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0xc0000020 bad image

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i am getting an error when trying to log in to sl. i dont think it is a sl thing, tho. but here it is in a nutshell: not designed to run on windows or it contains an error. yada yada.....0xc0000020 bad image

i got this before  and i did a redownload and it worked.  getting it on another game i play, as well, so pretty sure it is not sl specific.  redownloading  that game worked, too.  was able to log out and in and then when i tried this morn, got the error again.    any ideas?  i am at my wit's end here. 

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Perhaps your virus defense software is killing the SL executable?

I had a similar problem one or twice: After I installed an update to SL, I answered the question wrong (or did not answer) that my Norton software asked me - and then SL became unusable. It turned out that Norton saw a "new" version of the executable and was paranoid about it.

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There have been lots of reports of this problem over the last few days & everyone getting it is using McAfee Total Protection apart from one person is using McAfee LiveSafe.
It's definitely McAfee causing the problem but so far we don't know the cause & the only known solution so far is to uninstall McAfee, keep it uninstalled and then reinstall the viewer.

Which viewer are you using?
So far we know it's affecting Firestorm 32 & 64bit Windows builds and also Alchemy 64bit windows build.
It's probable it's also affecting the official LL viewer but so far no-ones been willing to test that.

The only free trial McAfee offer is for LiveSafe.
I installed this on my Windows 10 64bit system & so far I've been unable to reproduce this problem.

We have a bug report filed on the Firestorm JIRA here: FIRE-21578 - Issue with launching Firestorm viewer. Constantly showing "FirestormOS-Releasex64.exe - Bad Image" Windows Error 0xc0000020 and McAfee

What is the other game you play that you get the same error message on?

Edited by Whirly Fizzle
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i am using livesafe and firestorm.  but i am also getting it in elderscrolls online, which should narrow it to livesafe?   i reinstalled eso and it was good for a day or two.  i have my computer set to sleep when i close the lid (not shut down or hibernate) at night.  better for the ssd.  i am upgrading to latest fs viewer so we shall see.  i hate doing that any sooner than needed :( 

i have googled it and others are getting this error with other programs.   some suspect a crappy ms update (which cannot be refused on win10).  some were reporting it months ago with their computer.  i wastn gonna renew mcafee anyways :)  came with the computer for 1 yr.  but first i will re whitelist with mcafee.  


so far i am not getting it in rift.


win 10 64 bit

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  • Lindens

Hi Darodarai!  

Would you please try to install the SL release viewer from get.secondlife.com and run that for a few times to see if we can get the problem to reproduce?

It would go a long way towards helping us diagnose the issue if we can get a repro on our viewer. 


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Do you also happen to have Malwarebytes installed on your system?

Quite a few suffering from this have both McAfee and Malwarebytes on the affected system, so I'm wondering if it's an interaction between the two programs causing the problem.
I'm going to install Malwarebytes on my system now, after having McAfee installed for nearly a week & no problem yet.

We do know that totally uninstalling ONLY McAfee is fixing the problem for those affected though.


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I am also having the same issue with Bad Image Error while trying to load FS64 or FS32.  I have McAfee LiveSafe.  Deleted and reloaded FS many times but errors persisted.   I WhiteListed FS in McAfee and was able to successfully log about 4 or 5 times but then problem returned.   Will probably totally uninstall McAfee.  

Its odd since I had and ran a free 1 year LiveSafe subscription when I got a new computer and didn't have any Firestorm problems.  When the subscription was over and BEFORE I renewed it the problem began.   After renewing the subscription the problem is still there.  

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hi.  it has been just under 1 week since i removed mcafee livesafe.  i have had NO problem whatsoever with secondlife/fs or eso.   my livesafe was due to expire in nov.

i have malwarebytes  on my system now.  put it on after removing livesafe.  they made me take the pro version trial.  that will expire in a week or so.  so more pointing to mcafee as the problem.

add: i should tell you that i have only logged into sl once since  last thursday.   i tend to come on on friday eves only these day.  sometimes during the week, but not this week..

Edited by Darodarai Llewellyn
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  • 1 month later...

it has been almost 2 months and i have never again rcvd this error since removing mcafee livesafe.  when i removed livesafe, mcafee wanted to know why, and i told them.  but it didnt happen for most of the yr i had mcafee and then all of a sudden it did.   so i would guess they changed something in an update?  my final post unless it happens again.  

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11 hours ago, Darodarai Llewellyn said:

it has been almost 2 months and i have never again rcvd this error since removing mcafee livesafe.  when i removed livesafe, mcafee wanted to know why, and i told them.  but it didnt happen for most of the yr i had mcafee and then all of a sudden it did.   so i would guess they changed something in an update?  my final post unless it happens again.  

Thanks for the update.
This won't happen again now you got rid of McAfee.
We still have no idea why McAfee is triggering this problem - one of the Firestorm QA team has been in touch with McAfee several times to try & explain the problem to them & their "support" has been nothing short of comical so far.
This problem with recent versions of McAfee isn't limited to SL viewers either - there's a lot of other software affected by it.

Just a few random examples:

  • Maya & Daz: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/maya-forum/maya-exe-bad-image-qt5widgets-dll-error-status-0xc0000020/td-p/7327862
    "I've just started getting the same Bad Image error listed above using Maya 2011. It started a few days ago with DAZ 4.9. On their forum it's was suggested that the problem was being caused by McAfee corrupting the DLL's and for DAZ it was suggested that after doing a re-install to put DAZ.exe in the McAfee exception folder.
    Since I am a McAfee user I tried this for DAZ and it seems to be working. I'm just wondering how many of you that are having this problem with Maya are also using McAfee."



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I have had this problem for a few months!   GRRR!!  I have Malwarebytes and McAfee...just renewed McAfee..:(.  I have tried all viewers and the only one I can still use to login is Alchemy!!! I want my Firestorm!!!  I hate to uninstall McAfee...love the protection, but I don't have much choice.  Not happy!


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1 hour ago, SwansWhisper said:

I have had this problem for a few months!   GRRR!!  I have Malwarebytes and McAfee...just renewed McAfee..:(.  I have tried all viewers and the only one I can still use to login is Alchemy!!! I want my Firestorm!!!  I hate to uninstall McAfee...love the protection, but I don't have much choice.  Not happy!


I suggest you contact McAfee support.  The more people that complain about this problem the better.
Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a workaround to fix it yet apart from uninstalling McCrappy.
It's affecting a lot of other software, not just SL viewers so I hope there will eventually be a fix from McAfee.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I began having exactly the problem described by Whirly starting with the (mandatory) Windows 10 Creator upgrade - the 0xc0000020 errror. Uninstalling and reinstalling the current Firestorm viewer allowed me to get to SL, sometimes for several sessions, but eventually it would crash again. I was using McAfee Anti-Virus Plus (the single PC version). Annoying, since I have used it with no issues for over 15 years and am paid up through next July. I wrote a complaint on the dumb ("We're so glad to see you go - don't you know we save your life every day") Comments Card that pops up when you uninstall, attached the URL for this thread, but I'm sure, like all RL paper Comments Cards, it will just be thrown away. %$#@!

But after uninstalling McAfee, uninstalling and reinstalling Firestorm, the issue seems to be resolved. Totally Annoying.

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