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Avatar not loading/not baking/not wanting to play nice


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Before I get into trying my best to give a clear description of what is going on, I want to be upfront and state A) I do not use firestorm, so the firestorm help wiki's will not help, B) I have had this issue for a year and a half, and have gone through countless help files, that I am no longer sure what to try.

All right, As I have said this has been a issue for a year and a half possibly longer, but it would seem if I wear an Avatar with clothes, when I switch to clothes "Option B", then people still see me as having either clothes "option a" or naked (which is great when I am on an adult sim, however mature or general, not so much). When I re-log I get the error message "cannot find folder" then after countless attempts of trying to remove my (lets say) AO, then I pop into view, however even though I logged out with clothes "option B" , I log back in with clothes "option a:.

but what there is more! As you are reading this comment right now, I will in through in more of the problem for the low low low price of free!

If I wear an avatar, like say human, then try to change into my bipedal dragon, or one of my mech warrior's (love that game) no one can see the change, or I turn into a white cloud (or red for those of you on firestorm). A Re-log will have me wearing the Dragon and human, and whatever else I tried to swap into. Even though on my screen I can detach them, others see me with the melting pot of....well.....stuff. Which I can honestly say is a bit disturbing to see a Bipedal dragon with human legs, and a necko tail coming out of the but, it is not a sight you want to see.

I have tried to contact Linden Labs, and I usually get the response of "beats us, create a new account" which I would love to do, however this account (the one I logged into to write this post) is five years old and does have some unique items on it.

As stated before, I have tried SSB sims, I have tried the CTRL+ALT+R rebaking, I have had someone else try to do refreshing of textures,  even went as far as to try Second life's "Offical" browser, tried to clear cache, tried different computers, and in one case, even did a OS reinstall, followed by trying to log in via Lumyia. In one case went as far as removing all inventory (trashing and deleting) then restarting with resends, still a big fat nadda. 

I am hoping someone else has had this issue and can offer a solution or what to suggest when I contact LL?

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Sounds like an internet connection problem to me.  Try Nalates's suggestions for troubleshooting it: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/

Also, the troubleshooting tips in the Firestorm Wiki are NOT just for Firestorm.  You might have to make some minor adjustments in things like specific filenames, but most of the suggestions there apply to other viewers as well.

Don't bother with CTRL+ALT+R, that doesn't work any more since LL changed the way textures are handled.

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Well, part of your problem is you already have preconceptions of what won’t help. So, there is a good chance you have already excluded the fix from your thinking and will suffer the problem forever…

Clothes option A and B? I suspect most of us will assume you are talking about outfits. This also suggests you are not that familiar with Second Life. So, we’ll probably sound like we are talking to a noob.

Including an “I’ve tried…” paragraph was an excellent move.

Lindal is right, you have eliminated almost every possible cause other than your connection. Having a good Internet connection does NOT mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. TEST YOUR CONNECTION. Lindal gave you the link to the troubleshooting guide.

Lindal is also right about the Firestorm Wiki articles. The majority of the code in the Firestorm and Linden viewers is identical. Plus, they have to do the EXACT same things and therefore suffer the same problems.

When you change outfits a bunch of data moves between the viewer and servers. Much of the information about what you are wearing travels via the UDP protocol. Lost packets are not resent. So, the viewer (what you see) and the server (what others see) can get out of sync.  You’ll find that you cannot see some items that show in WEARING. Those items cannot be removed. They have entered a state we call ghosted. You can see it or not because the ghost isn’t really there.

Firestorm has a Refresh Attachment List feature... somewhere. The Linden viewer doesn’t. So, a relog is the best you can do on the later.

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Go to your "Current Outfit" folder in your inventory and see what's in it. It should contain only links (icon with twisted white arrow) to various wearables and possibly a link to an outfit folder. It should contain no actual items or folders. The Current Outfit folder is stored on the server and is what tells other people what you're wearing. If there are things in it that shouldn't be there it can cause all sorts of problems.


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Theresa makes a good point. To resync your Current Outfit Folder (COF) replace your outfit with any other outfit. If that isn't working or you are not using 'Outfits', switch to the Test male/female avatar (Developer [CTRL-ALT-Q]->Avatar->Character Tests->[Test Male/Test Female]) or one of the starter avatars in the Inventory Library. REPLACE forces a complete clear and load for the COF.

DO NOT manually edit the contents of the folder. Doing so forces an out of sync condition between your viewer and the servers. The results are unpredictable.

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