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Water Parcels For Rent and More


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Established Land Company Tower Rentals in Bay City is expanding and renting Waterfront Mainland. These parcels are located outside of Bay City on Chromex Sim. 1024, 1488 Sqm, and 512 now availible.


512 Sqm - 174 Prims

1024 Sqm - 350 Prims

1488 Sqm - 850 Prims


Please message us for more information and Landmarks to these locations.



Also, availible is a 1024 Sqm parcel in Horizon's Eos Sim. This parcel like all land in Horizon is 2x Prim. You will have access to 720 prims at your disposal.


Please message a member of our staff for additional land listings and LM's to all of these gorgeous parcels.

Redwalton Resident

Whyt3boy Resident

Morlais Resident

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