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We certainly pissed him off!

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Thanks and bookmarked :) Well Nokia Siemens Networks extended my contract for another 12 months from the end of this month YAY and I have had this hamster driven machine for to long now so thought that I deserved a treat that will do me a few years :) My new HTC Desire fone is faster than this PC I am using now lol


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Lord Sullivan wrote:

Thanks and bookmarked
Well Nokia Siemens Networks extended my contract for another 12 months from the end of this month YAY and I have had this hamster driven machine for to long now so thought that I deserved a treat that will do me a few years
My new HTC Desire fone is faster than this PC I am using now lol 


Welcome. Yeah, nothing more demoralizing than seeing your kid walk in with more computing power on his wrist than what's tucked under your desk.

Geez!! We wandered off-topic here, eh? LOL Ah well .. maybe the OP won't mind too much. *wink*

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Darrius Gothly wrote:


Lord Sullivan wrote:

Thanks and bookmarked
Well Nokia Siemens Networks extended my contract for another 12 months from the end of this month YAY and I have had this hamster driven machine for to long now so thought that I deserved a treat that will do me a few years
My new HTC Desire fone is faster than this PC I am using now lol 


Welcome. Yeah, nothing more demoralizing than seeing your kid walk in with more computing power on his wrist than what's tucked under your desk.

Geez!! We wandered off-topic here, eh? LOL Ah well .. maybe the OP won't mind too much. *wink*

LOL so true and anyway back on topic, I am impressed at the spam is gone now reasonably fast as well I do hope that ll are serious about it, but I have learnt over the years not to get to excited about stuff with them though :) but as I have a bit of time off inbetween consies chores for me I will keep an eye and join in a bit lol


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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

if only it were that simple.

it costs nothing to spam.

spammers 1 / SL 0  / gullible SL members  - US$

a clear winner folks,

they are the borg....


Unfortunately, this is the truth.  Spammers always win because they steal services.  Freebies.  

It is an expensive and never ending battle with them.  

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Oh, I have faith in only a few things...

Our favorite spammer hitting these boards with a regularity that many fiber suppliments would envy is one of them.

We will all be splashed with another movement of the true soon enough I'm sure.


I do have to wonder if our dear friend (actually I've started to like him in a Andy Kaufman sort of way) applied the same effort and ability to any other worthwhile endeavor how far ahead he would be in the long run.



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I disagree that alts are source of the problem.  I have an alt - I do not spam or abuse the privelege.  Alts are just one tool or service the spammer steals.  One can say just hosting a forum is the source of the problem.  

However, I think to stiffle our particular type of spammer, charging for alts would certainly help.  Again, however, they may have already registered 100's of alts.  

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Deltango Vale wrote:

I guess I live on another planet because it's
blindingly obvious
to me that the source of the problem is free, unlimited, unrestricted, uncontrolled, wide-open, disposable, anonymous accounts.

Perhaps LL should consider having folks reguster within the download of the viewer. I have no idea if this is even possible, but it would certainly discourage spammers;-)


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The answer is simple .. go to Google (or your fave search engine) and type in "Web Hosting" as the query. I just did on Google and got this in the results:

About 207,000,000 results (0.10 seconds)

Umm ... ouch! Now that doesn't mean there are 207 million web hosting companies, but the real number is definitely one of those BFN's. (Big ahem Numbers) As soon as they shut one of them down, he just moves to a new one and starts again.

More effective means are to attack him at his narrower points of failure .. for example his domain registrations. Another good place is at his PayPal accounts. The reality is that while he can host his criminally motivated content in 100's of thousands of locations, there are very few places where he can register his domains and even fewer where he can get money out of his scam. The moral here is .. when you've only got a needle to attack someone with ... stick the needle where they will feel it the most.

PS: It looks like our own personal "Andy Kaufman" is back .. this time with a NEW ploy .. and dimmit, I fell for it. LOL

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Sigmund Leominster wrote:

Why is it that when "he who shall not be named" releases his Sunday afternoon spammed lunch that I can't help thinking of the guy in South Park's most excellent episode "Make Love Not Warcraft.?" :smileyvery-happy:

He Who Shall Not Be Named?

Good instincts?


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