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23 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I find that even relatively minute changes to, for instance, the direction of sun can make an enormous difference in terms to tone, the balance of light/dark, contrast and saturation, etc. It's both the power, and frustration, of EEP that you can do so much with it -- frustration because it's not necessarily intuitive, and one ends up spending huge amounts of time experimenting to get it "right." As I'm quite sure I don't need to tell you!

It's also why the rather slapdash approach that LL has taken to EEP in the context of PBR really annoys me. Because PBR changes EEP a lot, and we all, as a result, now have a library full of EEP settings that honestly don't look very good anymore. Eventually I have to sit down and spend some serious time producing a new selection of basic EEPs that I like for PBR, but I'm honestly dreading it, so I'm putting it off.

Aye, indeed. It's just so finicky. A while back I had the idea of making a free community ressource of EEP. Highly motivated, I dove into figuring out EEP, Custom Skies and such. The result is that I can sort of, somewhat fumble a light for a very specific shot but I just would not have any faith in it being useful for anyone else. The settings are just so finicky that sometimes +- 0.01 in some value can lead to the weirdest artefacts. Also it's really not intuitive, some settings do absolutely nothing until you hit just the right combination of other values and then it's suddenly a 4000° blast orchestra.

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3 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

What's cost when the vet cleans its teeth?

Oof, don't get me started on that. The dental bill is enough to cover 2 week vacation abroad. :D

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2 hours ago, Eddy Vortex said:

I finally found a new EvoX head & skin combo that gets me pretty close to my original look on the old Lelutka Andrea head. Things have come full circle.


I can feel your pain and totally understand the process of trying to upgrade to use the new features but still look and feel like "you".  I am still on that road........

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