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Racist 'Bots' Impersonating Me

Prokofy Neva

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2 hours ago, Surge Allen said:

Think you nailed it Chinrey.  Although as linden is a commercial company they shouldn't care about people who don't want to bring money into the game.  You can try it for a month and then you have to pay a small sign up fee.  I am sure if you force people to pay a small fee and make it easy to do so,  the griefers and trolls will be gone soon.  No pay,  no access to sl.

Just out of curiosity I will open a case with them to see what their statement is.

Every MMO on the web, with a 'Free-2-Play' option, has an overabundance of clueless individuals who constantly whine...

"I don't know why [name of company] allows these free-2-play rabble in [name of game], they should bad them all, and make every one pay a *cough* dollar sign up fee, and then *cough* dollars a month thereafter, it makes perfect sense to me, and would eliminate people *I* don't like, the ones who joined years after I did..."

And in EVERY one of those MMO's, [name of company] ignores the whiners, because...

They make more money off the larger volume of micro transactions than they ever would off the far smaller number of 'subscribed join fee payers'.

Back when LOTRO consolidated its 26 world wide world-server down into 10, one of the last of the closing 'worlds' was called 'Eldar'.

Most of the Eldarians migrated to the Evernight server, and just about the first thing they did was... Whine about how Evernight was full of 'noobs' with accounts LESS than 8 years old, people who didn't have  an alt for every combo of class race and gender, people whgo's alts were less than level 100, awful free to play peasant rabble etc.

One Eldarian moaned in world chat, wishing that there was a special server JUST for the 2 dozen lifetime pre-order subscribing veteran Eldarian players...

I told him there had been one, it was called 'Eldar' and the company had closed it because, thanks to the Eldarians systematically driving off all new players, there wern't enough people using the server to justify paying for the electricity needed to run it...

Free-2-Play is the order of the day and here to stay... Suck it up... Harsh Economics won't allow your bigotry to win. Pay-2-play whiners constantly moan about the lack of other players, about how theres nobody to play with, while trying with all their might to drive off the other people who they feel are their social inferiors.



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Seems to me that pay-to-play and controlling the number of separate accounts someone can have are two distinct issues, which get conflated because the easiest way of tying an account to an account holder is via a credit card or paypal.   The only other options, it seems to me, are to monitor the IP address -- not particularly effective -- or to identify the machine in some way, whether by MAC address or to have the viewer examine the device fingerprint,   You can visit this page https://panopticlick.eff.org to see how identifiable your browser is, and presumably the viewer could so something similar.   But that will generate false matches between two people using the same machine.


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Yes Innula except that we should also remember that the viewer is open source and thus any device fingerprinting would be rather pointless as the mal actor would just have to have it return modified elements, thus in effect, presenting a different device fingerprint for the same device.



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9 hours ago, Surge Allen said:

Think you nailed it Chinrey.  Although as linden is a commercial company they shouldn't care about people who don't want to bring money into the game.

You can say the same about Facebook and Twitter and Google and YouTube and Flickr and...

All the big internet companies are based on a whaling economy. The vast majority of the users are "little fishes" who never contribute anything of significance directly to the bottom line, nearly all the income comes from a few big "whales". But the little fishes are still vital to the economy because they are the bait - people attract people after all. And besides, every whale started as a little fish. (Well, no they didn't of course - the metaphor gets a bit fishy at this point - but you see what I mean.)

Now, the crew on SCH Linden Lab isn't particularly good at this whaling business - they tend to loose their patience and push too hard and too soon -  but they seem to understand the concept and so far they've managed to make enough from it for a fairly comfortable living.

Edited by ChinRey
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54 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

You can say the same about Facebook and Twitter and Google and YouTube and Flickr and...

All the big internet companies are based on a whaling economy. The vast majority of the users are "little fishes" who never contribute anything of significance directly to the bottom line, nearly all the income comes from a few big "whales".

Well quite the opposite really.  The users, regardless of any subscription are the product.  The big companies who you named all rely on advertising revenue and without all the users who pay nothing, there'd be no product to market to advertisers.

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22 hours ago, Bradford Mint said:

Yes Innula except that we should also remember that the viewer is open source and thus any device fingerprinting would be rather pointless as the mal actor would just have to have it return modified elements, thus in effect, presenting a different device fingerprint for the same device.



I am not sure how important is it that the viewer is OS.  I doubt griefers are any more likely to compile their own versions of the viewer than are residents in general, and my impression is that most viewers with unauthorised features are basically Firestorm with some of the checks on copying stuff commented out in the code.   

It's obviously not something about which I know a great deal, but I would be surprised if it's particularly easy to tweak the viewer so it reliably obscures the device fingerprint (in the sense of randomly obfuscating all the data the viewer sends the SL server but still sending the server sufficiently reliable information that it can be used to access SL.  There's an account here of fingerprinting and the sort of information that can be used to identify people via their web browser. 

In any case, my point was that, while identifying people accessing SL by credit card is a convenient way of doing things, it's not the only way.   I'm not so bothered about systems being 100% effective at keeping out people who have previously been banned -- if it keeps out only half of them, that's still better than keeping out none -- as I am about false positives and innocent people being wrongly connected with the accounts of bad actors.

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17 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

I am not sure how important is it that the viewer is OS.  I doubt griefers are any more likely to compile their own versions of the viewer than are residents in general, and my impression is that most viewers with unauthorised features are basically Firestorm with some of the checks on copying stuff commented out in the code.  

I agree but...it would only take one modified viewer and then made available for griefer download.  Just like the copybot viewer downloads, few people had to compile their own.

It would no doubt keep some riff raff out but it's probably just as challenging as persuading some of the special snowflakes to grow a thicker skin!

I suggest that all the viewer actually needs is a blindingly obvious addition to the avatar context menu that says "IGNORE PERSON", which would then mute, derender and ban from any owned land and return any objects.  It seems that in most cases, finding these functions is just too difficult for many.

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45 minutes ago, Bradford Mint said:

I suggest that all the viewer actually needs is a blindingly obvious addition to the avatar context menu that says "IGNORE PERSON", which would then mute, derender and ban from any owned land and return any objects.  It seems that in most cases, finding these functions is just too difficult for many.

That bit about banning and returning stuff -- perhaps in some possible world, but the way SL has been locked-down to prevent griefer shenanigans has greatly restricted measures that legitimate owners might want to take. There are some labor-intensive ways to set up a large network of rental properties to do something like this with scripts on a limited basis, but no viewer could do anything like this except maybe on a single region.

Also, in the specific case of this thread, it's not as if griefer damage to the OP can be remedied by anything the OP can do on their own. Maybe it would have helped, ten years ago, when the Woodbury SSR was still relevant, but however that was handled back then, the current crop of emotionally-stunted deviants defame the OP in truly awful ways. (Also the OP's plight aside, a false accusation of anti-semitism can cause more systemic real world harm than anti-semitism itself, but these griefers aren't equipped to care.) There's not much point in keeping the griefers off the land if their main weapon is group propaganda.

That said, I think I'd take your side on the vulnerability of the (open-source*) viewer to defeating device fingerprinting. These griefers are a persistent bunch and I think they'd eventually bypass a fingerprint ban implemented in open source. On the other hand, the OP reports that this wave of griefing has passed, so there's always a chance they've lost interest, OD'd on opioids, or found fulfilling lives.


* Technically, it's not necessarily that the viewer is open-source but rather that the host-viewer protocol is known and can be emulated -- there were bots before the viewer source was opened -- but open source guarantees protocol knowledge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An alt received this today from a one day old avatar:

Rent from Ravenglass Rentals today! In business now in 12th year with mainly Mainland communities. Self-service rentals, open group to start building, no waiting, refundable! FREEDOM! #MAGA community. Muslim-free zone! IM me to add powers to ban, media etc. Your abusive IM is permission to publish your chat. Best regards, Prokofy Neva (Manager, Ravenglass Rentals).

AR'd, but I don't know what else to do for you.  Best of luck.

Edited by Cinnamon Mistwood
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On 10/11/2017 at 12:10 PM, Prokofy Neva said:

2) I don't have a horrible reputation and haven't scammed anyone. I'd have to challenge that vigorously. I have thousands of happy customers. 

You might not, but I sure hope you get one seeing as in the few days I've known you I've seen you, yes you not someone impersonating you, do some pretty horrible things.

On 10/12/2017 at 12:47 AM, Prokofy Neva said:

@ChinRey, that's a good idea, I hate taking up space on my profile with this nonsense but I will link to a post about authorized representatives.

Yet rather than posting this:


Prokofy Neva
Henry Hutchence
Telehub Ross

You posted this:


Which takes up more than twice the number of characters and makes people to to a third party website just to see who is authorized.

On 10/12/2017 at 12:50 PM, Prokofy Neva said:

You don't have the vast experience I have on this so you really don't know. 

You have so much vast experience that you are making the completely wrong moves (such as the one above) actually come to think of it the best move would be to add this to your profile instead of the authorized representatives section:


If you have been sent a message from a bot advertising my rentals, please file an AR against the bot as it is not mine. Someone has been sending out fake ads for my business to make me look bad.

This makes it clear to the people checking your profile that these bots aren't yours and should be AR'ed. This would cut down on a lot of the spam you are getting but then why would I expect you to do this when you are probably a "clueless git" to use your own language.


All I did was say Hi to you in an IM and rather than sending me a proper reply you sent me a link to a blog post which frankly made no sense until I read the previous post and after reading that I realize you deserve what you are getting. I was actually at your office looking for a waterside parcel preferable near a LL owned waterway for sailing purposes and when I got to your office I found the following notecard (by you, given to me from an object owned by you so you can't say this isn't your doing):


The following is a list of people who have been expelled and banned from Ravenglass Rentals or related tenant groups and are not permitted to rent again for repeated, gross violation of either/or the Ravenglass lease rules or the Linden Lab TOS.

*NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED* (and variants) - overprimming, taking mulitiple homes in limit one per customer area despite notices, not paying rent, occupying empty homes. 

*NAME REDACTED* - obnoxious, high maintenance after being told a parcel in a grace period wasn't available and claimed to "report me" to LL. 

*NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED* - thousand plus prim sim-wide squatters, removed within a day of building their sky empire in Free Tibet. 

*NAME REDACTED* -- big whiner and time-waster, persistent lack of comprehension despite an hour of help and different offers including full refund.

*NAME REDACTED* - chronic overprimming, house below required height in sky, angry posts in the group b/c failed to read repeated messages to him about his own violations.

*NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, all overprimming greatly in Ravenglass where they were given a free month's rental in a contest ($250/250 is regular price versus 630 prims). After a month, asked to convert to pay but insisted boat prims shouldn't count, tho lease says *mgt* prims don't count. Then made up a story about how rentals in another sim covered it. There, in Refugio, they were also overprimming. 

*NAME REDACTED*, squatting in Columbia, prim spamming.

*NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, rudeness despite being helped multiple times, threats to defame business, etc. 

*NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED* - *NAME REDACTED* repeatedly warned on overprimming and taking more than one in subsidized area; *NAME REDACTED* her partner triple over-primmed so they are all permanently banned.

*NAME REDACTED* - squatter in Grahica

*NAME REDACTED* - despite many years of good behavior as tenant, inexplicable repeated refusal to remove extra prims and cease commercial activity.

*NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*. Squatters and/or griefers in Grace. Was owner of object with racist and porn spam placed on land for sale and also Linden land.

*NAME REDACTED* and *NAME REDACTED* - obsession with spies, claim to be spying on me (!), constant complaints, threats to report to Linden Lab etc. Banned from group and land.

*NAME REDACTED* - repeated and gross squatter in Wakeley and Ravenglass. Banned from groups and land.

*NAME REDACTED* - repeated late rent, sim-lagging items on physics, verbal abuse, threats.

*NAME REDACTED* - squatting, repeated late rent, overprimming.

*NAME REDACTED* - overprimming repeatedly, harassment, threats. Repeated entry into sims where banned.


*NAME REDACTED* - covering the island in Ross with snow, mist and tornados on multiple lots. 

*NAME REDACTED* - *****, vulgar language.

*NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED* and other alts - threats, harassment, disparaging reputation with renters, further threats over railroad issue.

*NAME REDACTED* (attempt at multiple lots in dollar area) *NAME REDACTED* (squatting unpaid), *NAME REDACTED* (threats), *NAME REDACTED* (harassment, threats), *NAME REDACTED* (harassment, threats, spamming from MP).

*NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, former tenants then squatters who placed a hotel with rooms for rent in the SL Public Land Preserve.

*NAME REDACTED* - abusive behavior, threats

*NAME REDACTED* - gross squatter at free vending area - Refugio

*NAME REDACTED* and *NAME REDACTED* - either alts or a couple, refusal to leave 2nd dollar rental in a community with limit one per customer. Repeated efforts to pretend separate people/not a couple - Columbia.

*NAME REDACTED* - overprimming - Grote
*NAME REDACTED* - overprimming, putting landlord in ban list, jumping from one parcel to the next ahead of bans - Grote
*NAME REDACTED* - overprimming - Grote

*NAME REDACTED* - overreaction to griefing neighbour, disruption of the group with chat, threaten to tell hippie community members not to rent from Ravenglass - Tethys

*NAME REDACTED* - threats to report to LL for "fraud" - Furness

*NAME REDACTED* - quadruple overprimmer, BDSM prostitute - Baileya
*NAME REDACTED* - overprimmer, BDSM prostitute - Baileya

*NAME REDACTED* - repeated allowing of dogs to roam on other people's yards and primming other people's lands despite repeated warnings - Cub

*NAME REDACTED* - repeated overprimming, commercial vendors on residential area, verbal harassment, forums harassment - Refugio (with *NAME REDACTED*)

*NAME REDACTED* - repeated overprimming despite repeated warnings, repeated placement of prims on others' rentals, verbal harassment - Obscure

*NAME REDACTED* - repeated harassment and threats directly and in group chat; use of 3rd party browser or exploit to remain in group - Grote

*NAME REDACTED* - repeated, aggressive squatter, harassment. - Itume

*NAME REDACTED* - friend of colorforest sending her group chat around to bloggers, threats, vulgarity - Grote

*NAME REDACTED* - repeatedly late with rent payments, evasion of late fine, refusal to remove club, spinning objects under rules, use of alts and friends to threaten reprisals, terror-forming of land and griefing of communities. Alts: *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED*, *NAME REDACTED* - *NAME REDACTED* and *NAME REDACTED*

I have redacted the names from the notecard because this should not be shared anywhere. It's fine for you to maintain a ban list and a lot of the people on this list seem to have valid reasons for evicting them (eg. overprimming) but publicizing a list of names along with these reasons? Calling people obnoxious and pedophiles? Banning people for squatting? If someone is squatting then it means you have set your permissions incorrectly and that is on you not them.

Edited by Hintswen Guardian
Removed extra spacing
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Guess you're in on it then, Hintswen. Nobody would devote this much obsessive attention to what is an obvious case of griefing unless they were. It's a common technique used by griefers, called "concern trolling" and griefing from other angles including self-righteousness. Nobody believes for a minute you're "just looking for rentals".

It's perfectly legal to ban anyone for any reason or no reason. Certainly squatting is one of them. No one is required to lock their land like bunkers when that inconveniences their tenants.

Repeatedly overprimming and otherwise breaking the rules, some of them serious TOS violations are more than fine as reasons to expel people from a rentals. In any event, the Lindens don't concern themselves with inter-resident disputes.

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

It's perfectly legal to ban anyone for any reason or no reason. Certainly squatting is one of them. No one is required to lock their land like bunkers when that inconveniences their tenants.

Repeatedly overprimming and otherwise breaking the rules, some of them serious TOS violations are more than fine as reasons to expel people from a rentals. In any event, the Lindens don't concern themselves with inter-resident disputes.

Oh yes, you're absolutely right there.

But is there any particular reason why you want to publish a list of names of the people you have found it necessary to ban?

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4 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Guess you're in on it then, Hintswen.

Me? In on it? I don't know who you are, I don't recall ever seeing you, your son or your rentals prior to a few days ago (although oddly enough the last time I was getting spammed by a rental business was many many years ago and your name was mentioned back then too even though it wasn't your business).

9 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

It's perfectly legal to ban anyone for any reason or no reason.

I didn't say it's illegal did I? It takes a special kind of person to publish the details you do though. I actually checked a few names at random from the list of people yo usay were squatting. Unfortunately you didn't add dates to the notecard but I'm guessing it's going back at least a year and a lot of the accounts I looked up were created within the last year or so. Some of these users may not actually understand the land needs to be rented to use it as you have not bothered to set the land permissions correctly. If land is set to allow anyone to rez objects with no autoreturn then this gives people the idea that the land is free to use.

Anyone in the rentals business should surely understand how land permissions work and be able to set them appropriately for the purpose of the land.

38 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

No one is required to lock their land like bunkers when that inconveniences their tenants.

Yep, it's an inconvenience to your tenants to stop random people from being able to come to their place and rez objects on the land they are renting from you. I sure hate it when rental companies stop random people from littering the land I pay for.

40 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Repeatedly overprimming and otherwise breaking the rules, some of them serious TOS violations are more than fine as reasons to expel people from a rentals. In any event, the Lindens don't concern themselves with inter-resident disputes.

Yeah I get it, some of these are perfectly valid reasons and I would evict and possibly ban people for the same reasons but calling people obnoxious and pedophiles? Seriously? If they are pedophiles file an AR and let LL deal with it, there's no reason for you to be publicizing this and the only obnoxious person on the notecard is the person who created it IMHO.

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On 11/19/2017 at 9:20 PM, ChinRey said:

Oh yes, you're absolutely right there.

But is there any particular reason why you want to publish a list of names of the people you have found it necessary to ban?

There are a number of good reasons.

1. So that I can remember never to rent to them again -- you'd be surprised how many people try again, and if you just keep a notecard in your inventory, you forget it; a central, publicized list means you don't.

2. So that other landlords know tenants to whom they shouldn't rent, and tenants themselves know whom to ban if they wish.

3. So that people face some even mild, minimal public opprobrium for their bad behavior. So often people don't get that in SL and get away with murder. Why should squatters NOT be publicized? Of COURSE they should be publicized. If someone has "*****" groups, sites, and content on their profile, that is more than fine to use as a reason to ban; to publicize; and to abuse report because *it is not allowed in SL*. It's a rule like any other; if violated ther should be a police blotter.

4. Years ago, LL maintained a police blotter. This was not so helpful because it was incomplete and named no names, but useful. I think police blotters are important to have in any community.

5. As I often have to explain, we don't have a free press or an independent judiciary in SL. ALL we have is reputational management. ALL we have is publicizing bad deeds socially. And so I do. BECAUSE IT IS ALL WE HAVE. There is no other deterrent for bad behavior. The Linden abuse report system often "goes nowhere". It isn't a violation of the TOS to squat on people's land or overprim in a rental. But both these things are indications of bad behavior and bad character that should be publicly censured as it would be in real life.

Tenants in my rentals can turn off all the build and fly and everything else if they like on their land.

But I myself do not block building because many tenants find it convenient to have their friends come over and help build or decorate or show them things. This nice behavior is far more widespread than griefing, and I see no reason not to encourage it.

People who get all self-righteous about OMGODZORZ the horror of allowing build on your land and then complaining about griefing JUST DON"T GET how often people USE build among their friends in a rental. Not everyone wants to join the group, especially one with fees. People can turn off autoreturn if they want. They can join and leave the open group if they want. They can help build and decorate and that is something WIDELY used I see. So I'm going to do what I see suits my tenants, not somebody's puritanical notion of what land perms should be.

An open society means open groups. You can then have voluntary adjustments to that openness which I have, i.e. people can turn off build or ban people. I don't have "group only" ban lines or security orbs on the ground because I think it makes for a terrible atmosphere.

I'm building the kind of society I want to live in, and for others to be able to live in, and judging by the number of customers, some of them there for years, there are others who share these values. If somebody else wants to make a bunker or a griefer sandbox until the Lindens expel them, that's their call.


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On 11/16/2017 at 11:40 AM, marcov Carter said:



On 11/19/2017 at 9:46 PM, Aislin Ceawlin said:

I have a hard time with avies being listed as pedophiles on the list with no proof, and no way for them to defend themselves. Maybe they are, but how is anyone to know?

Well, have a hard time all you like. I have evidence from their profiles and/or their behavior, I abuse report them if relevant, and I record it. That's how "anyone is to know". Because I've reported it. If you act as if nothing is real, nothing can be determined, nothing is able to be recorded, it's all endlessly subjective and endlessly virtual, then you get nowhere. I take a stand, and as I said, people are welcome to take it or leave it but I think it's justified as a way to encourage the rule of law in a lawless environment.

In my experience, nearly every time you find people in child avatars with an adult bed, with numerous groups about Daddy and me and all the other horrid stuff, they claim they are not in violation of anything. Obviously, they are not to judge.

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4 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

2. So that other landlords know tenants to whom they shouldn't rent, and tenants themselves know whom to ban if they wish.

So you think it's better to have a notecard with no way for the accused to defend themselves rather than have people ban people if/when they have a problem with them? Should I start giving out notecards saying to ban you because you keep calling people obnoxious clueless gits?

6 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

5. As I often have to explain, we don't have a free press or an independent judiciary in SL. ALL we have is reputational management. ALL we have is publicizing bad deeds socially. And so I do. BECAUSE IT IS ALL WE HAVE. There is no other deterrent for bad behavior. The Linden abuse report system often "goes nowhere". It isn't a violation of the TOS to squat on people's land or overprim in a rental. But both these things are indications of bad behavior and bad character that should be publicly censured as it would be in real life.

Wouldn't you consider the AR system to be an independent judiciary? LL have no reason to influence decisions regarding abuse reports and therefore I consider this to be sufficient. The abuse report system is clearly working because every time whoever is running these bots makes a new one it gets banned does't it? so the system works. Sure the person is able to create a new account but that is due to them being able to workaround anything LL puts in place to stop this. 

Squatting is not a violation of the TOS because it is up to YOU, the "owner" of the land to set the permissions how you want the land to be used. YOU are setting the permissions to allow squatting, therefore YOU are allowing people to squat. Why would it be a violation of TOS for someone to do what YOU are saying is fine on your land. Overprimming also won't be against the TOS for the same reason. If you want to run a rentals business, you are responsible for maintaining your land and ensuring your tennants are following whatever rules you give them. It is not LL's job to run your business for you. 

Squatting on land in real life is completely different to SL as in SL you are unable to squat on land when the land owner has set permissions accordingly.

18 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

But I myself do not block building because many tenants find it convenient to have their friends come over and help build or decorate or show them things. This nice behavior is far more widespread than griefing, and I see no reason not to encourage it.

I too allow people to have their friends come over and rez objects yet people cannot squat and you know why? I, unlike you, know how to run a rentals business in such a way that allows people to rez without squatting. Now that your account is suspended maybe you will have time to do some research on this so if/when you are allowed to return you won't have problems with people squatting.

16 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Well, have a hard time all you like. I have evidence from their profiles and/or their behavior, I abuse report them if relevant, and I record it. That's how "anyone is to know". Because I've reported it. If you act as if nothing is real, nothing can be determined, nothing is able to be recorded, it's all endlessly subjective and endlessly virtual, then you get nowhere. I take a stand, and as I said, people are welcome to take it or leave it but I think it's justified as a way to encourage the rule of law in a lawless environment.

In my experience, nearly every time you find people in child avatars with an adult bed, with numerous groups about Daddy and me and all the other horrid stuff, they claim they are not in violation of anything. Obviously, they are not to judge.

If you have reported it to LL then you have done your part. You are not the police, you should not be publicizing anything about this. LL will look into the matter and take the appropriate action, it is not for you to go claiming someone has done something to the public especially without giving them a chance to defend themselves.

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On 20-11-2017 at 3:20 AM, ChinRey said:

But is there any particular reason why you want to publish a list of names of the people you have found it necessary to ban?

if i would be on it i'd send a request to all also mentioned on it to AR the publisher.


I'm more and more wondered how in heavens name you can keep running a business with that attitude...

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