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Just to check, about blocking


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I take it the only way to actually prevent constant IM's from a paedophile that makes new alts every few days is to enable "Only friends or groups can call or IM me."

Just, after reporting the last dozen+ names it certainly appears LL is incapable of doing anything about it.  

So, is this the only option, feel bad having to ignore anyone I haven't met yet but not willing to put up with paedophile crap unlike LL. 

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Unfortunately, if the person is constantly creating new alts to IM you, then yes, you either have to suffer with it or enable that friends/group setting.  At least until you can get LL to handle it.  Sometimes it is even hard for them.  IP spoofing is easy enough if someone is determined and that makes LL's job of identifying and blocking the new alts quite difficult.

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6 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Unfortunately, if the person is constantly creating new alts to IM you, then yes, you either have to suffer with it or enable that friends/group setting.  At least until you can get LL to handle it.  Sometimes it is even hard for them.  IP spoofing is easy enough if someone is determined and that makes LL's job of identifying and blocking the new alts quite difficult.

k, thank you, guess I'll go with the blocking everyone for now thing, irritating but tired of the filth. 

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1 hour ago, CaraMcLean said:

I take it the only way to actually prevent constant IM's ... 

I know this probably sounds like a "get over it" answer, but I promise it's not. Most of these serial harassers get off on the reaction they inspire in you. As long as you show signs of being offended, if you run away or worse yell/curse at them, they will continue their pursuit. I've always found the best response is to simply Mute the most recent incarnation and then carry on as if nothing had happened.

I grant you, this does not always work. But if you can muster the discipline to just let it roll off your back .. this method has proven to be the most effective.

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Yea, not responded since he started asking me how it would make me feel if my father was abusing me when I was a child, not responded to any of his alts either, I didn't even report the original, was too weird, since then its just block/report as my morning routine. 

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This is my number one reason for wanting to go back to a one time setup fee for every avatar.  It would discourage a few people from joining SL but the ability to stop this kind of abuse is worth it.  As it is, creeps and griefers have free run to chase off anyone they want.  In the end, there will only be creeps and griefers left.

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7 minutes ago, CaraMcLean said:

Yea, not responded since he started asking me how it would make me feel if my father was abusing me when I was a child, not responded to any of his alts either, I didn't even report the original, was too weird, since then its just block/report as my morning routine. 

You are on the right path then. It will take time of course, and he will try every trick he's learned to pry you out of your quiet space. His is not an overnight endeavor. Most likely he has been finding suitable victims and abusing them for years. But always remember that YOU are the one holding all the power here. YOU are the one that controls what happens because YOU are the one that controls what YOU do.

Time to find a mirror, look at the person inside that silvered glass, and give her a smile. She's doing good with the first steps toward shooing away that annoying pest.

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21 minutes ago, CaraMcLean said:

Yea, not responded since he started asking me how it would make me feel if my father was abusing me when I was a child, not responded to any of his alts either, I didn't even report the original, was too weird, since then its just block/report as my morning routine. 

   If this were happening to me, loving SL as much as I do, I would embrace the strategy of accepting IMs and other resident to resident communications only from those on my friends list. I haven't done this myself. Does anyone here know what happens to those missives that are blocked by this method? Do they even enter any kind of queue, or are they dismissed to oblivion? Would the creep receive any kind of "naff off" reply?

   This doesn't have to be a forever measure Cara. While in effect, it would present a very effective wall of NO. You could add something to your profile to let nearby residents interested in talking know that local chat is the way to start. And lastly, please add me to your list of friends the next time you are logged in. I promise to accept and to drop you a line from time to time. /me hugs you. 

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17 minutes ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

... While in effect, it would present a very effective wall of NO. ... 

You can configure your SL Viewer (Firestorm at least, not sure of the official one) so that it sends a reply. But if so then it lets the creep know he's making an impact. That only redoubles his perverse maniacal drive. It lets him know that he IS affecting his victim, which is sweets to his cravings.

It is that craving, that deranged need to hurt others, demean others, ruin pleasure for others, that is his reward. When you "play dead" by simply muting then showing no change in behavior whatsoever, you starve him. He can only go hungry for a while. Once he learns he gets no food, no reward from his current victim, he will find another that will feed him.

If you can configure your Viewer so that it gives no indication when an IM is blocked using the "Only Friends/Groups" setting then this is a workable strategy. But I'll leave it to others more knowledgeable in those settings to give the final say-so.

Bottom-line Cara? You have to choose which path to follow out of his swamp.

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4 hours ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

We aren't talking about the rather infamous <redacted> and his alt army? :ph34r:

I am surprised he hasn't run out of letters on the keyboard yet.

He simply never gives up.


Short of saying you are really Ralph, a 52 year old truck driver from Tennessee, who only plays as a girl in SL so you can <insert typical male reason here> going silent is the best way.

Edited by Callum Meriman
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Protip: save a simple textfile with a prewritten Abuse Report, which you can copy and paste as soon as you see that jerk posting in a group or attempting to IM you.
Apparently, some of his former accounts did get banned due to ***** reports.

But anyway, that scumbag isn't worth the effort to limit yourself and your usual interactions.

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Greetings All!

Unfortunately, as noted, since Second Life Accounts are free to create, some persistent abusers will do what they want/can to bypass any restrictions in place and create another account.

Linden Lab does what it can, but there is no way to catch them unless we see them with our own eyes during our rounds of the various regions, or get an Abuse Report on them.

One thing to keep in mind though, those abusers like to visit the same locations, or same groups, over and over again with each new alt.

If you are bombarded while you are in one of the HUB's, then before you go to the HUB, set the options to rejected IM's while you are there.  This will ensure that if the person shows up with another new alt, they will be unable to spam you with their trash.

You can disable the option after you leave the area so that others can contact you again while you are not on the HUB.

If you are in a group that ends up being targets, please make sure you let the group owner/s or managers know, so that they can try to use the group controls to prevent unwanted users. 

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22 minutes ago, Dakota Linden said:

If you are in a group that ends up being targets, please make sure you let the group owner/s or managers know, so that they can try to use the group controls to prevent unwanted users. 

Now this strikes a thought:

If it is the annoying persistant so-and-so we are guessing, then he certainly only hangs around a cluster of groups. Dropping oneself from those groups removes his ability to see who is online, and IM them.

Maybe OP, if it is star, you can drop from those groups?

Edit: (hard to know if saying star is breaking the forums naming rule, I dont think so as it's not his name, just a part of it)

Edited by Callum Meriman
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