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How does your avatar look today ?


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On 5/28/2022 at 6:49 PM, Bagnu said:

"Cat in a birdcage" (look at her tattoo)

Caitlin and I having some fun together today before she had to leave for a while again. She wanted me male today, and I wanted her caged. It all equals out.

I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable about the way this, and a few other pics here, are edge-casing adult content here.

A pic of a caged woman being watched over by a man who appears to have *coughs* bodily fluids dripping from his chest surely belongs in the adult subforum?

There is some real ambiguity about what is "appropriate" for this thread, and this subforum, as witness the moving of the "Spicy" thread to the Photography subforum. This just feels to me, personally, a little much for this particular place.

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3 hours ago, Bagnu said:

I apologize for having made you uncomfortable.. I simply felt the narratives are an explanation of what was occuring at the time. My pics aren't posed. They are actual SL events that I experience.

But this thread is about how does your avatar LOOK today, not what does your avatar do at the time. I think there is a similar thread focusing on the activities in General Discussion section. I believe everyone here prefers to focus on the look and comment the look. 

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4 hours ago, Bagnu said:

My point is:  If something like my pic can be broadcast across North America, to this day, why is it not suitable for this thread?

because the forums are PG/General rated, except the adult section.

And even when meeting the criteria, edging or not, if people take offense or any other frowning/disurbing experience, it can be reported, or at least as here, commented on.

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10 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

because the forums are PG/General rated, except the adult section.

And even when meeting the criteria, edging or not, if people take offense or any other frowning/disurbing experience, it can be reported, or at least as here, commented on.

National television was g/pg rated in the past when those were broadcast. But people can of course express their opinions on my posts, or anyone else's. I won't deliberately post something I know people will find offensive. There is no point in my mind posting a pic that I know already would be removed. It takes me time to work on my images. 

Edited by Bagnu
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4 hours ago, Bagnu said:

I didn't notice the bodily fluids. Sorry.

Sure! Totally happens to me all the time! 😏

I'm not going to get into a discussion about how "adult" various different articulations of BDSM may or may not be, but I will suggest that context matters a lot. Comparing the caging of your wife in this pic with a jokey moment from a 60s sitcom is a bit like suggesting that there's no difference between a pic of a female equestrian holding a riding crop, and a Domme wielding one. They're both women with riding crops, right?

My comment is really about how a few of the pics, and (as others have suggested) occasional accompanying narrative, are pushing the envelope of what has been, by common consensus as well as policing by the mods, viewed as "appropriate" here. There is a level of intimacy in some of these pics that makes some of us uncomfortable. Dancing with your wife? Absolutely. Engaging in adult activities? Not so much. We want to see nice pics of your avatars, not be treated to overly-intimate glimpses of your personal life.

It's too much like exhibitionism, and it more or less compels us to become unwilling voyeurs.

In any case, it was an observation, and a remark about my own level of discomfort. I'm not a mod, and I don't want to play forum cop, so it's up to you how you respond.

And that's really all I want to say on the subject.

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4 hours ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

Maybe just post the picture and not your narrative which has gotten uncomfortable lately (at least for me)

Maybe it would be better if we could turn off subtitles. Like watching TV with the volume turned down (or another language without the translation).

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3 hours ago, Bagnu said:

Bodily fluids?  Inappropriate commentary

And this right here is, once again, EXACTLY what makes people uncomfortable when viewing a PICTURE thread.   NO ONE needs or wants that much intimate detail about your SL.

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26 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

And this right here is, once again, EXACTLY what makes people uncomfortable when viewing a PICTURE thread.   NO ONE needs or wants that much intimate detail about your SL.


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9 hours ago, Bagnu said:

My pics aren't posed. They are actual SL events that I experience.

Wow. (Just wow.)

Didn't know there was a person on here named "Bowlslaw". I thought the comment below was a "narrative" for your photo. If you need my previous comment explained which you asked about, you should probably remain naïve on that one. Take my word for it!

On 5/28/2022 at 8:10 PM, Bagnu said:

What are you confused about Bowlslaw?. just ask, and I'll explain.


Edited by Love Zhaoying
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