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Do you love dancing on stage for tips?  Escorting TEXT/VOICE/CAM?  Are you looking for an hourly wage with perks, free ad boards and a drama free work zone for a change?   We pay you 90% of your tips and escorting fees.  Come see the Classy ClimaXXX Strip Club and fill out an application. You must be a mesh avatar, positive attitude, drama free, able to voice on stage to clients, hear them on mic at all times and carry on a conversation at all times while on stage.  We have custom made stage & lap dance chairs with state of the art custom scripting making your dancing experience second to none in SL!  Drop in and check us out.  Candi (Owner)  penelopewellington

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Scarlet Isle/214/75/1002

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