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Dialog Menu

Renegade Travesty

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Hi all,

I have a menu script that I want a group to use but it is set for owner only. I have spent a few hours trying to do this using llSameGroup, llDetectedKey but to no avail. If some one could take a look and advise as to what I need to do. This is a learning curve for me. I can see how the owner side works in the lines I will post but for the life of me can't see how to set for group usage.



dialog( integer ctrl ) {
    lis = llListen( channel, llKey2Name( owner_id ), owner_id, "" );
    llDialog( owner_id, dialog_msg, diaList( ctrl ), channel );
    llSetTimerEvent( 20.0 );

default {
    timer() {
        if ( ready ) {
            if ( was_waiting ) {
                was_waiting = FALSE;
                dialog( FALSE );
    state_entry() {
        owner_id = llGetOwner();
        ncl_req = llGetNotecardLine( nc_name, nc_line );
    changed( integer change ) {
        if ( change & ( CHANGED_INVENTORY | CHANGED_OWNER ) ) {
    touch_start( integer nd ) {
        while ( nd ) {
            if ( llDetectedKey( --nd ) == owner_id ) {
                if ( ready ) {
                    was_waiting = FALSE;
                    sublist_start = 0;
                    dialog( FALSE );
                } else {
                    llSetTimerEvent( 0.1 );


Edited by Renegade Travesty
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That's way more complicated than it needs to be.  The likelihood of having two people touch the object within 0.2 seconds is very low, and you can just block a second clicker and force her to wait.  There's also no need to put the dialog function into a user-defined function.  Just inline that stuff (cleaned up) and save yourself a lot of trouble.  You should be able to do what you want with something like this (schematically):

// A mess of global declarations here........
// But no need for the dialog() function or the GoDeaf() function;

        owner_id = llGetOwner();	//You may still need this somewhere
        ncl_req = llGetNotecardLine( nc_name, nc_line );	// I assume that you are reading a notecard somewhere, so you need a dataserver event too

    changed( integer change ) 
        if ( change & ( CHANGED_INVENTORY | CHANGED_OWNER ) ) 

    touch_start( integer nd ) 
    	if (llSameGroup(llDetectedKey(0))	// Here's your group filter
	        if ( ready ) // This blocks a second person from touching
	            ready = FALSE;
	            sublist_start = 0;
	            lis = llListen(channel, "","","");	// No need to be more specific here
	            llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), dialog_msg, dialist, channel);

    listen (integer channel, string name, key id, string mesage)
    	ready = TRUE;
    	// Do other stuff with the dialog reponses

ETA:  Do be sure to set ready = TRUE in your global declaration or in state_entry so that it's TRUE the first time you click on the thing.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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