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Do tips actually go to people working?

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I'm fairly new to SL and was wondering if the Tips you can put in Tip jars that rooms have, like clubs , strips  *****s rooms, if the Tip actually go to the person assigned to the Tip jar,. Mainly wondering sicne when you do tip it says the tip is going to the owner of the location as oppose to the tip jar person

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It all depends on the club. If the tips jars are owned by someone else you can assume the house is taking 20%.  Since land cost is the bulk of the club costs I think this is reasonable. 

If the tip jar is owned by the performer I assume they keep it all (  and share as they will) so I make a point of tipping the venue some way. 

If you want to make sure some one specific gets a special tip, just right them and choose pay. You can also find the pay option on their profile. 

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Most clubs give a good portion (to all) money to worker. If it is a personal tip jar then the person gets the money. If it is a "worker's" tip jar (pole dancing etc.) then sometimes the club gets a percentage (like 20%) and the worker gets the rest. There is really no way to know unless the script is written so that you change the split in the description line. 

And honestly there is no way of knowing if the worker is an alt of the owner :D so it likely doesn't matter too much. We can assume (hopefully correctly) that the person wouldn't be there working for tips if they felt they were being cheated or not being paid enough. 

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The tips are paid to the tip jar owner and then taken from the owner and given to the person signed in to the tip jar often the owner (if it's not the person signed in to the jar) takes a percentage of the tips 10-20% is pretty common from what i've noticed but will vary from club to club. If you would rather 100% of the money you are tipping goes to the person signed in to the tip jar there is the option of paying them directly

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Chic hit it spot on. The tip jars are generally owned by the club owner. If the tip jar is assigned to a specific user then that person would receive a percentage of those tips. As some have eluded too already, that percentage will vary from club to club. In clubs that I have worked at—generally the house will get 10 or 20% of my tips. Don't confuse that with a tip jar that is not assigned to a specific user. In those cases all tips go directly to the club owner. Tips are not pooled as some restaurants do in RL. All tips are specific to that user.

Most clubs frown upon guests paying tips direct. If a guest pays direct most clubs (and all of the clubs I've worked for) will ask that you pay that tip to your jar so the house can get their cut.I know it happens but I just figured I'd share that.


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As someone who makes a significant portion of her SL income off of tips put in tipjars, I can assure you if we didn't get anything, We would not be there to tip in the first place.

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1 hour ago, Chase01 said:

Most clubs frown upon guests paying tips direct. If a guest pays direct most clubs (and all of the clubs I've worked for) will ask that you pay that tip to your jar so the house can get their cut.I know it happens but I just figured I'd share that.


How would a club know if you were to tip a performer directly?

I know a few DJ's that give a percentage to their hostess/host out of the tip pot. Its all good business. Some clubs pay a fee to get a DJ or act to come put on a show also.  

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2 hours ago, CheriColette said:

How would a club know if you were to tip a performer directly?

I can think of no way, so if that works better for you you have that alternative. I typically tip directly but I don't get out all that much LOL.   



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2 hours ago, CheriColette said:

How would a club know if you were to tip a performer directly?

I know a few DJ's that give a percentage to their hostess/host out of the tip pot. Its all good business. Some clubs pay a fee to get a DJ or act to come put on a show also.  

I should have made that more clear. Generally it is frowned upon for an employee to take the tip direct without splitting it with the house (at least from all of the clubs I've worked at). That's for obvious reasons. It is of course up to the employee of the club to follow the rules of the establishment they work for. If they don't and I am sure some don't then they could loose their position if someone should say something. While it probably does happen more often then not without consequence—a lot of clubs have drama. Some started by employees and some from patrons believe it or not..

I just made that suggestion because it is nice to support the venue owners. It doesn't upset me to give a portion of my tips to the house. They provide the platform for all the other employees for which to earn money.




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The reason tip jars works as they do is that, when you pay money to an object in SL, that money goes direct to the owner of the object.    That's the way SL works and it can't be changed.

So tip jars are generally set up to register who is using the tip jar -- typically the performer touches the tip jar before starting a shift and the tip jar checks that the performer is wearing the appropriate group tag -- and to pay an pre-set percentage of all monies it receives to the performer as soon as someone pays it.    So if someone pays money to a tip jar belonging to me in my club, and you're using the tip jar, as soon as the tip jar registers the payment, which goes direct to my L$ account,  it automatically debits my L$ account n% of the payment and passes it to you.

Typically, it will also IM you, the performer, with details of the transaction as it happens.


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7 hours ago, Gator Peterman said:

The owner cant, unless he tests you with an alt and pays directly and watches how you respond...

Which of course isn't to hard to do if he or she suspects

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A LOT of the people on those poles and dance things that you're paying a tip to are AFK or bots...

If you want to actually tip a person... chat with them or otherwise figure / know its a real person who is not using a 'chat/interaction script', and then right click their name in chat or your radar and choose the pay option.


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Clubs, more specifically music clubs have been hit really hard over the last several years. Ask anyone that's owned a music club and many of them will tell you they are a money sink. The money they earn Is from tips, donations and rentals. Over the years some of my favorite clubs closed too. :(

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8 hours ago, Chase01 said:

Clubs, more specifically music clubs have been hit really hard over the last several years. Ask anyone that's owned a music club and many of them will tell you they are a money sink. The money they earn Is from tips, donations and rentals. Over the years some of my favorite clubs closed too. :(

That has been true in SL since about 2003.

Clubs have never been a profit oriented thing in SL. Where they used to make their money was in the malls outside of them - that Marketplace has since made useless.

If you run a social venue in SL, you need to set it up in a manner such that you can do so, on your own money...


The function of most clubs could really be perfectly handled on a 512m plot of mainland / estate land just about anywhere... if your goal was actually social. You just need to be able to rez a dance floor that can fit 5-10 avatars...


In fact one of the most 'popular clubs' in SL is just that, a flat prim on the ground on a plot on the last western-most sim of Bay City. No DJs, dancers, hosts, no board for anything to 'be on', no 'best in random', or anything - just a stream going 24/7 and a full crowd all day long because it is one of the few places in SL that plays something that is not rock or country from the 1980s, or pop from the 00s / early 10s...
- And if you can fit into THEIR scene and recognize you are on their turf rather than trying to get them to fit to you... you will discover they are actually a sociable crowd.
(Open you map, type in Bay City, and move the map to the last sims on the west... look for the horde of green dots. With the caveat that my info is about half a year out of date.)

Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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On 2017-5-21 at 7:40 PM, *****cat Catnap said:



In fact one of the most 'popular clubs' in SL is just that, a flat prim on the ground on a plot on the last western-most sim of Bay City. No DJs, dancers, hosts, no board for anything to 'be on', no 'best in random', or anything - just a stream going 24/7 and a full crowd all day long because it is one of the few places in SL that plays something that is not rock or country from the 1980s, or pop from the 00s / early 10s...
- And if you can fit into THEIR scene and recognize you are on their turf rather than trying to get them to fit to you... you will discover they are actually a sociable crowd.
(Open you map, type in Bay City, and move the map to the last sims on the west... look for the horde of green dots. With the caveat that my info is about half a year out of date.)

Club SOUL Vibrations      I found it :)

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