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Female crossplayer friend wanted


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I'm looking for a real life girl who crossplays as a guy in Second Life. Please have a vivid bio.

Check out my bio online in SL see if you're interested in being buddies, I'm also crossplaying (male in RL: girl in SL).

Reason: because it's interesting and fun.
Or whoever reads this post (whatever gender) add me, if you're also interested in being SL friends. 


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( T_T) Like, why not just put my bio here...

SL bio: Cross-player. Dressing a chick up is (^་།^). Browsing, exploring, & jokes are the norm. Hipster, minimalist; a wannabe polymath. Ask & talk about anything. Learning & creativity, nice people; ideas.

Dislikes: furries, self-pity, eggs, negativity & giving up.


RL Bio (picture on SL): Luke (21), Canadian, highly athletic, heterosexual (girls, & futanari in fiction). Sex life: 105% virgin, masturbation. Professional skills: cookery, health & fitness. Amateur Skills: scenario writing, drumming & transcribing, and constantly trying to find a job…

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