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How does your avatar look today ?


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6 hours ago, Ayeleeon said:

one of my more memorable days in SL. Then later I ended up in the snow.



Oh gosh, I hope it was for more than just having a lot of semi-naked women thrown down on your head in a sandbox.

Lovely snow scene - and how big is your wardrobe? You changed your outfit again (so did I. I HATED that dress). 


Edited by Marigold Devin
That's me in the corner ...
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On 12/31/2021 at 2:25 AM, BjorJlen said:

   Cool Pic Ayeleeon, but uhhh... there is a female of some type looking at the "women seeking men" part of the wall over there you could talk to ya know. She may have wings (which are always cool), and not quite come up to your knee's from that view, but still I am sure she is a interesting person to speak to. So take a chance, go over to that wall, and say hi to her for pete's sake! lol You only live once after all... :D
   Just thought I would mention that good sir...


True enough ... my brother missed meeting the woman of his dreams in a similar way. Well, he met her, just didn't realise he had. He was standing in a supermarket chatting to a friend when a petite pretty woman happened along and was attempting to read coffee from the top shelf. She seemed to be gazing at my brother longingly, and while he continued his conversation with his friend, he noticed her enough to hand her a jar of coffee and briefly nodded at her. She thanked him and looked at him for a few seconds more before going on her way. Never to be seen again. And just like that, his chance of happiness was gone forever. :/ (or that's what I told him because I'd been watching the scene play out from the other side of the shopping aisle). 

We should all slow down, properly look around us, and not miss any opportunities. That's my new year's resolution anyway. :D 

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4 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

and how big is your wardrobe? You changed your outfit again

large enough to change outfits and wear something appropriate to the situation and small enough to be easily manageable. With a virtually infinite number of T shirts. As for the day, besides the falling women,  I met a very sweet woman, reconnected with another and traded music, and made a new painting.

Edited by Ayeleeon
Mistakes made due to typing on my cell.
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Pictures taken at Digital Art - Cammino e Vivo Capovolto (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Retrospect/111/76/21) Cammino e Vivo Capovolto is a creative place dedicated to 3D art and photography by Mistero Hifeng.
Very nice exhibition (don't forget to teleport to the other level)

The second picture is raw. It was just cropped, whereas I played with light and colours in the other two.

Digital Art - Cammino e Vivo Capovolto




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