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Do You Prefer Living On Mainland or a Private/Homestead Sim

Mitchell Indigo

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17 minutes ago, Candi Clawtooth said:

No doubt about it private sims are far better, mainland is just toooooooo crowded!!!

Every estate sim I've lived on is generally full up, with ban lines, horrible privacy screens or land walls.

On mainland I practically have the whole sim to myself, plus a whole continent awaits me just by walking out my front door and waiting for one of the cool LL hovercars to roll by.


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I don't get it? Derender + Blacklist = whole entire sim and 360 degree, unobstructed ocean views to myself. There's nothing more enjoyable than derendering every little piece of junk that neighbours in their fancy, view-blocking mansions have on display - and their little dogs, too *cackle*

Edited by AnyaJurelle
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On 10/9/2017 at 9:03 AM, AnyaJurelle said:

I don't get it? Derender + Blacklist = whole entire sim and 360 degree, unobstructed ocean views to myself. There's nothing more enjoyable than derendering every little piece of junk that neighbours in their fancy, view-blocking mansions have on display - and their little dogs, too *cackle*

Would love to chat sometime about this and maybe see your place. Sounds like the kind of thing I am looking for. What sort of costs are involved?

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1 hour ago, Virtualnsanity said:

Would love to chat sometime about this and maybe see your place. Sounds like the kind of thing I am looking for. What sort of costs are involved?

No, there's no cost - it's a tool. There might be a quicker way of doing it, but I right click anything I don't want to see and choose "derender + blacklist". Of course, when it comes to houses, it means you also have to do the same with all their furniture...can take time, but I found it enjoyable :)

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25 minutes ago, AnyaJurelle said:

 Of course, when it comes to houses, it means you also have to do the same with all their furniture...can take time, but I found it enjoyable :)

Bring up your Edit tool and outline the entire house, then do the right click/derender stuff.  Sometimes that will miss a few things, but it will get the vast majority all in one swoop.

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1 hour ago, Virtualnsanity said:


On 10/9/2017 at 2:03 AM, AnyaJurelle said:

I don't get it? Derender + Blacklist = whole entire sim and 360 degree, unobstructed ocean views to myself. There's nothing more enjoyable than derendering every little piece of junk that neighbours in their fancy, view-blocking mansions have on display - and their little dogs, too *cackle*

Would love to chat sometime about this and maybe see your place. Sounds like the kind of thing I am looking for. What sort of costs are involved?

The LL official viewer does not have a permanent derender ability.  Many of the third party ones, like Firestorm, do though.  Once an object is permanently blacklisted, you'll never see it in your viewer again, unless you pull up your blacklist list and remove said item.  

ETA -- There is no cost for any of the third party viewers.  Just download and install.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Bring up your Edit tool and outline the entire house, then do the right click/derender stuff.  Sometimes that will miss a few things, but it will get the vast majority all in one swoop.

Yep, that's how I moved my house and all furnitures inside from one corner to another on my parcel. I can't imagine how long it would had taken me to do it one item by one.

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12 hours ago, Virtualnsanity said:

Ok so i understand that bit but what i meant was WHERE you live and what that bit/size of space etc costs. You said you had 360 degree views of the sea. Sounded perfect. Just the kind of place I'm after. Was just intruiged to see it if possible. Understand if not. 

Oh sorry, Virtualnsanity - it's on mainland water - a 1024sqm block I found by scanning the inworld map for a few days (you'll see properties for sale on the map with the little shopping tag signs over them) - it was for sale for L$1800. That's a price I simply couldn't laugh at when most of the properties in the general area are priced anything from L$30,000 and up (prices like that really do give me the giggles - I know, I know - there's no doubt a sensible reason for them). 

It was s submerged block, which suited me just fine since the original owner had a gorgeous little seaside cottage with it's very own little island attached to the bottom of it, which I looked up on the mp and purchased. It's easy enough to raise land, though.

So the '360 degree views' are compliments of Firestorm Viewer's 'derender + blacklist' function.

In a nutshell, don't like the look of the neighboring properties and wish you had more of the view all to yourself? Derender + Blacklist and you, too, can have unadulterated, 360 degree views. Hope I've answered your questions a bit better :)

*Edit: I can see I left an unasked question wide open, so if you bring up your world map and type in the search bar - for example - 'Prospero', hit enter, and take a look at the areas all around there. Right now I can see two 1024sqm properties for sale, one for L$3500 and the one next it for L$2000, which seems very reasonable for water property around the whole area.

An example of what my views look like after derender + blacklist:



You can find bargains if you're doggedly diligent in your search.

Edited by AnyaJurelle
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12 minutes ago, Virtualnsanity said:

And that price you paid. Do you own it outright now or have to pay a monthly rent or fees too? Buying outright seems a good way if you can get the right thing for the right money. 

One doesn't actually 'own' land in SL - not really. LL owns it all. I 'own' the land in theory only - and pay LL a monthly tier of $5.00USD. For that price, I can do whatever I want with and on the land - there are no covenants to dictate how I use my land the way there are with private rentals.

However, even including monthly membership of $9.50 USD, it still works out far more economical than renting from a private Real Estate agency, so for me, it's worth it.

There are plenty of good arguments for renting from a private company, but for me - at least for now - this is what works :)

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21 minutes ago, AnyaJurelle said:

One doesn't actually 'own' land in SL - not really. LL owns it all. I 'own' the land in theory only - and pay LL a monthly tier of $5.00USD. For that price, I can do whatever I want with and on the land - there are no covenants to dictate how I use my land the way there are with private rentals.

However, even including monthly membership of $9.50 USD, it still works out far more economical than renting from a private Real Estate agency, so for me, it's worth it.

There are plenty of good arguments for renting from a private company, but for me - at least for now - this is what works :)

Can you buy land if you aren't a premium member? If so $5/month sounds a no brainer. But $14.50/month is a lot more. 

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ok can we do a 101 for stupid Kashas? ^^


  • premium is needed (9.95$/7,95€ a month)
  • 5$ /month land tier (or does that vary per parcel size?)
  • one time parcel purchase price
  • how many prims do you get (or are they dependant on the size?)
  • can you stock up on prims?


  • no premium
  • you pay the tier depending on size, prims depend on size, too, CAN be expanded but not with every landlord or on every sim
  • can poof all of a sudden

I´ve rented with  Azure Islands back in the days, been with them for years and never had a problem, so they would be my first place to look up rentals if I can free enough budget... unless the mainland stuff was more economic of course^^


I did think of a roommatesship, too, so homeless ppl who get along could rent a bigger parcel and live together - of course that is risky regarding drama... we know how SL is....

(potential roommates - I got houses and decor and all that to decorate a sim all year long with all the seasonal stuff....all ratings, too, plus tons of photo stuff^^)

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Yes, as I said, some of the larger agencies have beautiful properties and can be brilliant to deal with.

Mainland - the reason I'm paying $5.00 USD a month tier is because I ditched the Linden home and bought at 1024sqm parcel instead. Normally 1024sqm incurs an $8.00 USD/per month tier, but premium accounts are allowed 512sqm free, which takes it down to the $5 (512sqm) tier bracket.

Land tier fees are listed on left hand side on the account page under 'Land Manager' (for the benefit of newer residents who'd like to know where to find that info for themselves).

Private - No premium account needed. Renting privately can be an excellent place to start for those who are brand new to SL and I'd always recommend they go with a large, well established business with a good reputation - it gives them a feel for how things work while they learn what they might ultimately like in terms of space, but it can also be a much more expensive proposition, depending on who they're renting from and the state of SL's land economy.

It ultimately boils down to price, convenience and control (or lack thereof).

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So am I right then in thinking ...

Anya is a Premium member so could (buy/rent) the land for L$1800? Is that a one of payment or L$1800/month? (hence my buy/rent question)

You then have (as Kasha points out above) your membership cost however you do it monthly, quarterly, yearly etc (if you go premium you get a home though anyway?)

$5/month land tier (is this the buy/rent bit you mean?) So the L$1800 is the one-off payment and then the land is yours forever as long as you pay the $5 every month.

1024m2 is that a standard size? What sort of size thing can you put on that?

Mainland any old person can walk through or turn up or do you have security/privacy of some sort?

I'm not sure a home is really that necessary and I'm sure there are people who never have a home but i would think some sort of bolt hole and place to just hang out in your own space would be a sanctuary. One of the things I loved most about IMVU was doing my rooms so a space of my own to do up is really appealing. Just trying to work out the best and most cost effective way to do it for what i want/need.

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2 minutes ago, Virtualnsanity said:

So am I right then in thinking ...

Anya is a Premium member so could (buy/rent) the land for L$1800? Is that a one of payment or L$1800/month? (hence my buy/rent question)

I purchased the land for a one time fee of L$1800. From that point on, I pay LL $5.00USD a month tier along with $9.50 USD for my premium membership, making a grand (and very cheap) total of $14.5 USD per month. 

You then have (as Kasha points out above) your membership cost however you do it monthly, quarterly, yearly etc (if you go premium you get a home though anyway?)

For now, I pay monthly, but I'm considering just paying the annual fee of $72.00 USD.

$5/month land tier (is this the buy/rent bit you mean?) So the L$1800 is the one-off payment and then the land is yours forever as long as you pay the $5 every month. Correct.

1024m2 is that a standard size? What sort of size thing can you put on that? 512sqm is the basic standard size. If you look on your account page, as I mentioned, under "Land Manager>Land Use Fees', you can see the various sizes and tier prices listed. Atm I have a cute little beach cottage with it's own island built under it, which meant I only had to plonk it down and I still have plenty of room to laze around :)

Mainland any old person can walk through or turn up or do you have security/privacy of some sort? You have a few options; on Mainland I can whip up my ban lines and no one's going to tell me I can't (like some private agencies do). That means no one can 'accidentally' land on your property or in your home. You can create a group and only allow group members to enter your land and you can purchase a security orb and once you've set it up, it will take care of kicking off the uninvited should they attempt to trespass. 

I'm not sure a home is really that necessary and I'm sure there are people who never have a home but i would think some sort of bolt hole and place to just hang out in your own space would be a sanctuary. One of the things I loved most about IMVU was doing my rooms so a space of my own to do up is really appealing. Just trying to work out the best and most cost effective way to do it for what i want/need. You absolutely don't need a 'home'. Whether you rent privately or buy your own land, you can do what you want; plonking down a home is optional. Heck, you could throw down a simple campfire and nothing else if you wanted to. Point being, if you buy land from LL, you can do whatever you jolly well want to do with it :)


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