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Maureen Boccaccio
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21 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

So, the question: Does your avatar have any traits or quirks - such as a habit - that you don't share with them? I don't mean things like drop-kicking your friends off a 1000m platform or anything like that. Rather I mean things like my example of smoking, etc.


I live vicariously through Maureen - wearing 4-inch heels that I *sobs* would NEVER wear in RL.  In RL, I was, and still am, a tomboy but I'm also a girly-girl.  However, I sprained my ankles so many times as a pre-teen/teenager/young adult that nowadays, the thought of "falling off" a pair of high heels makes me shudder.

And Maureen's inventory is the stuff of legends. xD  On the subject of footwear, she has countless separate folders for boots / flats / heels / sneakers - with subfolders for various colors.

And don't get me started on her furniture, house, and holiday collections. :D

And I'd say Maureen is more careful with her use of language than I am. :P


Edited by Maureen Boccaccio
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42 minutes ago, Clover Jinx said:

Something good today finally!

Ember Adored has offered you 'Welcome to the [SL] Blogger Support Group (7-5-2017)' in Second Life. Log in to accept or decline the offer.


I don't know what this means? I mean congrats but are you a blogger? :) If so link meee.

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16 hours ago, Rioko Bamaisin said:

I don't know what this means? I mean congrats but are you a blogger? :) If so link meee.

Thanks everyone! It's a help group for bloggers, so more resources and expertise and knowledge I can soak up like the sponge I am. You have to apply for it and the requirements are almost as extensive as some store or event applications.

I will happily link anyone on my blog and follow them on Flickr. Just send me the info!

I've only been blogging seriously for a year now. I first got on with SL Free*Style and am still there even though I'm the only one active atm. Through a random meeting in-world with another blogger (thank you Angelic!) I was accepted to blog for a store and have since managed to get two more sponsors and am officially blogging for two hunts right now. There's been a lot of rejection but that is part of the fun too.

Rhonda has been so understanding and supportive. I couldn't do any of it without her.

Edited by Clover Jinx
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1 hour ago, Clover Jinx said:

Something good today finally!

Ember Adored has offered you 'Welcome to the [SL] Blogger Support Group (7-5-2017)' in Second Life. Log in to accept or decline the offer.



Heh. Seriously though, well done! Anyone I blog for has to be very understanding of the fact that I'm a contrary bugger and refuse to adhere to restrictive rules about How You Blog My Creations. I laughed when one "blogger manager" bumped me from his store's list for not blogging anything that month... when all that had been sent out was female items with built-in mesh boobs. xD

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4 hours ago, Clover Jinx said:

Something good today finally!

Ember Adored has offered you 'Welcome to the [SL] Blogger Support Group (7-5-2017)' in Second Life. Log in to accept or decline the offer.


I don't know you very well, but congrats! Blogging is hard to break into.

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5 hours ago, Maureen Boccaccio said:

I live vicariously through Maureen - wearing 4-inch heels that I *sobs* would NEVER wear in RL.  In RL, I was, and still am, a tomboy but I'm also a girly-girl.  However, I sprained my ankles so many times as a pre-teen/teenager/young adult that nowadays, the thought of "falling off" a pair of high heels makes me shudder.

And Maureen's inventory is the stuff of legends. xD  On the subject of footwear, she has countless separate folders for boots / flats / heels / sneakers - with subfolders for various colors.

And don't get me started on her furniture, house, and holiday collections. :D

And I'd say Maureen is more careful with her use of language than I am. :P


   Do you sell organization lessons?  :P

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4 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:


Heh. Seriously though, well done! Anyone I blog for has to be very understanding of the fact that I'm a contrary bugger and refuse to adhere to restrictive rules about How You Blog My Creations. I laughed when one "blogger manager" bumped me from his store's list for not blogging anything that month... when all that had been sent out was female items with built-in mesh boobs. xD


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Okay, I just went back a few pages and Skell's question about you/your avatar differences is still at least relatively current.

Similarities: We both have blue eyes, and we are both ridiculously attractive. One of those statements might have involved some truth-bending.

Neither of us has much body hair (well Dillon has close to zero, but I'm only a bit shaggier. She gets it from a skin, I get it from a Chikasaw woman who married into my paternal ancestry and has been making her preferences known for three male generations I know of: mine, the one before me, and the one since. To say I like that a lot would be a wild understatement.

We are both SUCH good dancers. I am so sorry, I had planned to bring independent verification of the Not Dillon part of that statement but my secretary misplaced the paperwork. Take my word for it.


As Dillon, I'm blonde, pretty much 100% of the time. There have been brief exceptions, usually for special occasions, but I've never spent much time in a different color just to see how it works. When I'm not Dillon, my hair is dark brown. Okay lol. Some of it still is, but it's really hard to see cuz all the damn grey reflects so much light!

Dillon has a slender build, not wimpy but not noticeably muscled either. Her shoulders are a bit broad compared to most females. When I'm not Dillon I stumble along with even broader shoulders and probably some noticeable musculature. Most people don't notice that so much, possibly because it seems normal considering my knuckles drag when I walk.

Dillon is not happy with her hands; she thinks they are too large (much of which has to do with the hodgepodge of her shape) and when she has time plans to investigate all the new options SL offers such as Slink et al that will allow her to change that merely by spending astronomical sums of money. When I'm not Dillon, I'm okay with my hands. I really wish my fingers weren't so short (do not EVEN Donald Trump on me here) because it really cramps my style playing guitar. I do have short fingers. I do not have small hands. All I have to do to make my hands look not small is make a fist.

Dillon cares more about what she's wearing than I do when I am not Dillon. Not WAY more, but more. And to say she looks better in a miniskirt, stockings and boots would just be pointing out the obvious.

I am not sure how this happens, but I know that it does. Dillon's responses and possibly even thought processes are different from mine when I am not Dillon. I have seen this far too many times to doubt it. Dillon as Dillon quite frequently SAYS things that would sound normal coming from a woman. If I were not Dillon I would use different words, different phrasing, to say essentially the same thing. Understand I'm not talking about being all cutesy or giggling or anything (I try never to giggle). I'm talking about normal conversation. It's really hard to describe all this but I am not imagining it.


And THAT might be the part I like best about Second Life. A part of me that is a very real part of me, one that manifested fully in RL but that I felt I had to suppress for my family's sake (this all came upon me much later in life than normal: I was in my forties or around there) is allowed free expression in this wondrous place.


Oh, I'm sorry. Did I forget to set the "Drone on and on" brake again?


Edited by Dillon Levenque
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14 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:


Heh. Seriously though, well done! Anyone I blog for has to be very understanding of the fact that I'm a contrary bugger and refuse to adhere to restrictive rules about How You Blog My Creations. I laughed when one "blogger manager" bumped me from his store's list for not blogging anything that month... when all that had been sent out was female items with built-in mesh boobs. xD

I will take Black Adder congrats any day, thank you! Yeah some I have read are really crazy. I am liking the Blogotex system so far once I realized most of the messages were group-wide and not specifically aimed at me =~.~=

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1 hour ago, Clover Jinx said:

You're right Clover isn't sweet, lovable or adorable.

Clover is a brat and her typist is a cute brat with a body designed for sin.  She is also intelligent, moody, loyal, sarcastic, passionate, organized, dependable, selfless, generous and sometimes  closed up but never to me. 

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17 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

Clover is a brat and her typist is a cute brat with a body designed for sin.  She is also intelligent, moody, loyal, sarcastic, passionate, organized, dependable, selfless, generous and sometimes  closed up but never to me. 

   /me whispers "One of my secret pleasures... reading other people's love letters."

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8 hours ago, Dillon Levenque said:

Okay, I just went back a few pages and Skell's question about you/your avatar differences is still at least relatively current.

Similarities: We both have blue eyes, and we are both ridiculously attractive. One of those statements might have involved some truth-bending.

Neither of us has much body hair (well Dillon has close to zero, but I'm only a bit shaggier. She gets it from a skin, I get it from a Chikasaw woman who married into my paternal ancestry and has been making her preferences known for three male generations I know of: mine, the one before me, and the one since. To say I like that a lot would be a wild understatement.

We are both SUCH good dancers. I am so sorry, I had planned to bring independent verification of the Not Dillon part of that statement but my secretary misplaced the paperwork. Take my word for it.


As Dillon, I'm blonde, pretty much 100% of the time. There have been brief exceptions, usually for special occasions, but I've never spent much time in a different color just to see how it works. When I'm not Dillon, my hair is dark brown. Okay lol. Some of it still is, but it's really hard to see cuz all the damn grey reflects so much light!

Dillon has a slender build, not wimpy but not noticeably muscled either. Her shoulders are a bit broad compared to most females. When I'm not Dillon I stumble along with even broader shoulders and probably some noticeable musculature. Most people don't notice that so much, possibly because it seems normal considering my knuckles drag when I walk.

Dillon is not happy with her hands; she thinks they are too large (much of which has to do with the hodgepodge of her shape) and when she has time plans to investigate all the new options SL offers such as Slink et al that will allow her to change that merely by spending astronomical sums of money. When I'm not Dillon, I'm okay with my hands. I really wish my fingers weren't so short (do not EVEN Donald Trump on me here) because it really cramps my style playing guitar. I do have short fingers. I do not have small hands. All I have to do to make my hands look not small is make a fist.

Dillon cares more about what she's wearing than I do when I am not Dillon. Not WAY more, but more. And to say she looks better in a miniskirt, stockings and boots would just be pointing out the obvious.

I am not sure how this happens, but I know that it does. Dillon's responses and possibly even thought processes are different from mine when I am not Dillon. I have seen this far too many times to doubt it. Dillon as Dillon quite frequently SAYS things that would sound normal coming from a woman. If I were not Dillon I would use different words, different phrasing, to say essentially the same thing. Understand I'm not talking about being all cutesy or giggling or anything (I try never to giggle). I'm talking about normal conversation. It's really hard to describe all this but I am not imagining it.


And THAT might be the part I like best about Second Life. A part of me that is a very real part of me, one that manifested fully in RL but that I felt I had to suppress for my family's sake (this all came upon me much later in life than normal: I was in my forties or around there) is allowed free expression in this wondrous place.


Oh, I'm sorry. Did I forget to set the "Drone on and on" brake again?


   I know what it is you're seeing. I see it too. @Skell Dagger sees it. I'm sure many others see it. Dillon became her own person. And you're not droning, you're talking. I like it.

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As for Sagadin's quirks traits and habits I do not share with her -- she eats surprisingly little and apparently does not have the slightest understanding of how to cook. I on the other hand love both cooking and eating! She on the other hand and perhaps to her credit doesn't drink either, well maybe once or twice but it was not to her liking sitting still long enough to finish a glass of wine. She's also a bit more skilled a pole dancer than I.

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