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Help selling gacha items on marketplace


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Hi - I have been selling my gacha items, but have no idea how to group the same items into one listing, so that I don't have to keep making additional listings of the same item (not to mention they get flagged as double listings). 

How do I make it so that if I have say, 5 of the same gacha item, I can put all of them into one listing and customers can buy one at a time? 

Thank you!

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Just now, Pamela Galli said:

The knowledge base doesn't give instructions?

I searched the knowledge base and couldn't find anything. There were a lot of older posts talking about magic boxes, but apparently they were discontinued in 2015.

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Hey Lua, I don't have access to Second Life at the moment but if I remember correctly—I set the listing for the item and then in-world I would open the containing folder in "marketplace listings" and drop additional units in This increased the stock count. There may be other alternatives that I am unaware of but that is the method I used. The same could also be done to replenish a limited quantity listing that has been sold out.

keep in mind color variations of the same item should have their own unique listing. I just thought I should point that out for anyone that might be unaware of that.

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