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Change avi name

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3 hours ago, Heath Juran said:

i wish on sl we could change our name like in other games,yes we can change it but i mean change it complitely ,so no one will be know who u was before,this way no need make alts and spend money to new inventory,and LL could make more money they will be charge for new name,tell me if u like this idea!

Sadly, as mentioned above, it is indeed an unworkable option. Some core functions of SL rely on the UUID/username pairing. I know they *have* done changes in the past, but it's *extremely* rare (example, Cory Linden's account becoming Cory Ondrejka, or Pituca Fairisle becoming Pituca Fairchang when she got married in the early days).

At this point, I could only see them doing such for a sizable amount, and not as a publicized service. I would not see them making it any easier to change the username. 

Edited by Marianne McCann
cuz reasons
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5 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

...... Class divisions in SL between Lastnamers and Residents are bad enough as it is.

About the time that the last name went away is when I started drastically reducing my inworld time, so I never realized there was an issue.  Do the lastnamers assume they are better because they've been around longer or something?

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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

About the time that the last name went away is when I started drastically reducing my inworld time, so I never realized there was an issue.  Do the lastnamers assume they are better because they've been around longer or something?

Do you?

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3 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

Say someone wants a redelivery -- but the merchant or redelivery terminal has no record of purchase by that account. And really doesn't want to spend hours trying to verify that two accounts are really the same. 


A very good point. "No redeliveries" would have to be in the small print.

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5 minutes ago, Tem Haalan said:

... What about the person who wants a fresh start because they want to get away from a creepy or abusive ex?

This is probably the only truly valid reason that I could see for this, because the online world is definitely infamous for abusers.  The abusers will often just keep making more alts to keep doing it and it really isn't fair for the abused to have to completely start over because of some a**hole that keeps showing up in new incarnations.

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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

About the time that the last name went away is when I started drastically reducing my inworld time, so I never realized there was an issue.  Do the lastnamers assume they are better because they've been around longer or something?

My own observations over the years suggest Lastnamers come in 3 distinct waves, First Wave were the original crew, from opening to say, early 2006, they tended to discriminate, as people do in all systems against the  'noobs' of the Second Wave, the ones who rolled in from 2006 -2009, who in turn urinated downhill on the Third Wavew, who were the last of the Lastnamers, and as is always the case, the opressed always kick downhill, and there was a prime new target, these 'Resident' creatures, who were sufficiently different to Lastnamers that 3rd Wave and 2nd Wave could sort of unite against the threat of people who didn't have proper names.

When I arrived 5 years ago, it was common to see 3rd Wavers going on about how anyone with an account less than x years old (i.e Residents ) was automatically a noob, and probably some kind of alt and a griefer and should be banned etc. There was also the widespread belief that your SL IQ was equal to your SL age measured in weeks, so anyone under 2 yrs in world was not only a filthy 'Resident' noob but stupid with it.

Many 3rd Wavers still cling to this dogma even today, so much so that when they make new alts, one of the first things they add to it's profile is

"Not my first time around, older than I look, probably older than you"

or variations on that theme, I call them the "My Other Alt is a Lastnamer" profile bumper stickers, you see them that often, the idea being that somehow this sticker applied to your profile will convince other 3rd Wavers not to discriminate against you for being a 'Resident', of course they then discriminate against you for being an admitted Alt, as alts are seen as 'evil and probably nefarious' etc.

Ironically theres less anti Resident bigotry from the 1st Wave than from 2nd and 3rd, because, they are 'top of the tree' and can look down on ANYONE who didn't hand knap their own prims from flint in the hillfort on the Original Sim while listening to Chief Philip giving his weekly Tribal pep talks... ;) 

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8 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

No, but I do remember that some of the super early SL folks were a bit condescending to those of us that came after.  So I could see that view continuing with some.

It probably does with some. However, we can never know how real condescension is, vs the perception of it, which was the case then as now. Some might perceive you as condescending because you have a last name, when nothing could be more ridiculous. 

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30 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Do the lastnamers assume they are better because they've been around longer or something?

Not to my knowledge. From what I think I've seen, it's the opposite - some with the 'Resident' last name feel to be somehow inferior.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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29 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

Not to my knowledge. From what I think I've seen, it's the opposite - some with the 'Resident' last name feel to be somehow inferior.

Probably because they have been told they are so many times, they start to believe it, think of it this way... how many white americans living in the ex-Confederate States, would have told you, in 1930, that 'colored folk' were being treated unfairly and looked down on? Yet it's a historical fact that many were.

It's not as bad today as it was when I arrived in SL, largly I suspect because there are Resident's now ho are older then the 3rd wavers were back then, and partly due to the fact that more and more Lastnamers now have Resident alts.

But just when you think it's vanishing, you'll bump into some horses backside, who announces in a group chat that they dont have display names visible, and dont see a need for display names, because "they HAVE a proper name and dont need a display name", or come across a new script that still insists on pointing out that you dont have a "proper" last name.

Scripters who refuse to use llGetDisplayName, for example, Opencollar once told people via group chat that adding display names to the leashing scripts instead of legacy names was 'an impossible task that would take weeks' but I know somebody who modded their own collars leash script in 15 mins flat, the current oc... 6.4, now uses calls to world.secondlife.com to pull info like names, rather than the llGetDisplayName command, so the 'spoof emotes' from the collar for couples anims all use a "displayname (firstname.lastname)" format, despite the fact they get it right elsewhere in the collar, partly it's lazyness, partly its that "we dont need fake names we have proper ones" thing again.


Edited by Klytyna
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We also have had people come in the forum and accuse people of being snobbish because of their forum rank, of all things, which everyone who has been here a few days knows has no importance whatsoever, except in the minds of those who don't understand how rank was achieved.

Glad that nonsense was done away with. 

Edited by Pamela Galli
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6 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

We also have had people come in the forum and accuse people of being snobbish because of their forum rank, of all things, which everyone who has been here a few days knows has no importance whatsoever, except in the minds of those who don't understand how rank was achieved.

Glad that nonsense was done away with.

Yeah I remember being insulted several times by somebody who's post count was about 15 behind mine for being a 'member' of the forum with a BLUE forum blobby instead of the orange one, and thus part of some secretive cabal that ruled the forums... for a whole what, 2 days?


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In hindsight LL should have made a single login ID hidden from public knowledge and from that ID residents would create multiple characters and share inventory between them.

What's done is done and name changes will probably not happen. We've had many fruitless discussions since the switch to single names and display names.

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Great points made across the board. On the surface it sounds like a great idea but if you think about it in detail and how that affects all of the systems in place it really isn't. I'd like to know why so many people's last name is "Darkfire" ...lol Is that the equivalent of being a "Smith"? :D

I don't see a lot of people acting elitist on this forum all that often in comparison to other forums and that is a good thing! You know the type ... Been around since the early days, claiming they are a Messiah of Second Life and that everyone should know who they are when the reality is many people don't. Their opinion somehow carries more weight and they're always right.


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