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Glowing Button Help needed :)


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Hi and thanks for helping. I've managed to get most of this working. I'm learning LSL, clearly lol and almost got this to work.


What I am wanting is for this light switch to glow when it is off and to not glow when its on. The glow effect is perfect and it turns the light ona and off withthe other scripts Im using but I can't figure out how to make the timer() sit somewhere that I can tell it what state the switch is in. I've tried If else, but I've hit my knowledge wall and can't quite figure it out. 


Here is the working code that I'm certian someone will go "pfft that's east...do this" in like two seconds. :) That would be great too . So thanks , looking forward to learning how this works.


// Switch On and Off
myon_state() { rotation rot = llGetRot(); vector vrot = llRot2Euler(rot); vrot+=<-30*DEG_TO_RAD,0,0>; rot=llEuler2Rot(vrot); llSetRot(rot); } myoff_state() { rotation rot = llGetRot(); vector vrot = llRot2Euler(rot); vrot+=<30*DEG_TO_RAD,0,0>; rot=llEuler2Rot(vrot); llSetRot(rot); } default { state_entry() { myoff_state(); llSetTimerEvent(0.1); }
// Make nice glowing pulsing light
timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); float glow =0.0; while(glow < 0.5) { glow+=0.01; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_GLOW, ALL_SIDES, glow]); llSleep(0.01); } glow = 0.5; while(glow > 0.1) { glow-=0.01; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_GLOW, ALL_SIDES, glow]); llSleep(0.01); } llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_GLOW, ALL_SIDES, 0.0]); llSetTimerEvent(0.1); } // See the event work and stare as I can't make it work with my glow thingy
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if(str=="stop") { myoff_state(); } if(str=="start") { myon_state(); } } }
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Oscillators are fun to script.  What you want to do is let the magnitude of some value increase until it gets to a maximum and then turn around and come back down, turn around at a minumum and go back up again .... over and over and over.  Suppose you take the modulus operator and play with it.  If you write

timer(){     gCount = (++gCount)%5;    // Where gCount is a global integer     llSay(0, (string) gCount);}

you'll see that it does half the job.  At least, it cycles from 0 to 4.  The trouble is, it always starts each cycle at 0: 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4 ....  It doesn't turn around at 4 and come back down.  We can't use gCount directly, but we can use it to flip a switch that makes the cycle change direction at the top and bottom end. Like this ..

timer(){    if ((++gCount)%5 == 0)    {        gDir *= -1;  // where gDir is a non-zero integer (like 1)    }}

So gDir will flip from positive to negative every 5th time that the timer fires.  So, all we need to do is use gDir to make a slow change in the value we are trying to control -- in this case glow.  Like this ...

integer gON;integer gCount;integer gDir = 1;float gGlow;default{    touch_start(integer num)    {        llSetTimerEvent(0.1 * (gON = !gON)); //simple toggle swutch        gGlow = 0.01;    }    timer()    {        if ((++gCount)%5 == 0)        {            gDir *= -1;        }        gGlow += 0.01*gDir;        llSay(0,"Count = " + (string)gCount + "  Dir = " + (string)gDir + "  Glow = " +(string)gGlow);        llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_GLOW,ALL_SIDES,gGlow]);    }}

Each time the timer fires, gGlow changes by 0.01, but because gDir changes direction each 5th time, the change also switches from 0.01 to -0.01.  The only thing you have to be careful of is that it never dips below 0.0, which is why we start the timer with gGlow = 0.01.

You can write code that uses this sort of logic in many ways, but this is nice and compact. You should be able to see how it could fit into your script.

BTW, this effect looks nice at night (I tried it), especially if your object is set to fullbright and is tinted a mid-range gray. ;)

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Thank you so much, I can't wait to get a minute and try out your example. There is a lot for me to understand in it. 


I might not understand what you wrote so if you covered it it's just me not knowing, but what I am trying to do is the following . lol


Ok imagine you are in a room, it's dark expect for a single oscillating glowing button on a table, you walk to the table and click the glowing button and the lights come on, the glowing button stops glowing as well. 


Does your example allow for that in the code I worte so far? 


Again , if it does it's just me being a noob. So, many many thanks for this. You answeredd better than I could ever have hoped for.  :)

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I'm not going to write your script for you, because that's not what we do in this forum.  What I wrote was an oscillator than will make object have a gentle pulsating glow.  You'll have to spend time digesting it and figuring out how to insert it (or something like it) into your own script.  The first step is to try it out and see how it works, and play with it.  There are some new concepts in there, I'm sure. So experiment until you understand what's going on.  ;)

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It runs fine the first couple times then

[17:08] llSetPrimitiveParams error running rule #1 (PRIM_GLOW): bounds error; -0.01 is not in (0, 1).

but thanks for the other example I was able to duct tape it into someting that nearly works. :)

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