago, CHANGED to NO OBJECT ENTRY? How are boats supposed to get to open waters?  I used to be able to sail through that parcel.. it's recently been changed?!

As long as you're sitting on a vehicle that vehicle can enter land with no-object-entry set. Standing up after arriving means that the vehicle will be returned in a few seconds. (Just out of curiosity, did you test this before you posted?)

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I'm not sure whether anything changed, but not even all Protected land has object-entry enabled (Zindra roads and waterways, for example), but also, you don't need object-entry to be able to move across land on a sat-upon object [ETA: as Theresa posted above], so you should be able to ride or fly vehicles across abandoned land all you want. That however does not work for other, not-sat-upon objects such as unattended transportation (which is why there's no ferry service on Zindra).

(I only wish it were the case that abandoned land allowed object entry, mostly so I wouldn't feel so stupid for having abandoned a strip of railway on which I'd foolishly planned to rez-on-demand guide prims just while trains passed through.)

Edited by Qie Niangao
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I just checked,  I drove my car onto abandoned land this morning, nothing has changed.

The parcel has "object entry" checked for group, but objects you are riding/flying/driving can still enter as always.

The OP's property in question probably isn't what it seems to be. If he provides a slurl, I'd be happy to check it out.


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On 29.10.2017 at 7:05 AM, Clint Quandry said:

I own some mainland on the water. Since when, is Maintenance Group land, owned by Gov. Linden, Abandoned ages ago, CHANGED to NO OBJECT ENTRY? How are boats supposed to get to open waters?  I used to be able to sail through that parcel.. it's recently been changed?!

I may be jsut a glitch. File a support case and ask Linden Lab.

But as Theresa said, you should be able to sail or drive across the land anyway so it shouldn't be a significant issue.

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I may be misremembering, I believe object entry applies to scripted and non-scripted objects. When sitting on an object (example: a vehicle) it is treated as a temporary attachment and not an "object" and so the object entry rules should not apply. As far as what the OP describes it may be something else other than a no object entry setting. Just thinking aloud because I don;t recall ever having this issue myself.

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WOW! Thanks everyone for the replies!  Our land is the East half of Hamlet region... and we travel (by boat) towards the West, to get to open waters.. Here is a SLURL if you want to check it out for yourself.   http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hamlet/115/248/35     I did file a ticket with LL... and they did respond.  I guess it's just parcel owners cutting off their land, so now I can hardly get out to the open waters  :  (


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Yes, when shopping for a water-access land I always trace the route from that parcel to any open water and if there are narrow spots I will usually avoid the purchase. Mostly because if it's not blocked now, what will the next owner do?

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