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Is it legal / not against the TOS to make a Philip Linden hugging pillow?


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Hey guys, so I'm thinking about meshing this pillow then slaps a cutout of Philip Linden's avatar on it, then putting a hugging animation for it. 

So, assuming I have the permission to use someone's snapshot of Philip's avatar, or it's legally fine to use it (ex: the picture is licensed as public domain by the owner) would it be okay to create one and list it on the marketplace? 

The idea struck me when my boyfriend turned his avatar into a dakimakura (Japanese hugging pillow) while we were cuddling on SL, it just seems like a funny idea but I don't want to violate the TOS or anything :D

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OMG a Philip Linden Waifu-Pillow!

Edit: Forgot to answer the question. Interesting Question. In most cases the photographer will hold the copyright, not the person who is in the photograph. Trademark law can come into play though, a quick search suggests that Philip has not trademarked his avatar.

My vote goes to it will be ok, but you should get some more opinions. I am not touching on the TOS and that is a weird and ever changing document.

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