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Flaminiums are red,
Verminium are blue,
Most of the kajirae I've known are complete and utter tarsks,
But I'll always love you.

Be mine, @Eva Knoller!!

 All is ready for your arrival! The bosk is roasting, the Ka-la-na is breathing -- and I've even shaved my back for you (and managed to staunch most of the bleeding).

The water is warm, and your very own Richard is HOT. Come in for a soak!



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6 hours ago, Solo Alpha said:

@Richard Parkes Let' s give the woman some options here. In 4 different packages .. :)

Are you sure you'll choose wisely , @Eva Knoller ? 

"Options"? "Choose"????

How very eggalar . . . equalita . . .

How very unnecessarily-nice-to-women of you! I snort in derision in your general direction!

No, Sofa, or whatever your name is . . . we settle this the way that real men settle things. All things. Even who takes out the garbage. (And it's your turn, btw.)

We settle this with a clash of our Manly Weapons!

Or, if that fails . . . with swords!

I await you in the Combat Arena. And may the Manliest Man prevail!



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