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Im Being Ignored by Females On SL


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Here's some general tips I find useful when socializing in SL. They may or may not apply to you, but since a lot of people seem to have trouble socializing, especially those looking for intimate encounters, maybe these thoughts will help.


  • Don't expect people to come to you. If you want to talk to people, make the first move.
  • Most people generally dislike recieving greetings with no content via instant message. If you're going to instant message someone put some content into your greeting.

"Hi! I'm the person standing by the fountain north of you. I just wanted to say your avatar looks great! Are you here for (insert feature of the sim such as event, store, roleplaying, whatever)."

as an instant message is far more likely to get you a response than



  • While we're at it, try to have better lines than "What is this place?", "What brings you here?", "u like to make the sex?". If a person is in a dance club hosting a "tall women for short men" event, chances are they're there because of that event. Don't be daft.
  • Speaking of, be considerate of the theme of the sim you're in. This goes for your appearance and how you approach others in the sim. For example, if you're in a sci-fi RP sim and you're wearing your dance club outfit and not participating in the RP, you're going to annoy people, not make friends. If a guy goes to a lesbian hookup event and starts hitting on the women there, how much luck do you think he'll have? He's more likely to get ejected from the premises. Don't be that person.
  • Also, not every greeting has to be an instant message. A conversation involving a group of people is far more likely to go somewhere than an instant message to a single person. This is especially true when the person you want to talk to is already talking to people in local chat. They probably don't want a stranger trying to divert their attention from the people they're already talking to.

 Like I said, these tips may or may not apply to you, personally, but they're common social missteps I see every single day in SL which trip people up whether they're looking for companionship or just simple conversation.

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Second Life is a place for females - many avis pretend to be females though they are not - and they all seem to be Lesbians .


we male subs are invisible everywhere :(   It's a fact . All want tall white guys or subs with no backbone .


Lack of creativity is a big problem , too


I am trying to get players for 3 years already - but people are very stuck up and clikish - I wonder why I am still here - maybe cos I spenf much time and money in my shapes ?


and I still hope ? :)

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I have tried to talk to people - they go away or ignore me .


So I am quiet - and they attack me - bully or ban me and that is since day 1 - ok my avi was really bad - but they could have offered help instead of getting rude - SL is not newbie friendly - WE ALL WERE Noobies once !


I am running out of ideas what to do - people don't like normal sized avis - or Asian men !


whatever you do it is wrong .


So I stay in my house always - most of the time

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Join some of the active chat fashion groups like Mesh Body Addicts, WoW Skins, 7Deadly Skins, etc. Talk in the groups. Some have events from time to time...Twisted Hunt, for instance, is an active group just for chatting and they have periodic parties. You have to put yourself out there some. 

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So, the female avis are male avis pretending to be female avis? Interesting.

As for male subs, we had a few in the demon rp group i belong to, and they were forever whining that no one would play with them. Of course the female subs always got attention. Oh, i know, your male avi could pretend to be female too.

I often read profiles that scream "i'm a guy in rl". Even though they think they are clever, they don't fool many people, except maybe other guys pretending to be  rl and sl lesbiens.



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It is an open secret that special sims like Prisons , snuff etc - are ruled by females - who are guys and don't want other guys there !


I have a female shape , too - but I like to be a guy ( I have even 4 shapes ) - female is only to get attention and it depends on my mood .


And we have all the rights " to whine " cos nobody accepts or even notices us - it's a female world in SL - and most is about sex only - but I am looking for roleplayers - that needs creativity - but most are too lazy for that .


It really sucks how arrogant and rude many people are towards " minorities " - racism is also a known issue on SL - but it's only against males

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What gets me most about the whole 'guy turned down by gal' thing in SL, is that the moment you say NO, they not only accuse you of not wanting to poseball with a guy because "ur a dude in RL", but because "ur a gay dude in RL" which never made sense to me.


I mean gay guys LIKE sex with guys, so if all females in SL were actually gay guys, they would be MORE likely to want to have poseball sex with derpy males than  those totaly-imaginary-dont-exist-at-all-online lesbians, right?


Look, to the whiny guys out there...


1. Women do use computers these days

2. About 1 in 10 of them will be les/bi and prefer other females if they poseball sex at all, which is...

3. By no means guaranteed at all, not everyone spends all their SL time looking for poseball sex / naughty IM's / 5th rate over wordy pretentious para-RP, that comes across like an unemployed Miss&Boon romance writer from the 1950's trying to write a script for a 1970's porn movie in the style of Emily Bronte...

4. Conversations that start "Hi babe ur hawt asl cam/voice/skype?"  will tend to get you laughed at muted and derendered really really fast.

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Rhonda Huntress wrote:

I thought he was saying he only found racial prejudices when he was on a male character.  As in black females will not have a problem but black males will.


No... He's saying that the "racial minority called SL Males" are being discriminated against by the Evil Female conspiracy that runs everything, and which apparently runs it exclusively for thew purpose of 'sex' not 'roleplay', which bearing in mind this is about female avatars ignoring/discriminating against males, implies that it's an Evil Lesbian Female Conspiracy that runs all of SL...


I'm dissapointed, I didn't get my invite to join the Cabal, with the secret decoder ring and the spiffy black leather uniform etc.

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Rhonda Huntress wrote:

Klytyna wrote:


it's an
Evil Lesbian Female Conspiracy
that runs all of SL...

Do you mean the Sapphoic Hedonist Order of Empowered Sisters (SHOES)?

Mmmmmmm.... SHOES...


Sorry, had a shoes moment there, what was your question again?

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