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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I sort of regret that I never spoke to him when I saw him in-world back in the day. He was always surrounded by a bevvy of adoring women . . . and I didn't want to be perceived as belonging to that set.

At the same time, he had something . . . a sort of quiet, sensitive, Keatsian quality. "Here lies one whose name was writ in water." And it didn't hurt that so much of his art seemed to hint obliquely at personal pain and tristesse. He seemed vulnerable, and the more so for displaying glimpses of his sadness. It's a bit of a cliche, maybe, but still . . .

So there's also a part of me that wonders if I could have seduced him. Or, maybe, been seduced by him.

Not that I would have, of course. Or would, if I met him now. And I really didn't want to be associated with those women. But . . .

Ok, I'm really going to just shut up now.

Jesus, you do go on.

I love fields. My first SL "favorite spot" was a dandelion field on the edge of the sea. Every few minutes, a single dandelion seed would poof out of the field and float away. I wondered where they went, as I did in my childhood sitting on the bluff over our beach, discussing weighty matters with my father. The prevailing westerlies often blew bugs out over Lake Michigan, never to return. I worried about them. Dad explained that they'd be fine, ending up in the strange land of "Michigan" on the far side of the water. Such a strange place he described, where people ate popcorn with forks. We tried it, to feel what it was like to be a Michigander. They earned our pity.

I was a little heartbroken when that dandelion field, as so many SL creations do, vanished. I resolved to learn how to make such a thing myself and eventually did...


Sometime after making that field, I encountered "The Far Away". I'll never forget it. Sure, I've been squatting in what's left of it for the last five years, trying to steal the locomotive, but much of the place was inside me before I got there.

It's been a decade since my first chat with AM, and I was delighted to have a second today.

Someday, The Far Away will vanish as well, and I'll be left to find another quiet place to contemplate. I've no worries, it's in my purse...


Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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17 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Jesus, you do go on.

Yes, yes I do. It's part of my charm. (Insofar I have any of that.)

My personal associations with AM Radio's installations are, of course, complicated, as are yours. My reactions to each varied enormously. There is a "public" side to art -- the things we can all understand listening to Stravinsky's The Firebird, or reading Wordsworth's Tintern Abbey -- and an intensely private element that is probably incommunicable in all but a pretty rudimentary form. I am trained to drone on endlessly about the first, but sometimes what I value most is the second.

Would it surprise you to learn that one of my strongest personal memories of The Faraway, in its original version, was an intensely self-indulgent two hour long sulk fit I had there, sitting in the tall grass, in the immediate aftermath of the sudden and (for me) traumatic collapse of my first SL relationship?

I'm going to bet it would not.

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9 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Would it surprise you to learn that one of my strongest personal memories of The Faraway, in its original version, was an intensely self-indulgent two hour long sulk fit I had there, sitting in the tall grass, in the immediate aftermath of the sudden and (for me) traumatic collapse of my first SL relationship?

I'm going to bet it would not.

That doesn't surprise me. It's the perfect spot for sulking.

Do you remember my story of the dear friend who freaked out when we were run over by a car in SL? I'd previously told her of my teen best friend's death when drunkard drove up on to the sidewalk and hit us. I think the bulk of that evening was spent consoling away her trauma from imagining my experience. That happened at The Far Away.

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On 3/20/2020 at 8:35 PM, Madelaine McMasters said:

Someday, The Far Away will vanish as well...

Nope! He packed it up as an OAR and gifted it, I have my personal (but unscripted and no sounds) copy set up in Kitely. 😉


Edited by Fauve Aeon
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12 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

Nope! He packed it up as an OAR and gifted it, I have my personal (but unscripted and no sounds) copy set up in Kitely. 😉


Your version must be an old one, Fauve. The windmill fan doesn't have the one dark blade AM added so it would be more obvious it was spinning. That's a keeper!

I also have copies of most of the stuff from The Far Away, but I doubt I'd ever re-create the place. I do pull the locomotive out of my purse now and then, to rez it in the most absurd places I can find.

While I'm happy that Ziki Questi and Kinnaird continue to support what remains of AM Radio's installation, I'm okay with it eventually vanishing.

I can't be nostalgic about it while it's still here.

ETA: I just pulled the windmill out of my purse. It's also missing the one dark blade.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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On 3/22/2020 at 9:42 AM, Madelaine McMasters said:

...Ziki Questi and Kinnaird continue to support what remains of AM Radio's installation...

Good reminder to pop by and support it in SL, maybe do a photo there, then a new photo in my closed region in Kitely. 👍📸🎞🕰

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I'm rebuilding a loft in my houseboat and thought the railing looked proportional to the rest of the house until my alt and I stood next to it.  While it may be okay for 'Lulz', I might bang my shins and fall over if I'm not careful.  I think I should raise the height a little bit.



Edited by Gregorian Chant
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The RL standard (US OSHA) for railings is 1.07m. But SL avatars are so tall. The general idea is that a railing should be above the center of gravity of humans, so that if you ran into it, you would not go over. Works for avatars, too.

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Playing my go-to game of the moment: Starbound. I've been exploring an ocean planet, and my Glitch (medieval robot) character discovered an underwater city. Seems he's not impressed with the games on offer in the arcade:


Son, I'm disappointed in you. You're wearing a cat on your head, ffs! Screaming Fashion Agent should be right up your street!

(God, I love the random clothing items you can find in this game xD)

Edited by Skell Dagger
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On 3/26/2020 at 1:19 AM, Gregorian Chant said:

I'm rebuilding a loft in my houseboat and thought the railing looked proportional to the rest of the house until my alt and I stood next to it.  While it may be okay for 'Lulz', I might bang my shins and fall over if I'm not careful.  I think I should raise the height a little bit.



Don't raise the rail, lower the avatar!

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So far, while, working from home today, I managed to vacuum all the floors (well, OK, the Roomba did the work), and moved 3/4 ton of stone from the driveway in front to the pond in back (it was in 40# bags, so not as much work as it might sound).  I also conquered about 15% of the world's land mass on Civilization, watched 4 episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise, and, you know, work worked.

Random thought - is manufacturing Viagra an "essential" business during Covidmania?  Asking for a friend.

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