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Will LL have any plans upgrading SL after Sansar beta?

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7 hours ago, Chrismaky said:

Cept me. I threw money at everything on day 1. Don't judge me. Was helping the economy.

Thank you for your contributions :D hehe

I try not to think about how much I've spent over the years, so I won't be judge and jury lol

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For those that don't follow Second Life News...

In 2017 we will see Animesh and a new Windlight added to Second Life.

Animesh is a new type of 'primitive' (e.g., cube, sphere...) that allows a mesh object to be rigged to a Bento Skeleton and placed in world. Some what like a bot is now. But, there will be no external server control as there is with bots. It will be just like a scripted car or pet, wholly within SL. (well... kinda) The Bento Skeleton can be made into anything. Pets, people, machines... and animated very much like we animate avatars with animation files, BVH or ANIM.

Windlight will be enhanced. There will be new controls for cloud and moon textures. Rider Linden talked about the coming changes to Windlight at the Content Creation UG this past Thursday (8/10). Medhue live streamed the meeting (see about 12 min in) and I provided a link to the video and a text index to the video here.

The big Windlight change is script control that will allow Windlight changes for individual avatars. If I understand Rider, this will mean while in the same region I can walk into a cave while you are on the beach and we will each have individual Windlight changes.

Windlight settings will become an asset. We can create them, trade them, sell them on the Marketplace.

Animations are changing... being extended. There is a default WALK animation. Newer AO's change that default animation. The SL servers then tell your viewer to play that animation whenever it detects you are walking. There is a default sit-animation that is handled the same way. So, once the defaults are set, you AO does not have to do anything. The older AO's before this new stuff was added had to continuously watch your avatar and notice what it was doing and play the right animation. The new style is much less work for the viewer and servers.

Bento has added new complications for smiling and hand movement, along with wings and tails. The animation system is being changed to allow for default animations for Bento related new stuff.

360-Images - This project is partially complete. Those testing it are posting 360-Images on Facebook, Flickr, and other social sites.


Voice - There is an RC Voice Viewer in testing. It has various fixes for voice problems.

Alex Ivy - This is the 64-bit Linden Viewer that is in testing.

Maintenance Viewer - There is a maintenance viewer with changes and fixes that are in testing and likely to soon be the new LL main viewer. (Release Notes)

and more...

This past week the SL Lindens had their planning summit. This is the meeting where a significant portion of the viewer software, server, and operations people figure out what they want to accomplish in the coming months. That information is semi-classified... so we don't hear a lot about what was decided.

There is a lot happening in the area of SL development. If you have been thinking SL is static, you have lost touch with the reality. Follow my blog, link below, Inara Pey's blog, Medhue's YouTube Channel, Daniel Voyager, and others that talk about the new things happening in SL.

Each month or usually each week there are dozens of improvements and changes in SL. This past 6 months many of the changes have been in the SL infrastructure. For instance, all the servers running SL have been updated to a new Operating System. Software libraries have been being upgraded to the 64-bit versions over the last year. Some of these changes require a huge amount of effort.

There is a constant effort to combat griefers and improve security.

There is a good sized team of Lindens that are devoted to improving SL. I believe they have a clear idea of what SL and Sansar are and how DIFFERENT they are. The best explanation I can give in a nontechnical way... I will be working in Sansar and Playing in SL.

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11 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

will allow Windlight changes for individual avatars. If I understand Rider, this will mean while in the same region I can walk into a cave while you are on the beach and we will each have individual Windlight changes.

Is this meaning for the region or area default?  Currently a region gets to set one default and this would allow multiples? 

I can already change my own Windlight settings in the viewer and that doesn't impact others.

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Windlight already is individual for every avatar for a long time. Must be something else that is planned.

The AO - I made a non-AO for me working that way - over a year ago. So that feature is already implemented. A Bento addon is missing for the default animations and the related script functions so that's the news I assume.

The rest - yeah - there is no reason to think the Lindens will drop everything and run off. I expect that all stuff in the works will be added.


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No. You misunderstand what I meant. While you can set your Windlight and the region owner can set a default Windlight, the region owner cannot script your Windlight setting as you move through the region. As it is now, if I want you see rain at ground level and sunshine at 1500m... I have a problem. Firestorm has a thing to help with that. But, this change will give region owners more control and add scripting control.

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14 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

No. You misunderstand what I meant. While you can set your Windlight and the region owner can set a default Windlight, the region owner cannot script your Windlight setting as you move through the region. As it is now, if I want you see rain at ground level and sunshine at 1500m... I have a problem. Firestorm has a thing to help with that. But, this change will give region owners more control and add scripting control.

A yes, I see. Firestorm can auto switch by parcel and height. I switched that off though since a windlight that changes every few seconds while you move through a sim is not what you want. :D

But switching off the sun in a cave sounds pretty useful, so I'm interested how that turns out and how people will abuse it. :D

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I'm more excited about the WIndlight plans than anything for a long time. As Nalates mentions, this finally delivers on the age old promise of Windlight settings as first-class Inventory assets, so we can easily trade them, and scripts will be able to invoke them without futzing with menus or land settings. Significantly, the scripted, per-avatar settings don't need to be limited to geographic space, but can also reflect anything the script wants, such as narrative development of a particular character. (I understand some of it will be guarded by Experience permissions, and something like that protection is probably necessary in order to make it both griefer-proof and seamless.)  There's a draft spec for more details.

As far as Sansar developers returning to SL, I wouldn't be so quick to rule that out. Now that Sansar is open, I've not seen anything that makes me more optimistic about that product's market viability. Nonetheless, some of those developers would be welcome back on Second Life, and maybe they could even bring some technology with them, once the Lab outgrows that whole "incompatibility as a feature" thing.

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16 hours ago, Nova Convair said:

The AO - I made a non-AO for me working that way - over a year ago. So that feature is already implemented. A Bento addon is missing for the default animations and the related script functions so that's the news I assume.

The ability to change your personal default animations came in a couple of years ago, together with the script c ommands for it, it was discussed in the opencollar r&d group for example. the PROBLEM was that most people just WEAR an AO, and the few people who MAKE ao's either use oracul or zhao 2 script sets, and the makers of those never updated the damn things to use the newer lighter system.

Nobody felt like remaking from scratch, their entire product line., especially with all the cries of "firestormers... rip the anims and use the clientside ao instead".


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On 12.8.2017 at 3:02 PM, Klytyna said:

The ability to change your personal default animations came in a couple of years ago, together with the script c ommands for it, it was discussed in the opencollar r&d group for example. the PROBLEM was that most people just WEAR an AO, and the few people who MAKE ao's either use oracul or zhao 2 script sets, and the makers of those never updated the damn things to use the newer lighter system.

Nobody felt like remaking from scratch, their entire product line., especially with all the cries of "firestormers... rip the anims and use the clientside ao instead".

I think the Firestorm AO function was introduced a bit later actually. Some of my alts have an animation repalcement HUD. But people aren't going to replace the old outdated freebie scripts with new more efficient freebie scripts. That's simplu not how SL works.

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10 hours ago, ChinRey said:

I think the Firestorm AO function was introduced a bit later actually. 

Oh I dunno, that's not my recollection of things. According to the 2011 announcement of Firestorm's public beta, they already had a "written from scratch" built-in AO -- and I'll bet that replaces an earlier built-in AO from Firestorm's predecessor(s), whereas the llSetAnimationOverride() function is documented to have been introduced in April 2013.

You know, when that LSL function first came out, there was interest in revamping ZHAO to incorporate the new feature, I'm just not sure how far that got, nor how many ZHAOs (and other AOs) may already be updated to use it. I know mine isn't because it's such a colossal pain to move an attachment's no-copy anims, an irreplaceable few of which I'm still using in my AO. Also, I must admit that back in the day I was very mistaken, thinking the old-school AOs use a lot of script time, but now that we can actually measure such things it turns out to be completely negligible, so updating seems even less a priority.

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1 minute ago, Qie Niangao said:

Oh I dunno, that's not my recollection of things. According to the 2011 announcement of Firestorm's public beta, they already had a "written from scratch" built-in AO -- and I'll bet that replaces an earlier built-in AO from Firestorm's predecessor(s), whereas the llSetAnimationOverride() function is documented to have been introduced in April 2013.

Oh. Firestorm was first then. Yes, llSetAnimationOverride() was introduced in 2013.

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  • 2 weeks later...
13 minutes ago, Pareocom said:

I tested Sansar and so far I can tell it's gonna take year for them to consider upgrading second life


i think it would help a lot when people stop comparing the two... Sansar isn't SL, and SL isn't Sansar.

Both have their own developers, technique and purpose.

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On 8/28/2017 at 1:09 PM, Pareocom said:

I tested Sansar and so far I can tell it's gonna take year for them to consider upgrading second life

I'm not sure what you mean by "...its gonna take a year for them to consider upgrading second Life."

They, the Lindens, just had a meeting where they considered their SL upgrade plans for the next few months... So, what are you trying to say?

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On 8/11/2017 at 2:15 PM, Nalates Urriah said:

No. You misunderstand what I meant. While you can set your Windlight and the region owner can set a default Windlight, the region owner cannot script your Windlight setting as you move through the region. As it is now, if I want you see rain at ground level and sunshine at 1500m... I have a problem. Firestorm has a thing to help with that. But, this change will give region owners more control and add scripting control.

That was kind of what I was guessing when reading the official announcement. It only makes sense as so many people could USE that. Thanks for the info. 

And yes, I have said all along on this old thread that LOTS is getting worked on and some things fixed and new things happening. All anyone has to do is look around, read and pay attention ;).

Folks though will see what they want to see if if the assume there is an issue with LL abandoning second life they will see that. 

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