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Ummm is this legal

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Ok guys my friend in game started talking to someone that wanted to sell them 200k for 725 US dollars. The girl said she would give half the money before my friend payed on Paypal so she gave her 100k. My friend has no intentions on paying in pay pal so is that just a free 100k handed to her lol ??

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Wow, where is this person and how can I meet them... lol.

Honestly I would never keep money I got that way. It's a matter of principle. Your friend may have agreed to it in order to get the money, in which case, that may be considered by some to be fraud.. but...

If you're asking about the possibility of her getting into any sort of legal trouble over it, I'd say that was unlikely. This person wouldn't know who your "friend" is to file any RL charges against them. There's very little that can been done imho, even by LL.

It's probable that this person was not on the up and up either... that doesn't mean I would stoop to their level.


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Your friend should just give it back right away because it may be she received it from a unauthorized linden seller which could get her banned. Even if it wasn't one of those linden sellers, you can still get in trouble. 100k isn't a small amount and LL can see exactly where the money went and they can also look at your friend's chat logs.

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No, it's not legal.  It's almost certainly against LL ToS, and is probably against RL criminal law.  It's called either fraud or theft, depending on the jurisdiction.  Despite LL's claims to the contrary in ToS, L$ has RL value which is trivial to demonstrate via LL's own LindeX.

The other side of this is that it seems like there's something dodgy about the L$ involved, so it's likely to end up with your friend's account getting frozen.  L$200k is worth approx US$745 – 775 selling it on LindeX at current rates, and after LL's commission.  So, given that LindeX (and other exchanges) offer a legitimate way to convert that L$ into a larger amount of US$, just why does this person want to sell the L$ at a loss?  Could it be that the L$ is stolen, or worse, someone is trying to launder RL cash?

So, possible outcomes for your friend: frozen and/or closed SL account (and for something serious, LL will close all known alts as well), criminal charges of fraud/theft if the L$ is somehow legit, or possible criminal charges of money laundering if it's not (or just losing the L$, depending on how far it goes).  If the matter goes to law enforcement, your friend can be traced very easily.

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That is called stealing. If someone delivers a good to you and you do not pay; you are a thief. Your friend has stolen that amount of money; and while it is probably too little to report or reclaim; and Linden Lab states they will not get involved - it doesn't change the fact that your friend is a thief and a scammer.

But of course they can be nice people too :)

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  • 2 weeks later...



There are many things in your problem.


In LL’s point of view, it is a resident’s dispute, and LL doesn’t mess with it, except if…

 … the L$ received are from a fraudulent origin, in this case “your friend” can be suspended or banned for receiving them.

 I’m not a lawyer, so I don’t know if “your friend” can be sued for it, but...

... there we go to personal ethics and goals.

On the personal side, SL or RL alike, I do prefer to be able to see my face in the mirror every morning without being ashamed of myself. I would never accept those L$ if I don’t pretend to pay for them.

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besides being a really scumball thing to do to someone, if the person who 'gave' the 100kL to your friend obtained them using fraudulent means those linden may end up not being  of any value anyway. If they were obtained in a fraudulent way that is prosecutable, your friend could be seen as an accomplice and could end up in trouble.  Someone probably stole a credit card with an 800 limit and wanted an untraceable way to max it out and collect the cash.


AliHuggins wrote:

My friend has no intentions on paying in pay pal so is that just a free 100k handed to her lol ??

it's not free, it's stolen. your friend agreed to pay for the currency, then she didn't do what she agreed she would do, meaning pay for it -- so it is stolen.



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your friend should be careful about this situation, because when theres fraud on big quantities of money, the FBI or other real life law enforcement entities come to investigate, and Linden Lab wont have any problem in giving them real life data of people involved.

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Technically, that is RL fraud and RL law enforcement could get involved.  Odds are they won't, but they should.  As far as SL goes,  LL has a long standing tradition of not getting involved in transactions between residents and probably won't do much over this.

200000 L$ for 725 USD?  That comes out to an exchange rate of 275 lindens to the dollar.  The seller could have gotten a much better deal on the official exchange with no risk of this happening. 

Odds are the seller has a very good reason to sell off grid for a deep discount.  I am willing to bet all sides of this are pretty shady.  The seller probably got what they deserved and one can only hope that it will come back to haunt your "friend".

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Pauline Darkfury wrote:

So, given that LindeX (and other exchanges) offer a legitimate way to convert that L$ into a larger amount of US$, just why does this person want to sell the L$ at a loss?

Basic accounts can amass good amounts of L$ but they can't can't cash them out. At least that was the case a few years ago when I bought a large amount of L$ from someone I'd known a long time because she had no way of cashing them out. Perhaps 3rd party exchanges offer a way these days but maybe they don't.

In this case, I think it's more likely that the L$ were "hot". In  case they are, the OP's friend should return them or she may get caught in the outcome.

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Void Singer wrote:

considering the poor state of SL support for paypal withdrawals? not so shady.

I stand corrected.  You are absolutely correct.  I forget that things don't really work that well these days.  Every day that passes makes me happier that I closed up shop when I did and cashed out while I was ahead.


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L$100K = about $400 RL USD

I doubt anyone would bother with trying to persue charges. I mean yes it is aggrivating as heck but RL lawsuits usually formulate out of $1,000's stolen.


Thing is, if someone is selling L$ cheap, something is wrong cause short-changing the L$ vs RL $ exchange is silly on the person who gave a "Deal"

That would be like offering to take say, 3 quarters for a dollar bill. People are not stupid and won't do this unless they don't mind giving a gift.


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