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Mesh physics problems on Magnum Servers


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I've already opened a support ticket on this, but there are problems with Mesh physics on Magnum servers. Enclosed spaces, such as buildings and caves, have become inaccessible. You cannot walk through an open doorway, and if you get inside the building by some other means, such as camming in and sitting on a visible chair. the floor sometimes has no physical presence. I suspect that may depend on whether the floor is mesh, a prim, or normal ground.

I have had similar problems with mesh models I have made that have not had a specific physics model included, as though the physics model was a single large cube.

Since these mesh structures have been in use, without problems, for months or even years, and this is happening in multiple regions, I doubt that it is an example of either careless building, or of malicious action by a "griefer". It may not be happening in all Magnum regions.

I am rather surprised that there have been no other reports here. It might be that the servers just need restarting, but the places I have seen it in seem to be full of avatars, standing around with their hands in their pockets, apparently unaware of their surroundings.

Has the Linden Lab Help system become so intimidating, or do people believe it is so useless?

I'll admit that "user friendly" is not a phrase that springs unbidden to my mind.

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Restarting the region will fix the physics.
A lot of regions had content returned because the change in physics type caused the LI to increase & caused returns due to the region being full.
LL are working on getting those regions rolled back.

There's a thread about it here:


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So I observe a specific problem which appears to be linked to a particular version of the server code, and I check the form called "Second Life Server" in the Technology Forum, and there's nothing about it. Nothing recent posted. There's nothing mentioned in Status

So I post what I hope was a clear description of what I saw, and you pop up and say, "Talk about it over here, in General Discussion".

And then you say it's the LI calculation leading to objects being returned, when the objects are still there, but the physics is broken.

Maybe you should use one of the alternatives to Google Translate. At least I am sure I am a native English speaker

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1 hour ago, arabellajones said:

So I observe a specific problem which appears to be linked to a particular version of the server code, and I check the form called "Second Life Server" in the Technology Forum, and there's nothing about it. Nothing recent posted. There's nothing mentioned in Status

So I post what I hope was a clear description of what I saw, and you pop up and say, "Talk about it over here, in General Discussion".

And then you say it's the LI calculation leading to objects being returned, when the objects are still there, but the physics is broken.

Maybe you should use one of the alternatives to Google Translate. At least I am sure I am a native English speaker

There's a very simple explanation - you're wrong.

The physics issue and the land impact issue are symptoms of the same thing, which is not channel-specific and is fixed by a restart. If objects were returned because of the issue those regions need to be rolled back. Everyone else had it figured out hours ago.


Edited by Theresa Tennyson
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11 hours ago, arabellajones said:

So I post what I hope was a clear description of what I saw, and you pop up and say, "Talk about it over here, in General Discussion".

And then you say it's the LI calculation leading to objects being returned, when the objects are still there, but the physics is broken.


Not all sims had objects returned as they had plenty of free prims available. When the LI was recalculated incorrectly, some sims that were near capacity already went over the limit and hence had items returned. This is NOT the first time this EXACT problem happened. It happened in one of my regions back in June of 2015 with the Exact Same Problem. Mesh physics screwed up, LI went wonky, items were returned, and I had to request a rollback.

A simple restart, as mentioned in the other discussion, fixes the issue. If you don't have rights to restart the sim yourself, open a support case and ask for a restart.

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13 hours ago, arabellajones said:

So I post what I hope was a clear description of what I saw, and you pop up and say, "Talk about it over here, in General Discussion".

And then you say it's the LI calculation leading to objects being returned, when the objects are still there, but the physics is broken.

Maybe you should use one of the alternatives to Google Translate. At least I am sure I am a native English speaker

Maybe you should learn how to read.

My post simply gave a link for you to read about the issue.  That linked post contained a few other links that give more info.  NEVER once did I tell you to "discuss it elsewhere".  I was trying to give you more information and possible solutions for the issue.

Whirly gave the same link along with some more specific comments.  NEVER did she say "discuss it elsewhere".   Again - simply trying to help you by giving more info.

Also, her comments specifically said "a lot of regions had content returned" -- NOT ALL REGIONS, BUT A LOT.   In other words, for your case where objects are still there, this is just more info about the issue -- you can choose to ignore the additional info or file it away in case it becomes pertinent.

She did specifically say "Restarting the region will fix the physics" - which you either didn't read or chose to ignore.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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14 hours ago, arabellajones said:

So I post what I hope was a clear description of what I saw, and you pop up and say, "Talk about it over here, in General Discussion".

Don't be so silly. You may well be a native English speaker, but don't do too well on reading English, do you? Instead, you prefer to bite the hand that feeds you.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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I don't think it was deliberate.  There were numerous posts all going on at once and someone tried to get them all into one (the largest)  to try and collate all the information into one spot for people.  Well that was my take on it.  Just directing people to the one thread that had the most information

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38 minutes ago, arabellajones said:

The point is, which none of you seem to even notice, is this is the forum specifically for server technical issues. And you didn't even bother to mention the issue here.

Neither did the Lindens.

What you possessed you all to totally ignore this forum? 

I don't intentionally ignore THIS FORUM, but when someone goes out of their way to be rude to people that are simply trying to help, I do to to IGNORE THEM.

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52 minutes ago, arabellajones said:

The point is, which none of you seem to even notice, is this is the forum specifically for server technical issues. And you didn't even bother to mention the issue here.

Neither did the Lindens.

What you possessed you all to totally ignore this forum? 

As is the way with forums, threads get posted in the wrong place.
@LittleMe Jewell & myself gave you the main thread where the mesh physics problem was being discussed.

LL replied of the JIRA issues reporting this bug today that they are actively working on the problem - so they are aware of it & are dealing with it.


Caleb Linden added a comment - 11/Sep/17 7:04 PM

We are investigating this issue. Thank you for the report

Just to clarify: The reason that the land impact on certain regions was increasing & in some cases, increasing enough to cause objects to be returned, was because the physics shape on the mesh was changing, seemingly from convex hull to prim, which would increase the LI & also cause mesh doorways to close up, mesh stairs to become solid blocks etc.

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I say this with some trepidation, since feelings are clearly running high over this:

There has been much discussion over this breakage of mesh, and quite frankly to suggest that the Linden response, limited as it has been to an inane comment in the JIRA, was adequate at any level is risible.

This Forum is the server forum, supposedly one of the few places where we are given to expect Linden participation.  Therefore if not on this thread then certainly on the server thread they should have made some comment that they were aware that there was an issue, if only to quieten the unrest.  The issue was with the server software and therefore would be properly commented upon in this Forum.

One quite vanilla group in SL is still mystified at the occurrence and several members have lost items.  The Linden response to this issue is utterly inadequate.

Edited by Ayesha Askham
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4 minutes ago, Ayesha Askham said:

I say this with some trepidation, since feelings are clearly running high over this:

There has been much discussion over this breakage of mesh, and quite frankly to suggest that the Linden response, limited as it has been to an inane comment in the JIRA, was adequate at any level is risible.

This Forum is the server forum, supposedly one of the few places where we are given to expect Linden participation.  Therefore if not on this thread then certainly on the server thread they should have made some comment that they were aware that there was an issue, if only to quieten the unrest.  The issue was with the server software and therefore would be properly commented upon in this Forum.

One quite vanilla group in SL is still mystified at the occurrence and several members have lost items.  The Linden response to this issue is utterly inadequate.

Most definitely.  I don't recall seeing a Linden response in any of the threads and nothing in the grid status reports.

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I agree.  I wish there had been something posted about this mesh physics breakage/object return problem posted on the grid status at least.
Firestorm support has been slammed with people complaining about the broken physics & object returns & we have nowhere official really to point them to.  All we can do is point them to the forum threads discussing it & the JIRA issues & assure them that LL are working on the problem, tell them that a restart will fix the broken physics & that if they had mass returns that can't easily be fixed due to inactive object owners or object owners who don't use Firestorm  (thank God for "Restore to last position!) then they need to contact LL support for a region roll back.

I'm sure LL support has been slammed with people complaining about this problem too.

I really don't know why it hasn't been acknowledged officially on the grid status or the forum anywhere - it would have certainly helped!


Edited by Whirly Fizzle
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4 hours ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

Just to clarify: The reason that the land impact on certain regions was increasing & in some cases, increasing enough to cause objects to be returned, was because the physics shape on the mesh was changing, seemingly from convex hull to prim, which would increase the LI & also cause mesh doorways to close up, mesh stairs to become solid blocks etc.

AND for background info, the person that I wrote about in my article is very big on "saving LI" by changing prims to convex hull. So no giant surprise there. Since most all of my items rezzed inworld are mesh,  I had no issue. I was a little worried about things that had been changed to PRIM in the features tab (walking through doorways) but that didn't seem to be a problem for me as I tested a lot with no issues found. 



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