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can walk through furnite

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Not sure if this is the right forum sub category for this topic, if not, could someone please point me in the right direction. I recently purchased 2 different pieces of Gacha furniture from the marketplace. When I placed them down I am able to walk through them and they are not working. Is there a fix for this? Or is the item broken? Any one else have this issue? 

It is: Pixel Mode -The Kitchen


Any advice or answers help. 

Thank you!

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I have never had any gacha items broken, but that can happen. All scripts can stop working.

Is the problem that you can't sit on chairs, or is the kitchen cabinets advertised with cooking animations? The cabinets could be decorative only? If they are meant to be decorative only, they could be phantom? I was looking up the Arcade gatcha information, but there was no information about the items, other than LI and pull price.

It is possible that the previous owner has edited it, and broken it. But I actually doubt it, things break in SL, no need to put blame on the reseller.

So you should look up the item creator, Tya Fallingbridge, and read her profile to see how she will be contacted. Explain that you have two pieces of furniture and ask if she can replace them. Creators have various policy regarding issues with broken gatcha items.


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I put your kitchen name into MP search and I can't see any of the listings that say it is animated or scripted.  There is one re-seller who has placed the complete set out with a slurl to visit it inworld before purchase.  Maybe you could check that out and see if it acts as yours does?

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Curious I went over to the store in question where there are some lovely things (hadn't been there in awhile).

I only found a few standing closets that actually had any kind of physics. The rest had none. So THAT part isn't broken, it is just how the creator does things. I personally like things to have physics :D so I make mine with "mass" so to speak.

IF they are chairs that you can't sit on, then they are broken. You may be able to fix that IF you can reset the scripts. If not, then do contact the creator. Since the items are transfer and you can return them for a replacement I would think there would be no problem. 

It is important to note that it isn't always "safe" to buy gachas on the Marketplace. At least you got a product *wink*.  Also I prefer to SEE my items before I play the machine (thus solving your surprise) and have demos out accordingly in my shop.  I understand that the hard core gacha crowd doesn't seem to care about demos much :SwingingFriends:





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1 hour ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

Often furniture is made phantom to prevent the launch effect when you stand.

What she said. A lot of furnitures are set on phantom (i.e. : we walk through them) to prevent to get stuck when we stand from them.

In this set, the only items that should work are :

-the hanging light : on/off

-the storage cabinet : doors open/close

-the eiffel replica (chair) : 11 sit anims.

So, if any of these features don't work, consider contacting the creator and ask for her help.

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Turning off collision (making the item phantom) also prevents updates of said collision (walking into from a physics based entity, being your avatar) data being sent to the server , thus reducing lag.

I generally always advise my friends to set their furniture and decor (stuctures with physics shapes excluded ofcourse) to phantom for this reason.

Unless it's meant to be walked on like a ground plane, there is no practical reason to have an object set to non-phantom otherwise.

Edited by Hunter Stern
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8 minutes ago, Hunter Stern said:

Unless it's meant to be walked on like a ground plane, there is no practical reason to have an object set to non-phantom otherwise.

Well there is that "reality" part of the equation so we can agree to disagree :D. I have never been stuck in furniture and have up to 220 fps so personally I have not seen any downside to being able to sit on an object correctly without a sit script in there --- etc.   :D. 

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Phantom furniture as a norm is a new one on me. Perhaps the phantom idea came about because of sculpties and mesh. I do remember being "launched" when standing up from a sculptie chair I was creating. I wouldn't have such a thing in my store, so it didn't get made in that form, and setting furniture to phantom is a ridiculous idea. I was going to type "imo" at the end of the previous sentence, but it's ridiculousness is self-evident, and nothing to do with my opinion. What I find astonishing is that people put up with it, which is what it sounds like. To be perfectly honest, I've never heard of such a nonsensical thing in SL - until now.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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14 minutes ago, Kotelle said:

what would be the idea behind a phantom cottage? I once got one and I was really surprised that I could walk through the wall. Or maybe it was just a mistake of creator.

One of the first builds I bought, prim (very old now) always had a spot where you could fall through the floor. When I asked the creator, he explained that it was due to bugs in SL. I completely agree with him on that. Nowadays with you young'uns and your fancy mesh and your fancy physics models, I can only imagine that the number of possible problems has compounded astronomically!

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3 hours ago, Kotelle said:

I was in world in Pixel Mode store and I noticed that I could actually walk through some of the furniture, so maybe it is just the way they are

Perhaps phantom objects have a lower land impact sometimes, and the seller is trying to have a lower total L.I. by setting items to phantom? Just guessing!

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Well I still can't figure out how "multiquote" is supposed to work

Long ago and far away (like over four years ago) there were some issues with mesh floors in houses. There is absolutely NO REASON in the last few years to have phantom houses on purpose. It is simply because the creators haven't bothered with learning how to make proper physics models. 

THERE ARE TONS OF POSTS ON THIS IN THE MESH FORUM but I know most folks don't read that one. Good physics models DO NOT increase the land impact. There are unfortunately some very talented creators (both houses and furniture) that make really lovely things with HORRIBLE physics. 

There is lots and lots of help over on the Mesh board and I made two videos recently with step by step how to make physics models info -- including importing into SL. So there is really no excuse in my mind. 

I was in a big event recently and was asked to make my whole build (except things folks would walk ON) phantom. I did that (against  my better judgement) because I was asked to by the PTB.  The frame rate did NOT improve with things turning phantom. I still had the best fps by far in all of the sim builds (told to me by the person in charge of that) simply because I planned it that way.  Each building and all the furniture HAD proper physics before it became phantom. 

The point is that there is a lot of info that goes around that isn't correct (that clear your cache and solve all your viewer issues type thing). 

Each creator has a right to work as they want. Each customer has the right to buy or not.  That is one reason why I have demos out. (See another recent thread about purchasers not bothering to look -- -and that is a whole issue in itself.)



Grrrr.  LOL. 

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8 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

Well I still can't figure out how "multiquote" is supposed to work

At the bottom of each post is a + sign.  Click that to turn it to a check mark for every post you want to include.


The multiquote button pops up when you have one or more posts tagged.  Just click it and go.



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5 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

At the bottom of each post is a + sign.  Click that to turn it to a check mark for every post you want to include.


The multiquote button pops up when you have one or more posts tagged.  Just click it and go.



I do that (many tries) but for me it never will bet past 1 quote even when I click on others. No clue.  :ph34r:

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55 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Perhaps phantom objects have a lower land impact sometimes, and the seller is trying to have a lower total L.I. by setting items to phantom? Just guessing!


57 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

One of the first builds I bought, prim (very old now) always had a spot where you could fall through the floor. When I asked the creator, he explained that it was due to bugs in SL. I completely agree with him on that. Nowadays with you young'uns and your fancy mesh and your fancy physics models, I can only imagine that the number of possible problems has compounded astronomically!


1 hour ago, Kotelle said:

what would be the idea behind a phantom cottage? I once got one and I was really surprised that I could walk through the wall. Or maybe it was just a mistake of creator.


4 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

do that (many tries) but for me it never will bet past 1 quote even when I click on others. No clue.  :ph34r:

Hunh.  That's weird.

I am using Firefox on a WinX PC at the moment.  The last one quoted was by highlighting and clicking quote to add to the post after using multiquote.


I blame alien's infiltrating the internet.

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16 minutes ago, Morgan Rosenstar said:

Can I have your PC?

Actually it was a PC from Hell that I had to spend an extra $500 to fix. It is fine now (knock on wood).  So total (with fixing because the company didn't know how to put it together  :o) it was $2200 over a year ago (not counting monitor, keyboard or mouse). You should be able to get something similar MUCH cheaper. We HAVE bonded however and it does me well (Blender baking takes lots of power -- more than SL).


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I personally prefer that items be phantom, there is nothing more annoying than walking through a place and getting stuck because ten items around you are all set to non phantom and you have to devise an escape plan just to get around it all or standing up from an item and being thrown across the room like the furniture thinks you have cooties or something (and yes the launching does still happen on occasion.)

That being said, every creation is the vision of the builder so it's their choice whether it's phantom or not and most places have display models you can check out before you buy things and if they don't most creators are really kind and if asked nicely don't mind setting an item out for you to check out or at the very least could tell you whether or not it was set to phantom.

Edited by HaileeTempesta
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aside from physics models themselves, and fps, I personally never assume what someone's machine or connection might be if I am dealing on a public arena and go with the easiest methods for a solution, and I see no problem either way with whatever the creator dreamed up on final execution if the item is modify. It's easy enough to script an item to become solid or phantom on command if one so chooses (many flying vehicles back in the day employed this toggle feature to avoid crashing into solid cottages and stores).

Does anyone recall the bug eons ago where Linden Trees suddenly became solid objects? It wan't pretty that day :D

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Setting furniture to phantom is usually just a quick way to counter the inability or lazyness of the creator.

For old sculptie furniture you don't have another chance to avoid the catapult effect. But for mesh it's not necessary to make anything phantom if the mesh and animations are done right.

It can make sense to make something phantom due to the placement but that's the decision of the customer and not the creator.

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1 hour ago, Nova Convair said:

For old sculptie furniture you don't have another chance to avoid the catapult effect.

I agree with your post, Nova, except for the bit I quoted. Sculptie furniture could always be produced without the catapult effect. All that was needed was more than one prim. The very idea of making non-launching furniture, by making them phantom is, and always will be, ludicrous.

I can imagine 2 reasons why people make/made such stuff. One is to keep the prim count/LI down, and the other is to demonstrate how skilled the creator is by making such a beautiful pieces that use only 1 prim - ego. Both cases are stupid, imo. There never has been a compelling reason for regular furniture to be phantom or to launch avatars.

I don't think I'm mistaken when I say that people generally want furniture to have some realism about it, in that you can't walk through it, and it won't launch you when you stand up.


Edited by Phil Deakins
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3 hours ago, Hunter Stern said:

Does anyone recall the bug eons ago where Linden Trees suddenly became solid objects? It wan't pretty that day

I don't remember that, but I do remember days when everything in one of the sims I had land in (Venufalat) became phantom. It happened several times in that sim.

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