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1024 Available

ChloeBaby Xue

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I have a premium account and have 1024sq.m of land available.  I live on a 512 already and have another 512+$5 of tier.

What I want to know is...

1. Can I just use a full 1024 sqm of land and pay $5. USD a month?

2. Where do I find 1024 of land for $5 a month?

3. If I did find it, will cost me extra?

4. And what about prim, since 512sqm only allow 117, will that double on 1024?  

a. And if I want more prim, will I have to pay more?  

b. How much more will it cost?


I hope these questions does not sound confusing, as I am.  But, I love posing questions here becasue I know there are pros here who has the knowledge and provides very helpful information.  :smileyhappy:

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Firstly, the amount of land "available" is entirely up to you, if you go to https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php?lang=en-US and look at the list at the bottom, you can set your tier level to whatever you want....Even the top one & it will then say you have almost a whole sim available on your account summary.

The amount of land you actually own will determine how much you pay.

1. If you get another 512sqm, you will have 1024 + your free 512 allowance & as you can see from that list it will cost you $8 a month tier fee.

2. You can find all land that is for sale (for any size plot)  in the Land Search.

3. No, if you do not buy more land, you will stay on $5 a month

4. Each 512sqm has 117 prims, so a 1024sqm will have 234 prims...Once you get to larger size plots its starts to vary slightly but only by a couple of prims (for example a 4096sqm plot has 937 not 936)

5. To get more prims you need to buy more land & the cost will be as shown on that list.

Hope that helps, you can use "comments" if you have more questions :)

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There is one other way to increase your land holding without increasing your tier: Purchase your parcels under a group and receive a 10% bonus allowance of land for the group tier.  e.g., 1024sqm + 10%(102sqm) = 1126sqm total.  - and if it is all on same sim you get to use the extra prims on any parcel.  

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Wow! I guess once I find the 1024 of land, I will purchase it under my group. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for this information. Very helpful to know, but not so easy for me to find it at the moment. Once everything is clearer for me, I'll know what to do. Please don't give up on me, I appreciate all the help I can get.

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Tier fees shown on that list are paid to LL (its like a sort of Maintainance fee or Land Tax) LL will charge you automatically each month based on the highest amount of land that you have owned during that month.


Your premium membership fee is unrelated, if you only have 512sqm of land, you will not be charged any tier fees (just your premium membership fee).


In the land sales, the current land owner sets his/her land for sale for the price they want (just like RL) and you look around to find one in a place you like for a price you are prepared to pay, then you stand on that plot and go to About Land, where you can purchase it.


After that, as I said, LL will adjust your tier charges according to how much land you buy.

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You're very welcome...Have fun with it, it can get quite addictive buying and selling land ...Spotting the good deals in areas that are improving and likewise you see some good areas get a few bad neighbours move in and bring down the land prices for everyone...It can be quite spooky how close it is to real life lol :D

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