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PC graphics card advice needed


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Hi forum,

i've got a upgraded ASrock vision 3D 137B that i would like to use for SL.

The OS is W7 Ultimate 64x

Originally it had a i3 CPU but now a i7 CPU.

It had 2x 1 Gb DDR3 and was also upgraded to the max. 2 x 4 Gb DDR 1066 Mhz.

That all should be fine to run SL but the weak? point might be my Graphics chip/card.

That is a NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M.

Hopefully there is someone here who is willing to give me advice what my possibilities are to run SL.

Kind regards,




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12 minutes ago, PartySmile said:

Thanks again for your kind reply Rolig Loon :)

as you suggested i had allready planned to get a additional GC that's why i wrote ( no extra GC yet...)  :)

Still figuring out what's best for me.

Cool.  ;)

In that case, please do take Lillith's comment and my very first post in this thread about the size of the card seriously.  I wish I had (although it worked out in the end).  I upgraded from a NVidia GTX 750ti to a GTX 1070 last winter, thinking that it would easy to pop the new card in where the old card was.  I had thought ahead and planned to upgrade the power supply to meet the 1070's needs, but I forgot to check the length of the card. The 1070 was about 1 cm too long to fit in the case.  I had to buy a whole new case and move everything into it, eventually paying about half the price of the machine for that upgrade.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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@PartySmile Lillith is being a bit hard on you.

The i5-7600 is a seventh gen CPU released in Q1-2017. Of course the day a CPU releases there is a new CPU's moving from the design boards to the assembly line. So, in some way any CPU you can buy is 'out dated'.

Second Life needs CPU speed more than it needs processor cores. Since your motherboard, which is really tiny, has overclocking capabilities, look into those. I push my i5-6600 by 14%. More than that and my system becomes unstable... well, in the 20% area I have problems.

The 16GB of ram, when used with HD Graphics, is used to provide your video ram, which for video is slow. A dedicated card will use an internal data bus, faster video ram DDR5 or better and run at faster clock speeds and hundreds of GPU's and leave the whole 16GB for your system to use for data.

For more speed consider placing your cache on a RAM-Drive. Your system memory is WAY faster than SSD. There is software which will save the Ram-Drive at power down and reload on power up. Provides a noticeable boost in performance.

You have a tiny MB for a standard case. So, depending on the case you have the system in, in a small case, you may have cooling issues. Get something like CPUID HDWARE Monitor (free) and watch your temperatures until you know you aren't over heating.

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OK, let's stop sniping at each other and play nice.

What we're all trying to tell the OP is that their obsession with small size is hurting their choices when it comes to a machine that will handle Second Life well.  I'll say it straight out:  What you need is a full desktop computer, with a big case, a big power supply, a full ATX form factor motherboard and a big honkin' discrete graphics card, driving a big honkin' monitor!  I use a pair of 27" monitors myself and my wish list includes a 38" ultrawide one.

Embrace bigness!

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6 hours ago, PartySmile said:

Almost all send their hardware for testing with adapted software instead with the regular software it comes out of the factory :(

So their specs can't be trusted.

I've re-read that part a couple of times now and my only thought is: What?

The Vision 3D mini-boxes are sold as "media machines" and are advertised as such. You bought it for a task it was never meant for. That should have been pretty crystal clear from those specs.

What do you want now? A complete system that is actually capable of running SL or some special fiddling with external graphics and a barely satisfying experience? 

For a whole new system, a good basic setup for gaming purposes ... and yes, in this case, SL does count as a game... can be built for about $ 560, listing my stubborn Newegg wishlist which refuses to switch to public:

I boldly assume that you got a mouse, a keyboard and a display.

You probably need another OS license if you plan to keep using the AsRock machine. Otherwise, add the Win7 key to your Microsoft account and grab the still available free update to Win10. Then download the official Media Creation tool by MS to create a bootable USB medium and you can happily install a fresh Win10 copy, signing in your MS account with the original Win7 key to register your machine.

Either you can build it yourself, there are plenty of good tutorials on how to do it, both written and video ones. Or you have a capable contact who can build it. Or you find the store's assembly service somewhere on their page, which I did not find...

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Your "new" (already outdated 4 cores / 4 thread / no HT) machine has no dedicated graphic card and 3D rendering is done on the lame iGPU.
And you complain about crappy, slow-loading and faulty graphics
... any bells ringing, by chance?

Considering that the quite overpriced mainboard is in a tiny ITX format, I boldly assume it's actually just another of those media toy machines with insufficient cooling for such tasks, thus running hot and throttling.

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33 minutes ago, PartySmile said:

How silly and/or ignorant can a person "boldly" be with their prejudiced assumptions...?

"Take a break from downvoting my posts and get a proper GPU.
Whoops, won't fit in your ITX case...."

Your "answers" where downvoted because they dont add anything.

Save your breath and your time and find yourself an hubby to practice good manners on.

Your parents failed to do so apparently.......

Have a nice day anyway ;)

I am indeed so sorry and my heart is bleeding that I cannot provide you with more dedication than upvoting all of your insightfully brilliant posts and loving every word in them ... well, actually only the post on its own, since the forum software won't allow for anything else.

The ignorance is completely on my part and couldn't possibly be on your side for making the same mistake of buying unsuitable hardware twice ... actually, apparently three times by now.

PS: However, I am right about the new toy being another ITX sized one, right? Otherwise, I'm sure you would have delightfully proven me wrong. :)


14 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

In that case, please do take Lillith's comment and my very first post in this thread about the size of the card seriously. 

Nah, I obviously had a bad upbringing and my social status isn't acceptable, unless some guy teaches me how to behave among civilised adults.

My weird theories about proper hardware performance and critism of weird choices and obvious flaws mustn't be respected at all.

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Yes, it's always the others who misunderstand. It could never ever be your own way to express yourself. No way.

Someone with your attitude in "seeking help" aka "confirm me in what I want to buy, no matter how unwise it is" would have been cooked alive in my regular computer forum. But do as you wish, your choices seem perfect for you...

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