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FireStorm Teleportation notification pop-ups, can we get rid of them?

Sylvia Wasp

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Just started using Firestorm and have been going through turning off the many notifications and there is one I can't seem to get rid of.  It's the little notification that comes up every single time you teleport from somewhere to someone else.  I have been through the three pages of notification settings many times and have yet to find it.  

A search of the forum reveals this advice:

"See if Preferences/User Interface shows the box for Use Stand-alone windows for Teleport History checked.  If so, uncheck it.   ...  Try Debug/Show Debug Settings.  Type teleport into the search box.  Find "floater_rect_fs_teleporthistory.  Make sure all values are set to 0.  And the next setting, floater_vis_fs_teleporthistory.  Set it to FALSE."

I looked at both of these and all the settings are correct or at least as noted here, yet I'm still getting this irritating notification every single time I TP somewhere.  

Anybody?  A bug?  Am I stupid? What?  


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I checked preferences and debug settings and could find nothing that would turn this notification off.  You could ask in the FIrestorm Support group in world.  The group usually has someone on duty that can answer most questions like this and solve most issues.  This group offers excellent support for the Firestorm viewer.

FYI: Anytime you are looking for something in preferences, if you type what you are looking for in the search box of the preferences dialog box, it will show you all the options available to you.   Use broad keywords for searching when you can't find something using a specific term.  In this case I used "teleport" rather than "teleport notification" or "teleport toast" which gave me more to look at in case I was not using the right terms.  The same holds true of the debug settings dialog box.

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Hi, :-)

Thanks for the help.  I did NOT know you could search preferences because it's such an odd thing to be able to do, but now that you mention it ... GIANT search bar at the top of preferences, lol.  

Also good advice to join the group, I wasn't aware of that either.  

In the past, for other things I have found the "group chat" method of support to be generally more irtitating than helpful.  I usually get *instantly* "mansplained to for example, or offered advice that's really just offf topic, but all groups are different and I will definitely give this one a try.  

It's sounding more and more like a bug to me though.  No one seems to know of any other preferences that control it, and I have them all turned off, yet I get three notifications (local chat, local chat "bubble" and notification "toast") regardless. 

It's kind of funny really in that it's the most mundane and absolutely useless notification yet it's the only one I can't sem to get rid of, lol.

Anyway, thanks for all the help, 

Sylvia :-)

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For anyone interested who was following this, the answer is ... NO.  

This useless, annoying notification cannot ever be turned off.  You not only *have* to see it, you have to see it in both notification and local chat form.  If your local chat is not on, you will  see it a third time as a local chat "bubble."

I got the answer from FS support directly, who were quite rude and "mansplainy" just as I feared.  

In their defence, the poor dears actually had no idea that they were being rude, lol.  


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AuntPiper wrote:

Sylvia Wasp wrote:


I got the answer from FS support directly, who were quite rude and "mansplainy" just as I feared.  

In their defence, the poor dears actually had no idea that they were being rude, lol.  


Just guessing, but does that happen to you a lot?

Judging by her posts in various threads, yes it does.

As I have told the FS support team many times, they are saints. 

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