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How much do you spend on Second Life?

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I probably spend more than average on tier & rent, but less than average on purchases of virtual goods. I've been spending more than usual on purchases lately, so I did some calculations & came up with a realistic estimate of $60/ month total on SL expenses.   This total is further broken down to $40/month in tier, $ 11/month on rent for shops & RP locations, & about $9/month on virtual goods. This means LL gets 2/3 of my money directly, while 1/3 goes into the SL economy.


How much do you spend & how does it break down?


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 don't want to know what i spend a month..i know last month they said i went over my monthy and wouldn't let me buy anymore lindens..i was like..since when did they start doing that?

and i hit a couple of days where i went over my daily too..i never did that before either..

is this something new they added or am i just getting cut off more because there is no xstreet now?


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Hmm, none of my money goes back to LL since I rent, not own, mainland from a different company. I pay tier to them, so thats about 3000L a month, or around 12-14usd a month (13.78VirWox), and then I spend the rest on horses on here, which is about 4,000L a month, or 18.37USD by Virwox. So, I spend around 7,000 L a month on horses and tiers, so all of my money goes to everything except LL 

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I sympathize with ya Pete.... I'm currently in a dispute with paypal, and may be looking to join a class action suite =X

I certainly don't have 10k$US to pull out on a regular basis, so I'm pretty much out of options too.


how a company of this size cant find a finacial authority that can process ACH payments is beyond me.... especially when consumer grade checking accounts come with free in many places (more commonly known as electronic bill payments)

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My alts are too demanding!! They're like small children always screaming to buy them this and that... They've been extorting money from me and threatened to 'out' themselves if I don't buy them clothes or jewelry. One of these days, I might just hire a hitman to end their lives or loose a few meshes or two... I mean look at me, I'm paying all those mainland tiers like $10 a month, so these alts can have a home to log in and I can hardly buy new shoes anymore.

Just the other day the male alt told me that he needed one of those Ryu like Street Fighter chinese costume to match his wife's (who is also my alt) new black Cheong Sam. It wasn't cheap at all.. I spent like $5 a month on these two idiots!

And now with the new parcels as their play ground, I have to take my monthly stipends and more to buy full perm textures, sculpts, scripts and animations for these alts to jolie around, like monkeys. I spent a lot on textures that I think I might just need to start dating a graphic artist or texture creator so at least I can pay textures with uhmm... my affection. I think I may already have someone in mind ... (/me smiles knowingly...)

So, I believe and I have not count it all in detail without having a Defib next to me, I have been spending around $100 a month on lands, my self and my stupid alts...

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Willow Danube wrote:

My alts are too demanding!! They're like small children always screaming to buy them this and that... 

Do like I did with my oldest son .. tell them to "get a job". I know it's effective because it worked with him ... after 11 years. ;^)


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The LOLO sim costs $295 USD per month, this all goes directly to Linden Lab.

I do spend sometimes inworld, but this is highly variable, one month I might spend pretty much nothing at all... another month might have several shopping sprees.... spending maybe $50 USD tops in a month.

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Darrius Gothly wrote

Do like I did...

So I went and talk with both of them last night.. but I was overwhelmed. I mean two voices against one?? I was outnumbered really. It's like reading those commerce and CTUG transcripts... plenty of conversations but very few discussions.


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Alycia, my favorite alt, gets $L 150/ week for rent. I feel a little sorry for her since her own home burned down. (She set the fire, but we don't mention that.) She's given me some 7Seas items & DV8 outfits she caught fishing, which I resold to a yardsale. She helps pay her own way as much as she can. She was born in SL & had a troublesome life, so she doesn't understand RL economics. She's good-hearted & charming in her own way, so I don't mind helping her out. 


For myself, I've learned a few tricks to save $Ls, though nothing can reduce what my tier costs except reducing my land.

1.) Find images off the internet & upload them as temporary textures. You can save them on your hard drive instead of in your Inventory, then upload them as temporary when you want to texture something. This way your textures are free & you can still sell or give away the items you make with them.

2.) Systematically look for free & inexpensive items on SL Marketplace, searching from Low to High priced.

3.) Copy & Modify items. Also take them apart for the pieces. ( I just bought a renaissance gown from Wunderlich's Historical Garb $L 450, but it has so many pieces that are tintable, that it's practically the only renaissance outfit I'll ever need to buy.)

4.) Try making your own stuff when you can. Use free textures, free scripts, & pieces you've taken out of other items.

Some merchants probably hate me for promoting freebies, but we can't all afford to spend hundreds of dollars on virtual merchandise that could disappear from our inventories if we're unfortunate.  

I've also been creating several LM lists of places in world that have good free or inexpensive clothing. One list is for general clothing, skin & hair. The others are for different cultures & time periods. I joined a time traveling RP group & wanted to provided inexpensive clothing options for people who will be jumping around frequently into different envirionments.


Contact me in-world for my lists or visit one of my 2 Briar Rose shops for the general one.




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In my 2.5 years in SL I think I have pumped all of $15 into it. I work for the L$ I need to sustain.

I think in RL I would hang myself if it came to a point where I was spending much RL money on it.

And with buying stuff, just check out the market page, many good and inexpensive things can be had.

One of my alts got a whole new wardrobe for like L$20

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Not long ago, I used to spend enough to pay for a Premium account, 1/8 sim tier, and a fair amount of spending money. Since LL no longer permits me to use my preferred and long-established (non-USA) PayPal to give them money directly, I don't give them any at all - I reverted to Basic, sold my land, and eke out a little leisure-spending using what few L$ I have left in my account. I refuse to give the unknown gambling company currently used by LL, or a 3rd party unkown to me, my CC details - so, once my remaining L$ are gone, I expect I will be as well.

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Those are really good tips and tricks you have there. I had been using the temporary textures for my sculpts for simple things that I know how to create. Also, Marketplace is a good place to buy dirt cheap stuff especially the ones that has an open sale inworld....

But I'm still going to date a texture creator! :smileywink:

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Since about February 2010, I haven't spent a single penny on SL.

Until recently, I had an alt with a store and a premium account, and the store *just about* paid for the premium, the rent on the store and two vendors and my own home rent. I disbanded the store a little while ago, kept Marketplace and one vendor and I am still paying my rent and a little extra for clothes. I started selling my own things this week too. To keep things on an even keel with SL (rent for one vendor, a server and a magic box for my business alt, and a skybox for me), I now need to make L$600.To buy stuff, well. A bit more. I make that easy.

I am happy with that arrangement.

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I pay for premium membership and inworld business costs like rent, marketing, and items needed for our products but all are covered by profits generated inworld, so I guess we pay nothing.  I used to spend more of my profits inworld but since LL borked search, business has been slower.  To try and retain as much of my RL income from SL reduced personal spending to almost 0.  Gave up my residential home land, so no more tier there and purchase nothing not business related.  Even with business expenses we have cut down.  Where we used to hire more staff, give bonuses that our staff could then go spend inworld and hire builders or scripters for the odd task, now we do ourselves or just do without.

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